SB423,93,1010 (c) The contract or transaction is fair and reasonable to the corporation.
SB423,93,13 11(2) Quorum requirements. Common and interested directors may be counted
12in determining the presence of a quorum at a meeting of the board or a committee
13that authorizes, approves or ratifies a contract or transaction under sub. (1).
SB423,93,16 14(3) Additional requirements. The articles of incorporation, the bylaws or a
15resolution of the board may impose additional requirements on conflict of interest
SB423,93,20 17181.0832 Loans to directors and officers. (1) Requirements for loan or
Except as provided in sub. (3), a corporation may not lend money to or
19guarantee the obligation of a director or officer of the corporation unless any of the
20following occurs:
SB423,93,2121 (a) The particular loan or guarantee is approved by the members.
SB423,93,2422 (b) The corporation's board determines that the loan or guarantee benefits the
23corporation and either approves the specific loan or guarantee or a general plan
24authorizing loans and guarantees.
1(2) Effect of violations. A violation of this section does not affect the
2borrower's liability on the loan.
SB423,94,6 3(3) Limited applicability. This section does not apply to an advance to a
4director or officer that is permitted by s. 181.0874 or 181.0877 (3) or that is made to
5defray expenses incurred by the director or officer in the ordinary course of the
6corporation's business.
SB423,94,14 7181.0833 Liability for unlawful distributions. (1) When liable. Except
8as provided in sub. (3), a director who votes for or assents to a distribution made in
9violation of subch. XIII or the articles of incorporation is personally liable to the
10corporation for the amount of the distribution that exceeds what could have been
11distributed without violating subch. XIII or the articles of incorporation, if it is
12established that the director's vote or assent constitutes conduct described by s.
13181.0855 (1) (a), (b), (c) or (d). In any proceeding brought under this section, a
14director has all of the defenses ordinarily available to a director.
SB423,94,16 15(2) Right to contribution. A director who is liable under sub. (1) for an
16unlawful distribution is entitled to contribution from all of the following persons:
SB423,94,1817 (a) Every other director who could be held liable under sub. (1) for the unlawful
SB423,94,2019 (b) Each member, for the amount that the member accepted knowing that the
20distribution was made in violation of subch. XIII or the articles of incorporation.
SB423,94,22 21(3) When proceeding barred. A proceeding under this section is barred unless
22it is brought within 2 years after the date on which the distribution was made.
SB423,94,25 23181.0840 Officers. (1) Principal officers. Unless otherwise provided in the
24articles of incorporation or bylaws, a corporation shall have a president, a secretary,
25a treasurer and such other officers as are appointed by the board.
1(2) Assistant officers. A duly appointed officer may appoint one or more
2officers or assistant officers if authorized by the bylaws or the board.
SB423,95,4 3(3) Multiple offices. The same individual may simultaneously hold more than
4one office in a corporation.
SB423,95,9 5181.0841 Duties and authority of officers and agents. Each officer or
6agent has the authority and shall perform the duties set forth in the bylaws or, to the
7extent consistent with the bylaws, the duties and authority prescribed in a resolution
8of the board or by direction of an officer authorized by the board to prescribe the
9duties and authority of other officers.
SB423,95,17 10181.0843 Resignation and removal of officers. (1) Resignation. An officer
11may resign at any time by delivering notice to the corporation that complies with s.
12181.0141. The resignation is effective when the notice is delivered, unless the notice
13specifies a later effective date and the corporation accepts the later effective date.
14If a resignation is effective at a later date, the board, or the officer authorized by the
15bylaws or the board to appoint the resigning officer, may fill the pending vacancy
16before the effective date if the appointment provides that the successor may not take
17office until the effective date.
SB423,95,21 18(2) Removal. The board may remove any officer and, unless restricted by the
19bylaws or by the board, an officer may remove any officer or assistant officer
20appointed by that officer under s. 181.0840 (2), at any time, with or without cause
21and notwithstanding the contract rights, if any, of the officer removed.
SB423,95,23 22181.0844 Contract rights of officers. (1) Effect of appointment. The
23appointment of an officer does not itself create contract rights.
1(2) Effect of removal or resignation. Except as provided in s. 181.0843 (2),
2an officer's resignation or removal is subject to any remedies provided by any
3contract between the officer and the corporation or otherwise provided by law.
SB423,96,9 4181.0850 Reliance by directors or officers. Unless the director or officer
5has knowledge that makes reliance unwarranted, a director or officer, in discharging
6his or her duties to the corporation, may rely on information, opinions, reports or
7statements, any of which may be written or oral, formal or informal, including
8financial statements and other financial data, if prepared or presented by any of the
SB423,96,12 10(1) Officers and employes. An officer or employe of the corporation whom the
11director or officer believes in good faith to be reliable and competent in the matters
SB423,96,15 13(2) Professionals and experts. Legal counsel, public accountants or other
14persons as to matters the director or officer believes in good faith are within the
15person's professional or expert competence.
SB423,96,18 16(3) Committees. In the case of reliance by a director, a committee of the board
17of directors of which the director is not a member if the director believes in good faith
18that the committee merits confidence.
SB423,96,22 19181.0853 Consideration of interests in addition to members' interests.
20In discharging his or her duties to the corporation and in determining what he or she
21believes to be in the best interests of the corporation, a director or officer may, in
22addition to considering the effects of any action on members, consider the following:
SB423,96,24 23(1) Employes, suppliers and customers. The effects of the action on employes,
24suppliers and customers of the corporation.
1(2) Communities. The effects of the action on communities in which the
2corporation operates.
SB423,97,3 3(3) Other. Any other factors that the director or officer considers pertinent.
SB423,97,11 4181.0855 Limited liability of directors and officers. (1) In general.
5Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), a director or officer is not liable to the
6corporation, its members or creditors, or any person asserting rights on behalf of the
7corporation, its members or creditors, or any other person, for damages, settlements,
8fees, fines, penalties or other monetary liabilities arising from a breach of, or failure
9to perform, any duty resulting solely from his or her status as a director or officer,
10unless the person asserting liability proves that the breach or failure to perform
11constitutes any of the following:
SB423,97,1412 (a) A wilful failure to deal fairly with the corporation or its members in
13connection with a matter in which the director or officer has a material conflict of
SB423,97,1715 (b) A violation of criminal law, unless the director or officer had reasonable
16cause to believe that his or her conduct was lawful or no reasonable cause to believe
17that his or her conduct was unlawful.
SB423,97,1918 (c) A transaction from which the director or officer derived an improper
19personal profit or benefit.
SB423,97,2020 (d) Wilful misconduct.
SB423,97,22 21(2) Exceptions. Except as provided in sub. (3), this section does not apply to
22any of the following:
SB423,97,2423 (a) A civil, criminal, administrative or investigatory proceeding brought by or
24on behalf of any governmental unit, authority or agency.
1(b) A proceeding brought by any person for a violation of state or federal law
2where the proceeding is brought pursuant to an express private right of action
3created by state or federal statute.
SB423,98,44 (c) The liability of a director under ss. 181.0832 and 181.0833.
SB423,98,7 5(3) Governmental entity acting in capacity as private party. Subsection (2)
6(a) and (b) does not apply to a proceeding brought by a governmental unit, authority
7or agency in its capacity as a private party or contractor.
SB423,98,14 8181.0860 Statements of changes in directors or principal officers. (1)
9Changes in directors or principal officers. Whenever initial directors and
10principal officers are selected, or changes are made in the directors or principal
11officers of a corporation, the corporation may file with the department a statement
12that includes the names and addresses of all of the directors or principal officers, or
13both if there have been changes in both. The information in the statement shall be
14current as of the date on which the statement is signed on behalf of the corporation.
SB423,98,17 15(2) Resignation notices. A director who resigns under s. 181.0807 or a
16principal officer who resigns under s. 181.0843 (1) may file a copy of the resignation
17notice with the department.
SB423,98,19 18181.0871 Definitions applicable to indemnification and insurance
In ss. 181.0871 to 181.0883:
SB423,98,22 20(1) "Corporation" means a domestic corporation and any domestic or foreign
21predecessor of a domestic corporation where the predecessor corporation's existence
22ceased upon the consummation of a merger or other transaction.
SB423,98,23 23(2) "Director or officer" means any of the following:
SB423,98,2424 (a) An individual who is or was a director or officer of a corporation.
1(b) An individual who, while a director or officer of a corporation, is or was
2serving at the corporation's request as a director, officer, partner, trustee, member
3of any governing or decision-making committee, manager, employe or agent of
4another corporation or foreign corporation, limited liability company, partnership,
5joint venture, trust or other enterprise.
SB423,99,96 (c) An individual who, while a director or officer of a corporation, is or was
7serving an employe benefit plan because his or her duties to the corporation also
8impose duties on, or otherwise involve services by, the individual to the plan or to
9participants in or beneficiaries of the plan.
SB423,99,1110 (d) Unless the context requires otherwise, the estate or personal representative
11of a director or officer.
SB423,99,13 12(3) "Expenses" include fees, costs, charges, disbursements, attorney fees and
13any other expenses incurred in connection with a proceeding.
SB423,99,16 14(4) "Liability" includes the obligation to pay a judgment, settlement, penalty,
15assessment, forfeiture or fine, including any excise tax assessed with respect to an
16employe benefit plan, and reasonable expenses.
SB423,99,18 17(5) "Party" includes an individual who was or is, or who is threatened to be
18made, a named defendant or respondent in a proceeding.
SB423,99,22 19(6) "Proceeding" means any threatened, pending or completed civil, criminal,
20administrative or investigative action, suit, arbitration or other proceeding, whether
21formal or informal, which involves foreign, federal, state or local law and which is
22brought by or in the right of the corporation or by any other person.
SB423,99,25 23181.0872 Mandatory indemnification. (1) In general. A corporation shall
24indemnify a director or officer, to the extent that he or she has been successful on the
25merits or otherwise in the defense of a proceeding, for all reasonable expenses

1incurred in the proceeding if the director or officer was a party because he or she is
2a director or officer of the corporation.
SB423,100,8 3(2) Exceptions. (a) In cases not included under sub. (1), a corporation shall
4indemnify a director or officer against liability incurred by the director or officer in
5a proceeding to which the director or officer was a party because he or she is a director
6or officer of the corporation, unless liability was incurred because the director or
7officer breached or failed to perform a duty that he or she owes to the corporation and
8the breach or failure to perform constitutes any of the following:
SB423,100,119 1. A wilful failure to deal fairly with the corporation or its members in
10connection with a matter in which the director or officer has a material conflict of
SB423,100,1412 2. A violation of the criminal law, unless the director or officer had reasonable
13cause to believe that his or her conduct was lawful or no reasonable cause to believe
14that his or her conduct was unlawful.
SB423,100,1615 3. A transaction from which the director or officer derived an improper personal
16profit or benefit.
SB423,100,1717 4. Wilful misconduct.
SB423,100,1918 (b) Determination of whether indemnification is required under this
19subsection shall be made under s. 181.0873.
SB423,100,2320 (c) The termination of a proceeding by judgment, order, settlement or
21conviction, or upon a plea of no contest or an equivalent plea, does not, by itself, create
22a presumption that indemnification of the director or officer is not required under
23this subsection.
SB423,100,25 24(3) Written request required. A director or officer who seeks indemnification
25under this section shall make a written request to the corporation.
1(4) Limitation by articles of incorporation. (a) Indemnification under this
2section is not required to the extent limited by the articles of incorporation under s.
SB423,101,64 (b) Indemnification under this section is not required if the director or officer
5has previously received indemnification, reimbursement or allowance of expenses
6from any person, including the corporation, in connection with the same proceeding.
SB423,101,11 7181.0873 Determination of right to indemnification. Unless otherwise
8provided by the articles of incorporation or bylaws or by written agreement between
9the director or officer and the corporation, the director or officer seeking
10indemnification under s. 181.0872 (2) shall select one of the following means for
11determining his or her right to indemnification:
SB423,101,18 12(1) Board of director vote. By a majority vote of a quorum of the board of
13directors consisting of directors who are not at the time parties to the same or related
14proceedings. If a quorum of disinterested directors cannot be obtained, by a majority
15vote of a committee duly appointed by the board of directors and consisting solely of
162 or more directors who are not at the time parties to the same or related proceedings.
17Directors who are parties to the same or related proceedings may participate in the
18designation of members of the committee.
SB423,101,23 19(2) Independent legal counsel. By independent legal counsel selected by a
20quorum of the board of directors or its committee in the manner prescribed in sub.
21(1) or, if unable to obtain such a quorum or committee, by a majority vote of the full
22board of directors, including directors who are parties to the same or related
SB423,102,2 24(3) Arbitrators. By a panel of 3 arbitrators consisting of one arbitrator selected
25by those directors entitled under sub. (2) to select independent legal counsel, one

1arbitrator selected by the director or officer seeking indemnification and one
2arbitrator selected by the 2 arbitrators previously selected.
SB423,102,6 3(4) Members. By an affirmative vote of members with voting rights, if any.
4Membership rights owned by, or voted under the control of, persons who are at the
5time parties to the same or related proceedings, whether as plaintiffs or defendants
6or in any other capacity, may not be voted in making the determination.
SB423,102,7 7(5) Court. By a court under s. 181.0879.
SB423,102,9 8(6) Other methods. By any other method provided for in any additional right
9to indemnification permitted under s. 181.0877.
SB423,102,13 10181.0874 Allowance of expenses as incurred. Upon written request by a
11director or officer who is a party to a proceeding, a corporation may pay or reimburse
12his or her reasonable expenses as incurred if the director or officer provides the
13corporation with all of the following:
SB423,102,16 14(1) Written affirmation. A written affirmation of his or her good faith belief
15that he or she has not breached or failed to perform his or her duties to the
SB423,102,24 17(2) Repayment undertaking. A written undertaking, executed personally or on
18his or her behalf, to repay the allowance and, if required by the corporation, to pay
19reasonable interest on the allowance to the extent that it is ultimately determined
20under s. 181.0873 that indemnification under s. 181.0872 (2) is not required and that
21indemnification is not ordered by a court under s. 181.0879 (2) (b). The undertaking
22under this subsection shall be an unlimited general obligation of the director or
23officer and may be accepted without reference to his or her ability to repay the
24allowance. The undertaking may be secured or unsecured.
1181.0875 Corporation may limit indemnification. (1) Methods of
2limiting obligation.
A corporation's obligations to indemnify under s. 181.0872 may
3be limited as follows:
SB423,103,64 (a) If the corporation is incorporated on or after June 13, 1987, by the articles
5of incorporation, including any amendments or restatements of the articles of
SB423,103,97 (b) If the corporation was incorporated before June 13, 1987, by an amendment
8to, or restatement of, the articles of incorporation which becomes effective on or after
9June 13, 1987.
SB423,103,12 10(2) Applicability. A limitation under sub. (1) applies if the first alleged act of
11a director or officer for which indemnification is sought occurred while the limitation
12was in effect.
SB423,103,17 13181.0877 Additional rights to indemnification and allowance of
(1) Additional rights to indemnification. Except as provided in sub.
15(2), ss. 181.0872 and 181.0874 do not preclude any additional right to
16indemnification or allowance of expenses that a director or officer may have under
17any of the following:
SB423,103,1818 (a) The articles of incorporation or bylaws.
SB423,103,1919 (b) A written agreement between the director or officer and the corporation.
SB423,103,2020 (c) A resolution of the board of directors.
SB423,103,2221 (d) A resolution, after notice, adopted by a majority vote of members who are
22entitled to vote.
SB423,104,5 23(2) When prohibited. Regardless of the existence of an additional right under
24sub. (1), the corporation may not indemnify a director or officer, or permit a director
25or officer to retain any allowance of expenses unless it is determined by or on behalf

1of the corporation that the director or officer did not breach or fail to perform a duty
2that he or she owes to the corporation which constitutes conduct under s. 181.0872
3(2) (a) 1., 2., 3. or 4. A director or officer who is a party to the same or related
4proceeding for which indemnification or an allowance of expenses is sought may not
5participate in a determination under this subsection.
SB423,104,8 6(3) Applicability. Sections 181.0871 to 181.0883 do not affect a corporation's
7power to pay or reimburse expenses incurred by a director or officer in any of the
8following circumstances:
SB423,104,99 (a) As a witness in a proceeding to which he or she is not a party.
SB423,104,1110 (b) As a plaintiff or petitioner in a proceeding because he or she is or was an
11employe, agent, director or officer of the corporation.
SB423,104,19 12181.0879 Court-ordered indemnification. (1) Application to court.
13Except as provided otherwise by written agreement between the director or officer
14and the corporation, a director or officer who is a party to a proceeding may apply for
15indemnification to the court conducting the proceeding or to another court of
16competent jurisdiction. Application shall be made for an initial determination by the
17court under s. 181.0873 (5) or for review by the court of an adverse determination
18under s. 181.0873 (1), (2), (3), (4) or (6). After receipt of an application, the court shall
19give any notice it considers necessary.
SB423,104,21 20(2) Standards used by court. The court shall order indemnification if it
21determines any of the following:
SB423,105,222 (a) That the director or officer is entitled to indemnification under s. 181.0872
23(1) or (2). If the court also determines that the corporation unreasonably refused the
24director's or officer's request for indemnification, the court shall order the

1corporation to pay the director's or officer's reasonable expenses incurred to obtain
2the court-ordered indemnification.