1(b) The foreign corporation is organized under the laws of a state that permits
2all of the following to act in a fiduciary capacity upon conditions and qualifications
3that the office of the commissioner of banking finds are not unduly restrictive when
4compared to the laws of this state:
SB440,6,55 1. A corporation organized under the laws of this state.
SB440,6,76 2. A national banking association having its principal place of business in this
SB440,6,98 3. A federal savings association or federal savings bank having its principal
9place of business in this state and authorized to act as a fiduciary in this state.
SB440,7,5 10(2) Service of process. Any foreign corporation acting in this state in a
11fiduciary capacity is considered to have appointed the commissioner of banking to be
12its true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all legal process in any action
13or proceeding against it relating to or growing out of any trust, estate or matter in
14respect of which the foreign corporation has acted or is acting in this state in any such
15fiduciary capacity. Engagement in this state in any acts in a fiduciary capacity
16signifies agreement that any process against it which is served under this subsection
17shall be of the same legal force and validity as though served upon it personally.
18Service of process under this subsection shall be made by delivering to the office of
19the commissioner of banking a copy of the process, together with any fee for service
20of process required by the commissioner. Service of process is sufficient if notice of
21such service and a copy of the process are, within 10 days after delivery to the office
22of the commissioner of banking, sent by registered mail by the plaintiff to the
23defendant at its principal office in such other state or territory and the plaintiff's
24affidavit of compliance with this requirement is appended to the summons. The
25court in which the action is pending may order such continuances as may be

1necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action. The
2fee paid by the plaintiff to the commissioner at the time of the service may be
3recovered as taxable costs by the plaintiff if the plaintiff prevails in the action. The
4commissioner shall keep a record of all processes served upon the commissioner
5under this subsection and shall record the time of the service.
SB440,7,9 6(3) Restrictions on in-state presence. A foreign corporation acting under sub.
7(1) may not establish or maintain in this state a place of business or branch office for
8the conduct of business as a fiduciary, but may establish and maintain in this state
9one or more representative offices if those offices do not act in a fiduciary capacity.
SB440,7,14 10(4) Certificate of authority. (a) Prior to the time that any foreign corporation
11acts in this state as a testamentary trustee, trustee appointed by any court, trustee
12under any written agreement, declaration or instrument of trust, executor,
13administrator, guardian or in any other like fiduciary capacity, the foreign
14corporation shall do all of the following:
SB440,7,1715 1. Apply to the office of the commissioner of banking for a certificate of
16authority with reference to the fiduciary capacity in which such foreign corporation
17proposes to act in this state.
SB440,7,1818 2. Comply with s. 223.02.
SB440,7,2519 (b) The commissioner of banking shall issue a certificate of authority to such
20corporation upon receiving satisfactory evidence that such foreign corporation meets
21the requirements of sub. (1). The certificate of authority shall recite and certify that
22such foreign corporation is eligible to act in this state in such fiduciary capacity
23pursuant to the provisions of this section. The certificate of authority shall remain
24in full force and effect until such time as such foreign corporation ceases to be eligible
25to so act under the provisions of this section.
1(c) Each foreign corporation making application for a certificate of authority
2shall pay reasonable fees to the office of the commissioner of banking as determined
3by the commissioner for the services of that office.
SB440,8,74 (d) Any foreign corporation that is eligible to act in this state in a fiduciary
5capacity prior to the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], may
6continue to act in this state in any such fiduciary capacity without applying for a new
7certificate of authority under this subsection.
SB440,8,118 (e) Any foreign corporation acting in this state under a certificate of authority
9shall report changes in its name or address to the office of the commissioner of
10banking and shall notify the commissioner when it is no longer serving as a corporate
11fiduciary in this state.
SB440,8,19 12(5) Rights and authority of foreign corporation. Any foreign corporation
13that is eligible to act in this state in a fiduciary capacity, duly acting and qualified
14as executor or trustee under any foreign will, or any declaration, agreement, or other
15instrument of trust, shall have the same rights and authority under such document
16as to real estate within this state which any natural person duly acting as such
17foreign executor or trustee may have under the laws of this state, without the foreign
18corporation being required to do any act qualifying it to do business within this state
19that is not required of a natural person acting as such foreign executor or trustee.
SB440, s. 7 20Section 7. 223.12 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
21Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
SB440,8,2522 223.12 (1) (b) (intro.) The foreign corporation is organized under the laws of a
23state that permits all of the following to act in a fiduciary capacity upon conditions
24and qualifications that the office of the commissioner division of banking finds are
25not unduly restrictive when compared to the laws of this state:
SB440, s. 8
1Section 8. 223.12 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this
2act), is amended to read:
SB440,9,243 223.12 (2) Service of process. Any foreign corporation acting in this state in
4a fiduciary capacity is considered to have appointed the commissioner division of
5banking to be its true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all legal process
6in any action or proceeding against it relating to or growing out of any trust, estate
7or matter in respect of which the foreign corporation has acted or is acting in this
8state in any such fiduciary capacity. Engagement in this state in any acts in a
9fiduciary capacity signifies agreement that any process against it the foreign
which is served under this subsection shall be of the same legal force and
11validity as though served upon it the foreign corporation personally. Service of
12process under this subsection shall be made by delivering to the office of the
division of banking a copy of the process, together with any fee for
14service of process required by the division. Service of process is sufficient if notice
15of such service and a copy of the process are, within 10 days after delivery to the office
16of the commissioner
division of banking, sent by registered mail by the plaintiff to
17the defendant at its principal office in such other state or territory and the plaintiff's
18affidavit of compliance with this requirement is appended to the summons. The
19court in which the action is pending may order such continuances as may be
20necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action. The
21fee paid by the plaintiff to the commissioner division at the time of the service may
22be recovered as taxable costs by the plaintiff if the plaintiff prevails in the action.
23The commissioner division shall keep a record of all processes served upon the
24commissioner division under this subsection and shall record the time of the service.
SB440, s. 9
1Section 9. 223.12 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
2.... (this act), is amended to read:
SB440,10,53 223.12 (4) (a) 1. Apply to the office of the commissioner division of banking for
4a certificate of authority with reference to the fiduciary capacity in which such
5foreign corporation proposes to act in this state.
SB440, s. 10 6Section 10. 223.12 (4) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
7(this act), is amended to read:
SB440,10,148 223.12 (4) (b) The commissioner division of banking shall issue a certificate of
9authority to such corporation upon receiving satisfactory evidence that such foreign
10corporation meets the requirements of sub. (1). The certificate of authority shall
11recite and certify that such foreign corporation is eligible to act in this state in such
12fiduciary capacity pursuant to the provisions of this section. The certificate of
13authority shall remain in full force and effect until such time as such foreign
14corporation ceases to be eligible to so act under the provisions of this section.
SB440, s. 11 15Section 11. 223.12 (4) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
16(this act), is amended to read:
SB440,10,1917 223.12 (4) (c) Each foreign corporation making application for a certificate of
18authority shall pay reasonable fees to the commissioner division of banking as
19determined by the commissioner division for the services of that office division.
SB440, s. 12 20Section 12. 223.12 (4) (e) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
21(this act), is amended to read:
SB440,10,2522 223.12 (4) (e) Any foreign corporation acting in this state under a certificate
23of authority shall report changes in its name or address to the office of the
division of banking and shall notify the commissioner division when
25it the foreign corporation is no longer serving as a corporate fiduciary in this state.
SB440, s. 13
1Section 13. 881.01 (3) and (4) of the statutes are repealed.
SB440, s. 14 2Section 14. 881.015 of the statutes is created to read:
SB440,11,4 3881.015 Investment companies, investment trusts and collective
4investment vehicles. (1)
In this section:
SB440,11,65 (a) "Collective investment vehicle" means an investment vehicle authorized for
6the collective investment of trust funds, including vehicles under 12 CFR 9.
SB440,11,87 (b) "Investment company" means an open-end or closed-end management
8investment company registered under 15 USC 80a-1 to 80a-64.
SB440,11,109 (c) "Investment trust" means an investment trust registered under 15 USC
to 80a-64.
SB440,12,2 11(2) In addition to other investments authorized by law for the investment of
12funds held by a fiduciary, or by the instrument governing the fiduciary relationship,
13a bank or trust company acting as a fiduciary, agent or otherwise may, in the exercise
14of its investment discretion or at the direction of another person authorized to direct
15investment of funds held by the bank or trust company as fiduciary, invest and
16reinvest in the securities of an investment company, investment trust or collective
17investment vehicle, so long as the portfolio of the investment company, investment
18trust or collective investment vehicle consists of investments not prohibited by the
19governing instrument. In the absence of an express provision to the contrary, when
20a governing instrument directs or requires investment in obligations of the U.S.
21government or an agency of the U.S. government, a bank, trust company, trust
22department trustee or other fiduciary may invest in these obligations either directly
23or in the form of securities of, or other interests in, an investment company,
24investment trust or collective investment vehicle, if the portfolio of the investment
25company, investment trust or collective investment vehicle consists substantially of

1obligations of the U.S. government or an agency of the U.S. government and
2repurchase agreements fully collateralized by these obligations.
SB440,12,17 3(3) If the requirements of this subsection are met, a bank or trust company may
4invest or reinvest funds under sub. (2) in the securities of an investment company,
5investment trust or collective investment vehicle, notwithstanding the fact that the
6bank or trust company or an affiliate of the bank or trust company provides services
7to the investment company, investment trust or collective investment vehicle such
8as those of an investment adviser, custodian, transfer agent, broker, registrar, paying
9agent, sponsor, distributor, administrator, manager or otherwise and receives
10compensation for those services. In order to invest or reinvest funds under sub. (2)
11in the securities of the investment company, investment trust or collective
12investment vehicle for which the bank, trust company or affiliate provides services,
13the bank, trust company or affiliate shall disclose in writing the basis upon which
14any compensation for such services is calculated, whether expressed as a percentage
15of asset value or otherwise. The disclosure shall be made by prospectus, account
16statement or otherwise and shall be delivered to all persons to whom statements of
17account for the invested or reinvested funds are provided.
SB440, s. 15 18Section 15. 881.016 of the statutes is created to read:
SB440,13,2 19881.016 Employes and agents of a fiduciary. Unless prohibited by the
20terms of the instrument governing a fiduciary relationship, a fiduciary may employ
21attorneys, accountants, investment advisers, agents or other persons, even if they
22are associated with the fiduciary, to advise or assist the fiduciary in the performance
23of the fiduciary's duties. The fiduciary may act without independent investigation
24upon their recommendations or, instead of acting directly, employ one or more agents
25to perform any act of administration, whether or not discretionary. If the terms of

1the governing instrument do not address the authority of the fiduciary to delegate
2the fiduciary's duties, all of the following apply:
SB440,13,4 3(1) The fiduciary may delegate some, but not all, of the fiduciary's duties to an
SB440,13,7 5(2) The employment of an agent by the fiduciary does not relieve the fiduciary
6of liability for acts of the agent that, if done by the fiduciary, would result in the
7liability of the fiduciary.
SB440,13,9 8(3) The employment of an agent by a fiduciary does not relieve the fiduciary
9of the fiduciary's duty to use reasonable care in selecting and retaining the agent.
SB440, s. 16 10Section 16. 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 6202 is repealed.
SB440, s. 17 11Section 17. 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9459 (7) is amended to read:
SB440,23,1012[1995 Wisconsin Act 27] Section 9459 (7) Department of financial institutions.
13The repeal of sections 15.55, 15.555 (title), 15.595 (title), 15.82, 15.825 (title), 15.85,
1420.124 (intro.) and (1) (title), 20.124 (1) (g), 20.141 (intro.) and (1) (title), 20.175,
1520.185 (intro.) and (1) (title) and (g), 20.923 (4) (c) 5., 20.923 (4) (d) 3., 20.923 (4) (d)
1611., 186.01 (1), 186.012 (1), 186.119, 214.01 (1) (f), 215.01 (21), 215.02 (1), (2) and (3),
17217.02 (6), 218.01 (1) (c), 218.01 (1) (d), 218.02 (1) (b), 218.05 (1) (a), 220.02 (1), 220.02
18(6), 230.08 (2) (L) 1., 230.08 (2) (L) 6. and 230.08 (2) (L) 7. of the statutes, the
19renumbering of sections 20.124 (1) (a), 20.124 (1) (u), 20.141 (1) (m) and 20.185 (1)
20(h) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of sections 15.555 (1), 15.555
21(2), 15.59, 15.595 (1), 15.825 (1), 15.825 (2), 20.141 (title), 20.141 (1) (g), 138.09 (1)
22and 230.08 (2) (L) 3. of the statutes, the amendment of sections 15.01 (6), 15.02 (3)
23(c) 1., 15.06 (1) (b), 15.135 (5), 20.912 (4), 20.923 (4) (c) 3., 25.40 (1) (a) 2., 34.01 (2)
24(a), 34.03 (intro.), 34.03 (2), 34.03 (3), 34.03 (4), 34.08 (1), 34.08 (2), 34.08 (3), 34.09,
2534.10, 34.11, 35.86 (1), 66.412, 66.416 (2), 71.26 (1) (d), 112.07 (1), 138.052 (5) (am)

12. a., 138.052 (5) (am) 2. b., 138.055 (4) (a), 138.055 (4) (b), 138.055 (4) (d), 138.056
2(1) (a) 4. a., 138.056 (1) (a) 4. b., 138.056 (1) (a) 4. d., 138.09 (2), 138.09 (3) (a), 138.09
3(3) (b), 138.09 (3) (c), 138.09 (3) (d), 138.09 (3) (e), 138.09 (3) (f), 138.09 (4) (intro.),
4138.09 (4) (a), 138.09 (4) (b), 138.09 (4a), 138.09 (6) (a), 138.09 (6) (b), 138.09 (7) (bn)
54., 138.09 (11), 138.12 (1) (a), 138.12 (1) (c), 138.12 (2) (a), 138.12 (3) (b) (by Section
64179), 138.12 (3) (c), 138.12 (4) (a) (by Section 4182), 138.12 (4) (am), 138.12 (4) (b)
7(intro.), 138.12 (5) (b), 138.12 (5) (c), 138.12 (6) (a), 138.12 (7), 177.30 (2), 186.012
8(title), 186.012 (2), 186.012 (3), 186.012 (4), 186.015 (1), 186.015 (2), 186.015 (3) (a),
9186.015 (3) (b), 186.015 (3) (c), 186.02 (1), 186.02 (3) (a), 186.02 (3) (b), 186.02 (4) (a),
10186.02 (4) (b), 186.03, 186.04 (1), 186.04 (2), 186.04 (5), 186.098 (7), 186.098 (8) (b),
11186.098 (10), 186.098 (12), 186.11 (1), 186.11 (2) (b), 186.112, 186.113 (1), 186.113
12(1m) (a) 3., 186.113 (1m) (a) 4., 186.113 (2), 186.113 (15) (a), 186.113 (15) (c), 186.113
13(15) (d), 186.115 (1), 186.115 (2), 186.116, 186.16 (2), 186.17 (2), 186.18, 186.19 (1),
14186.19 (2), 186.19 (3), 186.19 (4) (a), 186.19 (4) (b), 186.19 (5), 186.21 (1), 186.21 (2),
15186.21 (3), 186.21 (4), 186.22 (1) (intro.), 186.22 (2) (intro.), 186.22 (3) (intro.), 186.22
16(3) (a), 186.22 (3) (b), 186.22 (4) (d), 186.22 (4) (g), 186.22 (5) (c), 186.22 (6), 186.22
17(10), 186.22 (11), 186.22 (15), 186.23, 186.24 (1), 186.24 (2), 186.24 (3), 186.25, 186.26
18(1) (a), 186.26 (1) (b), 186.26 (2), 186.27 (intro.), 186.27 (3) (intro.), 186.27 (3) (b),
19186.28 (title), 186.28 (1), 186.28 (2), 186.29 (title), 186.29 (1) (intro.), 186.29 (1) (h),
20186.29 (1m) (a), 186.29 (1m) (b), 186.29 (1p) (title), 186.29 (1p) (a), 186.29 (1p) (b),
21186.29 (2) (intro.), 186.29 (2) (a), 186.29 (2) (b), 186.29 (2) (c), 186.29 (2) (d), 186.29
22(3), 186.29 (4), 186.29 (5), 186.29 (6), 186.29 (7), 186.29 (8), 186.29 (9), 186.29 (10),
23186.29 (11) (intro.), 186.29 (11) (a), 186.29 (11) (b), 186.29 (11) (c), 186.29 (11) (d),
24186.29 (12), 186.29 (13) (a), 186.29 (13) (b), 186.29 (13) (c), 186.30 (1), 186.30 (2),
25186.30 (3), 186.30 (5), 186.30 (7), 186.30 (8), 186.30 (9), 186.30 (11), 186.31 (1), 186.31

1(2), 186.314 (2), 186.314 (3), 186.314 (4), 186.315, 186.33, 186.34 (2) (a), 186.34 (2)
2(b), 186.34 (3) (intro.), 186.34 (4), 186.35 (1), 186.35 (2) (b), 186.35 (3) (n), 186.35 (3m)
3(intro.), 186.35 (5) (d) 2., 186.35 (5) (f), 186.35 (7), 186.35 (8), 186.35 (9), 186.35 (11)
4(a), 186.35 (11) (b), 186.37, 186.38 (2), 186.38 (5) (c), 186.38 (7), 186.38 (9), 186.38 (10),
5186.38 (11), 186.41 (2) (b), 186.41 (4) (a), 186.41 (4) (b), 186.41 (4) (c), 186.41 (4) (d),
6186.41 (4) (e), 186.41 (5) (intro.), 186.41 (5) (ct), 186.41 (5) (e), 186.41 (6) (a), 186.41
7(8), 214.01 (1) (pm), 214.01 (1) (r), 214.015, 214.025, 214.03 (1), 214.03 (2), 214.035
8(1), 214.035 (2), 214.04 (4), 214.04 (8), 214.04 (9), 214.04 (12) (intro.), 214.04 (14),
9214.04 (17), 214.04 (18), 214.04 (20), 214.04 (21) (a), 214.04 (21) (b), 214.04 (21) (c),
10214.04 (21) (d), 214.04 (25), 214.04 (26), 214.04 (27), 214.045, 214.06 (1) (intro.),
11214.07, 214.08, 214.085 (1) (a), 214.085 (1) (b), 214.085 (1) (c), 214.085 (2), 214.09,
12214.095 (3), 214.155 (2), 214.16 (2), 214.17 (1) (intro.), 214.17 (2), 214.17 (3), 214.17
13(4), 214.17 (5), 214.18 (intro.), 214.18 (6), 214.18 (8), 214.20, 214.24 (1), 214.24 (2),
14214.24 (3), 214.245 (intro.), 214.25 (1), 214.25 (2), 214.25 (3), 214.25 (5), 214.255 (1),
15214.255 (2), 214.255 (3), 214.26 (1), 214.26 (2) (a), 214.26 (2) (c), 214.26 (2) (d), 214.26
16(3) (a), 214.26 (3) (b), 214.26 (4) (intro.), 214.26 (4) (b), 214.26 (5), 214.26 (7) (intro.),
17214.26 (7) (c), 214.26 (8), 214.265 (1) (a), 214.265 (5), 214.265 (6), 214.265 (8), 214.265
18(9), 214.265 (10), 214.27 (1), 214.27 (2), 214.27 (3), 214.275, 214.305, 214.31 (1),
19214.34 (1), 214.34 (2), 214.345 (1), 214.345 (2), 214.345 (5) (intro.), 214.37 (4) (b),
20214.37 (5), 214.375, 214.40 (1), 214.40 (2), 214.42 (1), 214.42 (2), 214.43 (1), 214.435
21(3), 214.435 (4), 214.48 (3), 214.48 (5), 214.485 (intro.), 214.485 (8), 214.485 (12),
22214.485 (17), 214.49 (intro.), 214.49 (5) (intro.), 214.49 (15), 214.51 (1), 214.51 (2),
23214.52 (3), 214.525, 214.53 (3), 214.54 (1), 214.545, 214.58 (1), 214.585 (5), 214.592,
24214.62 (2) (e), 214.62 (3), 214.62 (4) (intro.), 214.62 (5), 214.625, 214.63, 214.64,
25214.645, 214.65 (2) (a), 214.65 (2) (b), 214.65 (3), 214.655 (2) (intro.), 214.66 (1),

1214.66 (5), 214.66 (7), 214.665 (1), 214.665 (2), 214.67 (1), 214.67 (2), 214.675 (1),
2214.675 (2), 214.675 (3), 214.675 (4), 214.675 (5), 214.68 (1) (b), 214.68 (1) (d), 214.68
3(1) (e), 214.68 (3), 214.685 (1), 214.685 (2), 214.685 (3) (intro.), 214.685 (3) (b), 214.685
4(4) (intro.), 214.685 (4) (c), 214.685 (5), 214.685 (8) (intro.), 214.685 (8) (j), 214.715
5(title), 214.715 (1) (intro.), 214.715 (1) (e), 214.715 (1) (f), 214.715 (1) (h), 214.715 (2),
6214.715 (3), 214.715 (4) (a), 214.715 (4) (b), 214.72 (1) (b), 214.72 (3), 214.725 (1),
7214.725 (2), 214.725 (3) (f), 214.725 (4), 214.725 (5), 214.725 (7), 214.735, 214.74
8(title), 214.74 (1), 214.74 (2), 214.74 (3), 214.74 (4), 214.745, 214.75 (1), 214.75 (2),
9214.75 (3), 214.75 (4), 214.75 (5) (a), 214.755 (1) (intro.), 214.76 (1), 214.76 (3), 214.76
10(4), 214.76 (5) (a) (intro.), 214.76 (5) (a) 3., 214.76 (5) (b), 214.765 (1), 214.765 (2),
11214.765 (3), 214.772 (4) (a) 5., 214.772 (4) (b) (intro.), 214.772 (4) (b) 1., 214.772 (4)
12(c) (intro.), 214.772 (4) (c) 2., 214.772 (4) (c) 3., 214.772 (5), 214.772 (6), 214.772 (7),
13214.775 (intro.), 214.78 (1) (a), 214.78 (1) (b), 214.78 (1) (c), 214.78 (3), 214.785 (1),
14214.785 (2), 214.82 (title), 214.82 (1) (intro.), 214.82 (1) (a), 214.82 (1) (b), 214.82 (1)
15(e), 214.82 (1) (h), 214.82 (1) (j), 214.82 (2), 214.82 (3), 214.825, 214.83, 214.835
16(intro.), 214.835 (1), 214.835 (3), 214.84, 214.845, 214.85, 214.855, 214.90 (intro.),
17214.90 (1) (b), 214.90 (5), 214.90 (6), 214.905 (1) (intro.), 214.905 (1) (c), 214.905 (2),
18214.91 (1) (intro.), 214.91 (1) (a), 214.91 (2) (intro.), 214.915 (1), 214.92, 214.925 (1),
19214.93, 214.935 (intro.), 214.935 (1), 215.01 (6), 215.01 (19), 215.01 (20) (a), 215.01
20(20) (b), 215.02 (4), 215.02 (5), 215.02 (6) (a) (intro.), 215.02 (6) (a) 3., 215.02 (6) (a)
214. (intro.), 215.02 (6) (a) 4. a., 215.02 (6) (a) 4. b., 215.02 (6) (a) 5., 215.02 (6) (a) 6.,
22215.02 (7) (title), 215.02 (7) (a), 215.02 (7) (c), 215.02 (7) (d), 215.02 (8), 215.02 (9),
23215.02 (10) (a) 1. (intro.), 215.02 (10) (a) 1. b., 215.02 (10) (a) 2., 215.02 (10) (a) 3.,
24215.02 (10) (b), 215.02 (11) (a), 215.02 (11) (b), 215.02 (12), 215.02 (14) (title), 215.02
25(14) (a), 215.02 (15) (a) 1. (intro.), 215.02 (15) (b), 215.02 (15) (c), 215.02 (15) (d),

1215.02 (16) (a), 215.02 (16) (b), 215.02 (16) (c) 1., 215.02 (16) (c) 2., 215.02 (16) (d),
2215.02 (17) (a), 215.02 (17) (b), 215.02 (18), 215.03 (1), 215.03 (2) (a), 215.03 (2) (b),
3215.03 (5) (title), 215.03 (5) (a), 215.03 (5) (b), 215.03 (6) (a) 1., 215.03 (6) (a) 2. c.,
4215.03 (6) (a) 3., 215.03 (6) (b), 215.03 (7) (a), 215.03 (7) (b), 215.03 (8) (a), 215.03 (8)
5(b), 215.03 (8) (c), 215.04 (1) (a), 215.04 (1) (b), 215.04 (1) (c), 215.04 (3) (b), 215.04 (4),
6215.04 (6), 215.11 (1), 215.11 (2), 215.11 (3), 215.11 (4) (a), 215.11 (4) (b), 215.11 (5),
7215.13 (21), 215.13 (22), 215.13 (26) (intro.), 215.13 (26) (f), 215.13 (27), 215.13 (28),
8215.13 (31), 215.13 (36), 215.13 (39), 215.13 (40), 215.13 (41), 215.13 (42), 215.13 (46)
9(a) 1., 215.13 (46) (a) 3., 215.13 (46) (a) 4., 215.13 (47), 215.13 (51), 215.135 (1),
10215.135 (2), 215.141, 215.15 (1), 215.15 (3) (a) (intro.), 215.15 (3) (b), 215.15 (3) (c),
11215.16 (intro.), 215.18 (3), 215.20 (2), 215.205 (intro.), 215.205 (4), 215.21 (1) (intro.),
12215.21 (1) (c), 215.21 (5) (a), 215.21 (6) (a), 215.21 (7) (intro.), 215.21 (7) (c), 215.21
13(14), 215.21 (15), 215.21 (17) (b) (intro.), 215.21 (17) (b) 2., 215.21 (17) (d) 2., 215.21
14(28), 215.22 (2), 215.23 (intro.), 215.24, 215.25, 215.26 (3), 215.26 (4) (a), 215.26 (5),
15215.26 (8) (b) 1., 215.26 (8) (b) 3., 215.26 (9), 215.32 (title), 215.32 (1m) (intro.), 215.32
16(1m) (h), 215.32 (2) (intro.), 215.32 (2) (a), 215.32 (2) (b), 215.32 (3), 215.32 (4), 215.32
17(5), 215.32 (6) (title), 215.32 (6) (a), 215.32 (6) (b), 215.32 (6) (c), 215.32 (6) (d), 215.32
18(6) (e), 215.32 (6) (em) 1., 215.32 (6) (f), 215.32 (6) (g), 215.32 (6) (h), 215.32 (7) (a) 1.
19(intro.), 215.32 (7) (a) 1. a., 215.32 (7) (a) 2., 215.32 (7) (a) 3. (intro.), 215.32 (7) (c)
20(intro.), 215.32 (7) (d), 215.32 (8), 215.32 (9), 215.32 (10), 215.32 (11), 215.32 (13)
21(intro.), 215.32 (13) (a), 215.32 (13) (b), 215.32 (13) (c), 215.32 (13) (d), 215.32 (14),
22215.32 (15) (a), 215.32 (15) (b), 215.32 (15) (c), 215.33 (3) (a) 5., 215.33 (3) (b) (intro.),
23215.33 (3) (b) 1., 215.33 (3) (b) 2., 215.33 (3) (c) (intro.), 215.33 (3) (c) 2., 215.33 (3) (c)
243., 215.33 (4), 215.33 (5), 215.33 (6), 215.35 (1) (intro.), 215.36 (2) (b), 215.36 (3) (b),
25215.36 (5) (a) (intro.), 215.36 (5) (b), 215.36 (5) (c), 215.36 (5) (d), 215.36 (5) (e), 215.36

1(7) (intro.), 215.36 (7) (ct), 215.36 (7) (e), 215.36 (9) (a), 215.36 (11), 215.40 (1) (c),
2215.40 (2) (intro.), 215.40 (2) (d), 215.40 (3), 215.40 (4) (e), 215.40 (5), 215.40 (6) (a),
3215.40 (6) (b), 215.40 (6) (d), 215.40 (6) (e), 215.40 (7) (a), 215.40 (7) (b) (intro.), 215.40
4(7) (b) 2., 215.40 (7) (b) 3., 215.40 (7) (c), 215.40 (8), 215.40 (11), 215.40 (13) (a) (intro.),
5215.40 (13) (a) 1., 215.40 (13) (a) 3., 215.40 (13) (a) 9., 215.40 (13) (b), 215.40 (14),
6215.40 (15), 215.40 (17), 215.40 (18), 215.41 (1), 215.41 (2), 215.41 (3), 215.41 (5),
7215.42 (1), 215.42 (2), 215.42 (3), 215.50 (1), 215.50 (6), 215.50 (7), 215.50 (10), 215.50
8(11) (a), 215.53 (1) (a) (intro.), 215.53 (1) (a) 4., 215.53 (3), 215.56 (1) (b) 1., 215.56 (2),
9215.56 (6), 215.56 (7) (a), 215.56 (7) (b) (intro.), 215.56 (7) (b) 3., 215.56 (8), 215.57
10(1) (b), 215.57 (1) (d) 1., 215.57 (1) (d) 2., 215.57 (4), 215.58 (1) (a), 215.58 (1) (b),
11215.58 (1) (c) (intro.), 215.58 (1) (c) 2., 215.58 (2) (intro.), 215.58 (2) (c), 215.58 (3),
12215.58 (6) (intro.), 215.59 (1) (c), 215.59 (1) (d) 3., 215.59 (1) (e) 1., 215.59 (1) (e) 3.,
13215.59 (1) (f) (intro.), 215.59 (1) (f) 3., 215.59 (1) (g), 215.59 (3) (a) 10., 215.59 (3) (a)
1412., 215.59 (4), 215.60 (1) (c), 215.60 (2) (intro.), 215.60 (2) (c), 215.60 (3), 215.60 (4)
15(h), 215.60 (5), 215.60 (6), 215.60 (7), 215.60 (10), 215.60 (11) (a) (intro.), 215.60 (11)
16(a) 1., 215.60 (11) (a) 2., 215.60 (11) (a) 3., 215.60 (11) (a) 7., 215.60 (11) (b), 215.60
17(12), 215.60 (13), 215.60 (14), 215.60 (15), 215.61 (1), 215.61 (2), 215.61 (5), 215.62
18(1), 215.62 (2), 215.62 (3), 215.64 (1), 215.67, 215.70 (1), 215.70 (4), 215.73 (1) (a)
19(intro.), 215.73 (3), 215.76 (1) (b) 1., 215.76 (2), 215.76 (6), 215.76 (7) (a), 215.76 (7)
20(b) (intro.), 215.76 (7) (b) 3., 215.76 (8), 215.77 (1) (b), 215.77 (1) (d) 1., 215.77 (1) (d)
212., 215.77 (4), 217.02 (3), 217.02 (10), 217.03 (1), 217.03 (2), 217.05 (intro.), 217.05 (5)
22(a), 217.05 (5) (c) (by Section 5803), 217.06 (intro.), 217.06 (2), 217.06 (3) (a), 217.06
23(3) (b), 217.07, 217.08 (2), 217.08 (3), 217.09 (1) (intro.), 217.09 (1) (c), 217.09 (2),
24217.09 (3), 217.09 (4), 217.09 (5), 217.09 (6), 217.10 (intro.), 217.10 (2), 217.12 (4),
25217.15, 217.17 (1), 217.17 (2), 217.18 (1), 217.18 (2), 217.18 (3), 217.19 (title), 217.19

1(1), 217.19 (2), 217.19 (4), 217.19 (5), 217.19 (6), 217.20, 217.21 (1), 217.21 (2), 218.01
2(1) (jm), 218.01 (1) (k), 218.01 (1a), 218.01 (2) (b) (by Section 5843), 218.01 (2) (bb),
3218.01 (2) (bc), 218.01 (2) (bd) 1. and 1g., 218.01 (2) (bd) 2., 218.01 (2) (bf), 218.01 (2)
4(bm) 1. a., 218.01 (2) (bm) 2. b., 218.01 (2) (cm) 2., 218.01 (2) (cm) 3., 218.01 (2) (cm)
54., 218.01 (2) (cm) 5., 218.01 (2) (d) 1., 218.01 (2) (d) 8. a., 218.01 (2) (d) 8. b., 218.01
6(2) (dm) 1., 218.01 (2) (dm) 2., 218.01 (2) (h) 2., 218.01 (2) (i), 218.01 (2) (k) (intro.),
7218.01 (2a) (a), 218.01 (2a) (b), 218.01 (2a) (c), 218.01 (2w) (b), 218.01 (3) (a) 17.,
8218.01 (3) (a) 36. a., 218.01 (3) (a) 36. b., 218.01 (3) (bf) 1., 218.01 (3) (c) 3., 218.01 (3)
9(f) 1., 218.01 (3) (fm) 1., 218.01 (3) (g), 218.01 (3) (h), 218.01 (3a) (title), 218.01 (3a)
10(a), 218.01 (3a) (b), 218.01 (3a) (c), 218.01 (3c) (c), 218.01 (3c) (d), 218.01 (3x) (b) 1.,
112. and 3., 218.01 (5) (b) 1., 218.01 (5) (b) 3., 218.01 (6) (b) (intro.), 218.01 (6) (em),
12218.01 (7a) (a), 218.01 (7a) (b), 218.01 (7b), 218.02 (2) (a), 218.02 (2) (b) (by Section
135898), 218.02 (2) (c), 218.02 (3) (intro.), 218.02 (4), 218.02 (5) (b), 218.02 (5) (c), 218.02
14(6) (intro.), 218.02 (6) (c), 218.02 (7) (intro.), 218.02 (7) (c), 218.02 (9) (a), 218.02 (9)
15(b), 218.02 (9) (c), 218.04 (1) (c), 218.04 (3) (a), 218.04 (3) (b) (by Section 5914), 218.04
16(3) (c) (by Section 5916), 218.04 (3) (d), 218.04 (4) (a), 218.04 (4) (b), 218.04 (5) (a)
17(intro.), 218.04 (5) (a) 1., 218.04 (5) (a) 2., 218.04 (5) (c), 218.04 (6) (a), 218.04 (6) (b),
18218.04 (6) (c) (intro.), 218.04 (7) (intro.), 218.04 (7) (b), 218.04 (7) (c), 218.04 (8),
19218.04 (9), 218.04 (9g) (b), 218.04 (9m) (title), 218.04 (9m) (a), 218.04 (9m) (b), 218.04
20(9m) (c), 218.04 (9m) (e), 218.04 (9m) (f), 218.04 (9m) (g), 218.04 (9m) (h), 218.04 (10)
21(a), 218.04 (10) (b), 218.04 (13), 218.05 (2), 218.05 (3) (a) (intro.), 218.05 (3) (a) 3.,
22218.05 (3) (b) (by Section 5950), 218.05 (3) (c), 218.05 (4), 218.05 (6), 218.05 (8), 218.05
23(10) (b), 218.05 (10) (c), 218.05 (11) (by Section 5958), 218.05 (12) (a) (intro.), 218.05
24(12) (a) 1., 218.05 (12) (a) 2., 218.05 (12) (a) 3., 218.05 (12) (b), 218.05 (12) (c), 218.05
25(12) (d), 218.05 (12) (e), 218.05 (13), 218.05 (14) (a), 218.05 (14) (b) 1., 218.05 (14) (b)

12., 218.05 (14) (c) 1., 218.05 (14) (c) 2., 220.02 (title), 220.02 (2) (intro.), 220.02 (3),
2220.02 (5), 220.035 (1) (a), 220.035 (1) (b), 220.035 (1) (c), 220.035 (1) (d), 220.035 (4),
3220.037 (1), 220.037 (2), 220.04 (title), 220.04 (1) (a), 220.04 (1) (b), 220.04 (2), 220.04
4(3), 220.04 (4), 220.04 (5), 220.04 (6) (a), 220.04 (6) (d), 220.04 (7) (b) (intro.), 220.04
5(7) (b) 1., 220.04 (8), 220.04 (9) (a) 2., 220.04 (9) (b) (intro.), 220.04 (9) (b) 1., 220.04
6(9) (b) 3., 220.04 (9) (d), 220.04 (9) (e) 1., 220.04 (9) (f) 1., 220.04 (9) (g) (intro.), 220.04
7(10), 220.05 (title), 220.05 (1), 220.05 (2), 220.05 (5), 220.05 (6), 220.06 (1), 220.06
8(1m), 220.06 (2), 220.06 (3) (a), 220.065, 220.07 (1), 220.07 (2), 220.075 (1), 220.075
9(3), 220.075 (4), 220.08 (title), 220.08 (1), 220.08 (2), 220.08 (2a), 220.08 (3), 220.08
10(3a), 220.08 (3b), 220.08 (4), 220.08 (5), 220.08 (6), 220.08 (7), 220.08 (8), 220.08 (9),
11220.08 (10), 220.08 (11), 220.08 (12), 220.08 (13), 220.08 (14), 220.08 (15), 220.08 (16),
12220.08 (17), 220.08 (18), 220.08 (19) (intro.), 220.08 (19) (b), 220.08 (19) (c), 220.08
13(19) (d), 220.08 (20), 220.08 (20a), 220.081 (1), 220.081 (4), 220.086, 220.09, 220.10,
14220.12, 220.13, 220.14 (intro.), 220.14 (1), 220.14 (7), 220.28, 220.285 (1), 221.01 (1),
15221.01 (2) (e), 221.01 (3), 221.01 (4), 221.01 (5), 221.01 (6), 221.01 (10), 221.01 (11),
16221.01 (12) (b), 221.01 (12) (c), 221.01 (12) (d) 1., 221.01 (12) (d) 2., 221.01 (13), 221.03
17(1), 221.03 (2) (a) 2., 221.03 (3), 221.03 (4), 221.03 (5), 221.03 (6), 221.04 (1) (intro.),
18221.04 (1) (jm) 1., 221.04 (1) (jm) 3., 221.04 (1) (jm) 4., 221.04 (1) (jm) 5., 221.04 (1)
19(jm) 6., 221.04 (1) (jm) 8., 221.04 (1) (jm) 9., 221.04 (1) (k) 1., 221.04 (1) (k) 3., 221.04
20(1) (k) 4., 221.04 (1) (n) 1. (intro.), 221.04 (1) (n) 3m. (intro.), 221.04 (1) (n) 4., 221.04
21(1) (p), 221.04 (1) (pm), 221.04 (3e) (a), 221.04 (3e) (b), 221.04 (4) (a), 221.04 (4) (b),
22221.04 (4h), 221.04 (4m), 221.04 (5), 221.04 (6), 221.04 (6m), 221.04 (7), 221.041 (5),
23221.045 (1), 221.046 (1), 221.046 (2), 221.047 (title), 221.047 (1), 221.047 (4), 221.05,
24221.06 (intro.), 221.06 (1), 221.06 (2), 221.07, 221.08 (3), 221.08 (9), 221.09 (1) (intro.),
25221.09 (5), 221.12, 221.14 (1), 221.14 (4s), 221.14 (5), 221.14 (6), 221.15 (1), 221.15

1(3), 221.15 (4), 221.15 (6), 221.15 (7), 221.16, 221.18, 221.19, 221.205, 221.21, 221.22,
2221.23, 221.24 (1), 221.245, 221.25 (1), 221.25 (3), 221.25 (4), 221.26, 221.27 (2),
3221.27 (3) (g), 221.28, 221.29 (1) (f), 221.295 (1), 221.295 (2), 221.295 (3), 221.295 (4),
4221.295 (6), 221.296 (1), 221.296 (2), 221.297 (1), 221.297 (2), 221.33 (1), 221.37 (1),
5221.38 (1) (b), 221.38 (2), 221.41, 221.43, 221.47, 221.50, 221.51, 221.52, 221.53,
6221.56 (1), 221.57, 221.58 (2) (b), 221.58 (4) (a), 221.58 (4) (b), 221.58 (4) (c), 221.58
7(4) (d), 221.58 (4) (e), 221.58 (6) (intro.), 221.58 (6) (em), 221.58 (6) (g), 221.58 (8) (a),
8221.58 (10), 223.02 (1), 223.02 (2), 223.025, 223.03 (10), 223.03 (14), 223.07 (1),
9223.07 (3), 223.105 (2) (a), 223.105 (3) (a), 223.105 (4), 223.105 (5), 223.105 (6), 223.12
224.06 (1), 224.06 (3), 224.06 (4), 224.06 (5), 224.075, 227.52, 227.53 (1) (b) 2.,
11227.53 (1) (b) 3., 227.53 (1) (b) 4., 227.53 (1) (b) 5., 422.505 (1) (e), 426.103, 426.104
12(2) (intro.), 426.203, 551.02 (3) (h), 551.02 (4), 551.02 (7) (f), 551.02 (12), 551.22 (1)
13(a), 551.22 (1) (b) (intro.), 551.22 (7), 551.22 (8), 551.22 (9), 551.22 (10), 551.22 (14),
14551.22 (17), 551.23 (2), 551.23 (3) (c), 551.23 (3) (d), 551.23 (8) (f), 551.23 (8) (g),
15551.23 (9), 551.23 (10), 551.23 (11) (b), 551.23 (12), 551.23 (15) (intro.), 551.23 (15)
16(a), 551.23 (18), 551.23 (19) (c) 2. a., 551.23 (19) (c) 2. b., 551.23 (19) (d), 551.23 (19)
17(f), 551.235 (intro.), 551.235 (6) (a) (intro.), 551.235 (6) (a) 5., 551.235 (6) (b), 551.24
18(1), 551.24 (2), 551.24 (4) (intro.), 551.24 (6), 551.25 (2) (b), 551.25 (2) (c), 551.25 (2)
19(d), 551.25 (3) (a) 2., 551.25 (3) (a) 3., 551.25 (3) (b), 551.26 (2), 551.26 (3), 551.26 (4),
20551.27 (1), 551.27 (4), 551.27 (5), 551.27 (7), 551.27 (8), 551.27 (9), 551.27 (10), 551.27
21(11), 551.27 (12), 551.27 (14), 551.27 (15), 551.28 (1) (intro.), 551.28 (1) (c), 551.28 (1)
22(g), 551.28 (2), 551.28 (3), 551.28 (4), 551.28 (6), 551.28 (7), 551.31 (2) (b) 2., 551.31
23(2) (c), 551.31 (2) (d), 551.31 (4), 551.31 (5), 551.31 (7) (b), 551.32 (1) (a), 551.32 (1)
24(b), 551.32 (1) (c) (intro.), 551.32 (1) (c) 2., 551.32 (1) (c) 4., 551.32 (1) (d), 551.32 (2),
25551.32 (4), 551.32 (5), 551.32 (6), 551.32 (7), 551.33 (1), 551.33 (2), 551.33 (3), 551.33

1(4), 551.33 (5), 551.33 (6), 551.34 (1) (intro.), 551.34 (1) (e), 551.34 (1) (f), 551.34 (1)
2(k), 551.34 (1) (m), 551.34 (2), 551.34 (3), 551.34 (4), 551.34 (5), 551.34 (6), 551.43,
3551.44, 551.51 (1), 551.51 (2), 551.52 (1) (b) (intro.), 551.52 (3), 551.52 (4), 551.53 (1)
4(b), 551.53 (2), 551.54, 551.55, 551.56 (1) (intro.), 551.56 (1) (b), 551.56 (2), 551.56 (3)
5(a), 551.57, 551.58 (2), 551.59 (6) (a), 551.59 (6) (c), 551.60 (title), 551.60 (1), 551.60
6(2) (a), 551.60 (2) (b), 551.60 (2) (c), 551.60 (3), 551.60 (4), 551.60 (5), 551.605 (1) (a)
7(intro.), 551.605 (1) (a) 1., 551.605 (1) (c), 551.605 (1) (d), 551.605 (2), 551.61 (1),
8551.61 (2), 551.61 (3), 551.61 (5), 551.62 (1), 551.62 (2), 551.63 (1), 551.63 (2), 551.63
9(3), 551.63 (4), 551.64 (1), 551.64 (2), 551.64 (3), 551.64 (4), 551.64 (5), 551.65 (1),
10551.65 (2), 551.65 (3), 552.01 (1), 552.01 (2), 552.03 (1) (intro.), 552.03 (3), 552.03 (4),
11552.03 (5), 552.03 (6), 552.05 (1), 552.05 (2) (intro.), 552.05 (3), 552.05 (4), 552.05 (5),
12552.05 (6), 552.07 (1), 552.07 (2), 552.08, 552.09 (5), 552.11 (2), 552.11 (5), 552.11 (6),
13552.13 (1), 552.13 (2), 552.13 (3), 552.13 (4), 552.15 (1), 552.15 (3), 552.17, 552.19 (2),
14552.23 (1), 553.03 (3), 553.03 (5m) (a), 553.03 (5m) (d), 553.03 (9), 553.22 (1) (intro.),
15553.22 (1) (c), 553.22 (1) (d), 553.22 (2), 553.22 (3) (intro.), 553.22 (3) (a), 553.22 (3)
16(d), 553.235 (2) (b), 553.24 (1), 553.24 (2), 553.24 (4) (intro.), 553.24 (6), 553.25, 553.26
17(intro.), 553.26 (4), 553.26 (7) (intro.), 553.26 (18), 553.26 (20), 553.27 (2), 553.27 (3),
18553.27 (4), 553.27 (6), 553.27 (7), 553.27 (8), 553.27 (9), 553.27 (10), 553.27 (11) (a),
19553.27 (11) (b), 553.28 (1) (intro.), 553.28 (1) (a), 553.28 (1) (e), 553.28 (2), 553.28 (3),
20553.29 (1) (a), 553.29 (1) (b), 553.29 (2), 553.29 (3), 553.30 (1), 553.30 (2), 553.31 (1),
21553.31 (2), 553.41 (1), 553.41 (2), 553.41 (5), 553.51 (4), 553.53 (1), 553.53 (2), 553.54
22(1), 553.54 (3), 553.54 (4), 553.55 (1), 553.55 (2), 553.55 (3) (a), 553.56 (1), 553.56 (2),
23553.56 (3), 553.56 (5), 553.57, 553.58 (1), 553.58 (2), 553.58 (3), 553.58 (4), 553.58 (5),
24553.60, 553.605 (1) (a) (intro.), 553.605 (1) (a) 1., 553.605 (1) (c), 553.605 (1) (d),
25553.605 (2), 553.71 (1), 553.71 (2), 553.72 (intro.), 553.72 (2), 553.72 (3), 553.73,

1553.74 (1), 553.74 (2), 553.75 (1), 553.75 (2), 553.75 (3), 553.75 (4), 553.75 (5), 553.78,
2601.415 (9), 611.76 (11), 616.74 (1) (c), 701.107 (4), 701.108 (1) (b), 701.108 (1) (c),
3701.108 (1) (d), 701.108 (1) (e), 701.108 (2) (intro.), 701.108 (2) (f) (intro.), 701.108 (2)
4(i), 701.108 (3) (b) 2., 701.108 (3m) (b), 766.565 (7) and 813.16 (7) of the statutes, the
5repeal and recreation of sections 215.02 (title) and 218.01 (2) (bd) 1g. of the statutes,
6the creation of sections 15.18, 15.183, 15.185 (title), 15.185 (7) (title), 20.144 (intro.),
720.144 (1) (title), 20.144 (1) (g), 20.923 (4) (f) 3f., 138.09 (1d), 214.01 (1) (im), 214.72
8(1) (am), 217.02 (2m), 218.02 (1) (d), 218.05 (1) (d), 220.01 (1m), 230.08 (2) (e) 4f. and
9701.107 (3m) of the statutes and Sections 9106 (1), 9115 (1), 9149 (1), 9151 (1), 9206
10(1), 9249 (1) and (2) and 9251 (1) and (2) of this act take effect on July 1, 1996.
SB440, s. 18 11Section 18. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
12publication, except as follows:
SB440,23,15 13(1) The amendment of section 223.12 (1) (b) (intro.), (2) and (4) (a) 1., (b), (c) and
14(e) of the statutes and the repeal and recreation of section 223.105 (6) of the statutes
15take effect on July 1, 1996.
SB440,23,1616 (End)