AB469,1,9 1An Act to renumber and amend 51.47 (1) and 51.61 (6); to amend 46.10 (2m),
251.13 (1) (c), 51.14 (3) (a), 51.14 (3) (f), (g) and (h) (intro.), 51.14 (4) (a) and (c),
351.30 (4) (b) 20. (intro.), 51.30 (5) (a), 51.30 (5) (b) 1., 51.47 (title), 51.47 (2)
4(intro.), 51.47 (2) (b), 51.47 (3), 51.47 (4) and 938.505 (2) (a) (intro.) and 1.; and
5to create 51.30 (4) (b) 13m. and 51.47 (1) of the statutes; relating to:
6permitting certain minors to obtain certain mental health services without
7parental consent, permitting certain minors to refuse access by their parents
8to certain treatment records and notifying parents of the provision to minors
9of certain mental health services.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a physician or health care facility may provide preventive,
diagnostic, assessment, evaluation or treatment services for alcohol or other drug
abuse to a minor aged 12 or older without obtaining the consent of or notifying the
minor's parent or guardian. Consent of a parent or guardian must be obtained,
however, before performing nonemergency surgical procedures, administering
certain controlled substances or admitting a minor to an inpatient treatment facility
unless the admission is for a period of detoxification that is less than 72 hours. In

addition, the physician or health care facility must notify the minor's parent or
guardian as soon as practicable about any services that have been provided. Lastly,
if the care-giving situation is not one for which consent of the parent or guardian is
required, the physician or health care facility must obtain the minor's consent before
billing a 3rd party; if the minor refuses to consent, he or she is solely liable for
This bill expands the types of services that may be rendered to consenting
minors aged at least 12 without obtaining parental or guardian consent to include
outpatient mental health services, except that the bill requires that parental or
guardian consent be obtained before administering prescription drugs to a minor as
a part of the services. The bill adds an outpatient treatment program (as defined in
the bill) to the kinds of treatment providers that need not obtain consent of a parent
or guardian before rendering outpatient mental health or alcohol and other drug
abuse services to minors aged 12 or older.
Under current law, a minor aged at least 14 has access, within certain
limitations, to his or her own treatment records for services for mental illness,
developmental disability, alcoholism or drug dependence. A minor under age 14 has
access, within certain limitations, to these treatment records only in the presence of
his or her parent, guardian, counsel or guardian ad litem or the staff member of a
treatment facility. The parent, guardian or person in place of a parent of a minor
has the same right of access to treatment records of the minor for services for mental
illness, developmental disability or alcohol or drug dependence as does the minor
himself or herself, except that a developmentally disabled minor aged 14 or older
may deny this access by filing a written objection with the record custodian.
However, if the parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent is directly involved
in providing care to or monitoring treatment of the minor, that parent, guardian or
person may, under certain conditions, obtain access to certain of the minor's
treatment records.
This bill permits a minor who is not developmentally disabled and who is aged
at least 14 to deny access by a parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent to
the minor's treatment records by filing with the record custodian a written objection
to that access. However, the parent, guardian or person in place of a parent of such
minors who directly provides care to or monitors treatment for the minor may have
the same access to records as is currently provided to like parents, guardians or
persons in place of a parent of objecting minors who are developmentally disabled.
In addition, the parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent of a minor who
is permitted to object to records access and who has received certain mental health
treatment or services may have access, without the minor's consent, to notice that
the minor is or has been a patient of a physician, health care facility or outpatient
program that provided mental health treatment or services to the minor. Lastly, the
bill requires a physician, health care facility or outpatient treatment program that
provides alcohol and other drug abuse or mental health treatment to minors without
parental consent to notify the minor's parent or guardian of the fact that 2 sessions
of outpatient treatment have been rendered and that additional treatment is
proposed unless the parent, health care facility or outpatient treatment program

determines that the notification would be seriously detrimental to the minor's
well-being or is unable, after making a good-faith effort, to contact the parent or
guardian and documents the determination or inability in the minor's record. The
physician, health care facility or outpatient treatment program must immediately
notify, however, if the physician, health care facility or outpatient program later
determines that the notification would not be detrimental; in such a case, the
physician, health care facility or outpatient program must inform the minor that
notification will be made.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB469, s. 1 1Section 1. 46.10 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,3,72 46.10 (2m) The liability specified in sub. (2) shall not apply to tuberculosis
3patients receiving care, maintenance, services and supplies under ss. 58.06 and
4252.07 to 252.10, to persons 18 and older receiving care, maintenance, services and
5supplies provided by prisons named in s. 302.01 or to parents of a minor who receives
6care for alcohol or other drug abuse or mental health services under s. 51.47 (1) (1m)
7without consent of the minor's parent or guardian.
AB469, s. 2 8Section 2. 51.13 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,4,69 51.13 (1) (c) If a minor 14 years of age or older wishes to be admitted to an
10approved inpatient treatment facility but a parent with legal custody or the guardian
11refuses to execute the application for admission or cannot be found contacted, or if
12there is no parent with legal custody, the minor or a person acting on the minor's
13behalf may petition the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938
14in the county of residence of the parent or guardian for approval of the admission.
15A copy of the petition and a notice of hearing shall be served upon the parent or
16guardian at his or her last-known address. If, after hearing, the court determines
17that the parent or guardian's consent is unreasonably withheld or that the parent

1or guardian cannot be found contacted or that there is no parent with legal custody,
2and that the admission is proper under the standards prescribed in sub. (4) (d), it
3shall approve the minor's admission without the parent or guardian's consent. The
4court may, at the minor's request, temporarily approve the admission pending
5hearing on the petition. If a hearing is held under this subsection, no review or
6hearing under sub. (4) is required.
AB469, s. 3 7Section 3. 51.14 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,4,138 51.14 (3) (a) Either a minor 14 under 12 years of age or older or his or her the
9parent or guardian of a minor aged at least 12 may petition the mental health review
10officer in the county in which the parent or guardian has residence for a review of a
11refusal of either the minor or his or her the parent or guardian to provide the
12informed consent for outpatient mental health treatment for the minor as required
13under s. 51.61 (6).
AB469, s. 4 14Section 4. 51.14 (3) (f), (g) and (h) (intro.) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB469,4,1915 51.14 (3) (f) If prior to a hearing under par. (g) either the minor under age 12
16or his or her the parent or guardian of the minor aged at least 12 requests and the
17mental health review officer determines that the best interests of the minor would
18be served, a petition may be filed for court review under sub. (4) without further
19review under this subsection.
AB469,5,220 (g) Within 21 days after the filing of a petition under this subsection, the mental
21health review officer shall hold a hearing on the refusal of the minor or the minor's
22parent or guardian to provide informed consent for outpatient treatment. The
23mental health review officer shall provide notice of the date, time and place of the
24hearing to the minor under age 12 and the minor's his or her parent or guardian or

1to the minor aged at least 12 and his or her parent or guardian
at least 96 hours prior
2to the hearing.
AB469,5,113 (h) (intro.) If following the hearing under par. (g) and after taking into
4consideration the recommendations, if any, of the county department under s. 51.42
5or 51.437 made under par. (e), the mental health review officer finds all of the
6following, he or she shall issue a written order that, notwithstanding the written,
7informed consent requirement of s. 51.61 (6), the written, informed consent of the
8minor aged at least 12, if the minor is refusing to provide consent, or the written,
9informed consent of the minor's parent or guardian of a minor under age 12, if the
10parent or guardian is refusing to provide consent, is not required for outpatient
11mental health treatment for the minor:
AB469, s. 5 12Section 5. 51.14 (4) (a) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB469,5,2013 51.14 (4) (a) Within 21 days after the issuance of the order by the mental health
14review officer under sub. (3) or if the requirements of sub. (3) (f) are satisfied, the
15minor under age 12 or his or her parent or guardian or the minor aged at least 12 or
16his or her parent or guardian
may petition a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction
17under ch. 48 in the county of residence of the minor's parent or guardian for a review
18of the refusal of either the minor aged at least 12 or his or her the parent or guardian
19of a minor under age 12 to provide the informed consent for outpatient mental health
20treatment required under s. 51.61 (6).
AB469,6,221 (c) If a notation of a minor's refusal to provide informed consent to outpatient
22mental health treatment appears on the petition, the court shall, at least 7 days prior
23to the time scheduled for the hearing, appoint counsel to represent the minor if the
24minor is unrepresented. If the a minor's parent or guardian has refused to provide
25informed consent and the minor is unrepresented, the court shall appoint counsel to

1represent the minor, if requested by the minor or determined by the court to be in the
2best interests of the minor.
AB469, s. 6 3Section 6. 51.30 (4) (b) 13m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB469,6,84 51.30 (4) (b) 13m. To the parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent of
5a minor who is receiving or has received mental health preventive, diagnostic,
6assessment, evaluation or treatment services without parental or guardian consent
7under s. 51.47 (1m). Information released under this subdivision is limited to that
8which is required to be provided under s. 51.47 (3).
AB469, s. 7 9Section 7. 51.30 (4) (b) 20. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,7,210 51.30 (4) (b) 20. (intro.) Except with respect to the treatment records of a
11subject individual who is receiving or has received services for alcoholism or drug
12dependence, to the spouse, parent, guardian, person in the place of a parent, adult
13child or sibling of a subject individual, if the spouse, parent, guardian, person in the
14place of a parent,
adult child or sibling is directly involved in providing care to or
15monitoring the treatment of the subject individual and if the involvement is verified
16by the subject individual's physician, psychologist or by a person other than the
17spouse, parent, guardian, person in the place of a parent, adult child or sibling who
18is responsible for providing treatment to the subject individual, in order to assist in
19the provision of care or monitoring of treatment. Except in an emergency as
20determined by the person verifying the involvement of the spouse, parent, guardian,
21person in the place of a parent,
adult child or sibling, the request for treatment
22records under this subdivision shall be in writing, by the requester. Unless the
23subject individual has been adjudged incompetent under ch. 880, the person
24verifying the involvement of the spouse, parent, guardian, person in the place of a
adult child or sibling shall notify the subject individual about the release of

1his or her treatment records under this subdivision. Treatment records released
2under this subdivision are limited to the following:
AB469, s. 8 3Section 8. 51.30 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,7,104 51.30 (5) (a) Consent for release of information. The parent, guardian, or person
5in the place of a parent of a minor under age 14 or the guardian of an adult adjudged
6incompetent under ch. 880 may consent to the release of confidential information in
7court or treatment records. A minor who is aged 14 or more may consent to the
8release of confidential information in court or treatment records without the consent
9of the minor's parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent. Consent under this
10paragraph must conform to the requirements of sub. (2).
AB469, s. 9 11Section 9. 51.30 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,7,2312 51.30 (5) (b) 1. The guardian of an individual who is adjudged incompetent
13under ch. 880 shall have access to the individual's court and treatment records at all
14times. The parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent of a developmentally
15disabled minor shall have access to the minor's court and treatment records at all
16times except in the case of a developmentally disabled minor aged 14 or older who
17files a written objection to such the access with the custodian of the records. The
18parent, guardian or person in the place of a parent of other minors a minor who is
19not developmentally disabled
shall have the same rights of access as provided to a
20subject individuals individual under this section unless the minor, if aged 14 or older,
21files a written objection to the access with the custodian of the records. If a minor
22files an objection under this subdivision, the parent, guardian or person in the place
23of a parent may obtain access only as specified under sub. (4) (b) 13m. and 20
AB469, s. 10 24Section 10. 51.47 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
151.47 (title) Alcohol and other drug abuse treatment and mental health
for minors.
AB469, s. 11 3Section 11. 51.47 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 51.47 (1m) and amended
4to read:
AB469,8,195 51.47 (1m) Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), any physician or, health care
6facility or outpatient treatment program licensed, approved or certified by the state
7for the provision of health or mental health services may render outpatient alcohol
8and other drug abuse or mental health
preventive, diagnostic, assessment,
9evaluation or treatment services for the abuse of alcohol or other drugs to a an
10informed, consenting
minor aged 12 years of age or over older who is in need of the
without obtaining the consent of or notifying the minor's parent or guardian,
12but shall render those services on an inpatient basis under the consent and
13notification requirements under s. 51.13
. Unless consent of the minor's parent or
14guardian is required under sub. (2) or s. 51.13, the physician or, health care facility
15or outpatient treatment program shall obtain the minor's consent prior to billing a
163rd party for outpatient services under this section. If the minor does not consent
17to billing a 3rd party, the minor shall be solely responsible for paying for the
18outpatient services, which the department shall bill to the minor under s. 46.03 (18)
AB469, s. 12 20Section 12. 51.47 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB469,8,2321 51.47 (1) In this section, "outpatient treatment program" means any publicly
22or privately operated program providing treatment on an outpatient basis to persons
23for alcohol abuse, other drug dependency, mental illness or developmental disability.
AB469, s. 13 24Section 13. 51.47 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
151.47 (2) (intro.) The physician or , health care facility or outpatient treatment
shall obtain the consent of the minor's parent or guardian in each of the
3following circumstances
AB469, s. 14 4Section 14. 51.47 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,9,65 51.47 (2) (b) Before administering any prescription drugs or controlled
6substances to the minor, except to detoxify the minor under par. (c).
AB469, s. 15 7Section 15. 51.47 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB469,9,238 51.47 (3) The Except as provided in s. 51.30 (4) (c) and before providing a 3rd
9session of outpatient treatment to a minor under this section, the
physician or, health
10care facility or outpatient treatment program shall notify the minor's parent or
11guardian of any services the fact that 2 sessions of outpatient treatment have been
12rendered under this section as soon as practicable and that additional treatment is
13proposed to be rendered, unless the physician, health care facility or outpatient
14treatment program determines that notification would be seriously detrimental to
15the minor's well-being or, after making a good-faith effort, is unable to contact the
16parent or guardian and documents this determination or inability in the minor's
17treatment records. If the physician, health care facility or outpatient treatment
18program later determines that notification would not be seriously detrimental to the
19minor's well-being, the physician, health care facility or outpatient treatment
20program shall immediately notify the parent or guardian that services have been
21rendered under this section. Before notifying the parent or guardian, the physician,
22health care facility or outpatient treatment program shall inform the minor that
23notification will be given to the parent or guardian
AB469, s. 16 24Section 16. 51.47 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
151.47 (4) No physician or, health care facility rendering or outpatient
2treatment program that renders
services under sub. (1) (1m) is liable solely because
3of the lack of consent or notification of the minor's parent or guardian.
AB469, s. 17 4Section 17. 51.61 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 51.61 (6) (intro.) and
5amended to read:
AB469,10,216 51.61 (6) (intro.) Subject to the rights of patients provided under this chapter,
7the department, county departments under s. 51.42 or 51.437 and any agency
8providing services under an agreement with the department or those county
9departments have the right to use customary and usual treatment techniques and
10procedures in a reasonable and appropriate manner in the treatment of patients who
11are receiving services under the mental health system, for the purpose of
12ameliorating the conditions for which the patients were admitted to the system. The
13written, informed consent of any patient shall first be obtained, unless the person
14has been found not competent to refuse medication and treatment under s. 51.61 sub.
15(1) (g). In the case of a minor, the following written, informed consent of the parent
16or guardian
is required. Except as provided under an order issued under s. 51.14 (3)
17(h) or (4) (g), if the minor is 14 years of age or older, the written, informed consent
18of the minor and the minor's parent or guardian is required. A refusal of either a
19minor 14 years of age or older or the minor's parent or guardian to provide written,
20informed consent for outpatient mental health treatment is reviewable under s.
AB469,10,25 22(a) For a minor under 12 years of age, consent of the parent or guardian is
23required under s. 51.13 for inpatient mental health treatment, as specified under s.
2451.47 (2) and, except as provided under an order issued under s. 51.14 (3) (h) or (4)
25(g), for outpatient mental health treatment.
1(b) For a minor aged at least 12 but less than 14, consent of the parent or
2guardian is required under s. 51.13 for inpatient mental health treatment and as
3specified under s. 51.47 (2), but the minor may solely consent to outpatient mental
4health treatment under s. 51.47 (1m), except as provided under an order issued
5under s. 51.14 (3) (h) or (4) (g).
AB469,11,10 6(c) For a minor aged at least 14, consent of the minor and his or her parent or
7guardian is required under s. 51.13 for inpatient mental health treatment and as
8specified under s. 51.47 (2), but the minor may solely consent to outpatient mental
9health treatment under s. 51.47 (1m), except as provided under an order issued
10under s. 51.14 (3) (h) or (4) (g)
AB469, s. 18 11Section 18. 938.505 (2) (a) (intro.) and 1. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB469,11,2412 938.505 (2) (a) (intro.) If a juvenile 14 years of age or over who is under the
13supervision of the department or a county department as described in sub. (1) and
14who is not residing in his or her home wishes to be administered psychotropic
15medication but a parent with legal custody or the guardian refuses to consent to the
16administration of psychotropic medication or cannot be found contacted, or if there
17is no parent with legal custody, the department or county department acting on the
18juvenile's behalf may petition the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this
19chapter and ch. 48 in the county in which the juvenile is located for permission to
20administer psychotropic medication to the juvenile. A copy of the petition and a
21notice of hearing shall be served upon the parent or guardian at his or her
22last-known address. If, after hearing, the court determines all of the following, the
23court shall grant permission for the department or county department to administer
24psychotropic medication to the juvenile without the parent's or guardian's consent:
11. That the parent's or guardian's consent is unreasonably withheld or that the
2parent or guardian cannot be found contacted or that there is no parent with legal
3custody, except that the court may not determine that a parent's or guardian's
4consent is unreasonably withheld solely because the parent or guardian relies on
5treatment by spiritual means through prayer for healing in accordance with his or
6her religious tradition.
AB469,12,77 (End)