1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
December 4, 1997 - Introduced by Representatives Jensen, Freese and Foti.
Referred to Joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions.
AB650,3,5 1An Act to repeal 66.46 (6) (dm) 3. b., 85.52 (3) (dm) and 86.195 (2) (ag) 16m.; to
2renumber and amend
48.685 (2) (b) 3. and 50.065 (2) (b) 3.; to consolidate,
3renumber and amend
66.46 (6) (dm) 3. (intro.) and a.; to amend 20.285 (1)
4(rc), 20.927 (2) (a), 20.927 (2) (b), 20.9275 (2) (a) (intro.), 29.50 (1) (e), 48.685 (1)
5(a), 48.685 (2) (am) (intro.), 48.685 (2) (b) 1. (intro.), 48.685 (2) (bg), 48.685 (2)
6(c), 48.685 (3) (a), 48.685 (3) (b), 48.685 (6) (b), 48.685 (7) (a), 49.141 (1) (p),
749.141 (7) (c) (intro.), 49.22 (2m), 49.45 (18) (b) 6., 50.065 (1) (b), 50.065 (1) (c)
8(intro.), 50.065 (1) (c) 3., 50.065 (2) (a) (intro.), 50.065 (2) (am) (intro.), 50.065
9(2) (b) 1. (intro.), 50.065 (2) (bg), 50.065 (2) (c), 50.065 (3) (a), 50.065 (3) (b),
1050.065 (5) (intro.), 50.065 (5m), 50.065 (6) (a), 50.065 (6) (b), 50.065 (7) (a), 59.53
11(5), 66.04 (2) (b), 66.46 (6) (c), 66.46 (7) (a), 70.375 (6), 71.07 (2dx) (a) 5., 71.28
12(1dx) (a) 5., 71.47 (1dx) (a) 5., 71.83 (1) (d) 2., 77.21 (1), 77.51 (4) (c) 6., 77.52 (2)
13(a) 1., 77.54 (30) (d), 85.52 (3) (cm), 146.40 (4r) (am), 348.27 (9m) (a) 3., 565.05
14(1) (intro.), 565.05 (1) (a), 565.17 (5) (a), 632.746 (2) (b), 980.06 (2) (c) and 980.08

1(5); and to create 20.927 (2m) and (2r), 36.54 (2) (f), 48.685 (5) (f), 48.685 (7)
2(am), 50.065 (1) (c) 6., 50.065 (2) (am) 5., 50.065 (2) (b) 1. e., 50.065 (5) (f), 50.065
3(7) (am), 66.04 (2s), 66.46 (6) (dp) and 707.46 (3) of the statutes; relating to:
4restrictions on payment for abortions with public funds; changing the
5prohibition on use of federal, state or local funds for abortion-related activities
6by a pregnancy program, project or service; exempting the sales of flex-time
7time-share property from the sales tax and imposing the real estate transfer
8fee on all sales of time-share property; the penalty provision for premature
9sales or transfers of business assets or assets used in farming that were
10received from family members; pregnancy as a preexisting condition; transfers
11from the segregated transportation fund to the segregated transportation
12infrastructure loan fund, and the transportation infrastructure loan program;
13changing conflict of interest provisions and lottery participation restrictions
14that affect certain employes of the department of revenue; the indexing of the
15mining tax; criminal history and abuse record searches of persons applying to
16the department of health and family services for a license, certification or
17registration to operate certain entities that care for children or adults and of
18employes, prospective employes, adult residents and prospective adult
19residents of those entities; copayments under the medical assistance program
20for specialized medical vehicle services; the delegation of authority by local
21units of government over funds held in trust for certain pension plans; the
22transportation and sale of fish; restrictions on the placement of sexually violent
23persons who are granted supervised release; eliminating cross-references to
24the Wisconsin works health plan; tax increment sharing for tax incremental
25financing districts in Oshkosh that contain polluted soil; specific information

1signs along STH 172; weight limitations for vehicles and combinations of
2vehicles transporting bulk potatoes; grants awarded by the environmental
3education board that are related to forestry; provision of information necessary
4for the administration of child support and economic support programs; and
5making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Restrictions on payment for abortions with public funds
Currently, with certain exceptions, abortions may not be authorized or paid for
with federal funds passing through the state treasury or with state, county, city,
village or town funds. The exceptions are for abortions that are directly and
medically necessary to save the life of or to prevent grave, long-lasting physical
damage to the woman, or in a case of sexual assault or incest that has been reported
to law enforcement authorities. These abortions may be paid for with public funds
if, before performing the abortion, the physician signs a certification attesting to the
direct medical necessity of the abortion or attesting to his or her belief that sexual
assault or incest occurred. The certification must be affixed to the claim form or
invoice that is submitted to any state agency or fiscal intermediary for payment.
This bill requires that the physician's certification also be affixed when
submitted by an individual health care provider to a health care coverage provider
for payment or for submittal to any agency or fiscal intermediary of the state for
payment. In addition, the bill requires that the health care coverage provider submit
a quarterly report to the public agency that contracted for the provider's services,
specifying the number of, reason for and total cost of any permitted abortions
provided under public funds in the previous quarter. The agency must forward a copy
of each report to the department of health and family services, which must annually
publish a summary of this information.
Use of public funds for abortion-related activities
Under current law, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27 (the budget act), state
agencies and local governmental units may not authorize payment of federal, state
or local funds that involve pregnancy programs, projects or services if the program,
project or service engages in abortion-related activities using the federal, state or
local funds or is funded from another source that requires performance of the
abortion-related activities. The prohibited activities are providing abortions,
promoting, encouraging or counseling in favor of abortions or making abortion
referrals. If these prohibitions are violated, the grant or other funding of federal,
state or local money is terminated, the grantee is required to return any money
received and the grantee may not receive the federal, state or local moneys for 2

years. A "pregnancy program, project or service" is defined as a program, project or
service of an organization that provides services for pregnancy prevention, family
planning, pregnancy testing, pregnancy counseling, prenatal care, pregnancy
services and reproductive health care services that are related to pregnancy.
The bill changes the prohibition on use of federal, state or local funds for
abortion-related activities to apply the prohibition to a pregnancy program, project
or service that uses state, local or federal funds and that engages in the prohibited
Sales tax exemption for flex-time transactions and real estate transfer fee
for time-share sales
Time shares in property are sold on either a fixed-time basis (the time of
occupancy and the unit are specified at the time of the sale) or a flex-time basis (the
time of occupancy and the unit are subject to availability and to making a
reservation). Fixed-time transactions, like conveyances of real property, are exempt
from the sales tax. Flex-time transactions, like rentals of hotel and motel rooms, are
subject to the sales tax. The bill exempts flex-time transactions from the sales tax.
By requiring that all contracts for the sale of time shares must be recorded, the bill
also subjects all sales of time shares to the real estate transfer fee.
Penalty for premature farming sales or asset transfers
Generally, under current law, starting with taxable years that begin on January
1, 1999, 100% of the the gain realized on the sale or transfer of business assets or
assets used in farming to persons who are related to the seller or transferor by blood,
marriage or adoption within the 3rd degree of kinship is exempt from taxation. Also
under current law, if the person who purchases or receives such business assets or
assets used in farming sells or otherwise disposes of the assets within 2 years after
the person purchases or receives the assets, the person is liable for a penalty. The
penalty is equal to the amount of the capital gains exclusion received by the seller
or transferor when the person purchased or received the assets, prorated based on
the number of months the person held the assets. For example, a person who held
the assets for 18 months of the 2-year period during which the penalty applies would
be liable for 25% of the amount of the capital gains exclusion received by the seller
or transferor.
Under the bill, the penalty on the sale or disposal of such assets within 2 years
after the person purchases or receives the assets is equal to the amount of income tax
on the capital gains the original seller or transferor of the assets would have been
liable for if the exemption for sales or transfers to a person who is related to the seller
or transferor by blood, marriage or adoption within the 3rd degree of kinship did not
exist. The proration provision of the current law penalty provision is not changed
under the bill.
Pregnancy as a preexisting condition
Under current law, a group health benefit plan, which is a health benefit plan
that is issued to an employer on behalf of a group that consists of at least 2 employes,

may not impose a preexisting condition exclusion related to pregnancy as a
preexisting condition. The bill qualifies that requirement by specifying that the
preexisting condition exclusion related to pregnancy may not be imposed for the
purpose of coverage of expenses related to prenatal and postnatal care, delivery and
complications of pregnancy.
Transfers from transportation fund to transportation infrastructure loan
Under current law, the department of transportation (DOT) administers a
transportation infrastructure loan program, under which DOT makes loans for
highway projects or transit capital improvement projects. The loans are paid from
the segregated transportation infrastructure loan fund (loan fund). That segregated
fund is capitalized with federal moneys and state moneys in matching amounts
required by the federal government as a condition of receiving these federal moneys.
The joint committee on finance is specifically authorized to transfer state moneys
from the segregated transportation fund to the loan fund in amounts not to exceed
the amounts necessary to match the federal funds received. The joint committee on
finance is also generally authorized to supplement appropriations and to transfer
moneys between appropriations.
The bill specifies that the authority of the joint committee on finance to transfer
state moneys to the loan fund is limited to transfers of moneys from the
transportation fund to the loan fund only in amounts not to exceed the amounts
necessary to match federal funds received, and that the joint committee on finance
may not exercise its general authority to make such transfers.
Current law also generally prohibits DOT from encumbering or expending any
moneys on a project for which a loan is made under the transportation infrastructure
loan program. The bill eliminates this prohibition.
Conflict of interest and lottery participation restrictions for DOR employes
Under current law, no employe of the department of revenue (DOR) who
performs any duty related to the state lottery or the executive assistant or the
secretary or deputy secretary of revenue may do any of the following:
1. Have a direct or indirect interest in, or be employed by, any vendor while
serving as a DOR employe performing any duty related to the state lottery or as the
executive assistant or as secretary or deputy secretary of revenue or for 2 years
following the person's termination of service.
2. Have a direct or indirect interest in or be employed by a business which has
entered into a lottery retailer contract.
3. Accept or agree to accept money or any other thing of value from any vendor,
retailer or person who has submitted a bid, proposal or application to be a lottery
vendor or lottery retailer.
In addition, no DOR employe who performs any duty related to the state lottery
or the executive assistant or the secretary or deputy secretary of revenue and no
member of such a person's immediate family may purchase a lottery ticket or lottery

The bill narrows the application of these restrictions from applying to all DOR
employes who perform any duty related to the state lottery to only employes in the
lottery division of DOR.
Indexing the mining tax
The bill makes a technical change that indicates the indexing of certain
elements of the mining tax has occurred since 1983.
Criminal abuse history and record searches for facilities
Under current law, the department of health and family services (DHFS) may
not license a person to operate certain facilities that provide care for children or
adults (entities), for example, child caring institutions, group homes, foster homes,
day care centers, community-based residential facilities and nursing homes, if
DHFS knows or should know that the person has been convicted of, or has pending
against him or her a charge for, a serious crime, as defined by DHFS by rule, that the
person has been found to have abused or neglected a client or a child or to have
misappropriated the property of a client or, if the person must be credentialed by the
department of regulation and licensing (DORL), that the person's credential is not
current or is limited so as to prevent the person from providing adequate care to a
client, unless the person demonstrates that he or she has been rehabilitated.
Similarly, under current law, an entity may not hire or contract with a person who
will be under the entity's control and who is expected to have access to the entity's
clients and may not permit to reside at the entity a person who is expected to have
access to the entity's clients if the entity knows or should know that any of those
conditions apply to that person, unless the person demonstrates that he or she has
been rehabilitated. Current law requires DHFS to obtain, with respect to a person
applying for a license to operate an entity, and an entity to obtain, with respect to a
prospective employe, contractor or resident, a criminal history search, information
contained in the client abuse registry maintained by DHFS, information maintained
by DORL regarding the status of the person's credentials, if applicable, and
information maintained by DHFS regarding any substantiated reports of child
abuse or neglect against the person (criminal history search and abuse record law).
The bill makes all of the following changes relating to the criminal history and
abuse record search law:
1. Extends the applicability of the law to prohibiting DHFS not only from
licensing, but also from certifying or registering a person to operate an entity if the
person is a person who may not be licensed under current law.
2. Limits the application of the law to children and adults who receive direct
care or treatment
services from an entity and to entities that are licensed or certified
by, or registered with, but not otherwise regulated by, DHFS to provide direct care
or treatment
to clients. The bill also excludes public health dispensaries from
coverage under the law.
3. Requires DHFS, in defining by rule "serious crime" for purposes of the law,
to include in that definition not only crimes involving abuse or neglect of a client for
which a person may not demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated, but also

crimes involving misappropriation of the property of a client or abuse or neglect of
a client for which a person may demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated.
The bill also requires DHFS to establish a separate list of crimes or acts involving
abuse or neglect of a client for which no person may demonstrate that he or she has
been rehabilitated. Under current law, the list of offenses for which no person may
demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated is limited to certain offenses listed
in the statutes.
4. Requires an entity to report to DHFS, for inclusion in the client abuse
registry, and to report to DORL, for purposes of credentialing a person,
misappropriation only of a client's property, and not of any property, by a person
employed by or under contract with the entity.
5. Transfers from the entity to DHFS the responsibility for investigating the
background of a resident or prospective resident of the entity who is expected to have
access to the entity's clients.
6. Includes among the information that DHFS must obtain in investigating the
background of a person applying for a license, certification or registration to operate
an entity for the care of adults and of a prospective resident of an entity and that an
entity providing care for adults must obtain in investigating the background of a
prospective employe or contractor, information regarding any previous denials of a
license, certification or registration or of employment, a contract or permission to
reside at an entity for a reason specified under current law. Under current law,
DHFS must obtain that information with respect to a person applying for a license
to operate an entity to provide care for children, but not for adults, and an entity that
provides care for children, but not for adults, must obtain that information with
respect to a prospective employe, contractor or resident.
7. Requires an entity, which under current law may obtain the information
required under current law with respect to a person from another entity or from a
temporary employment agency if the other entity or temporary employment agency
has already obtained that information with respect to that person within the last 4
years, to obtain updated information with respect to that person if the entity has
reasonable grounds to believe that the information obtained from the other entity or
temporary employment agency is no longer accurate.
Medical assistance copayments for specialized medical vehicle services
Under current law, certain specified services under the medical assistance
program are not subject to recipient cost sharing or "copayments", including
specialized medical vehicle services (SMV services). The budget act reduced medical
assistance benefits funding to reflect benefit savings from the creation of a
copayment for SMV services, but did not amend the statutory prohibition on
copayments for SMV services. The bill removes that statutory prohibition.
Transportation and sale of fish
Under current law, state fish hatcheries, the propagation, transportation and
transplanting of fish by the department of natural resources (DNR), the removal of
deleterious fish by DNR, the transportation of fish in or out of the state by other

states or by the federal government and the transportation and sale of fish by any
person are exempt from any law that protects wild animals. The bill limits this
exemption for the transportation and sale of fish to those fish that are raised on fish
Placement of sexually violent persons on supervised release
Currently, a person who is found by a jury or a judge to be be a sexually violent
person must be committed to the custody of DHFS for control, care and treatment.
A sexually violent person is a person who has committed certain sexually violent
offenses and who is dangerous because he or she suffers from a mental disorder that
makes it substantially probable that the person will engage in acts of sexual violence.
A person found to be a sexually violent person must be committed either to
institutional care or for supervised release to the community. A person initially
committed to institutional care is placed in a mental health facility by DHFS, but the
person may later be given supervised release if it is no longer substantially probable
that the person will engage in acts of sexual violence if he or she is not confined in
a mental health unit or facility.
Generally, if a sexually violent person is given supervised release, the social
services department of the person's county of residence must prepare a plan
identifying the treatment and services the person will receive in the community. If
the county of residence declines to prepare such a plan, DHFS must try to arrange
for another county to prepare a plan for the person and accept the supervision and
residence of the person.
However, if DHFS cannot get another county to prepare a plan, the court must
designate a county to prepare a plan and place the person on supervised release in
that county, except that the court may not designate the county where the facility in
which the person was committed for institutional care is located unless that county
is also the person's county of residence.
The bill provides that if a sexually violent person is being given supervised
release and the court must designate a county to prepare a plan for and accept the
supervision and residence of the person, the court may not designate any county
where there is a facility in which persons are placed after being committed to
institutional care for being a sexually violent predator, regardless of whether the
person was actually placed in the facility of that county, unless that county is the
person's county of residence.