SB585,10,1817 (b) Undertake projects to enhance the recreational uses of the public inland
18lake, including recreational boating facilities, as defined in s. 30.92 (1) (c).
SB585,10,2119 (c) Appropriate money for the conservation of natural resources or for payment
20to a bona fide nonprofit organization for the conservation of natural resources within
21the district or beneficial to the district.
SB585,10,25 22(2) The commissioners of a town sanitary district that has the powers of a pub
23lic inland lake protection and rehabilitation district under sub. (1) shall possess the
24powers of the board of commissioners of a public inland lake protection and rehabi
25litation district that are authorized by resolution of the town sanitary district.
SB585, s. 32
1Section 32. 66.119 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,11,52 66.119 (1) (a) The governing body of any county, town, city, village, town sani
3tary district
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district may by ordi
4nance adopt and authorize the use of a citation to be issued for violations of ordi
5nances, including ordinances for which a statutory counterpart exists.
SB585, s. 33 6Section 33. 66.119 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,11,177 66.119 (2) (a) Citations authorized under this section may be issued by law en
8forcement officers of the county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or public
9inland lake protection and rehabilitation district. In addition, the governing body
10of a county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection
11and rehabilitation district may designate by ordinance or resolution other county,
12town, city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabi
13litation district officials who may issue citations with respect to ordinances which are
14directly related to the official responsibilities of the officials. Officials granted the
15authority to issue citations may delegate, with the approval of the governing body,
16the authority to employes. Authority delegated to an official or employe shall be re
17voked in the same manner by which it is conferred.
SB585, s. 34 18Section 34. 66.119 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,12,1619 66.119 (3) (c) If the alleged violator makes a cash deposit and fails to appear
20in court, the citation may serve as the initial pleading and the violator shall be con
21sidered to have tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, the penal
22ty assessment imposed by s. 165.87, the jail assessment imposed by s. 302.46 (1) and
23any applicable domestic abuse assessment imposed by s. 973.055 (1) not exceeding
24the amount of the deposit. The court may either accept the plea of no contest and
25enter judgment accordingly or reject the plea. If the court finds the violation meets

1the conditions in s. 800.093 (1), the court may summon the alleged violator into court
2to determine if restitution shall be ordered under s. 800.093. If the court accepts the
3plea of no contest, the defendant may move within 10 days after the date set for the
4appearance to withdraw the plea of no contest, open the judgment and enter a plea
5of not guilty if the defendant shows to the satisfaction of the court that the failure
6to appear was due to mistake, inadvertence, surprise or excusable neglect. If the plea
7of no contest is accepted and not subsequently changed to a plea of not guilty, no costs
8or fees may be taxed against the violator, but a penalty assessment, a jail assessment
9and, if applicable, a domestic abuse assessment shall be assessed. If the court rejects
10the plea of no contest, an action for collection of the forfeiture, penalty assessment,
11jail assessment and any applicable domestic abuse assessment may be commenced.
12A city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabilita
13tion district may commence action under s. 66.12 (1) and a county or town may com
14mence action under s. 778.10. The citation may be used as the complaint in the action
15for the collection of the forfeiture, penalty assessment, jail assessment and any appli
16cable domestic abuse assessment.
SB585, s. 35 17Section 35. 66.119 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,13,1318 66.119 (3) (d) If the alleged violator does not make a cash deposit and fails to
19appear in court at the time specified in the citation, the court may issue a summons
20or warrant for the defendant's arrest or consider the nonappearance to be a plea of
21no contest and enter judgment accordingly if service was completed as provided un
22der par. (e) or the county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or public inland
23lake protection and rehabilitation district may commence an action for collection of
24the forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail assessment and any applicable domestic
25abuse assessment. A city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protec

1tion and rehabilitation district may commence action under s. 66.12 (1) and a county
2or town may commence action under s. 778.10. The citation may be used as the com
3plaint in the action for the collection of the forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail
4assessment and any applicable domestic abuse assessment. If the court considers
5the nonappearance to be a plea of no contest and enters judgment accordingly, the
6court shall promptly mail a copy or notice of the judgment to the defendant. The judg
7ment shall allow the defendant not less than 20 days from the date of the judgment
8to pay any forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail assessment and any applicable do
9mestic abuse assessment imposed. If the defendant moves to open the judgment
10within 6 months after the court appearance date fixed in the citation, and shows to
11the satisfaction of the court that the failure to appear was due to mistake, inadver
12tence, surprise or excusable neglect, the court shall reopen the judgment, accept a
13not guilty plea and set a trial date.
SB585, s. 36 14Section 36. 66.119 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,13,1815 66.119 (3) (e) A judgment may be entered under par. (d) if the summons or cita
16tion was served as provided under s. 968.04 (3) (b) 2. or by personal service by a
17county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and
18rehabilitation district employe.
SB585, s. 37 19Section 37. 66.12 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,14,1720 66.12 (1) (a) An action for violation of an ordinance or bylaw enacted by a city,
21village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation dis
22trict is a civil action. All forfeitures and penalties imposed by any ordinance or bylaw
23of the city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabi
24litation district, except as provided in ss. 345.20 to 345.53, may be collected in an ac
25tion in the name of the city or village before the municipal court or in an action in the

1name of the city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and
2rehabilitation district before a court of record. If the action is in municipal court, the
3procedures under ch. 800 apply and the procedures under this section do not apply.
4If the action is in a court of record, it shall be commenced by warrant or summons
5under s. 968.04 or, if applicable, by citation under s. 778.25 or 778.26. A law enforce
6ment officer may arrest the offender in all cases without warrant under s. 968.07.
7The affidavit where the action is commenced by warrant may be the complaint. The
8affidavit or complaint shall be sufficient if it alleges that the defendant has violated
9an ordinance or bylaw, specifying the ordinance or bylaw by section, chapter, title or
10otherwise with sufficient plainness to identify the ordinance or bylaw. The judge
11may release a defendant without bail or may permit him or her to execute an unse
12cured appearance bond upon arrest. In arrests without a warrant or summons a
13statement on the records of the court of the offense charged shall stand as the com
14plaint unless the court directs that formal complaint be issued. In all actions under
15this paragraph the defendant's plea shall be guilty, not guilty or no contest and shall
16be entered as not guilty on failure to plead, which plea of not guilty shall put all mat
17ters in the case at issue, any other provision of law notwithstanding.
SB585, s. 38 18Section 38. 66.12 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,15,2019 66.12 (1) (b) Local ordinances, except as provided in this paragraph or ss.
20345.20 to 345.53, may contain a provision for stipulation of guilt or no contest of any
21or all violations under those ordinances, and may designate the manner in which the
22stipulation is to be made and fix the penalty to be paid. When a person charged with
23a violation for which stipulation of guilt or no contest is authorized makes a timely
24stipulation and pays the required penalty and pays the penalty assessment imposed
25by s. 165.87, the jail assessment imposed by s. 302.46 (1) and any applicable domestic

1abuse assessment imposed by s. 973.055 (1) to the designated official, the person
2need not appear in court and no witness fees or other additional costs may be taxed
3unless the local ordinance so provides. A court appearance is required for a violation
4of a local ordinance in conformity with s. 346.63 (1). The official receiving the penal
5ties shall remit all moneys collected to the treasurer of the city, village, town sanitary
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district in whose behalf
7the sum was paid, except that all jail assessments shall be remitted to the county
8treasurer, within 20 days after its receipt by him or her; and in case of any failure
9in the payment, the treasurer may collect the payment of the officer by action, in the
10name of the office, and upon the official bond of the officer, with interest at the rate
11of 12% per year from the time when it should have been paid. In the case of the penal
12ty assessment imposed by s. 165.87, the driver improvement surcharge imposed by
13s. 346.655 (1) and any applicable domestic abuse assessment imposed by s. 973.055
14(1), the treasurer of the city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake
15protection and rehabilitation district shall remit to the state treasurer the sum re
16quired by law to be paid on the actions so entered during the preceding month on or
17before the first day of the next succeeding month. The governing body of the city, vil
18lage, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation dis
19trict shall by ordinance designate the official to receive the penalties and the terms
20under which the official shall qualify.
SB585, s. 39 21Section 39. 66.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,16,822 66.12 (2) Appeals. Appeals in actions in courts of record to recover forfeitures
23and penalties imposed by any ordinance or bylaw of a city, village , town sanitary dis
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district may be taken either
25by the defendant or by the city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake

1protection and rehabilitation district. Appeals from circuit court in actions to recover
2forfeitures for ordinances enacted under ch. 349 shall be to the court of appeals. An
3appeal by the defendant shall include a bond to the city, village, town sanitary dis
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district with surety, to be ap
5proved by the judge, conditioned that if judgment is affirmed in whole or in part the
6defendant will pay the judgment and all costs and damages awarded against the de
7fendant on the appeal. If the judgment is affirmed in whole or in part, execution may
8issue against both the defendant and the surety.
SB585, s. 40 9Section 40. 66.12 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,16,2210 66.12 (3) (b) All forfeitures and penalties recovered for the violation of any ordi
11nance or bylaw of any city, village, town, town sanitary district or public inland lake
12protection and rehabilitation district shall be paid into the city, village, town, town
13sanitary district
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district treasury
14for the use of the city, village, town, town sanitary district or public inland lake
15protection and rehabilitation district, except as otherwise provided in par. (c), sub.
16(1) (b) and s. 165.87. The judge shall report and pay into the treasury, quarterly, or
17at more frequent intervals if so required, all moneys collected belonging to the city,
18village, town, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabilita
19tion district, which report shall be certified and filed in the office of the treasurer; and
20the judge shall be entitled to duplicate receipts for such moneys, one of which he or
21she shall file with the city, village or town clerk or with the town sanitary district or
22the public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district
SB585, s. 41 23Section 41. 115.375 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
1115.375 (2) (a) 2. "Public agency" means a county, city, village, town, public in
2land lake protection and rehabilitation district, town sanitary district or school dis
3trict or an agency of this state or of a county, city, village, town, public inland lake
4protection and rehabilitation district, town sanitary district or school district.
SB585, s. 42 5Section 42. 165.85 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,17,76 165.85 (2) (d) "Political subdivision" means counties, cities, villages, towns,
7town sanitary districts
and public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts.
SB585, s. 43 8Section 43. 814.63 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,17,149 814.63 (2) Upon the disposition of a forfeiture action in circuit court for viola
10tion of a county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protec
11tion and rehabilitation district ordinance, except an action for a safety belt use viola
12tion under s. 347.48 (2m), the county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or
13public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district shall pay a nonrefundable
14fee of $5 to the clerk of circuit court.
SB585, s. 44 15Section 44. 814.63 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB585,17,2016 814.63 (4) In forfeiture actions in which a county, town, city, village, town sani
17tary district
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district prevails,
18costs and disbursements shall be allowed to the county, town, city, village, town sani
19tary district
or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district subject only
20to sub. (2) and such other limitation as the court may direct.
SB585,17,2121 (End)