AB864, s. 511 21Section 511. 29.42 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
22is renumbered 29.354.
AB864, s. 512 23Section 512. 29.425 (title) and (1) to (3) of the statutes are renumbered 29.853
24(title) and (1) to (3), and 29.853 (2) (a) and (3) (a), as renumbered, are amended to
129.853 (2) (a) Restrictions. No person may possess any live game animal or
2fur-bearing animal unless authorized under s. 29.55, 29.572, 29.574, 29.575, 29.578
329.857, 29.863, 29.867, 29.869, 29.871 or 29.585 29.877 except to control an animal
AB864,142,9 5(3) (a) Restrictions. No person may sell any live game animal or fur-bearing
6animal unless authorized under s. 29.55, 29.572, 29.574, 29.575, 29.578 29.857,
729.863, 29.867, 29.869, 29.871
or 29.585 29.877 and unless the purchaser is also
8authorized under one of those sections and presents evidence of that authorization
9to the seller.
AB864, s. 513 10Section 513. 29.425 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 29.334 and amended to
AB864,142,16 1229.334 (title) Hunting and trapping; treatment of animals. A person who
13hunts or traps any game animal or fur-bearing animal shall kill the animal when
14it is taken and make it part of the daily bag or shall release the animal unless
15authorized under s. 29.55, 29.572, 29.574, 29.575, 29.578 29.857, 29.863, 28.867,
1629.869, 29.871
or 29.585 29.877.
AB864, s. 514 17Section 514. 29.425 (4m) and (5) of the statutes are renumbered 29.853 (4m)
18and (5).
AB864, s. 515 19Section 515. 29.427 of the statutes is renumbered 29.855, and 29.855 (1) (b)
20and (c), (2) (a) and (b), (3) (a) to (c), (4) and (6), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,142,2221 29.855 (1) (b) "Domestic skunk" means a skunk raised on a fur animal farm
22licensed under s. 29.575 29.869.
AB864,142,2323 (c) "Possess" has the meaning designated under s. 29.425 29.853 (1) (b).
1(2) (a) Restrictions on possession of wild skunks. No person may possess any
2live wild skunk unless authorized under s. 29.55 29.857 except to control the skunk
AB864,143,64 (b) Restrictions on possession of domestic skunks. No person may possess any
5live domestic skunk unless authorized under s. 29.55 29.857 or 29.575 29.869 except
6to control the skunk temporarily.
AB864,143,9 7(3) (a) Restrictions on sale of wild skunks. No person may sell any live wild
8skunk unless authorized under s. 29.55 29.857 and unless the person to whom the
9skunk is sold is also authorized under s. 29.55 29.857.
AB864,143,1310 (b) Restrictions on sale of domestic skunks. No person may sell any live
11domestic skunk unless authorized under s. 29.55 29.857 or 29.575 29.869 and unless
12the purchaser is also authorized under one of those sections and presents evidence
13of that authorization to the seller.
AB864,143,1514 (c) Record. A person who sells any live skunk shall keep a record of the sale
15as required under s. 29.425 29.853 (3) (b).
AB864,143,20 16(4) Descenting. No person may operate on a live wild skunk to remove its scent
17glands unless the person who possesses the skunk is authorized under s. 29.55
1829.857 or 29.869. A veterinarian to whom a person brings a live wild skunk for
19removal of its scent glands or for other treatment shall notify that person that
20possession of a live skunk is illegal and shall notify the department.
Note: The cross-reference to s. 29.869 allows a person with a fur animal farm to
descent a skunk.
AB864,144,2 21(6) Destruction. A person may kill at any time a wild skunk which is a
22nuisance to activities authorized under s. 29.55, 29.572, 29.574, 29.575, 29.578

129.857, 29.863, 29.867, 29.869, 29.871 or 29.585 29.877. A person who kills an adult
2wild skunk with young shall attempt to kill the young skunks.
AB864, s. 516 3Section 516. 29.43 (title), (1) to (4) and (5) (title) and (a) of the statutes are
4renumbered 29.357 (title), (1) to (4) and (5) (title) and (a), and 29.357 (1) to (4) and
5(5) (a), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,144,146 29.357 (1) (title) During close closed season. Except as otherwise expressly
7provided, it shall be unlawful for any in this chapter, no person to may transport or
8cause to be transported, or deliver or receive or offer to deliver or receive for
9transportation, any game or game fish or carcass or part thereof at any time other
10than during the open season therefor for the game or game fish and 3 days thereafter.
11Whenever any game or game fish or carcass or part thereof is offered to any person
12for transportation at any time other than during the open season therefor and 3 days
13thereafter, such the person shall forthwith immediately notify the department or its
14wardens, stating full particulars of such of the offer and by whom made.
AB864,144,17 15(2) Trunks; valises. No person shall may carry or control in any trunk, valise,
16or other package or enclosure, at any time on any common carrier, any game or game
17fish, or carcass or part thereof.
AB864,144,21 18(3) Transportation employes. No employe of any railroad, express or other
19transportation company, and no steward, porter or other employe of any dining,
20parlor or sleeping car shall may have possession or control of, at any time while on
21duty, any game or game fish, or carcass or part thereof.
AB864,145,7 22(4) Labeling game shipments. No person shall transport or cause to be
23transported, or deliver or receive for transportation, any package or parcel
24containing any wild animal or carcass or part thereof, unless the same package or
is labeled in plain letters on the address side of such the package or parcel so

1as to disclose
with the name and address of the consignor, the name and address of
2the consignee, and the number of pounds of each kind of fish or the number of each
3variety of other wild animals; or carcasses, or parts thereof, contained therein in the
4package or parcel
; and unless the consignor is the owner of such the shipment and
5shall deliver delivers to the common carrier therewith with the package or parcel,
6either personally, or by agent, a writing signed by the consignor personally, stating
7that the consignor is the owner of the shipment.
AB864,145,11 8(5) (a) Subsections (1) to (4) do not apply to a person who is issued has a valid
9taxidermist permit and who possesses, transports, causes to be transported, delivers
10or receives, or offers to deliver or receive, a wild animal carcass in connection with
11his or her business.
AB864, s. 517 12Section 517. 29.43 (5) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
13is renumbered 29.357 (5) (b).
Note: Current statutes relating to transportation of game fishes or carcasses are
amended to delete references to parts of carcasses since parts are included in the
definition of a carcass and to provide that the department may, by administrative rules,
create exceptions to this requirement. For example, currently, it is unlawful for a person
to take game to a meat processor to be smoked or processed in any fashion outside the
open season. Technically, many violations of this provision are committed by persons who
take meat to a processor to have it smoked or otherwise prepared for the holiday season.
This change will permit the department to create exemptions for such actions.
AB864, s. 518 14Section 518. 29.44 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.047 (title).
AB864, s. 519 15Section 519. 29.44 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
AB864, s. 520 16Section 520. 29.44 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.047 (2) (a) and
17amended to read:
AB864,145,2118 29.047 (2) (a) Subsection (1) does not apply to a A person who is issued has a
19valid taxidermist permit and who possesses, transports, causes to be transported,
20delivers or receives, or offers to deliver or receive, a wild animal carcass in connection
21with his or her business.
AB864, s. 521
1Section 521. 29.44 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
2is renumbered 29.047 (2) (b) and amended to read:
AB864,146,43 29.047 (2) (b) Subsection (1) does not apply to the The possession,
4transportation, delivery or receipt of farm-raised deer or farm-raised fish.
AB864, s. 522 5Section 522. 29.45 of the statutes is renumbered 29.361, and 29.361 (5), as
6renumbered, is amended to read:
AB864,146,97 29.361 (5) This section does not apply to a person who is issued has a valid
8taxidermist permit and who is transporting, attempting to transport or receiving the
9carcass of a deer in connection with his or her business.
AB864, s. 523 10Section 523. 29.46 of the statutes is renumbered 29.364, and 29.364 (1) to (3)
11and (5), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB864,146,1412 29.364 (1) Transportation. No common carrier shall may receive for
13transportation or transport or attempt to transport any game bird, or carcass or part
of a game bird except as provided in this section.
AB864,146,18 15(2) Residents. Any duly licensed resident who has all of the required hunting
may transport in the resident's personal possession the legal daily bag
17limit or possession limit of any game birds for which an open season has been
18provided to any point within the state.
AB864,146,22 19(3) Nonresidents. Any duly licensed nonresident who has all of the required
20hunting approvals
may transport in the nonresident's personal possession the legal
21daily bag limit or possession limit of game birds for which an open season has been
22provided from any point within the state to any point within or without the state.
AB864,146,25 23(5) Exemption; taxidermists. Subsections (1) to (3) do not apply to a person who
24is issued has a valid taxidermist permit and who is transporting the carcass of a game
25bird in connection with his or her business.
AB864, s. 524
1Section 524. 29.47 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (title).
AB864, s. 525 2Section 525. 29.47 (2) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (1) (title).
AB864, s. 526 3Section 526. 29.47 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (1) (a) and
4amended to read:
AB864,147,85 29.407 (1) (a) No person shall may transport or cause to be transported, or
6deliver or receive or offer to deliver or receive for transportation, any game fish taken
7from inland waters other than as follows: unless the person complies with all
8applicable requirements under pars. (b) and (c).
AB864, s. 527 9Section 527. 29.47 (2) (a) and (b) of the statutes are repealed.
Note: Current s. 29.47 (2) (a) and (b) are as follows:
"29.47 (2) (a) By common carrier: In each period of 7 days, one shipment only of
not more than one package, containing not more than the bag limit for one day of game
fish of any variety except brook, brown and rainbow trout, and in addition thereto not
more than 20 pounds of any game fish for which no daily bag limit is established may be
shipped by any resident to any point within the state, or by any nonresident licensee to
any point without the state.
(b) By means of other than common carrier: The possession limit, as prescribed by
the department, of game fish of any variety may be transported by any resident to any
point within the state, or by any nonresident licensee to any point without the state, when
accompanied by the owner.".
These provisions are deleted because they have been superseded by the wholesale
fish dealer law and are no longer used. Also, there is no longer a season for the fish
specified by sub. (2) (a) on outlying waters for commercial fishermen.
AB864, s. 528 10Section 528. 29.47 (2) (c) and (d) of the statutes are renumbered 29.407 (1) (b)
11and (c) and amended to read:
AB864,147,1712 29.407 (1) (b) All fish which that are subject to a minimum size limit and are
13taken by hook and line may be transported with the head or tail, or both, removed
14and may be filleted before being transported, but only if the dressed or filleted fish
15continues to meet the minimum size limit. The A dressed or filleted fish shall remain
16in one piece with the skin and scales intact. The skin and scales shall remain on a
17filleted fish.

Note: This provision is amended to reflect the fact that if a fish has been filleted
it is no longer in one piece with the skin and scales intact. As revised, separate
requirements are created for dressed fish as opposed to filleted fish.
This same change is made in new s. 29.407 (2) (d).
AB864,148,21 (c) No A box, package or container of fish transported by common carrier shall
2contain fish of more than only one owner.
AB864, s. 529 3Section 529. 29.47 (3) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (2) (title).
AB864, s. 530 4Section 530. 29.47 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (2) (a) and
5amended to read:
AB864,148,96 29.407 (2) (a) The transportation of No person may transport or cause to be
7transported, or deliver or receive or offer to deliver or receive for transportation, any
fish taken in from outlying waters is subject to the following limitations: unless
9the person complies with all applicable requirements under pars. (b) to (d).
AB864, s. 531 10Section 531. 29.47 (3) (a) to (c) of the statutes are renumbered 29.407 (2) (b)
11to (d) and amended to read:
AB864,148,1412 29.407 (2) (b) No green fish of any variety except lawfully taken suckers shall
13may be shipped from any port located on outlying waters during the closed season
14for such the fish, except the first 3 days thereof of the closed season.
AB864,148,1915 (c) Pike and pickerel of lawful size and lawfully taken from outlying waters may
16be transported to points within or without the state without limitation as to quantity;
17but all such shipments shall may be billed only from a port on outlying waters
18directly to their destination, and shall may not be rebilled or reshipped from any
19other point within the state.
AB864,149,220 (d) All fish which are subject to a minimum size limit and are taken by hook
21and line may be transported with the head or tail, or both, removed and may be
22filleted before being transported, but only if the dressed or filleted fish continues to

1meet the minimum size limit. The A dressed or filleted fish shall remain in one piece
2with the skin and scales intact. The skin and scales shall remain on a filleted fish.
AB864, s. 532 3Section 532. 29.47 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (3).
AB864, s. 533 4Section 533. 29.47 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The current text of s. 29.47 (5) is as follows:
"29.47 (5) Foreign shipments. Pike and pickerel in a frozen state, whether dressed
or not dressed, legally taken or imported from any foreign country, are not subject to this
chapter except as may be provided by department orders; but the person importing,
transporting, dealing in, or selling such fish shall keep a separate record of all shipments
and consignments thereof, containing the number of pounds, the date received, the name
of the consignor, and the name of the carrier transporting the same, which shall be at all
times open to inspection by the department or its wardens.".
This provision is deleted because the provision has been superseded by other
commercial fishing regulations.
AB864, s. 534 5Section 534. 29.47 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 29.407 (4) and amended
6to read:
AB864,149,117 29.407 (4) Injurious fish. No live rough fish except goldfish, dace and suckers
8shall may be transported into or within the state at any time without a permit from
9the department, except any person holding authorized by a state contract to remove
10rough fish pursuant to s. 29.62 29.421 may transport rough fish taken by the person
11under the authority of such the contract.
AB864, s. 535 12Section 535. 29.47 (7) (title) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 29.407 (5) (title).
AB864, s. 536 14Section 536. 29.47 (7) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
15is renumbered 29.407 (5) (a) and amended to read:
AB864,149,1816 29.407 (5) (a) This section does not apply to a person who is issued has a valid
17taxidermist permit and who is transporting fish in connection with the person's
AB864, s. 537 19Section 537. 29.47 (7) (b) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
20is renumbered 29.407 (5) (b).
AB864, s. 538
1Section 538. 29.475 of the statutes is renumbered 29.071 and amended to
AB864,150,7 329.071 Wildlife on Indian reservations protected. No person shall may
4remove or take from any Indian reservation the carcass of any protected wild animal,
5bird or fish or any part thereof, including the fur,
during the close closed season for
6such the wild animal, bird or fish without a permit from the department issued under
7such regulations as it may prescribe
AB864, s. 539 8Section 539. 29.48 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.539 (title).
AB864, s. 540 9Section 540. 29.48 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 29.539 (1), and 29.539 (1)
10(a), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB864,150,1411 29.539 (1) (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided under this chapter or
12rules promulgated under this chapter
, no person may sell, buy, barter or trade, or
13offer to sell, buy, barter or trade or have in possession or under control for the purpose
14of sale, barter or trade any of the following:
AB864,150,1615 1. Deer, bear, squirrel, game bird, game fish or the carcass thereof of any of
16these wild animals
at any time.
AB864,150,1817 2. Any other wild animal or the its carcass thereof during the closed season for
18that wild animal.
AB864, s. 541 19Section 541. 29.48 (1m) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
20is renumbered 29.539 (1m).
AB864, s. 542 21Section 542. 29.48 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.539 (2).
AB864, s. 543 22Section 543. 29.48 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
23is renumbered 29.539 (3).
AB864, s. 544 24Section 544. 29.48 (4) and (5) of the statutes are renumbered 29.539 (4) and
AB864, s. 545
1Section 545. 29.48 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 29.539 (6) and amended
2to read:
AB864,151,53 29.539 (6) The sale of a species of fish specified under s. 29.136 29.506 (7m) (b)
4or of the carcass of any of these fish, is exempt under this section if the sale is
5authorized by a permit issued under s. 29.136 29.506 (7m).
AB864, s. 546 6Section 546. 29.49 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.541 (title).
AB864, s. 547 7Section 547. 29.49 (1) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 29.541 (1) (title) and
8amended to read:
AB864,151,99 29.541 (1) (title) Restaurants, etc. Prohibition.
AB864, s. 548 10Section 548. 29.49 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
11Act 27
, is renumbered 29.541 (1) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
AB864,151,1512 29.541 (1) (a) (intro.) No innkeeper, manager or steward of any restaurant,
13club, hotel, boarding house, tavern, logging camp or mining camp may sell, barter,
14serve or give, or cause to be sold, bartered, served or given, to the its guests or
15boarders thereof any of the following: