SB276,9,2525 3. Personal growth.
14. Educational techniques.
SB276,10,3 2(2) The affiliated credentialing board may approve any of the following courses
3for continuing education credit:
SB276,10,54 (a) A course that has been approved for continuing education credit by the
5National Athletic Trainers Association Board of Certification.
SB276,10,66 (b) Any course that satisfies all of the following:
SB276,10,87 1. The course is directly related to the practice of athletic training or sports
8medicine and lasts at least one hour.
SB276,10,139 2. Each member of the course faculty has expertise in the subject area of the
10course because he or she has received a degree from an accredited college or
11university relating to the subject area, has experience or special training in the
12subject area covered by the course, or has previously taught the subject area covered
13by the course.
SB276,10,1514 3. The course has specific written objectives describing the goals of the course
15for the participants.
SB276,10,1716 4. The sponsor of the course keeps attendance records for the course and retains
17copies of those records for at least 4 years after the date of the course.
SB276,10,20 18448.955 Issuance of license; expiration and renewal. (1) The renewal
19dates for licenses granted under this subchapter, other than temporary licenses
20granted under s. 448.953 (3) or (4), are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a).
SB276,10,24 21(2) Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form
22provided, subject to sub. (3), by the department and shall include the renewal fee
23specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a) and evidence satisfactory to the affiliated credentialing
24board that the licensee has all of the following:
1(a) Completed, during the 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal
2date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a), the continuing education requirements specified
3in s. 448.9545.
SB276,11,44 (b) Current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid.
SB276,11,65 (c) Liability insurance or a surety bond in at least the minimum amount
6required by the rules promulgated under s. 448.9525 (4).
SB276,11,8 7(3) A renewal application form for renewal of a license issued under this
8subchapter shall include all of the following:
SB276,11,119 (a) A place for the licensee to describe his or her work history, including the
10average number of hours worked each week, for the 2-year period immediately
11preceding the renewal date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a).
SB276,11,1412 (c) A statement, signed by the licensee and the licensee's consulting physician,
13that a current copy of the protocol required under s. 448.956 (1) is on file at the place
14of employment of the athletic trainer and of the consulting physician.
SB276,11,19 15448.956 Practice requirements. (1) (a) A licensee may engage in athletic
16training only in accordance with an evaluation and treatment protocol that is
17established by the athletic trainer and approved by the consulting physician in
18accordance with the rules promulgated under s. 448.9525 (3) and recorded on a
19protocol form prescribed by the affiliated credentialing board under s. 448.9525 (2).
SB276,11,2220 (am) A protocol established under par. (a) shall require an athletic trainer to
21notify the consulting physician as soon as possible if a person being treated by the
22athletic trainer sustains new injuries.
SB276,11,2423 (b) A licensee shall have a copy of the protocol established under par. (a) at his
24or her place of employment at all times.
1(c) A protocol established under par. (a) shall be updated no later than 30 days
2before the date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a) 14f.
SB276,12,4 3(2) In addition to engaging in athletic training under a protocol established
4under sub. (1), a licensee may do any of the following:
SB276,12,85 (a) Monitor the general behavior and general physical response of a person to
6treatment and rehabilitation, including monitoring whether the person's behavior
7or response show abnormal characteristics and monitoring whether the person
8exhibits abnormal signs or symptoms.
SB276,12,119 (b) Suggest modifications in treatment or rehabilitation of an injured person
10to the consulting physician or any other health care provider who is providing
11treatment to the person.
SB276,12,1412 (c) Develop and administer an athletic training program for a person. An
13athletic training program under this paragraph may include providing education
14and counseling to a person.
SB276,12,16 15(3) When working on behalf of his or her primary employer, a licensee may, in
16accordance with a protocol established under sub. (1) (a), do all of the following:
SB276,12,1817 (a) Treat and rehabilitate an athletic injury using cold, heat, light, sound,
18electricity, exercise, chemicals or mechanical devices.
SB276,12,2519 (b) Evaluate and treat a person for an athletic injury that has not previously
20been diagnosed. Evaluation and treatment under this paragraph may not exceed 30
21days after the date of the initial evaluation or treatment, unless the protocol
22established under sub. (1) (a) specifies a different period of time. This paragraph
23does not apply to preventive care provided after resolution of an athletic injury or to
24treatment provided to a person who is referred to the athletic trainer by a person
25licensed under ch. 446 or 447 or subch. II or III of ch. 448.
1(4) If a licensee or the consulting physician of the licensee determines that a
2patient's medical condition is beyond the scope of practice of the licensee, the licensee
3shall, in accordance with the protocol established under sub. (1) (a), refer the patient
4to a health care practitioner who is licensed under ch. 446 or 447 or subch. II or III
5of ch. 448 and who can provide appropriate treatment to the patient.
SB276,13,7 6(5) A licensee shall modify or terminate treatment of a patient that is not
7beneficial to a patient or that the patient cannot tolerate.
SB276,13,11 8448.957 Disciplinary proceedings and actions. (1) Subject to the rules
9promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the affiliated credentialing board may make
10investigations and conduct hearings to determine whether a violation of this
11subchapter or any rule promulgated under this subchapter has occurred.
SB276,13,15 12(2) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the affiliated
13credentialing board may reprimand a licensee or may deny, limit, suspend or revoke
14a license granted under this subchapter if it finds that the applicant or licensee has
15done any of the following:
SB276,13,1716 (a) Made a material misstatement in an application for a license or for renewal
17of a license.
SB276,13,1918 (b) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, been convicted of an offense the
19circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of athletic training.
SB276,13,2020 (c) Advertised in a manner that is false, deceptive or misleading.
SB276,13,2121 (d) Advertised, practiced or attempted to practice under another's name.
SB276,13,2322 (e) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.34, practiced athletic training while
23the applicant's or licensee's ability to practice was impaired by alcohol or other drugs.
SB276,13,2424 (f) Engaged in unprofessional or unethical conduct.
1(g) Engaged in conduct while practicing athletic training that evidences a lack
2of knowledge or ability to apply professional principles or skills.
SB276,14,43 (h) Failed to cooperate with the affiliated credentialing board in an
4investigation under this section.
SB276,14,65 (i) Aided another person in violating this subchapter or any rule promulgated
6under this subchapter.
SB276,14,77 (j) Violated this subchapter or any rule promulgated under this subchapter.
SB276,14,10 8(3) In addition to or in lieu of the penalties provided under sub. (2), the
9affiliated credentialing board may assess against an applicant or licensee a forfeiture
10of not more than $10,000 for each violation specified under sub. (2).
SB276,14,16 11448.958 Injunctive relief. If the affiliated credentialing board has reason to
12believe that any person is violating this subchapter or any rule promulgated under
13this subchapter, the affiliated credentialing board, the department, the attorney
14general or the district attorney of the proper county may investigate and may, in
15addition to any other remedies, bring an action in the name and on behalf of this state
16to enjoin the person from the violation.
SB276,14,19 17448.959 Penalties. Any person who violates this subchapter or any rule
18promulgated under this subchapter may be fined not more than $10,000 or
19imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both.
SB276, s. 7 20Section 7. 450.10 (3) (a) 5q. of the statutes is created to read:
SB276,14,2121 450.10 (3) (a) 5q. An athletic trainer licensed under subch. V of ch. 448.
SB276, s. 8 22Section 8. 895.48 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB276,15,623 895.48 (1m) (intro.) Any physician or athletic trainer licensed under ch. 448,
24chiropractor licensed under ch. 446, dentist licensed under ch. 447, emergency
25medical technician licensed under s. 146.50, physician assistant certified under ch.

1448 or registered nurse licensed under ch. 441 who renders voluntary health care to
2a participant in an athletic event or contest sponsored by a nonprofit corporation, as
3defined in s. 46.93 (1m) (c), a private school, as defined in s. 115.001 (3r), a public
4agency, as defined in s. 46.93 (1m) (e), or a school, as defined in s. 609.655 (1) (c), is
5immune from civil liability for his or her acts or omissions in rendering that care if
6all of the following conditions exist:
SB276, s. 9 7Section 9. 895.48 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB276,15,108 895.48 (1m) (b) The physician, athletic trainer, chiropractor, dentist,
9emergency medical technician, physician assistant or registered nurse does not
10receive compensation for the health care, other than reimbursement for expenses.
SB276, s. 10 11Section 10 . Nonstatutory provisions.
SB276,15,1312 (1) Initial appointments to the athletic trainers affiliated credentialing
SB276,15,1914 (a) Notwithstanding section 15.406 (3) of the statutes, as created by this act,
15the initial athletic trainer members of the athletic trainers affiliated credentialing
16board need not be licensed under subchapter V of chapter 448 of the statutes, as
17created by this act, to be appointed to and serve as members of the affiliated
18credentialing board until the first day of the 13th month beginning after the effective
19date of this paragraph.
SB276,15,2320 (b) Notwithstanding section 15.406 (3) of the statutes, as created by this act,
21the initial members of the athletic trainers affiliated credentialing board shall be
22appointed by the first day of the 4th month beginning after the effective date of this
23paragraph for the following terms:
11. One athletic trainer member and one member who is licensed to practice
2medicine and surgery under subchapter II of chapter 448 of the statutes, for terms
3expiring on July 1, 2000.
SB276,16,4 42. One athletic trainer member, for a term expiring on July 1, 2001.
SB276,16,6 53. One public member and one athletic trainer member, for terms expiring on
6July 1, 2002.
SB276,16,77 4. One athletic trainer member, for a term expiring on July 1, 2003.
SB276, s. 11 8Section 11. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the first day of the 13th
9month beginning after publication, except as follows:
SB276,16,1110 (1) The treatment of section 15.406 (3) of the statutes and Section 10 (1) of this
11act take effect on the day after publication.
SB276,16,1212 (End)