SB345, s. 83 9Section 83. 302.045 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,28,1810 302.045 (1) Program. The department shall provide a challenge incarceration
11program for inmates selected to participate under sub. (2). The program shall
12provide participants with strenuous physical exercise, manual labor, personal
13development counseling, substance abuse treatment and education, military drill
14and ceremony and counseling in preparation for release on parole or extended
. The department shall design the program to include not less than 50
16participants at a time and so that a participant may complete the program in not
17more than 180 days. The department may restrict participant privileges as
18necessary to maintain discipline.
SB345, s. 84 19Section 84. 302.045 (2) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB345,28,2220 302.045 (2) (cm) If the inmate is serving a bifurcated sentence imposed under
21s. 973.01, the sentencing court decided under s. 973.01 (3m) that the inmate is
22eligible for the challenge incarceration program.
SB345, s. 85 23Section 85. 302.045 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,29,524 302.045 (3) Parole eligibility. Except as provided in sub. (4), if the department
25determines that an inmate has successfully completed the challenge incarceration

1program, the parole commission shall parole the inmate under s. 304.06, regardless
2of the time the inmate has served, unless the person is serving a sentence imposed
3under s. 973.01
. When the parole commission grants parole under this subsection,
4it must require the parolee to participate in an intensive supervision program for
5drug abusers as a condition of parole.
SB345, s. 86 6Section 86. 302.045 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB345,29,117 302.045 (3m) Release to extended supervision. (a) Except as provided in sub.
8(4), if the department determines that an inmate serving the term of confinement in
9prison portion of a bifurcated sentence imposed under s. 973.01 has successfully
10completed the challenge incarceration program, the department shall inform the
11court that sentenced the inmate.
SB345,29,1512 (b) Upon being informed by the department under par. (a) that an inmate whom
13the court sentenced under s. 973.01 has successfully completed the challenge
14incarceration program, the court shall modify the inmate's bifurcated sentence as
SB345,29,1916 1. The court shall reduce the term of confinement in prison portion of the
17inmate's bifurcated sentence in a manner that provides for the release of the inmate
18to extended supervision within 30 days of the date on which the court receives the
19information from the department under par. (a).
SB345,29,2120 2. The court shall lengthen the term of extended supervision imposed so that
21the total length of the bifurcated sentence originally imposed does not change.
SB345,29,2322 (c) The court may not increase the total length of the bifurcated sentence when
23modifying a bifurcated sentence under par. (b).
SB345, s. 87 24Section 87. 302.045 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1302.045 (4) Intensive sanctions program participants. The department may
2place any intensive sanctions program participant in the challenge incarceration
3program. The participant is not subject to subs. (2) and , (3) and (3m).
SB345, s. 88 4Section 88. 302.11 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,30,105 302.11 (1) The warden or superintendent shall keep a record of the conduct of
6each inmate, specifying each infraction of the rules. Except as provided in subs. (1g),
7(1m), (1z), (7) and (10), each inmate is entitled to mandatory release on parole by the
8department. The mandatory release date is established at two-thirds of the
9sentence. Any calculations under this subsection or sub. (2) (b) resulting in fractions
10of a day shall be rounded in the inmate's favor to a whole day.
SB345, s. 89 11Section 89. 302.11 (1g) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,30,1412 302.11 (1g) (am) The mandatory release date established in sub. (1) is a
13presumptive mandatory release date for an inmate who is serving a sentence for a
14serious felony committed on or after April 21, 1994, but before July 1, 1999.
SB345, s. 90 15Section 90. 302.11 (1i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,30,1916 302.11 (1i) An Except as provided in sub. (1z), an inmate serving a sentence to
17the intensive sanctions program is entitled to mandatory release. The mandatory
18release date under sub. (1) is established at two-thirds of the sentence under s.
19973.032 (3) (a).
SB345, s. 91 20Section 91. 302.11 (1p) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,30,2321 302.11 (1p) An inmate serving a term subject to s. 961.49 (2) for a crime
22committed before July 1, 1999,
is entitled to mandatory release, except the inmate
23may not be released before he or she has complied with s. 961.49 (2).
SB345, s. 92 24Section 92. 302.11 (1z) of the statutes is created to read:
1302.11 (1z) An inmate who is sentenced to a term of confinement in prison
2under s. 973.01 for a felony that is committed on or after July 1, 1999, is not entitled
3to mandatory release on parole under this section.
SB345, s. 93 4Section 93. 302.11 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,31,135 302.11 (6) Any inmate released on parole under sub. (1) or (1g) (b) or s. 304.02
6or 304.06 (1) is subject to all conditions and rules of parole until the expiration of the
7sentence or until he or she is discharged by the department. Except as provided in
8ch. 304, releases from prison shall be on the Tuesday or Wednesday preceding the
9release date. The department may discharge a parolee on or after his or her
10mandatory release date or after 2 years of supervision. Any inmate sentenced to the
11intensive sanctions program who is released on parole under sub. (1) or s. 304.02 or
12304.06 (1) remains in the program unless discharged by the department under s.
13301.048 (6) (a).
SB345, s. 94 14Section 94. 302.11 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,31,1715 302.11 (9) Except as provided in sub. subs. (1g) (am) and (1z), this section
16applies to persons committing offenses occurring on or after June 1, 1984, or persons
17filing requests in accordance with 1983 Wisconsin Act 528, section 29 (2) or (3).
SB345, s. 95 18Section 95. 302.113 of the statutes is created to read:
SB345,31,21 19302.113 Release to extended supervision for felony offenders not
20serving life sentences.
(1) An inmate is subject to this section if he or she is
21serving a bifurcated sentence imposed under s. 973.01.
SB345,31,25 22(2) Except as provided in subs. (3) and (9), an inmate subject to this section is
23entitled to release to extended supervision after he or she has served the term of
24confinement in prison portion of the sentence imposed under s. 973.01, as modified
25by the sentencing court under s. 302.045 (3m) (b) 1., if applicable.
1(3) (a) The warden or superintendent shall keep a record of the conduct of each
2inmate subject to this section, specifying each infraction of the rules. If an inmate
3subject to this section violates any regulation of the prison or refuses or neglects to
4perform required or assigned duties, the department may extend the term of
5confinement in prison portion of the inmate's bifurcated sentence as follows:
SB345,32,66 1. 10 days for the first offense.
SB345,32,77 2. 20 days for the 2nd offense.
SB345,32,88 3. 40 days for the 3rd or each subsequent offense.
SB345,32,159 (b) In addition to the sanctions under par. (a), if an inmate subject to this section
10is placed in adjustment, program or controlled segregation status, the department
11may extend his or her term of confinement in prison portion of the bifurcated
12sentence by a number of days equal to 50% of the number of days spent in segregation
13status. In administering this paragraph, the department shall use the definition of
14adjustment, program or controlled segregation status under departmental rules in
15effect at the time an inmate is placed in that status.
SB345,32,1816 (c) No extension of a term of confinement in prison under this subsection may
17require an inmate to serve more days in prison than the total length of the bifurcated
18sentence imposed under s. 973.01.
SB345,32,2119 (d) If the term of confinement in prison portion of a bifurcated sentence is
20increased under this subsection, the term of extended supervision is reduced so that
21the total length of the bifurcated sentence does not change.
SB345,32,24 22(4) All consecutive sentences shall be computed as one continuous sentence.
23The person shall serve any term of extended supervision after serving all terms of
24confinement in prison.
1(5) An inmate may waive entitlement to release to extended supervision if the
2department agrees to the waiver.
SB345,33,8 3(6) Before a person is released to extended supervision under this section, the
4department shall notify the municipal police department and the county sheriff for
5the area where the person will be residing. The notification requirement does not
6apply if a municipal department or county sheriff submits to the department a
7written statement waiving the right to be notified. If applicable, the department
8shall also comply with s. 304.063.
SB345,33,14 9(7) Any inmate released to extended supervision under this section is subject
10to all conditions and rules of extended supervision until the expiration of the term
11of extended supervision portion of the bifurcated sentence. The department may set
12conditions of extended supervision in addition to any conditions of extended
13supervision set by the court under s. 973.01 (5) if the conditions set by the department
14do not conflict with the court's conditions.
SB345,33,17 15(8) Releases to extended supervision from prison shall be on the Tuesday or
16Wednesday preceding the date on which he or she completes the term of
SB345,34,3 18(9) (a) If a person released to extended supervision under this section violates
19a condition of extended supervision, the division of hearings and appeals in the
20department of administration, upon proper notice and hearing, or the department
21of corrections, if the person on extended supervision waives a hearing, may revoke
22the extended supervision of the person and return the person to prison. If the person
23is returned to prison, he or she shall be returned to prison for any specified period
24of time that does not exceed the time remaining on the bifurcated sentence. The time
25remaining on the bifurcated sentence is the total length of the bifurcated sentence,

1less time served by the person in custody before release to extended supervision. The
2revocation order shall provide the person on extended supervision with credit in
3accordance with ss. 304.072 and 973.155.
SB345,34,84 (b) A person who is returned to prison after revocation of extended supervision
5shall be incarcerated for the entire period of time specified by the department of
6corrections in the case of a waiver or by the division of hearings and appeals in the
7department of administration in the case of a hearing under par. (a). The period of
8time specified under par. (a) may be extended in accordance with sub. (3).
SB345,34,149 (c) A person who is subsequently released to extended supervision after service
10of the period of time specified by the department of corrections in the case of a waiver
11or by the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration in the
12case of a hearing under par. (a) is subject to all conditions and rules under sub. (7)
13until the expiration of the term of extended supervision portion of the bifurcated
SB345,34,16 15(10) The department may promulgate rules establishing guidelines and
16criteria for the exercise of discretion under this section.
SB345, s. 96 17Section 96. 302.114 of the statutes is created to read:
SB345,34,22 18302.114 Petition for release and release to extended supervision for
19felony offenders serving life sentences.
(1) An inmate is subject to this section
20if he or she is serving a life sentence imposed under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1. or 2. An
21inmate serving a life sentence under s. 939.62 (2m) or 973.014 (1g) (a) 3. is not eligible
22for release to extended supervision under this section.
SB345,35,2 23(2) Except as provided in subs. (3) and (9), an inmate subject to this section may
24petition the sentencing court for release to extended supervision after he or she has
25served 20 years, if the inmate was sentenced under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1., or after he

1or she has reached the extended supervision eligibility date set by the court, if the
2inmate was sentenced under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 2.
SB345,35,8 3(3) (a) The warden or superintendent shall keep a record of the conduct of each
4inmate subject to this section, specifying each infraction of the rules. If any inmate
5subject to this section violates any regulation of the prison or refuses or neglects to
6perform required or assigned duties, the department may extend the extended
7supervision eligibility date set under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1. or 2., whichever is
8applicable, as follows:
SB345,35,99 1. 10 days for the first offense.
SB345,35,1010 2. 20 days for the 2nd offense.
SB345,35,1111 3. 40 days for the 3rd or each subsequent offense.
SB345,35,1812 (b) In addition to the sanctions under par. (a), if an inmate subject to this section
13is placed in adjustment, program or controlled segregation status, the department
14may extend the extended supervision eligibility date set under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1.
15or 2., whichever is applicable, by a number of days equal to 50% of the number of days
16spent in segregation status. In administering this paragraph, the department shall
17use the definition of adjustment, program or controlled segregation status under
18departmental rules in effect at the time an inmate is placed in that status.
SB345,35,21 19(4) All consecutive sentences shall be computed as one continuous sentence.
20An inmate subject to this section shall serve any term of extended supervision after
21serving all terms of confinement in prison.
SB345,36,3 22(5) (a) An inmate subject to this section who is seeking release to extended
23supervision shall file a petition for release to extended supervision with the court
24that sentenced him or her. An inmate may not file an initial petition under this
25paragraph earlier than 90 days before his or her extended supervision eligibility

1date. If an inmate files an initial petition for release to extended supervision at any
2time earlier than 90 days before his or her extended supervision eligibility date, the
3court shall deny the petition without a hearing.
SB345,36,74 (am) The inmate shall serve a copy of a petition for release to extended
5supervision on the district attorney's office that prosecuted him or her, and the
6district attorney shall file a written response to the petition within 45 days after the
7date he or she receives the petition.
SB345,36,138 (b) After reviewing a petition for release to extended supervision and the
9district attorney's response to the petition, the court shall decide whether to hold a
10hearing on the petition or, if it does not hold a hearing, whether to grant or deny the
11petition without a hearing. If the court decides to hold a hearing under this
12paragraph, the hearing shall be before the court without a jury. The office of the
13district attorney that prosecuted the inmate shall represent the state at the hearing.
SB345,36,1914 (c) Before deciding whether to grant or deny the inmate's petition, the court
15shall allow a victim or family member of a homicide victim to make a statement or
16submit a statement concerning the release of the inmate to extended supervision.
17The court may allow any other person to make or submit a statement under this
18paragraph. Any statement under this paragraph must be relevant to the release of
19the inmate to extended supervision.
SB345,36,2220 (cm) A court may not grant an inmate's petition for release to extended
21supervision unless the inmate proves, by clear and convincing evidence, that he or
22she is not a danger to the public.
SB345,36,2423 (d) If the court grants the inmate's petition for release to extended supervision,
24the court may impose conditions on the term of extended supervision.
1(e) If the court denies the inmate's petition for release to extended supervision,
2the court shall specify the date on which the inmate may file a subsequent petition
3under this section. An inmate may file a subsequent petition at any time on or after
4the date specified by the court, but if the inmate files a subsequent petition for release
5to extended supervision before the date specified by the court, the court may deny
6the petition without a hearing.
SB345,37,107 (f) An inmate may appeal an order denying his or her petition for release to
8extended supervision. In an appeal under this paragraph, the appellate court shall
9determine whether the court properly exercised its discretion in denying the petition
10for release to extended supervision.
SB345,37,11 11(6) (a) In this subsection:
SB345,37,1312 1. "Member of the family" means spouse, child, sibling, parent or legal
SB345,37,1414 2. "Victim" means a person against whom a crime has been committed.
SB345,37,2215 (b) If an inmate petitions a court under sub. (5) or (9) (bm) for release to
16extended supervision under this section, the clerk of the circuit court in which the
17petition is filed shall send a copy of the petition and, if a hearing is scheduled, a notice
18of hearing to the victim of the crime committed by the inmate or, if the victim died
19as a result of the crime, an adult member of the victim's family or, if the victim is
20younger than 18 years old, the victim's parent or legal guardian, if the victim, adult
21family member or parent or legal guardian has submitted a card under par. (e)
22requesting notification.
SB345,38,223 (c) The notice under par. (b) shall inform the persons under par. (b) that they
24may appear at the hearing under sub. (5) or (9) (bm), if a hearing is scheduled, and

1shall inform them of the manner in which they may provide written statements
2concerning the inmate's petition for release to extended supervision.
SB345,38,73 (d) The clerk of the circuit court shall make a reasonable effort to send a copy
4of the inmate's petition to the last-known address of the persons under par. (b) within
57 days of the date on which the petition is filed and shall make a reasonable effort
6to send the notice of hearing, if a hearing is scheduled, to the last-known address of
7the persons under par. (b), postmarked at least 10 days before the date of the hearing.
SB345,38,188 (e) The director of state courts shall design and prepare cards for a person
9specified under par. (b) to send to the clerk of the circuit court in which the inmate
10is convicted and sentenced. The cards shall have space for any such person to provide
11his or her name and address, the name of the applicable inmate and any other
12information the director of state courts determines is necessary. The director of state
13courts shall provide the cards, without charge, to clerks of circuit court. Clerks of
14circuit court shall provide the cards, without charge, to persons specified in par. (b).
15These persons may send completed cards to the clerk of the circuit court in which the
16inmate was convicted and sentenced. All court records or portions of records that
17relate to mailing addresses of these persons are not subject to inspection or copying
18under s. 19.35 (1).
SB345,38,24 19(7) Before a person is released to extended supervision under this section, the
20department shall notify the municipal police department and the county sheriff for
21the area where the person will be residing. The notification requirement does not
22apply if a municipal department or county sheriff submits to the department a
23written statement waiving the right to be notified. If applicable, the department
24shall also comply with s. 304.063.
1(8) Any inmate released to extended supervision under this section is subject
2to all conditions and rules of extended supervision. The department may set
3conditions of extended supervision in addition to any conditions of extended
4supervision set by the court under sub. (5) (d) if the conditions set by the department
5do not conflict with the court's conditions.
SB345,39,12 6(9) (a) If a person released to extended supervision under this section violates
7a condition of extended supervision, the division of hearings and appeals in the
8department of administration, upon proper notice and hearing, or the department
9of corrections, if the person on extended supervision waives a hearing, may revoke
10the extended supervision of the person and return the person to prison. If the person
11is returned to prison, he or she shall be returned to prison for a specified period of
12time, as provided under par. (b).
SB345,39,1913 (b) If a person is returned to prison under par. (a) after revocation of extended
14supervision, the department of corrections in the case of a waiver or the division of
15hearings and appeals in the department of administration in the case of a hearing
16under par. (a) shall specify a period of time for which the person shall be incarcerated
17before being eligible for release to extended supervision. The period of time specified
18under this paragraph may not be less than 5 years and may be extended in
19accordance with sub. (3).
SB345,40,420 (bm) A person who is returned to prison under par. (a) after revocation of
21extended supervision may, upon petition to the sentencing court, be released to
22extended supervision after he or she has served the entire period of time specified
23in par. (b), including any periods of extension imposed under sub. (3). A person may
24not file a petition under this paragraph earlier than 90 days before the date on which
25he or she is eligible to be released to extended supervision. If a person files a petition

1for release to extended supervision under this paragraph at any time earlier than 90
2days before the date on which he or she is eligible to be released to extended
3supervision, the court shall deny the petition without a hearing. The procedures
4specified in sub. (5) (am) to (f) apply to a petition filed under this paragraph.
SB345,40,75 (c) A person who is released to extended supervision after filing a petition under
6par. (bm) is subject to all conditions and rules under sub. (8) until the expiration of
7the sentence.
SB345,40,9 8(10) The department may promulgate rules establishing guidelines and
9criteria for the exercise of discretion under this section.
SB345, s. 97 10Section 97. 302.14 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,40,19 11302.14 (title) Property of deceased inmates, parolees or, probationers
12or persons on extended supervision, disposition. When an inmate of a prison
13or, a parolee of an institution, a person on extended supervision or a person on
14probation to the department dies leaving an estate of $150 or less in the trust of the
15warden, superintendent or secretary, the warden, superintendent or secretary shall
16try to determine whether or not the estate is to be probated. If probate proceedings
17are not commenced within 90 days, the warden, superintendent or secretary shall
18turn over the money or securities to the nearest of kin as evidenced by the records
19of the institution and the department.
SB345, s. 98 20Section 98. 302.17 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,40,2521 302.17 (2) The department shall make entries on the register to reflect the
22progress made by each inmate while incarcerated and the inmate's release on parole
23or extended supervision, condition at the time of release on parole or extended
and progress made while on parole or extended supervision. This
25subsection does not apply to inmates subject to an order under s. 48.366.
SB345, s. 99
1Section 99. 302.25 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,41,102 302.25 (4) (c) Inmates confined in an institution pursuant to the terms of this
3compact shall at all times be subject to the jurisdiction of the sending state and may
4at any time be removed therefrom for transfer to a prison or other institution within
5the sending state, for transfer to another institution in which the sending state may
6have a contractual or other right to confine inmates, for release on probation,
7extended supervision
or parole, for discharge, or for any other purpose permitted by
8the laws of the sending state; provided, that the sending state shall continue to be
9obligated to such payments as may be required pursuant to the terms of any contract
10entered into under the terms of sub. (3).
SB345, s. 100 11Section 100. 302.33 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,41,1512 302.33 (2) (a) (intro.) The department shall pay for the maintenance of persons
13in its custody who are placed in the county jail or other county facility, or in a tribal
14jail under s. 302.445, pending disposition of parole, extended supervision or
15probation revocation proceedings subject to the following conditions:
SB345, s. 101 16Section 101. 302.33 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB345,41,2017 302.33 (2) (b) This subsection applies only to probationers or, parolees or
18persons on extended supervision
who were placed on that status in connection with
19a conviction for a felony. This subsection applies only to confinements initiated after
20July 2, 1983.
SB345, s. 102 21Section 102. 302.335 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: