AB713,21,1515 Signature ....
AB713,21,2016 (c) Commencement of duty and authority of designated standby guardian. 1.
17If a written designation under par. (a) indicates that the parent intends for the duty
18and authority of the standby guardian to begin on the parent's incapacity, the duty
19and authority of the standby guardian shall begin on the receipt by the standby
20guardian of a copy of a determination of incapacity under sub. (4).
AB713,21,2421 2. If a written designation under par. (a) indicates that the parent intends for
22the duty and authority of the standby guardian to begin on the parent's death, the
23duty and authority of the standby guardian shall begin on the receipt by the standby
24guardian of a copy of a certificate of the parent's death.
13. If a written designation under par. (a) indicates that the parent intends for
2the duty and authority of the standby guardian to begin on the parent becoming
3debilitated and consenting to the beginning of the standby guardianship, the duty
4and authority of the standby guardian shall begin on the receipt by the standby
5guardian of a copy of a determination of debilitation under sub. (4) and a copy of the
6parent's written consent to the beginning of that duty and authority signed by the
7parent in the presence of 2 witnesses, neither of whom may be the standby guardian,
8and by the standby guardian. If the parent is physically unable to sign that written
9consent, another person 18 years of age or over who is not the standby guardian may
10sign the written consent on behalf of the parent and at the direction of the parent,
11in the presence of the parent and 2 witnesses, neither of whom may be the standby
AB713,22,2013 4. Subject to par. (d) 2., the standby guardian shall file a petition under par. (e)
14for judicial appointment as standby guardian of the child within 180 days after the
15date on which the standby guardianship begins. If the standby guardian fails to file
16that petition within those 180 days, the standby guardian's duty and authority shall
17end 180 days after the date on which the standby guardianship began. If the standby
18guardian files the petition after the expiration of those 180 days, the duty and
19authority of the standby guardian shall begin again on the date on which the petition
20is filed.
AB713,22,2421 (d) Suspension of duty and authority of designated standby guardian. 1. The
22duty and authority of a standby guardian designated under par. (a) shall be
23suspended on the receipt by the standby guardian of a copy of a determination of
24recovery or remission under sub. (5).
12. If the standby guardian receives a determination of recovery or remission
2under subd. 1. before the standby guardian files the petition under par. (e), the
3standby guardian need not file the petition under par. (e).
AB713,23,124 3. If the standby guardian receives a determination of recovery or remission
5under subd. 1. after the standby guardian files the petition under par. (e), but before
6the standby guardian is judicially appointed under par. (g), the standby guardian
7shall file that determination with the court with which the petition is filed by the
8time of the next hearing on the petition or within 7 days after the date on which the
9standby guardian receives that determination, whichever is sooner. On compliance
10with this subdivision, the court shall dismiss the petition. If the standby guardian
11fails to file that determination with that court within those 7 days, the court may
12rescind the guardianship.
AB713,23,1813 4. If the standby guardian receives a determination of recovery or remission
14under subd. 1. after the standby guardian is judicially appointed under par. (g), the
15standby guardian shall file that determination with the court that entered the
16guardianship order within 90 days after the date on which the standby guardian
17receives that determination. If the standby guardian fails to file that determination
18with that court within those 90 days, the court may rescind the guardianship order.
AB713,23,2019 5. The duty and authority of a standby guardian that are suspended under
20subd. 1. shall begin again as provided in par. (c).
AB713,24,221 (e) Petition for judicial appointment. A petition for judicial appointment as
22standby guardian of a child under this subsection shall be in the same form as a
23petition under sub. (2) (b) and shall set forth with specificity the information
24specified in sub. (2) (b) 1. to 4. and 7. to 11. The petition shall also contain a statement
25that the parent has become incapacitated, has died, or has become debilitated and

1has consented to the beginning of the duty and authority of the standby guardian.
2In addition, the petition shall be accompanied by the following documentation:
AB713,24,73 1. The written designation under par. (a) signed or consented to by each parent
4of the child or, if a parent cannot with reasonable diligence be located or has refused
5to consent to the designation, the written designation under par. (a) signed by one
6parent and a statement of the efforts made to find the other parent or of the fact that
7the other parent has refused to consent to the designation.
AB713,24,108 2. A copy of the determination of incapacity received under par. (c) 1., the
9certificate of death received under par. (c) 2. or the determination of debilitation and
10written consent received under par. (c) 3.
AB713,24,1411 3. If the petition is filed by a person who has been designated as an alternate
12standby guardian, a statement that the person designated as standby guardian is
13unwilling or unable to act as standby guardian and the factual basis for that
AB713,24,1915 (f) Procedure for judicial appointment. 1. The petitioner shall cause the
16petition and notice of the time and place of the plea hearing under subd. 2. to be
17served on all of the persons specified in sub. (2) (c) 1. a. to f. and on the parent who
18has made the written designation under par. (a), if living. Service shall be made in
19the manner provided in sub. (2) (c) 2.
AB713,25,220 2. The court shall hold a plea hearing, a fact-finding hearing and a
21dispositional hearing in the manner provided in sub. (2) (d) to (g) and shall enter a
22dispositional order as provided in sub. (2) (j) and (k) 1., except that at the fact-finding
23hearing any party may present evidence relevant to the issues specified in par. (g),
24and at the conclusion of that hearing the court shall immediately proceed to a

1dispositional hearing, unless an adjournment is requested, if the court finds by clear
2and convincing evidence that the conditions specified in par. (g) have been met.
AB713,25,63 (g) Required findings by court. The court shall appoint a person to be a standby
4guardian under this subsection if, after making the following findings by clear and
5convincing evidence, the court determines that the appointment is in the best
6interests of the child:
AB713,25,87 1. That the person was designated as standby guardian in accordance with
8pars. (a) and (b).
AB713,25,119 2. That the standby guardian has received a determination of incapacity, a
10death certificate, or a determination of debilitation and written consent, as provided
11in par. (c) 1., 2. or 3., whichever is applicable.
AB713,25,1312 3. That the child has no parent who is willing and able to exercise the duty and
13authority of guardianship.
AB713,25,1614 4. That, if a parent cannot be located, the petitioner has made diligent efforts
15to locate that parent or, if a parent has refused to consent to the designation of the
16standby guardian, the consent was unreasonably withheld.
AB713,25,1917 5. That, if the petitioner is a person designated as an alternate standby
18guardian, the person designated as standby guardian is unwilling or unable to act
19as standby guardian.
AB713,25,2320 (h) Dispositional factors. In determining the appropriate disposition under
21par. (g), the best interests of the child shall be the prevailing factor to be considered
22by the court. In making a decision about the appropriate disposition, the court shall
23consider all of the following:
AB713,25,2524 1. Whether the person designated as standby guardian or alternate standby
25guardian would be a suitable guardian of the child.
12. The willingness and ability of the person designated as standby guardian or
2alternate standby guardian to serve as the child's guardian.
AB713,26,33 3. The wishes of the child.
AB713,26,74 (i) Appearance by parent. If the parent who has made a written designation
5under par. (a) is medically unable to appear at a hearing specified in par. (f) 2., the
6court may dispense with the parent's appearance, except on the motion of a party and
7for good cause shown.
AB713,26,138 (j) Revocation by parent. 1. A parent who has made a written designation under
9par. (a) may, at any time before the filing of a petition under par. (e), revoke a standby
10guardianship created under this subsection by executing a written revocation and
11notifying the standby guardian in writing of the revocation, making a subsequent
12written designation under par. (a) or verbally revoking the standby guardianship in
13the presence of 2 witnesses.
AB713,26,2114 2. After a petition under par. (e) has been filed but before the standby guardian
15has been judicially appointed under par. (g), a parent who has made a written
16designation under par. (a) may revoke a standby guardianship created under this
17subsection by executing a written revocation, filing the revocation with the court
18with which the petition has been filed and notifying the standby guardian in writing
19of the revocation. On compliance with this subdivision, the court may dismiss the
20petition and rescind the guardianship if the court determines that dismissal of the
21petition and rescission of the guardianship are in the best interests of the child.
AB713,27,322 3. After the standby guardian has been judicially appointed under par. (g), a
23parent who has made a written designation under par. (a) may revoke a standby
24guardianship created under this subsection by executing a written revocation, filing
25the revocation with the court that entered the guardianship order and notifying the

1standby guardian in writing of the revocation. On compliance with this subdivision,
2the court may rescind the guardianship order if the court determines that rescission
3of the guardianship order is in the best interests of the child.
AB713,27,74 (k) Renunciation of designation. 1. A person whom a parent has designated
5as a standby guardian under par. (a) may, at any time before the filing of a petition
6under par. (e), renounce that designation by executing a written renunciation and
7notifying the parent, if living, in writing of that renunciation.
AB713,27,158 2. After a petition under par. (e) has been filed, but before the standby guardian
9has been judicially appointed under par. (g), a person whom a parent has designated
10as a standby guardian under par. (a) may renounce that designation by executing a
11written renunciation, filing the renunciation with the court with which the petition
12has been filed and notifying the parent, if living, in writing of that renunciation. On
13compliance with this subdivision, the court may accept the renunciation and rescind
14the guardianship order if the court finds that the renunciation and rescission are in
15the best interests of the child.
AB713,27,2316 3. A person who has been judicially appointed as a standby guardian under par.
17(g) may, at any time after that appointment, resign that appointment by executing
18a written resignation, filing the resignation with the court that entered the
19guardianship order and notifying the parent who designated the person as a standby
20guardian under par. (a), if living, in writing of that resignation. On compliance with
21this subdivision, the court may accept the resignation and rescind the guardianship
22order if the court determines that the resignation and rescission are in the best
23interests of the child.
AB713,28,4 24(4) Determination of incapacity or debilitation. (a) In general. 1. A
25determination of incapacity or debilitation under this section shall be in writing,

1shall be made to a reasonable degree of medical certainty by an attending physician
2and shall contain the opinion of the attending physician regarding the cause and
3nature of the parent's incapacity or debilitation and the extent and probable duration
4of the incapacity or debilitation.
AB713,28,75 2. If a standby guardian's identity is known to an attending physician making
6a determination of incapacity or debilitation, the attending physician shall provide
7a copy of the determination of incapacity or debilitation to the standby guardian.
AB713,28,108 (b) On request of standby guardian. If requested by a standby guardian, an
9attending physician shall make a determination regarding a parent's incapacity or
10debilitation for purposes of this section.
AB713,28,1311 (c) Information to be provided to parent. On receipt of a determination of a
12parent's incapacity, a standby guardian shall inform the parent of all of the following,
13if the parent is able to comprehend that information:
AB713,28,1514 1. That a determination of incapacity has been made and, as a result, the duty
15and authority of the standby guardian have begun.
AB713,28,1716 2. That the parent may revoke the standby guardianship in accordance with
17sub. (2) (n) 5. or (3) (j) 1., 2. or 3., whichever is applicable.
AB713,28,23 18(5) Determination of recovery or remission. (a) In general. 1. A
19determination that a parent has recovered or is in remission from his or her
20incapacity or debilitation shall be in writing, shall be made to a reasonable degree
21of medical certainty by an attending physician and shall contain the opinion of the
22attending physician regarding the extent and probable duration of the recovery or
12. If a standby guardian's identity is known to an attending physician making
2a determination of recovery or remission, the attending physician shall provide a
3copy of the determination of recovery or remission to the standby guardian.
AB713,29,64 (b) On request of standby guardian. If requested by a standby guardian, an
5attending physician shall make a determination regarding a parent's recovery or
6remission for purposes of this section.
AB713,29,9 7(6) Parental rights; duty and authority of standby guardian. (a) Parental
The beginning of the duty and authority of a standby guardian under sub.
9(2) or (3) does not, in itself, divest a parent of any parental rights.
AB713,29,1210 (b) Duties and authority of guardian. 1. Unless limited under subd. 2., a
11standby guardian appointed under sub. (2) or designated under sub. (3) shall have
12all of the duties and authority specified in s. 48.023.
AB713,29,2113 2. The court may order or a parent may provide that the duties and authority
14of a standby guardian appointed under sub. (2) or designated under sub. (3) be
15limited. The duties and authority of a limited standby guardian shall be as specified
16by the order of appointment under sub. (2) (j) 2. or the written designation under sub.
17(3) (a). All provisions of the statutes concerning the duties and authority of a
18guardian shall apply to a limited standby guardian appointed under sub. (2) or
19designated under sub. (3) to the extent those provisions are relevant to the duties or
20authority of the limited standby guardian, except as limited by the order of
21appointment or written designation.
AB713,29,24 22(7) Relationship to ch. 880. (a) Except when a different right, remedy or
23procedure is provided under this section, the rights, remedies and procedures
24provided in ch. 880 shall govern a standby guardianship created under this section.
1(b) This section does not abridge the duties or authority of a guardian appointed
2under ch. 880.
AB713,30,43 (c) Nothing in this section prohibits an individual from petitioning a court for
4the appointment of a guardian under ch. 880.
AB713, s. 10 5Section 10. 808.075 (4) (a) 12. of the statutes is created to read:
AB713,30,76 808.075 (4) (a) 12. Rescission of a guardianship order under s. 48.978 (2) (L)
74., (m) 2. or (n) or (3) (d) 3. or 4., (j) 2. or 3. or (k) 2. or 3.
AB713, s. 11 8Section 11. 880.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB713,30,159 880.36 (1) A petition for the appointment of a standby guardian of the person
10or property or both of a minor or person found incompetent under s. 880.08 to assume
11the duty and authority of guardianship on the death, incapacity or resignation of the
12initially appointed guardian
may be brought under this chapter at any time. A
13petition for the appointment of a standby guardian of the person or property or both
14of a minor to assume the duty and authority of guardianship on the incapacity, death,
15or debilitation and consent, of the minor's parent shall be brought under s. 48.978.
AB713, s. 12 16Section 12. 880.36 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB713, s. 13 17Section 13. 880.36 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB713,30,1818 (End)