AB590, s. 3 7Section 3. 938.17 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB590,2,208 938.17 (2) (c) The citation procedures described in ch. 800 shall govern
9proceedings involving juveniles in municipal court, except that this chapter shall
10govern the taking and holding of a juvenile in custody and par. (cg) shall govern the
11issuing of a summons to the juvenile's parent, guardian or legal custodian. When a
12juvenile is before the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and
13ch. 48 upon a citation alleging the juvenile to have violated a civil law or municipal
14ordinance, the procedures specified in s. 938.237 shall apply. If a citation is issued
15to a juvenile, the issuing agency shall notify the juvenile's parent, guardian and legal
16custodian within 7 days. The agency issuing a citation to a juvenile who is 12 to 15
17years of age for a violation of s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b), 125.085 (3) (b), 125.09 (2), 938.983,
18961.573 (2), 961.574 (2) or 961.575 (2) or an ordinance conforming to one of those
19statutes shall send a copy to an intake worker under s. 938.24 for informational
20purposes only.
AB590, s. 4 21Section 4. 938.17 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.17 (2) (d) If a municipal court finds that the juvenile violated a municipal
2ordinance other than an ordinance enacted under s. 118.163 or an ordinance that
3conforms to s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b), 125.085 (3) (b), 125.09 (2), 938.983, 961.573 (2),
4961.574 (2) or 961.575 (2), the court shall enter any of the dispositional orders
5permitted under s. 938.343 that are authorized under par. (cm). If a juvenile fails
6to pay the forfeiture imposed by the municipal court, the court may not impose a jail
7sentence but may suspend any license issued under ch. 29 for not less than 30 days
8nor more than 5 years, or suspend the juvenile's operating privilege, as defined in s.
9340.01 (40), for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years. If a court suspends a
10license or privilege under this section, the court shall immediately take possession
11of the applicable license and forward it to the department that issued the license,
12together with the notice of suspension clearly stating that the suspension is for
13failure to pay a forfeiture imposed by the court. If the forfeiture is paid during the
14period of suspension, the court shall immediately notify the department, which shall
15thereupon return the license to the person.
AB590, s. 5 16Section 5. 938.17 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB590,3,2017 938.17 (2) (e) If a municipal court finds that a juvenile violated a municipal
18ordinance that conforms to s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b), 125.085 (3) (b), 125.09 (2), 938.983,
19961.573 (2), 961.574 (2) or 961.575 (2), the court shall enter a dispositional order
20under s. 938.344 that is authorized under par. (cm).
AB590, s. 6 21Section 6. 938.34 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB590,4,1522 938.34 (8) Forfeiture. Impose a forfeiture based upon a determination that
23this disposition is in the best interest of the juvenile and in aid of rehabilitation. The
24maximum forfeiture that the court may impose under this subsection for a violation
25by a juvenile is the maximum amount of the fine that may be imposed on an adult

1for committing that violation or, if the violation is applicable only to a person under
218 years of age, $100 $250. Any such order shall include a finding that the juvenile
3alone is financially able to pay the forfeiture and shall allow up to 12 months for
4payment. If the juvenile fails to pay the forfeiture, the court may vacate the forfeiture
5and order other alternatives under this section, in accordance with the conditions
6specified in this subchapter; or the court may suspend any license issued under ch.
729 for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years, or suspend the juvenile's operating
8privilege as defined in s. 340.01 (40) for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years.
9If the court suspends any license under this subsection, the clerk of the court shall
10immediately take possession of the suspended license and forward it to the
11department which issued the license, together with a notice of suspension clearly
12stating that the suspension is for failure to pay a forfeiture imposed by the court. If
13the forfeiture is paid during the period of suspension, the suspension shall be reduced
14to the time period which has already elapsed and the court shall immediately notify
15the department which shall then return the license to the juvenile.
AB590, s. 7 16Section 7. 938.344 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB590,4,18 17938.344 (title) Disposition; certain intoxicating liquor, beer, tobacco
18and drug violations.
AB590, s. 8 19Section 8. 938.344 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB590,4,2220 938.344 (2r) If a court finds that a juvenile has committed a violation of s.
21938.983 (2) or a local ordinance enacted under s. 938.983 (5), the court shall order one
22or any combination of the following dispositions:
AB590,4,2323 (a) Counseling by the court of the person and his or her parent or guardian.
AB590,5,824 (b) A forfeiture not to exceed $250. Any such order shall include a finding that
25the person alone is financially able to pay and shall allow up to 12 months for the

1payment. If a person fails to pay the forfeiture, the court may suspend any license
2issued under ch. 29 or suspend the person's operating privilege, as defined in s.
3340.01 (40), for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years. The court shall
4immediately take possession of the suspended license and forward it to the
5department that issued the license, together with the notice of suspension clearly
6stating that the suspension is for failure to pay a forfeiture imposed by the court. If
7the forfeiture is paid during the period of suspension, the court shall immediately
8notify the department, which will thereupon return the license to the person.
AB590,5,99 (c) Placement in a teen court program if all of the following conditions apply:
AB590,5,1310 1. The chief judge of the judicial administrative district has approved a teen
11court program established in the person's county of residence and the judge
12determines that participation in the teen court program will likely benefit the person
13and the community.
AB590,5,1614 2. The person admits or pleads no contest in open court, with the person's
15parent, guardian or legal custodian present, to the allegations that the person
16violated s. 938.983 (2) or the ordinance enacted under s. 938.983 (5).
AB590,5,1917 3. The person has not successfully completed participation in a teen court
18program during the 2 years before the date of the alleged violation of s. 938.983 (2)
19or the ordinance enacted under s. 938.983 (5).
AB590,5,2120 (d) Participation in a supervised work program or other community service
21work under s. 938.34 (5g)
AB590, s. 9 22Section 9. 938.344 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB590,6,823 938.344 (3) If the a juvenile who is alleged to have committed the a violation
24of s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b), 125.085 (3) (b), 125.09 (2) or 938.983, or of a local ordinance
25that strictly conforms to one of those statutes,
is within 3 months of his or her 17th

1birthday, the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48
2may, at the request of the district attorney or on its own motion, dismiss the citation
3without prejudice and refer the matter to the district attorney for prosecution under
4s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b), 125.085 (3) (b), 125.09 (2) or 938.983 or a local ordinance that
5strictly conforms to one of those statutes
. The juvenile is entitled to a hearing only
6on the issue of his or her age. This subsection does not apply to violations under s.
7961.573 (2), 961.574 (2) or 961.575 (2) or a local ordinance that strictly conforms to
8one of those statutes.
AB590, s. 10 9Section 10. 938.983 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB590,6,1110 938.983 (2r) Subject to sub. (2v), any person who violates sub. (2) is subject to
11one or any combination of the following dispositions:
AB590,6,1212 (a) Counseling by the court of the person and his or her parent or guardian.
AB590,6,2213 (b) A forfeiture not to exceed $250. Any such order shall include a finding that
14the person alone is financially able to pay and shall allow up to 12 months for the
15payment. If a person fails to pay the forfeiture, the court may suspend any license
16issued under ch. 29 or suspend the person's operating privilege, as defined in s.
17340.01 (40), for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years. The court shall
18immediately take possession of the suspended license and forward it to the
19department that issued the license, together with the notice of suspension clearly
20stating that the suspension is for failure to pay a forfeiture imposed by the court. If
21the forfeiture is paid during the period of suspension, the court shall immediately
22notify the department, which will thereupon return the license to the person.
AB590,6,2323 (c) Placement in a teen court program if all of the following conditions apply:
AB590,7,224 1. The chief judge of the judicial administrative district has approved a teen
25court program established in the person's county of residence and the judge

1determines that participation in the teen court program will likely benefit the person
2and the community.
AB590,7,53 2. The person admits or pleads no contest in open court, with the person's
4parent, guardian or legal custodian present, to the allegations that the person
5violated sub. (2) or the ordinance enacted under sub. (5).
AB590,7,86 3. The person has not successfully completed participation in a teen court
7program during the 2 years before the date of the alleged violation of sub. (2) or the
8ordinance enacted under sub. (5).
AB590,7,129 (d) Participation in a supervised work program administered by the county
10department or a community agency approved by the court or other community
11service work administered by a public agency or nonprofit charitable organization
12approved by the court as described in sub. (2t).
AB590, s. 11 13Section 11. 938.983 (2t) of the statutes is created to read:
AB590,7,2014 938.983 (2t) (a) The court shall set standards for the supervised work program
15under sub. (2r) (d) within the budgetary limits established by the county board of
16supervisors. The supervised work program may provide the person with reasonable
17compensation reflecting a reasonable market value of the work performed or it may
18consist of uncompensated community service work. The court may use any available
19resources, including any community service work program, in ordering the person
20to perform community service work under sub. (2r).
AB590,8,321 (b) The supervised work program or other community service work shall be of
22a constructive nature designed to promote the person's rehabilitation, shall be
23appropriate to the person's age level and physical ability and shall be combined with
24counseling from a member of the staff of the county department, community agency,
25public agency or nonprofit charitable organization or other qualified person. The

1supervised work program or other community service work may not conflict with the
2person's regular attendance at school. The amount of work required shall be
3reasonably related to the seriousness of the person's offense.
AB590, s. 12 4Section 12. 938.983 (2v) of the statutes is created to read:
AB590,8,85 938.983 (2v) A person who is under 17 years of age on the date of disposition
6is subject to s. 938.344 unless proceedings have been instituted against the person
7in a court of civil or criminal jurisdiction after dismissal of the citation under s.
8938.344 (3).
AB590, s. 13 9Section 13. Initial applicability.
AB590,8,1210 (1) This act first applies to a violation of section 938.983 of the statutes, as
11affected by this act, or of a local ordinance that strictly conforms to that statute,
12occurring on the effective date this subsection.
AB590,8,1313 (End)