SB380,12,2525 2. The enrollee has committed fraud with respect to obtaining the drug.
1(2) Drug utilization review program. (a) A managed care plan shall establish
2and operate a drug utilization review program. The primary goal of the program
3shall be to enhance quality of care for enrollees by ensuring appropriate drug
SB380,13,55 (b) The program under par. (a) shall include all of the following:
SB380,13,66 1. Retrospective review of prescription drugs furnished to enrollees.
SB380,13,87 2. Ongoing periodic examination of data on outpatient prescription drugs to
8ensure quality therapeutic outcomes for enrollees.
SB380,13,109 3. An educational outreach program for physicians, pharmacists and enrollees
10regarding the appropriate use of prescription drugs.
SB380,13,1111 (c) The program under par. (a) shall utilize all of the following:
SB380,13,1212 1. Clinically relevant criteria and standards for drug therapy.
SB380,13,1413 2. Nonproprietary criteria and standards developed and revised through an
14open, professional consensus process.
SB380,13,1515 3. Interventions that focus on improving therapeutic outcomes.
SB380, s. 36 16Section 36. 609.28 of the statutes is created to read:
SB380,13,20 17609.28 Experimental treatment. (1) Disclosure of limitations. A
18managed care plan that limits coverage for experimental treatment shall define the
19limitation and disclose the limits in any agreement or certificate of coverage. This
20disclosure shall include the following information:
SB380,13,2121 (a) Who is authorized to make a determination on the limitation.
SB380,13,2322 (b) The criteria the plan uses to determine whether a treatment, procedure,
23drug or device is experimental.
SB380,14,3 24(2) Denial of treatment. If a managed care plan denies coverage of an
25experimental treatment, procedure, drug or device for an enrollee who has a

1terminal condition or illness, the managed care plan shall provide the enrollee with
2a denial letter within 20 working days after the request for coverage is submitted.
3The denial letter shall include all of the following:
SB380,14,44 (a) The name and title of the individual making the decision.
SB380,14,65 (b) A statement setting forth the specific medical and scientific reasons for
6denying coverage.
SB380,14,87 (c) A description of any alternative treatment, procedures, drugs or devices
8covered by the plan.
SB380,14,99 (d) A written copy of the plan's grievance and appeal procedure.
SB380, s. 37 10Section 37. 609.30 of the statutes is created to read:
SB380,14,14 11609.30 Provider disclosures. (1) Plan may not contract. A managed care
12plan may not contract with a participating provider to limit the provider's disclosure
13of information, to or on behalf of an enrollee, about the enrollee's medical condition
14or treatment options.
SB380,14,18 15(2) Plan may not penalize or terminate. (a) A managed care plan may not
16penalize a participating provider for discussing with an enrollee financial incentives
17offered by the plan or other financial arrangements between the plan and the
SB380,14,2419 (b) A participating provider may discuss, with or on behalf of an enrollee, all
20treatment options and any other information that the provider determines to be in
21the best interest of the enrollee. A managed care plan may not penalize or terminate
22the contract of a participating provider because the provider makes referrals to other
23participating providers or discusses medically necessary or appropriate care with or
24on behalf of an enrollee.
SB380, s. 38 25Section 38. 609.32 of the statutes is created to read:
1609.32 Quality assurance. (1) Standards. A managed care plan shall
2develop comprehensive quality assurance standards that are adequate to identify,
3evaluate and remedy problems related to access to, and continuity and quality of,
4care. The standards shall include at least all of the following:
SB380,15,55 (a) An ongoing, written internal quality assurance program.
SB380,15,66 (b) Specific written guidelines for quality of care studies and monitoring.
SB380,15,77 (c) Performance and clinical outcomes-based criteria.
SB380,15,98 (d) A procedure for remedial action to address quality problems, including
9written procedures for taking appropriate corrective action.
SB380,15,1010 (e) A plan for gathering and assessing data.
SB380,15,1111 (f) A peer review process.
SB380,15,19 12(2) Selection and evaluation of providers. (a) A managed care plan shall
13develop a process for selecting participating providers, including written policies and
14procedures that the plan uses for review and approval of providers. After consulting
15with appropriately qualified providers, the plan shall establish minimum
16professional requirements for its participating providers. The process for selection
17shall include verification of a provider's license or certificate, including the history
18of any suspensions or revocations, and the history of any liability claims made
19against the provider.
SB380,15,2320 (b) A managed care plan shall establish in writing a formal, ongoing process
21for reevaluating each participating provider within a specified number of years after
22the provider's initial acceptance for participation. The reevaluation shall include all
23of the following:
SB380,15,2424 1. Updating the previous review criteria.
12. Assessing the provider's performance on the basis of such criteria as enrollee
2clinical outcomes, number of complaints and malpractice actions.
SB380,16,43 (c) A managed care plan may not require a participating provider to provide
4services that are outside the scope of his or her license or certificate.
SB380, s. 39 5Section 39. 609.34 of the statutes is created to read:
SB380,16,9 6609.34 Clinical decision-making. (1) Medical director. A managed care
7plan shall appoint a physician as medical director. The medical director shall be
8responsible for treatment policies, protocols, quality assurance activities and
9utilization management decisions of the plan.
SB380,16,12 10(2) Incentives. A managed care plan shall inform enrollees of any financial
11arrangement between the plan and a participating physician or pharmacist that
12includes or operates as an incentive or a bonus for restricting services.
SB380, s. 40 13Section 40. 609.36 of the statutes is created to read:
SB380,16,16 14609.36 Data systems and confidentiality. (1) Information and data
(a) A managed care plan shall provide to the commissioner information
16related to all of the following:
SB380,16,1717 1. The structure of the plan.
SB380,16,1818 2. The plan's decision-making process.
SB380,16,1919 3. Health care benefits and exclusions.
SB380,16,2020 4. Cost-sharing requirements.
SB380,16,2121 5. Participating providers.
SB380,16,2322 (b) A managed care plan shall collect and annually report to the commissioner
23the following data:
SB380,16,2424 1. Gross outpatient and hospitalization data.
SB380,16,2525 2. Enrollee clinical outcomes data.
1(c) Subject to sub. (2), the information and data reported under pars. (a) and
2(b) shall be open to public inspection under ss. 19.31 to 19.39.
SB380,17,5 3(2) Confidentiality. A managed care plan shall establish written policies and
4procedures, consistent with ss. 51.30, 146.82 and 252.15, for the handling of medical
5records and enrollee communications to ensure confidentiality.
SB380, s. 41 6Section 41. 609.38 of the statutes is created to read:
SB380,17,11 7609.38 Oversight. On an annual basis, the office shall perform audits of
8managed care plans in the state to review enrollee outcome data, enrollee service
9data and operational and other financial data. The commissioner shall by rule
10develop standards for managed care plans for compliance with the requirements
11under this chapter.
SB380, s. 42 12Section 42. 609.65 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,17,2113 609.65 (1) (intro.)  If an enrolled participant of a health maintenance
14organization, limited service health organization or preferred provider
enrollee of a
15managed care
plan is examined, evaluated or treated for a nervous or mental
16disorder pursuant to an emergency detention under s. 51.15, a commitment or a
17court order under s. 51.20 or 880.33 (4m) or (4r) or ch. 980, then, notwithstanding the
18limitations regarding selected participating providers, primary providers and
19referrals under ss. 609.01 (2) to (4) and 609.05 (3), the health maintenance
20organization, limited service health organization or preferred provider
plan shall do all of the following:
SB380, s. 43 22Section 43. 609.65 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,18,323 609.65 (1) (a) If the provider performing the examination, evaluation or
24treatment has a provider agreement with the health maintenance organization,
25limited service health organization or preferred provider
managed care plan which

1covers the provision of that service to the enrolled participant enrollee, make the
2service available to the enrolled participant enrollee in accordance with the terms
3of the health care plan and the provider agreement.
SB380, s. 44 4Section 44. 609.65 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,18,125 609.65 (1) (b) (intro.) If the provider performing the examination, evaluation
6or treatment does not have a provider agreement with the health maintenance
7organization, limited service health organization or preferred provider
plan which covers the provision of that service to the enrolled participant
9enrollee, reimburse the provider for the examination, evaluation or treatment of the
10enrolled participant enrollee in an amount not to exceed the maximum
11reimbursement for the service under the medical assistance program under subch.
12IV of ch. 49, if any of the following applies:
SB380, s. 45 13Section 45. 609.65 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,18,1814 609.65 (1) (b) 1. The service is provided pursuant to a commitment or a court
15order, except that reimbursement is not required under this subdivision if the health
16maintenance organization, limited service health organization or preferred provider

17managed care plan could have provided the service through a provider with whom
18it has a provider agreement.
SB380, s. 46 19Section 46. 609.65 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,18,2420 609.65 (1) (b) 2. The service is provided pursuant to an emergency detention
21under s. 51.15 or on an emergency basis to a person who is committed under s. 51.20
22and the provider notifies the health maintenance organization, limited service
23health organization or preferred provider
managed care plan within 72 hours after
24the initial provision of the service.
SB380, s. 47 25Section 47. 609.65 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1609.65 (2) If after receiving notice under sub. (1) (b) 2. the health maintenance
2organization, limited service health organization or preferred provider
plan arranges for services to be provided by a provider with whom it has a
4provider agreement, the health maintenance organization, limited service health
5organization or preferred provider
managed care plan is not required to reimburse
6a provider under sub. (1) (b) 2. for any services provided after arrangements are made
7under this subsection.
SB380, s. 48 8Section 48. 609.65 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,19,189 609.65 (3) A health maintenance organization, limited service health
10organization or preferred provider
managed care plan is only required to make
11available, or make reimbursement for, an examination, evaluation or treatment
12under sub. (1) to the extent that the health maintenance organization, limited
13service health organization or preferred provider
managed care plan would have
14made the medically necessary service available to the enrolled participant enrollee
15or reimbursed the provider for the service if any referrals required under s. 609.05
16(3) had been made and the service had been performed by a participating provider
17selected by the health maintenance organization, limited service health
18organization or preferred provider plan
SB380, s. 49 19Section 49. 609.655 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,20,220 609.655 (2) If a policy or certificate issued by a health maintenance
21organization provides coverage of outpatient services provided to a dependent
22student, the policy or certificate shall provide coverage of outpatient services, to the
23extent and in the manner required under sub. (3), that are provided to the dependent
24student while he or she is attending a school located in this state but outside the
25geographical service area of the health maintenance organization, notwithstanding

1the limitations regarding selected participating providers, primary providers and
2referrals under ss. 609.01 (2) and 609.05 (3).
SB380, s. 50 3Section 50. 609.655 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,20,84 609.655 (5) (a) A policy or certificate issued by a health maintenance
5organization is required to provide coverage for the services specified in sub. (3) only
6to the extent that the policy or certificate would have covered the service if it had been
7provided to the dependent student by a selected participating provider within the
8geographical service area of the health maintenance organization.
SB380, s. 51 9Section 51. 609.655 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,20,1510 609.655 (5) (b) Paragraph (a) does not permit a health maintenance
11organization to reimburse a provider for less than the full cost of the services
12provided or an amount negotiated with the provider, solely because the
13reimbursement rate for the service would have been less if provided by a selected
14participating provider within the geographical service area of the health
15maintenance organization.
SB380, s. 52 16Section 52. 609.70 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,20,19 17609.70 Chiropractic coverage. Health maintenance organizations, limited
18service health organizations and preferred provider
Managed care plans are subject
19to s. 632.87 (3).
SB380, s. 53 20Section 53. 609.75 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,21,2 21609.75 Adopted children coverage. Health maintenance organizations,
22limited service health organizations and preferred provider
Managed care plans are
23subject to s. 632.896. Coverage of health care services obtained by adopted children
24and children placed for adoption may be subject to any requirements that the health
25maintenance organization, limited service health organization or preferred provider

1managed care plan imposes under s. 609.05 (2) and (3) on the coverage of health care
2services obtained by other enrolled participants enrollees.
SB380, s. 54 3Section 54. 609.80 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,21,8 4609.80 Coverage of mammograms. Health maintenance organizations and
5preferred provider plans are subject to s. 632.895 (8). Coverage of mammograms
6under s. 632.895 (8) may be subject to any requirements that the health maintenance
7organization or preferred provider plan imposes under s. 609.05 (2) and (3) on the
8coverage of other health care services obtained by enrolled participants enrollees.
SB380, s. 55 9Section 55. 609.81 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,21,13 10609.81 Coverage related to HIV infection. Health maintenance
11organizations, limited service health organizations and preferred provider
plans are subject to s. 631.93. Health maintenance organizations and preferred
13provider plans are subject to s. 632.895 (9).
SB380, s. 56 14Section 56. 609.91 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,21,2015 609.91 (1) (title) Immunity of enrolled participants enrollees and
(intro.) Except as provided in sub. (1m), an enrolled participant
17enrollee or policyholder of a health maintenance organization insurer is not liable for
18health care costs that are incurred on or after January 1, 1990, and that are covered
19under a policy or certificate issued by the health maintenance organization insurer,
20if any of the following applies:
SB380, s. 57 21Section 57. 609.91 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,21,2422 609.91 (1) (b) 2. Is physician services provided under a contract with the health
23maintenance organization insurer or by a selected participating provider of the
24health maintenance organization insurer.
SB380, s. 58 25Section 58. 609.91 (1) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1609.91 (1) (b) 3. Is services, equipment, supplies or drugs that are ancillary or
2incidental to services described in subd. 2. and are provided by the contracting
3provider or selected participating provider.
SB380, s. 59 4Section 59. 609.91 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB380,22,95 609.91 (1m) Immunity of medical assistance recipients. An enrolled
enrollee, policyholder or insured under a policy issued by an insurer to
7the department of health and family services under s. 49.45 (2) (b) 2. to provide
8prepaid health care to medical assistance recipients is not liable for health care costs
9that are covered under the policy.