1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
February 3, 1998 - Introduced by Senators Moore, Plache and Wineke,
cosponsored by Representatives Notestein, R. Young, Plale, Hanson, Riley,
Robson, La Fave, Boyle, Staskunas
and R. Potter. Referred to Committee on
Labor, Transportation and Financial Institutions.
SB432,1,3 1An Act to repeal 49.152 (2); to renumber 49.152 (title); to renumber and
49.152 (1); and to create 49.16 (2), (3) and (4) of the statutes; relating
the fair hearing process under Wisconsin works.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, an individual whose application for a Wisconsin works
(W-2) employment position is not acted upon by the W-2 agency with reasonable
promptness or is denied in whole or in part, whose benefit is modified or canceled,
or who believes that the benefit was calculated incorrectly, may petition the W-2
agency for a review of that action or decision. With certain exceptions, the W-2
agency must grant the petition for review and the department of workforce
development (DWD) may review the decision of the W-2 agency if the applicant or
participant or the W-2 agency petitions DWD for a review of the W-2 agency's
This bill permits an individual whose application for any component of W-2
(employment position, job access loan, child care or health care) is denied in whole
or in part, whose benefit is modified or canceled, or who believes that the benefit was
calculated incorrectly, to petition DWD for a review of the action or decision of the
W-2 agency. With certain exceptions, DWD must give the individual an opportunity
for a hearing. Under the bill, if a participant in the W-2 program requests a hearing
before the effective date of the W-2 agency's action, or within 10 days after the
mailing of the notice of the action, whichever is later, the participant's benefits may
not be suspended, reduced or discontinued, except under limited circumstances,
until DWD renders a decision after the hearing.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB432, s. 1 1Section 1. 49.152 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 49.16 (title).
SB432, s. 2 2Section 2. 49.152 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 49.16 (1) and amended to
SB432,2,114 49.16 (1) Petition for review. Any individual whose application for Wisconsin
5works under s. 49.147 (1) to (5) is not acted upon by the Wisconsin works agency with
6reasonable promptness after the filing of the application, as defined by the
7department by rule, or is denied in whole or in part, whose benefit is modified or
8canceled, or who believes that the benefit was calculated incorrectly, may petition the
9Wisconsin works agency department for a review of such action. Review is
10unavailable if the action by the Wisconsin works agency occurred more than 45 days
11prior to submission of the petition for review.
SB432, s. 3 12Section 3. 49.152 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB432, s. 4 13Section 4. 49.16 (2), (3) and (4) of the statutes are created to read:
SB432,3,314 49.16 (2) Review. Upon receipt of a timely petition under sub. (1), the
15department shall give the applicant or participant reasonable notice and
16opportunity for a fair hearing. The department may make any additional
17investigation that it considers necessary. Notice of the hearing shall be given to the
18applicant or participant and, if appropriate, to the county clerk. The Wisconsin
19works agency may be represented at the hearing. The department shall render its
20decision as soon as possible after the hearing and shall send a certified copy of its
21decision to the applicant or participant, the county clerk, if appropriate, and the

1Wisconsin works agency. The decision of the department shall be final, but may be
2revoked or modified as altered conditions may require. The department shall deny
3a petition for a hearing or shall refuse to grant relief if any of the following applies:
SB432,3,44 (a) The applicant or participant withdraws the petition in writing.
SB432,3,65 (b) The sole issue in the petition concerns an automatic grant adjustment or
6change for a class of participants as required by state or federal law.
SB432,3,97 (c) The applicant or participant abandons the petition. Abandonment occurs
8if the applicant or participant fails to appear in person or by a representative at a
9scheduled hearing without providing the department with good cause.
SB432,3,17 10(3) Suspension of benefits. If a participant requests a hearing prior to the
11effective date of the action by the Wisconsin works agency or within 10 days after the
12mailing of the notice of the action, whichever is later, benefits may not be suspended,
13reduced or discontinued until a decision is rendered after the hearing but may be
14recovered by the department if the contested decision or failure to act is upheld.
15Until a decision is rendered after the hearing, the manner or form of benefit payment
16to the participant may not change to a protective, vendor or 2-party payment.
17Benefits shall be suspended, reduced or discontinued if any of the following applies:
SB432,3,1918 (a) The participant is contesting a state or federal law or a change in state or
19federal law and not the participant's benefit computation.
SB432,3,2120 (b) The participant is notified of a change in his or her benefit while the hearing
21decision is pending but the participant fails to request a hearing on the change.
SB432,3,24 22(4) Notice to participant. The participant shall be promptly informed in
23writing if benefits are to be suspended, reduced or terminated pending the hearing
SB432,3,2525 (End)