AB100,759,207 48.981 (3) (a) Referral of report. A person required to report under sub. (2) shall
8immediately inform, by telephone or personally, the county department or, in a
9county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child
10welfare agency under contract with the department
or the sheriff or city, village or
11town police department of the facts and circumstances contributing to a suspicion of
12child abuse or neglect or to a belief that abuse or neglect will occur. The sheriff or
13police department shall within 12 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays or legal
14holidays, refer to the county department or, in a county having a population of
15500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract
16with the department
all cases reported to it. The county department , department
17or licensed child welfare agency
may require that a subsequent report be made in
18writing. Each county department, the department and a licensed child welfare
19agency under contract with the department
shall adopt a written policy specifying
20the kinds of reports it will routinely report to local law enforcement authorities.
AB100, s. 1703 21Section 1703. 48.981 (3) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,760,2222 48.981 (3) (c) 1. Within 24 hours after receiving a report under par. (a), the
23county department or licensed child welfare agency under contract with the county
agency shall, in accordance with the authority granted to the
25department under s. 48.48 (17) (a) 1. or the county department under s. 48.57 (1) (a),

1initiate a diligent investigation to determine if the child is in need of protection or
2services. The investigation shall be conducted in accordance with standards
3established by the department for conducting child abuse and neglect investigations.
4If the investigation is of a report of abuse or neglect or threatened abuse or neglect
5by a caregiver specified in sub. (1) (am) 5. to 8. who continues to have access to the
6child or a caregiver specified in sub. (1) (am) 1. to 4., or of a report that does not
7disclose who is suspected of the abuse or neglect and in which the investigation does
8not disclose who abused or neglected the child, the investigation shall also include
9observation of or an interview with the child, or both, and, if possible, an interview
10with the child's parents, guardian or legal custodian. If the investigation is of a
11report of abuse or neglect or threatened abuse or neglect by a caregiver who continues
12to reside in the same dwelling as the child, the investigation shall also include, if
13possible, a visit to that dwelling. At the initial visit to the child's dwelling, the person
14making the investigation shall identify himself or herself and the county department
15or licensed child welfare
agency involved to the child's parents, guardian or legal
16custodian. The county department or licensed child welfare agency under contract
17with the county department
agency may contact, observe or interview the child at
18any location without permission from the child's parent, guardian or legal custodian
19if necessary to determine if the child is in need of protection or services, except that
20the person making the investigation may enter a child's dwelling only with
21permission from the child's parent, guardian or legal custodian or after obtaining a
22court order to do so.
AB100, s. 1704 23Section 1704. 48.981 (3) (c) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,761,524 48.981 (3) (c) 2. a. If the person making the investigation is an employe of the
25county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the

1department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department

2and he or she determines that it is consistent with the child's best interest in terms
3of physical safety and physical health to remove the child from his or her home for
4immediate protection, he or she shall take the child into custody under s. 48.08 (2)
5or 48.19 (1) (c) and deliver the child to the intake worker under s. 48.20.
AB100, s. 1705 6Section 1705. 48.981 (3) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,761,167 48.981 (3) (c) 3. If the county department or, in a county having a population
8of 500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract
9with the department
determines that a child, any member of the child's family or the
10child's guardian or legal custodian is in need of services, the county department,
11department or licensed child welfare agency
shall offer to provide appropriate
12services or to make arrangements for the provision of services. If the child's parent,
13guardian or legal custodian refuses to accept the services, the county department,
14department or licensed child welfare agency
may request that a petition be filed
15under s. 48.13 alleging that the child who is the subject of the report or any other child
16in the home is in need of protection or services.
AB100, s. 1706 17Section 1706. 48.981 (3) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,762,718 48.981 (3) (c) 4. The county department or, in a county having a population of
19500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract
20with the department
shall determine, within 60 days after receipt of a report,
21whether abuse or neglect has occurred or is likely to occur. The determination shall
22be based on a preponderance of the evidence produced by the investigation. A
23determination that abuse or neglect has occurred may not be based solely on the fact
24that the child's parent, guardian or legal custodian in good faith selects and relies on
25prayer or other religious means for treatment of disease or for remedial care of the

1child. In making a determination that emotional damage has occurred, the county
2department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department
3or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department
shall give due
4regard to the culture of the subjects and shall establish that the person alleged to be
5responsible for the emotional damage is neglecting, refusing or unable for reasons
6other than poverty to remedy the harm. This subdivision does not prohibit a court
7from ordering medical services for the child if the child's health requires it.
AB100, s. 1707 8Section 1707. 48.981 (3) (c) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,762,159 48.981 (3) (c) 5. The county department and licensed child welfare agency
10under contract with the county department
agency shall maintain a record of its
11actions in connection with each report it receives. The record shall include a
12description of the services provided to any child and to the parents, guardian or legal
13custodian of the child. The county department and licensed child welfare agency
14under contract with the county department
agency shall update the record every 6
15months until the case is closed.
AB100, s. 1708 16Section 1708. 48.981 (3) (c) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,762,2117 48.981 (3) (c) 6. The county department or licensed child welfare agency under
18contract with the county department
agency shall, within 60 days after it receives
19a report from a person required under sub. (2) to report, inform the reporter what
20action, if any, was taken to protect the health and welfare of the child who is the
21subject of the report.
AB100, s. 1709 22Section 1709. 48.981 (3) (c) 6m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,763,1623 48.981 (3) (c) 6m. If a person who is not required under sub. (2) to report makes
24a report and is a relative of the child, other than the child's parent, that person may
25make a written request to the county department or licensed child welfare agency

1under contract with the county department
agency for information regarding what
2action, if any, was taken to protect the health and welfare of the child who is the
3subject of the report. A county department or licensed child welfare An agency that
4receives a written request under this subdivision shall, within 60 days after it
5receives the report or 20 days after it receives the written request, whichever is later,
6inform the reporter in writing of what action, if any, was taken to protect the health
7and welfare of the child, unless a court order prohibits that disclosure, and of the duty
8to keep the information confidential under sub. (7) (e) and the penalties for failing
9to do so under sub. (7) (f). The county department or licensed child welfare agency
10may petition the court ex parte for an order prohibiting that disclosure and, if the
11county department or licensed child welfare agency does so, the time period within
12which the information must be disclosed is tolled on the date the petition is filed and
13remains tolled until the court issues a decision. The court may hold an ex parte
14hearing in camera and shall issue an order granting the petition if the court
15determines that disclosure of the information would not be in the best interests of the
AB100, s. 1710 17Section 1710. 48.981 (3) (c) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,764,218 48.981 (3) (c) 7. The county department or, in a county having a population of
19500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract
20with the department
shall cooperate with law enforcement officials, courts of
21competent jurisdiction, tribal governments and other human service services
22agencies to prevent, identify and treat child abuse and neglect. The county
23department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department
24or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department
25coordinate the development and provision of services to abused and neglected

1children and to families where abuse or neglect has occurred or to children and
2families where circumstances justify a belief that abuse or neglect will occur.
AB100, s. 1711 3Section 1711. 48.981 (3) (c) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,764,174 48.981 (3) (c) 8. Using the format prescribed by the department, each county
5department shall provide the department with information about each report that
6it the county department receives or that is received by a licensed child welfare
7agency that is under contract with the county department and about each
8investigation it that the county department or a licensed child welfare agency under
9contract with the county department conducts. Using the format prescribed by the
10department, a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department
11shall provide the department with information about each report that the child
12welfare agency receives and about each investigation that the child welfare agency
This information shall be used by the department to monitor services
14provided by county departments or licensed child welfare agencies under contract
15with county departments or the department. The department shall use
16nonidentifying information to maintain statewide statistics on child abuse and
17neglect, and for planning and policy development.
AB100, s. 1712 18Section 1712. 48.981 (3) (c) 9. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,764,2019 48.981 (3) (c) 9. The county agency may petition for child abuse restraining
20orders and injunctions under s. 48.25 (6).
AB100, s. 1713 21Section 1713. 48.981 (3) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,765,422 48.981 (3) (cm) Contract with licensed child welfare agencies. A county
23department may contract with a licensed child welfare agency to fulfill its the county
duties specified under par. (c) 1., 2. b., 5., 6., 6m. and 8. The department
25may contract with a licensed child welfare agency to fulfill the department's duties

1specified under par. (c) 1., 2. a., 3., 4., 5., 6., 6m., 7., 8. and 9. in a county having a
2population of 500,000 or more.
The confidentiality provisions specified in sub. (7)
3shall apply to any licensed child welfare agency with which a county department or
4the department
AB100, s. 1714 5Section 1714. 48.981 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,765,126 48.981 (3) (d) Independent investigation. 1. In this paragraph, "agent"
7includes, but is not limited to, a foster parent, treatment foster parent or other person
8given custody of a child or a human services professional employed by a county
9department under s. 51.42 or 51.437 or by a child welfare agency who is working with
10the child under contract with or under the supervision of the department in a county
11having a population of 500,000 or more or a
county department under s. 46.215 or
AB100,766,713 2. If an agent or employe of a county department or licensed child welfare
14agency under contract with the county department
an agency required to investigate
15under this subsection is the subject of a report, or if the county department or
16licensed child welfare agency under contract with the county department
17determines that, because of the relationship between the county department or
18licensed child welfare agency under contract with the county department
agency and
19the subject of a report, there is a substantial probability that the county department
20or licensed child welfare agency under contract with the county department
21would not conduct an unbiased investigation, the county department or licensed
22child welfare agency under contract with the county department
agency shall, after
23taking any action necessary to protect the child, notify the department. Upon receipt
24of the notice, the department, in a county having a population of less than 500,000
25or a county department or child welfare agency designated by the department in any

shall conduct an independent investigation. If the department designates a
2county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437, that county
3department shall conduct the independent investigation. If a licensed child welfare
4agency agrees to conduct the independent investigation, the department may
5designate that the child welfare agency to do so. The powers and duties of the
6department or designated county department or child welfare agency making an
7independent investigation are those given to county departments under par. (c).
AB100, s. 1715 8Section 1715. 48.981 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,766,179 48.981 (5) Coroner's report. Any person or official required to report cases of
10suspected child abuse or neglect who has reasonable cause to suspect that a child
11died as a result of child abuse or neglect shall report the fact to the appropriate
12medical examiner or coroner. The medical examiner or coroner shall accept the
13report for investigation and shall report the findings to the appropriate district
14attorney,; to the department, or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more,
15to a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department; to
the county
16department and, if the institution making the report initially is a hospital, to the
AB100, s. 1716 18Section 1716. 48.981 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,766,2319 48.981 (7) (a) (intro.) All reports made under this section, notices provided
20under sub. (3) (bm) and records maintained by the department, county departments
21or licensed child welfare agencies under contract with the county departments
and other persons, officials and institutions shall be confidential. Reports
23and records may be disclosed only to the following persons:
AB100, s. 1717 24Section 1717. 48.981 (7) (a) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
148.981 (7) (a) 1m. A reporter described in sub. (3) (c) 6m. who makes a written
2request to the county department or licensed child welfare agency under contract
3with the county department
an agency for information regarding what action, if any,
4was taken to protect the health and welfare of the child who is the subject of the
5report, unless a court order under sub. (3) (c) 6m. prohibits disclosure of that
6information to that reporter, except that the only information that may be disclosed
7is information in the record regarding what action, if any, was taken to protect the
8health and welfare of the child who is the subject of the report.
AB100, s. 1718 9Section 1718. 48.981 (7) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,767,1210 48.981 (7) (a) 2. Appropriate staff of the department, a county department or
11licensed child welfare agency under contract with the county departments,
or a tribal social services department.
AB100, s. 1719 13Section 1719. 48.981 (7) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,767,1814 48.981 (7) (a) 5. A professional employe of a county department under s. 51.42
15or 51.437 who is working with the child under contract with or under the supervision
16of the county department under s. 46.215 or 46.22 or, in a county having a population
17of 500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract
18with the department
AB100, s. 1720 19Section 1720. 48.981 (7) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,767,2220 48.981 (7) (a) 6. A multidisciplinary child abuse and neglect team recognized
21by the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the
22department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department
AB100, s. 1721 23Section 1721. 48.981 (7) (a) 6m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,768,424 48.981 (7) (a) 6m. A person employed by a child advocacy center recognized by
25the county board or, the county department or, in a county having a population of

1500,000 or more, the department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract
2with the department
, to the extent necessary to perform the services for which the
3center is recognized by the county board or, the county department, the department
4or the licensed child welfare agency
AB100, s. 1722 5Section 1722. 48.981 (7) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,768,76 48.981 (7) (a) 8. A law enforcement officer or law enforcement agency or a
7district attorney for purposes of investigation or prosecution.
AB100, s. 1723 8Section 1723. 48.981 (7) (a) 11. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,768,129 48.981 (7) (a) 11. The county corporation counsel or district attorney
10representing the interests of the public, the agency legal counsel and the counsel or
11guardian ad litem representing the interests of a child in proceedings under subd.
1210., 10g or 10j.
AB100, s. 1724 13Section 1724. 48.981 (7) (a) 11r. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,768,2014 48.981 (7) (a) 11r. A volunteer appointed or person employed by a
15court-appointed special advocate program recognized by the county board or the
16county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the
17department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department
18to the extent necessary to perform the advocacy services in proceedings related to a
19petition under s. 48.13 for which the court-appointed special advocate program is
20recognized by the county board or, county department or department.
AB100, s. 1725 21Section 1725. 48.981 (7) (a) 13. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,768,2422 48.981 (7) (a) 13. The department, a county department under s. 48.57 (1) (e)
23or (hm)
or a licensed child welfare agency ordered to conduct a screening or an
24investigation of a stepparent under s. 48.88 (2) (c).
AB100, s. 1726 25Section 1726. 48.981 (7) (a) 15. of the statutes is amended to read:
148.981 (7) (a) 15. A child fatality review team recognized by the county
2department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department
3or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department
AB100, s. 1727 4Section 1727. 48.981 (7) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,769,65 48.981 (7) (cm) A county An agency may disclose information from its records
6for use in proceedings under s. 48.25 (6), 813.122 or 813.125.
AB100, s. 1728 7Section 1728. 48.981 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,769,108 48.981 (7) (d) The department may have access to any report or record
9maintained by a county department or licensed child welfare agency under contract
10with a county department
an agency under this section.
AB100, s. 1729 11Section 1729. 48.981 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,769,2512 48.981 (8) (a) The department and, the county departments and a licensed
13child welfare agency under contract with the department in a county having a
14population of 500,000 or more
to the extent feasible shall conduct continuing
15education and training programs for staff of the department, the county
16departments, a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department or
17a county department,
and the tribal social services departments, persons and
18officials required to report, the general public and others as appropriate. The
19programs shall be designed to encourage reporting of child abuse and neglect, to
20encourage self-reporting and voluntary acceptance of services and to improve
21communication, cooperation and coordination in the identification, prevention and
22treatment of child abuse and neglect. The department and , the county departments
23and a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department in a county
24having a population of 500,000 or more
shall develop public information programs
25about child abuse and neglect.
AB100, s. 1730
1Section 1730. 48.981 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,770,82 48.981 (8) (c) In meeting its responsibilities under par. (a) or (b), the
3department or, a county department or a licensed child welfare agency under
4contract with the department in a county having a population of 500,000 or more
5contract with any public or private organization which meets the standards set by
6the department. In entering into the contracts the department or, county
7department or licensed child welfare agency shall give priority to parental
8organizations combating child abuse and neglect.
AB100, s. 1731 9Section 1731. 48.981 (8) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,770,1510 48.981 (8) (d) 1. Each county department or licensed child welfare agency
11under contract with a county department
agency staff member and supervisor whose
12responsibilities include investigation or treatment of child abuse and neglect shall
13successfully complete training in child abuse and neglect protective services
14approved by the department. The department shall monitor compliance with this
15subdivision according to rules promulgated by the department.
AB100, s. 1732 16Section 1732. 48.981 (8) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,770,2117 48.981 (8) (d) 2. Each year the department shall make available training
18programs that permit intake workers and county department or licensed child
19welfare agency under contract with a county department
agency staff members and
20supervisors to satisfy the requirements under subd. 1. and s. 48.06 (1) (am) 3. and
21(2) (c).
AB100, s. 1733 22Section 1733. 48.981 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,770,2523 48.981 (10) Current list of tribal agents. The department shall annually
24provide to each county department agency described in sub. (3) (bm) (intro.) a current
25list of all tribal agents in the state.
AB100, s. 1734
1Section 1734. 48.982 (2) (g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,771,32 48.982 (2) (g) (intro.) In coordination with the departments of health and social
3services and education public instruction:
AB100, s. 1735 4Section 1735. 48.985 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,771,125 48.985 (1) Federal program operations. From the appropriation under s.
620.435 (3) (n), the department shall expend not more than $543,700 $273,700 in each
7fiscal year 1995-96 and not more than $543,700 in fiscal year 1996-97 of the moneys
8received under 42 USC 620 to 626 for the department's expenses in connection with
9administering the expenditure of funds received under 42 USC 620 to 626, for child
10welfare projects and services provided or purchased by the department,
and for child
11abuse and neglect independent investigations and for providing child-at-risk field
12training to counties
AB100, s. 1736 13Section 1736. 48.985 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 48.985 (2) and
14amended to read:
AB100,771,2115 48.985 (2) Community social and mental hygiene services. From the
16appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (o), the department shall distribute not more than
17$3,919,800 in each $3.804,000 in fiscal year 1997-98 and not more than $3,734,000
18in fiscal year 1998-99
of the moneys received under 42 USC 620 to 626 to county
19departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22 and 46.23 for the provision or purchase of child
20welfare projects and services, for services to children and families and for
21family-based child welfare services.
AB100, s. 1737 22Section 1737. 48.985 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,772,223 48.985 (3) Community youth and family aids. From the appropriation account
24under s. 20.410 (3) (oo) (ko), the department of corrections shall allocate, to county

1departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22 and 46.23 for the provision of services under s.
2301.26, not more than $1,100,000 in each fiscal year.
AB100, s. 1738 3Section 1738. 49.025 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,772,74 49.025 (2) (a) (intro.) If a county is eligible to receive a relief block grant in a
5year, the department shall pay to the county, in accordance with s. 49.031, from the
6appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (bt), an amount for that year determined as
AB100, s. 1739 8Section 1739. 49.027 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,772,129 49.027 (2) (a) (intro.) If a county is eligible to receive a relief block grant in a
10year, the department shall pay to the county, in accordance with s. 49.031, from the
11appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (bu), an amount for that year determined as
AB100, s. 1740 13Section 1740. 49.027 (2) (a) 1. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,772,1614 49.027 (2) (a) 1. d. The department shall multiply the amount determined
15under subd. 1. c. by the amount appropriated under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (bu) for relief
16block grants for that year.
AB100, s. 1741 17Section 1741. 49.029 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100,772,2518 49.029 (2) Amount and distribution of relief block grant. From the
19appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (bs), the department shall distribute a relief
20block grant to each eligible tribal governing body in an amount and in a manner
21determined in accordance with rules promulgated by the department. The
22department shall promulgate the rules after consulting with all tribal governing
23bodies eligible for a relief block grant. In promulgating rules under this section, the
24department shall consider each tribe's economic circumstances and need for health
25care services.
AB100, s. 1742
1Section 1742. 49.124 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 49.124 (1) (intro.) and
2amended to read:
AB100,773,33 49.124 (1) (title) Definition Definitions. In this section, "food:
AB100,773,5 4(b) "Food stamp program" means the federal food stamp program under 7 USC
to 2029 2036.
AB100, s. 1743 6Section 1743. 49.124 (1) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,773,87 49.124 (1) (ag) "Controlled substance" has the meaning given in 21 USC 802
AB100, s. 1744 9Section 1744. 49.124 (1) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100,773,1010 49.124 (1) (am) "Custodial parent" has the meaning given in s. 49.141 (1) (b).
AB100, s. 1745 11Section 1745. 49.124 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read: