AB755,3,9 4(2) Activities covered. Within the Wolf River and Fox River basin area, the
5department may issue a general permit under this section authorizing any activity
6that would require a permit or approval under this chapter if the department
7determines that it is appropriate to issue a general permit under sub. (6). The
8department may issue a general permit on its own initiative or based on an
9application submitted under sub. (3).
AB755,3,14 10(3) Application for general permit. (a) Any municipality, public inland lake
11protection and rehabilitation district or town sanitary district, any group of 10
12riparian owners who will be affected by the issuance of a general permit, or any
13person or entity that has constructed more than 25 projects requiring a permit or
14approval under this chapter may apply for a general permit under this section.
AB755,3,1915 (b) Upon the request of a prospective applicant specified in par. (a), and before
16an application is submitted, the department shall meet with the prospective
17applicant, and other interested persons as determined by the prospective applicant
18or the department, to make a preliminary analysis of the likelihood that the
19department will issue the general permit.
AB755,3,2120 (c) An application for a general permit under this section shall include all of the
AB755,3,2222 1. The name, legal address and telephone number of each applicant.
AB755,3,2423 2. A U.S. geological survey map or similar map that has a scale of not less than
24one inch per 2,000 feet and that shows the proposed permit area.
13. A general legal description to quarter-quarter section of the proposed permit
AB755,4,63 4. A diagram to scale showing the activity proposed for the general permit with
4contours and cross-section profiles that show a representative example of existing
5conditions and a representative example of any alteration to navigable waters or the
6adjacent lands that may result from the activity.
AB755,4,97 5. Topographic, bathymetric, soil or other maps, photographs or other data to
8demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed permit area if the maps,
9photographs or data are reasonably available.
AB755,4,1310 6. The names and addresses of at least 5 persons who own real property
11adjacent to the navigable waters located in the proposed permit area. If fewer than
125 persons own real property adjacent to such waters, the application shall include
13the names and addresses of all of these persons.
AB755,4,1614 (d) The department shall respond to the application in writing within 90
15business days after receiving the application. In its response the department shall
16do either of the following:
AB755,4,1717 1. Deny the application and specify the reason for the denial.
AB755,4,1918 2. Specify the department's plans for proceeding on the application. The plans
19shall include a timetable for the notice and hearing required under sub. (4).
AB755,4,23 20(4) Environmental analysis; hearing; consultation. After receiving an
21application that the department does not deny under sub. (3) (d) 1. and before
22determining whether to issue the general permit, the department shall do all of the
AB755,4,2424 (a) Conduct an environmental analysis.
1(b) Provide for notice and a hearing on whether to issue the general permit if
2so required under sub. (5).
AB755,5,33 (c) Consult with any of the following as the department considers appropriate:
AB755,5,54 1. Officials of local units of government that have jurisdiction over the
5navigable waters located in the proposed permit area.
AB755,5,76 2. Any contractor who is or has been involved in the construction of structures
7or improvements in or along navigable waters located in the proposed permit area.
AB755,5,98 3. Any riparian owners whose property rights may be affected by the issuance
9of the general permit.
AB755,5,1110 4. Any other interested party, as determined by the department or the
AB755,5,18 12(5) Hearing requirements. If an activity for which an application for which a
13general permit has been submitted would be subject to the hearing and notice
14provisions under s. 30.02 (3) and (4) for the issuance of an individual permit, the
15department shall comply with those provisions. Notice and hearing shall be required
16on an application for a general permit under this section only if a notice and hearing
17are required under s. 30.02 (3) and (4) for the activity as part of an application for
18an individual permit under this chapter.
AB755,5,24 19(6) Issuance of general permits. The department shall issue a general permit
20under this section if the department determines that the cumulative adverse
21environmental impact of the activity in the proposed permit area is insignificant and
22that the issuance of the general permit will not injure public rights or interest, cause
23environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4), or result in material injury to the
24rights of any riparian owners.
1(b) The standards for the activity contained in a general permit issued under
2this section shall supersede any conflicting standards required under this chapter
3for the activity.
AB755,6,11 4(7) Activities under general permits. (a) At least 15 days before beginning
5the activity that is authorized by a general permit under this section the person who
6wishes to conduct the activity shall submit a notice to the department and shall pay
7the fee specified in s. 30.28 (2) (b) 2. The notice shall describe the activity, state the
8name of the person that will be conducting the activity and state the site where the
9activity will be conducted. The notice shall also contain a statement signed by the
10person conducting the activity that the person will act in conformance with the
11standards contained in the general permit.
AB755,6,1912 (b) Upon receipt of a notice that complies with par. (a), the department may
13inform the person that the activity may not be conducted under the general permit
14if conditions at the site where the activity would be conducted would cause adverse
15environmental impact, injure public rights and interests or cause environmental
16pollution, as defined in s. 229.01(4). The department shall respond to the person
17within 15 days after receiving the notice. Failure of the department to respond
18within 15 days shall constitute the department's approval of the activity under the
19general permit.
AB755,6,24 20(8) Option to request individual permits. A person proposing an activity for
21which a general permit has been issued under this section may apply for an
22individual permit under this chapter in lieu of seeking authorization under the
23general permit. A person proposing an activity for which a general permit has not
24been issued under this section may apply for an individual permit under this chapter.
1(9) Access to property. For inspection purposes, an employe or agent of the
2department shall have free access during reasonable hours to any site where an
3activity is proposed to be, is or has been authorized under a general permit issued
4under this section if the employe or agent shows to any person who is present at the
5site and who owns the area or is otherwise in control of the area either of the
AB755,7,87 (a) For an employe of the department, proper identification issued by the
AB755,7,119 (b) For an agent who is not an employe of the department, written
10documentation that the agent is authorized by the department to have access for
11inspection purposes.
AB755,7,14 12(10) Sunset. The department may not issue any further general permits under
13this section on or after the date on which 5 years have lapsed after the effective date
14of the first general permit issued under this section.
AB755, s. 3 15Section 3. 30.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB755,7,1916 30.28 (1) Fees required. The department shall charge a permit or approval fee
17for carrying out its duties and responsibilities under ss. 30.10 to 30.205, 30.207 and
1830.21 to 30.27. The permit or approval fee shall accompany the permit application,
or request for approval.
AB755, s. 4 20Section 4. 30.28 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB755,7,2221 30.28 (2) (b) 1. For an application for a general permit submitted under s.
2230.207 (3), the fee shall be $2,000.
AB755,7,2323 2. For a notice submitted under s. 30.207 (7), the fee shall be $100.
AB755, s. 5 24Section 5. 30.28 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.28 (2m) (a) The department shall refund a permit or approval fee if the
2applicant requests a refund before the department determines that the application
3for the permit or approval is complete. The Except as provided in par. (am), the
4department may not refund a permit or approval fee after the department
5determines that the application is complete.
AB755, s. 6 6Section 6. 30.28 (2m) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB755,8,97 30.28 (2m) (am) The department shall refund $1,000 of the fee specified in sub.
8(2) (b) 1. if the department denies an application for a general permit under s. 30.207
9(3) (d) 1. or does not issue a general permit under s. 30.207 (6).
AB755, s. 7 10Section 7. 30.28 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB755,8,1411 30.28 (2m) (b) If the applicant applies for a permit or, requests an approval, or
12submits a notice under s. 30.207 (7)
after the project is begun or after it is completed,
13the department shall charge an amount equal to twice the amount of the fee that it
14would have charged under this section.
AB755, s. 8 15Section 8. 30.28 (2m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB755,8,1916 30.28 (2m) (d) The department, by rule, may increase any fee specified in sub.
17(2) (a). The department, by rule, may increase a fee specified in sub. (2) (b) only if
18the increase is necessary to meet the costs incurred by the department in acting on
19general permits or on notices submitted under s. 30.207
AB755, s. 9 20Section 9. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB755,9,321 (1) Report. The department of natural resources shall submit a report on the
22issuance of general permits in the Wolf River and the Fox River basin area under
23section 30.207 of the statutes, as created in this act, to the appropriate standing
24committees of the legislature in the manner provided in section 13.172 (3) of the
25statutes. The department shall submit this report no earlier than the first day of the

13rd year beginning after the effective date of this subsection and no later than 60
2days after the date on which the department may no longer issue general permits as
3provided in section 30.207 (10) of the statutes, as created in this act.
AB755,9,44 (End)