SB382,6,7 3(4) Only one period of lifetime supervision may be imposed. If a person is being
4sentenced for more than one conviction for a serious sex offense, the court may place
5the person on one period of lifetime supervision only. A period of lifetime supervision
6ordered for a person sentenced for more than one conviction begins at whichever of
7the times specified in sub. (3) is the latest.
SB382,6,12 8(5) Status of person placed on lifetime supervision; powers and duties of
(a) A person placed on lifetime supervision under this section is subject
10to the control of the department under conditions set by the court and regulations
11established by the department that are necessary to protect the public and promote
12the rehabilitation of the person placed on lifetime supervision.
SB382,6,1913 (am) The department may temporarily take a person on lifetime supervision
14into custody if the department has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has
15violated a condition or regulation of lifetime supervision. Custody under this
16paragraph may last only as long as is reasonably necessary to investigate whether
17the person violated a condition or regulation of lifetime supervision and, if
18warranted, to refer the person to the appropriate prosecuting agency for
19commencement of prosecution under sub. (7).
SB382,7,320 (b) The department shall charge a fee to a person placed on lifetime supervision
21to partially reimburse the department for the costs of providing supervision and
22services. The department shall set varying rates for persons placed on lifetime
23supervision based on ability to pay and with the goal of receiving at least $1 per day,
24if appropriate, from each person placed on lifetime supervision. The department
25may decide not to charge a fee while a person placed on lifetime supervision is exempt

1as provided under par. (c). The department shall collect moneys for the fees charged
2under this paragraph and credit those moneys to the appropriation account under
3s. 20.410 (1) (gh).
SB382,7,54 (c) The department may decide not to charge a fee under par. (b) to any person
5placed on lifetime supervision while he or she meets any of the following conditions:
SB382,7,66 1. Is unemployed.
SB382,7,77 2. Is pursuing a full-time course of instruction approved by the department.
SB382,7,88 3. Is undergoing treatment approved by the department and is unable to work.
SB382,7,109 4. Has a statement from a physician certifying to the department that the
10person should be excused from working for medical reasons.
SB382,7,15 11(6) Petition for termination of lifetime supervision. (a) Subject to par. (b),
12a person placed on lifetime supervision under this section may file a petition
13requesting that lifetime supervision be terminated. A person shall file a petition
14requesting termination of lifetime supervision with the court that ordered the
15lifetime supervision.
SB382,7,1816 (b) 1. A person may not file a petition requesting termination of lifetime
17supervision if he or she has been convicted of a crime that was committed during the
18period of lifetime supervision.
SB382,7,2319 2. A person may not file a petition requesting termination of lifetime
20supervision earlier than 15 years after the date on which the period of lifetime
21supervision began. If a person files a petition requesting termination of lifetime
22supervision at any time earlier than 15 years after the date on which the period of
23lifetime supervision began, the court shall deny the petition without a hearing.
SB382,8,824 (c) Upon receiving a petition requesting termination of lifetime supervision,
25the court shall send a copy of the petition to the district attorney responsible for

1prosecuting the serious sex offense that was the basis for the order of lifetime
2supervision. Upon receiving a copy of a petition sent to him or her under this
3paragraph, a district attorney shall conduct a criminal history record search to
4determine whether the person has been convicted of a criminal offense that was
5committed during the period of lifetime supervision. No later than 30 days after the
6date on which he or she receives the copy of the petition, the district attorney shall
7report the results of the criminal history record search to the court and may provide
8a written response to the petition.
SB382,8,119 (d) After reviewing the report of the district attorney submitted under par. (c)
10concerning the results of a criminal history record search, the court shall do
11whichever of the following is applicable:
SB382,8,1512 1. If the report of the district attorney indicates that the person filing the
13petition has been convicted of a criminal offense that was committed during the
14period of lifetime supervision, the court shall deny the person's petition without a
SB382,8,2016 2. If the report of the district attorney indicates that the person filing the
17petition has not been convicted of a criminal offense that was committed during the
18period of lifetime supervision, the court shall order the person to be examined under
19par. (e), shall notify the department that it may submit a report under par. (em) and
20shall schedule a hearing on the petition to be conducted as provided under par. (f).
SB382,9,821 (e) A person filing a petition requesting termination of lifetime supervision who
22is entitled to a hearing under par. (d) 2. shall be examined by a person who is either
23a physician or a psychologist licensed under ch. 455 and who is approved by the court.
24The physician or psychologist who conducts an examination under this paragraph
25shall prepare a report of his or her examination that includes his or her opinion of

1whether the person petitioning for termination of lifetime supervision is a danger to
2public. The physician or psychologist shall file the report of his or her examination
3with the court within 60 days after completing the examination, and the court shall
4provide copies of the report to the person filing the petition and the district attorney
5who received a copy of the person's petition under par. (c). The contents of the report
6shall be confidential until the physician or psychologist testifies at a hearing under
7par. (f). The person petitioning for termination of lifetime supervision shall pay the
8cost of an examination required under this paragraph.
SB382,9,199 (em) After it receives notification from the court under par. (d) 2., the
10department may prepare and submit to the court a report concerning a person who
11has filed a petition requesting termination of lifetime supervision. If the department
12prepares and submits a report under this paragraph, the report shall include
13information concerning the person's conduct while on lifetime supervision and an
14opinion as to whether lifetime supervision of the person is still necessary to protect
15the public. When a report prepared under this paragraph has been received by the
16court, the court shall, before the hearing under par. (f), disclose the contents of the
17report to the attorney for the person who filed the petition and to the district attorney.
18When the person who filed the petition is not represented by an attorney, the
19contents shall be disclosed to the person.
SB382,9,2520 (f) A hearing on a petition requesting termination of lifetime supervision may
21not be conducted until the person filing the petition has been examined and a report
22of the examination has been filed as provided under par. (e). At the hearing, the court
23shall take evidence it considers relevant to determining whether lifetime supervision
24should be continued because the person who filed the petition is a danger to the
25public. The person who filed the petition and the district attorney who received the

1petition under par. (c) may offer evidence relevant to the issue of the person's
2dangerousness and the continued need for lifetime supervision.
SB382,10,53 (g) The court may grant a petition requesting termination of lifetime
4supervision if it determines after a hearing under par. (f) that lifetime supervision
5is no longer necessary to protect the public.
SB382,10,96 (h) If a petition requesting termination of lifetime supervision is denied after
7a hearing under par. (f), the person may not file a subsequent petition requesting
8termination of lifetime supervision until at least 3 years have elapsed since the most
9recent petition was denied.
SB382,10,13 10(7) Penalty for violation of a condition of lifetime supervision. (a) No
11person placed on lifetime supervision under this section may knowingly violate a
12condition or regulation of lifetime supervision established by the court or by the
SB382,10,1514 (b) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., whoever violates par. (a) is guilty of a Class
15A misdemeanor.
SB382,10,1716 2. Whoever violates par. (a) is guilty of a Class E felony if the same conduct that
17violates par. (a) also constitutes a crime that is a felony.
SB382,10,2018 (c) If a person is convicted of violating par. (a) for the same conduct that resulted
19in the person being convicted of another crime, the sentence imposed for the violation
20of par. (a) shall be consecutive to any sentence imposed for the other crime.
SB382, s. 6 21Section 6. 971.17 (1j) of the statutes is created to read:
SB382,10,2322 971.17 (1j) Sexual assault; lifetime supervision. (a) In this subsection,
23"serious sex offense" has the meaning given in s. 939.615 (1) (b).
SB382,11,424 (b) If a person is found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect of a
25serious sex offense, the court may, in addition to committing the person to the

1department of health and family services under sub. (1), place the person on lifetime
2supervision under s. 939.615 if notice concerning lifetime supervision was given to
3the person under s. 973.125 and if the court determines that lifetime supervision of
4the person is necessary to protect the public.
SB382, s. 7 5Section 7. 972.13 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB382,11,66 972.13 (6) The following forms may be used for judgments:
SB382,11,88 .... County
SB382,11,99 In.... Court
SB382,11,1010 The State of Wisconsin
SB382,11,1212 ....(Name of defendant)
SB382,11,1914 IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant has been convicted upon the defendant's
15plea of guilty (not guilty and a verdict of guilty) (not guilty and a finding of guilty)
16(no contest) on the.... day of...., 19.., of the crime of.... in violation of s.....; and the
17court having asked the defendant whether the defendant has anything to state why
18sentence should not be pronounced, and no sufficient grounds to the contrary being
19shown or appearing to the court.
SB382,11,2020 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is guilty as convicted.
SB382,11,2221 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is hereby committed to the Wisconsin
22state prisons (county jail of.... county) for an indeterminate term of not more than.....
SB382,11,2523 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is placed in the intensive sanctions
24program subject to the limitations of section 973.032 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes
25and the following conditions:....
1*IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is hereby committed to detention in
2(the defendant's place of residence or place designated by judge) for a term of not
3more than....
SB382,12,5 4*IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is placed on lifetime supervision by the
5department of corrections under section 939.615 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
SB382,12,76 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is ordered to pay a fine of $.... (and the
7costs of this action).
SB382,12,88 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant pay restitution to....
SB382,12,109 *IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant is restricted in his or her use of
10computers as follows:....
SB382,12,1211 *The.... at.... is designated as the Reception Center to which the defendant
12shall be delivered by the sheriff.
SB382,12,1413 *IT IS ORDERED That the clerk deliver a duplicate original of this judgment
14to the sheriff who shall forthwith execute the same and deliver it to the warden.
SB382,12,1515 Dated this.... day of...., 19...
SB382,12,1616 BY THE COURT....
SB382,12,1717 Date of Offense....,
SB382,12,1818 District Attorney....,
SB382,12,1919 Defense Attorney....
SB382,12,2020 *Strike inapplicable paragraphs.
SB382,12,2222 .... County
SB382,12,2323 In.... Court
SB382,12,2424 The State of Wisconsin
1....(Name of defendant)
SB382,13,32 On the.... day of...., 19.., the district attorney appeared for the state and the
3defendant appeared in person and by.... the defendant's attorney.
SB382,13,65 IT IS ADJUDGED That the defendant has been found not guilty by the verdict
6of the jury (by the court) and is therefore ordered discharged forthwith.
SB382,13,77 Dated this.... day of...., 19...
SB382,13,88 BY THE COURT....
SB382, s. 8 9Section 8. 973.125 of the statutes is created to read:
SB382,13,16 10973.125 Notice of lifetime supervision for serious sex offenders. (1)
11Whenever a prosecutor decides to seek lifetime supervision under s. 939.615 of a
12person charged with a serious sex offense specified in s. 939.615 (1) (b) 1., the
13prosecutor shall, at any time before or at arraignment and before acceptance of any
14plea, state in the complaint, indictment or information or amendments to the
15complaint, indictment or information that the prosecution will seek to have the
16person placed on lifetime supervision under s. 939.615.
SB382,13,20 17(2) Whenever a prosecutor decides to seek lifetime supervision under s.
18939.615 of a person charged with a serious sex offense specified in s. 939.615 (1) (b)
192., the prosecutor shall, at any time before or at arraignment and before acceptance
20of any plea, do all of the following:
SB382,13,2321 (a) State in the complaint, indictment or information or amendments to the
22complaint, indictment or information that the prosecution will seek to have the
23person placed on lifetime supervision under s. 939.615.
SB382,14,224 (b) Allege in the complaint that the violation with which the person is charged
25is a serious sex offense under s. 939.615 (1) (b) because one of the purposes for the

1conduct constituting the violation was for the person's sexual arousal or
SB382,14,7 3(3) Before accepting a plea, the court may, upon motion of the district attorney,
4grant a reasonable time to investigate whether lifetime supervision may be
5necessary for a defendant or whether one of the purposes for the conduct constituting
6a violation with which a defendant is charged was for the defendant's sexual arousal
7or gratification.
SB382, s. 9 8Section 9. Initial applicability.
SB382,14,109 (1) This act applies to offenses committed on or after the effective date of this
SB382,14,1111 (End)