SB370, s. 46 1Section 46. 145.19 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB370,23,6 2145.19 (7) Land condominiums. (a) In this subsection, "land condominium"
3means a parcel or building site that results from the allocation of a lot, parcel or tract
4of land into parcels or building sites, whether denominated as units or limited
5common elements, for the purpose of sale or of building development, if any of the
6following applies:
SB370,23,8 71. The act of allocation creates 5 or more parcels or building sites of 1.5 acres
8each or less in area.
SB370,23,10 92. Five or more parcels or building sites of 1.5 acres each or less in area are
10created by successive allocations within a period of 5 years.
SB370,23,16 11(b) A governmental unit responsible for the regulation of private sewage
12systems may not issue a sanitary permit for installation of a private sewage system
13serving a land condominium, unless the land condominium conforms with any
14county agricultural preservation plan that is certified under s. 91.06. This
15paragraph does not apply to a sanitary permit issued for installation of a private
16sewage system to replace an existing private sewage system.
Note: Requires the county that issues a sanitary permit for installation of a new
private sewage system on a lot in a "land condominium" to determine, as a condition of
issuing the sanitary permit, that the land condominium is consistent with a county
agricultural preservation plan that is certified by the LWCB. A "land condominium" is
a condominium that consists of individual lots that are units or limited common elements
of the condominium. A buyer purchases the lot and, within the limits established by the
condominium declaration, constructs a dwelling on the lot. The purpose of a land
condominium is to divide land into buildable lots without conforming to the statutes and
ordinances related to subdivisions.
SB370, s. 47 17Section 47. 147.25 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
SB370,23,19 18147.25 (9) Provisions requiring conformity with any county agricultural
19preservation plans that have been certified under s. 91.06.

Note: Requires that areawide waste treatment management plans prepared by or
at the direction of the DNR must include provisions requiring conformity with county
agricultural preservation plans that have been certified by the LWCB. The DNR is
further directed by s. 144.04, as amended by this bill, to disapprove plans for sewage
disposal plants, sewerage systems or extensions thereof that do not conform with
agricultural preservation plans. A county may amend its agricultural preservation plan
and secure approval of the amended plan from the LWCB, if necessary to gain DNR
approval of a sewage plant, sewerage system or the extension of a plant or system.
SB370, s. 48 1Section 48. 236.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB370,24,5 2236.11 (2) (a) The body or bodies having authority to approve plats shall
3approve or reject the final plat within 60 days of its submission, unless the time is
4extended by agreement with the subdivider
and except for review by a county for
5compliance with the county agricultural preservation plan under s. 236.13 (1) (bm)
SB370,24,9 6(b) When the approving authority is a municipality and determines to approve
7the plat, it shall give at least 10 days' prior written notice of its intention to the clerk
8of any municipality whose boundaries are within 1,000 feet of any portion of such
9proposed plat but failure to give such notice shall not invalidate any such plat.
SB370,24,12 10(c) If a plat is rejected, the reasons therefor shall be stated in the minutes of
11the meeting and a copy thereof or a written statement of the reasons supplied the
SB370,24,18 13(d) If the approving authority fails to act within 60 days and the time has not
14been extended by agreement and if no unsatisfied objections have been filed within
15that period, the plat shall be deemed approved, and, upon demand, a certificate to
16that effect shall be made on the face of the plat by the clerk of the authority which
17has failed to act.
This paragraph does not apply to review by a county for compliance
18with the county agricultural preservation plan under s. 236.13 (1) (bm).
Note: Creates an exception to one of the approval-by-default provisions in
subdivision plat approval. Failure by the county to approve or disapprove a final
subdivision plat for compliance with the county agricultural preservation plan within 60
days after submission does not constitute approval.
SB370, s. 49 19Section 49. 236.12 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1236.12 (3) Within 20 days of the date of receiving the copies of the plat any
2agency having authority to object under sub. (2) shall notify the subdivider and all
3approving or objecting authorities of any objection based upon failure of the plat to
4comply with the statutes or rules which its examination under sub. (2) is authorized
5to cover, or, if there is no objection, it shall so certify on the face of a copy of the plat
6and return that copy to the approving authority from which it was received. The plat
7shall not be approved or deemed approved until any objections have been satisfied.
8If the objecting agency fails to act within the 20-day limit it shall be deemed to have
9no objection to the plat
, except that the 20-day limit does not apply to review by a
10county for compliance with the county agricultural preservation plan under s. 236.13
11(1) (bm)
. No approving authority may inscribe its approval on a plat prior to the
12affixing of the certificates under either sub. (4) or (6).
Note: Creates an exception to one of the approval-by-default provisions in the
procedure for subdivision plat approval. Failure by the county to approve or disapprove
a final subdivision plat for compliance with the county agricultural preservation plan
within 20 days after submission does not constitute approval.
SB370, s. 50 13Section 50. 236.12 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB370,26,8 14236.12 (6) In lieu of the procedure under subs. (2) to (5), the subdivider or the
15subdivider's agent may submit the original plat to the department which shall
16forward 2 copies to each of the agencies authorized by sub. (2) to object. The
17department shall have the required number of copies made at the subdivider's
18expense. Within 20 days of the date of receiving the copies of the plat any agency
19having authority to object under sub. (2) shall notify the subdivider, and all agencies
20having the authority to object, of any objection based upon failure of the plat to
21comply with the statutes or rules which its examination under sub. (2) is authorized
22to cover, or, if there is no objection, it shall so certify on the face of a copy of the plat
23and return that copy to the department. After each agency and the department have

1certified that they have no objection or that their objections have been satisfied, the
2department shall so certify on the face of the plat. If an agency fails to act within 20
3days from the date of the receipt of copies of the plat, and the department fails to act
4within 30 days of receipt of the original plat it shall be deemed that there are no
5objections to the plat and, upon demand, it shall be so certified on the face of the plat
6by the department.
The 20-day and 30-day limits do not apply to review by a county
7for compliance with the county agricultural preservation plan under s. 236.13 (1)
Note: Creates an exception to one of the approval-by-default provisions in the
procedure for subdivision plat approval. Failure by the county or DATCP to approve or
disapprove a final subdivision plat for compliance with the county agricultural
preservation plan within the 20- and 30-day limits after submission does not constitute
SB370, s. 51 9Section 51. 236.13 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB370,26,11 10236.13 (1) (bm) Any county agricultural preservation plan that is certified
11under s. 91.06.
Note: Requires that a preliminary or final subdivision plat must be in compliance
with the county agricultural preservation plan. Plats are submitted to the county and
the county makes the determination of compliance. If the plat does not comply, this bill
creates a procedure for plan revision in s. 91.63, as a condition of plat approval.
SB370, s. 52 12Section 52. 301.046 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB370,27,5 13301.046 (1) Institution status. The department shall establish and operate
14a community residential confinement program as a correctional institution under
15the charge of a superintendent. Under the program, the department shall confine
16prisoners in their places of residence or other places designated by the department.
17The secretary may allocate and reallocate existing and future facilities as part of the
18institution. The institution is subject to s. 301.02 and is a state prison as defined in
19s. 302.01. Construction or establishment of the institution shall be in compliance
20with all state laws except
s. ss. 32.035 and 32.036 and ch. 91. In addition to the

1exemptions under s. 13.48 (13), construction or establishment of facilities for the
2institution are not subject to the ordinances or regulations relating to zoning,
3including zoning under ch. 91, of the county and municipality in which the
4construction or establishment takes place and are exempt from inspections required
5under s. 301.36.
SB370, s. 53 6Section 53. 301.048 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB370,27,16 7301.048 (4) (b) The department shall operate the program as a correctional
8institution. The secretary may allocate and reallocate existing and future facilities
9as part of the institution. The institution is subject to s. 301.02 and is a state prison
10as defined in s. 302.01. Construction or establishment of the institution shall be in
11compliance with all state laws except
s. ss. 32.035 and 32.036 and ch. 91. In addition
12to the exemptions under s. 13.48 (13), construction or establishment of facilities for
13the institution are not subject to the ordinances or regulations relating to zoning,
14including zoning under ch. 91, of the county and municipality in which the
15construction or establishment takes place and are exempt from inspections required
16under s. 301.36.
SB370, s. 54 17Section 54. 301.16 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB370,27,19 18301.16 (2) Construction or establishment of the institutions shall be in
19compliance with all state laws except
s. ss. 32.035 and 32.036 and ch. 91.
Note: The previous 3 Sections exempt community residential confinement
facilities, intensive sanctions facilities and certain medium/maximum security
institutions from the requirement to comply with county agricultural preservation plans.
These facilities are currently exempted from the requirement to obtain an agricultural
impact statement from the DATCP and from regulation under the farmland preservation
SB370, s. 55 20Section 55. Nonstatutory provisions; agriculture, trade and
consumer protection.
1(1)  Committee for rule drafting. The department of agriculture, trade and
2consumer protection shall appoint a committee under section 227.13 of the statutes
3to assist in the drafting of rules required under sections 91.52 and 91.72 of the
4statutes, as created by this act.
Note: Requires the DATCP to convene an advisory committee for the purposes of
drafting rules that establish guidelines for county agricultural preservation plans and for
rezoning land zoned for exclusive agricultural use.
SB370, s. 56 5Section 56. Initial applicability.
SB370,28,7 6(1)  The treatment of sections 71.05 (6) (a) 17. and (b) 22., 71.26 (1) (i) and 71.61
7(2) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1, 1996.
SB370,28,12 8(2)  The treatment of sections 20.835 (2) (dm) and (r), 71.58 (1) (h) and (8), 71.59
9(1) (a) and (d) 5. and (2) (b) and (c), 71.60 (title), (1) (intro.) and (2) and 71.605 of the
10statutes first applies to farmland preservation credits that are claimed for taxable
11years beginning on January 1, 1996, and that are based on property taxes accrued
12in the previous year.
SB370,28,15 13(3)  The treatment of section 91.73 (2) of the statutes first applies to exclusive
14agricultural zoning ordinances adopted or amended on the effective date of this
Note: Subsection (1) applies the exclusion of farmland preservation credits from
the calculation of income and franchise taxes to taxable years beginning on or after
January 1, 1996.
Subsection (2) provides that farmland subject to exclusive agricultural zoning may
continue to receive farmland preservation credits under the current formula through
1995, after which the new formula for such credits applies.
Subsection (3) provides that the requirement for a county to establish a county
agricultural preservation plan as a condition of adopting exclusive agricultural zoning
first applies to zoning ordinances adopted or amended on the effective date of this act.
SB370, s. 57 16Section 57. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
17publication, except as follows:
1(1) The treatment of section 66.021 (11) (b) (by Section 6) and (d) (by Section
29) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 1996.
SB370,29,33 (End)