Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the right of any person to a lottery prize may not be
assigned. This bill establishes a process through which a person may make a
voluntary assignment of a lottery prize or part of a lottery prize pursuant to a court
order. Under the bill, a person who intends to voluntarily assign part or all of a
lottery prize must petition the circuit court of the county in which he or she resides
or the circuit court of Dane County for a court order confirming the assignment. The
circuit court is required to issue an order confirming the assignment only if all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
1. The person is represented by independent legal counsel.
2. A copy of the assignment is attached to the petition.
3. The assignment is in writing, is executed by the person and is subject to the
laws of this state.
4. The person attests that he or she is of sound mind, is not acting under duress
and acknowledges that the state will not make any of the assigned lottery prize
payments or parts of lottery prize payments to him or her.
5. The person provides the court with an accounting of all claims to, or
judgments, liens, security interests, garnishments, assignments or attachments
against, all or any part of the lottery prize payments.
6. The assignment does not include the amounts of any withholdings otherwise
required to be withheld by law.

If the court issues an order confirming the assignment, the person must submit
a certified copy of the court order to the administrator of the lottery division in the
department of revenue and the administrator is required to make all lottery prize
payments pursuant to the terms of the court order. Under the bill, the administrator
is authorized to charge an initial processing fee, in an amount determined by
administrative rule, to cover any costs associated with processing the lottery prize
payments in accordance with the assignment.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB428, s. 1 1Section 1. 565.30 (6) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB428,2,42 565.30 (6) Voluntary assignment of lottery prize. (a) Definition. In this
3subsection, "assignor" means a lottery prizewinner or a person who has the right to
4assign all or part of a lottery prize.
SB428,2,75 (b) Voluntary assignment. An assignor may make a voluntary assignment of
6a lottery prize or part of a lottery prize only pursuant to a court order issued under
7this subsection.
SB428,2,138 (c) Judicial process for assignment. Any assignor who intends to voluntarily
9assign part or all of a lottery prize to any individual or organization shall petition the
10circuit court of the county in which the assignor resides or the circuit court of Dane
11County for a court order confirming the assignment. The circuit court of the county
12in which the assignor resides or the circuit court of Dane County shall issue an order
13confirming the assignment only if all of the following occur:
SB428,2,1414 1. The assignor is represented by independent legal counsel.
SB428,2,1515 2. A copy of the assignment is attached to the petition.
SB428,2,1716 3. The assignment is in writing, is executed by the assignor and is subject to
17the laws of this state.
14. The assignor attests, by sworn affidavit, that he or she is of sound mind, is
2not acting under duress and acknowledges that the state will not make any of the
3assigned lottery prize payments or parts of lottery prize payments to the assignor.
SB428,3,64 5. The assignor, by sworn affidavit, provides the court with an accounting of all
5claims to, or judgments, liens, security interests, garnishments, assignments or
6attachments against, all or any part of the lottery prize payments.
SB428,3,87 6. The assignment does not include the amounts of any withholdings specified
8under sub. (4), (5) or (5m) or s. 565.37 (5r).
SB428,3,109 (d) Contents of court order. A court order issued under par. (c) shall include all
10of the following:
SB428,3,1211 1. The name of the prizewinner or the name of the assignor, if different from
12the prizewinner.
SB428,3,1413 2. The assignor's social security number if the assignor is an individual, or
14federal income tax identification number if the assignor is an organization.
SB428,3,1615 3. The name of the individual or organization to whom part or all of the lottery
16prize is assigned.
SB428,3,1917 4. The social security number of the individual or the federal income tax
18identification number of the organization to whom part or all of the lottery prize is
SB428,3,2220 5. If part or all of the lottery prize is assigned to an individual, the citizenship
21of the individual. If the individual is not a citizen of the United States of America,
22the order shall include the individual's resident alien number.
SB428,3,2423 6. The number of assigned lottery prize payments and the dates on which the
24assigned lottery prize payments are to begin and end.
SB428,3,2525 7. The amount of each of the lottery prize payments that are assigned.
1(e) Administration of lottery prize assignment. Upon receipt of a court order
2issued under par. (c), the assignor shall provide a certified copy of the court order to
3the administrator. The administrator shall make all lottery prize payments due to
4the assignor and to the individual or organization to whom part or all of the lottery
5prize is assigned according to the terms specified in the court order. The
6administrator may charge an initial processing fee, in an amount determined by
7rule, to cover any costs associated with processing the lottery prize payments in
8accordance with the assignment.
SB428,4,99 (End)