Under current law, a person is subject to a forfeiture of $100 to $1,000 if he or
she obstructs or hinders a state or local inspector of weights or measures, including
the manipulation of any test used to determine the value of milk, causing any weight
or measure used in the buying or selling of a commodity to be incorrect or removing
an official weights and measures inspector's tag from a commodity. If the violation
is intentional, the person is subject to a fine.
This bill requires a court to impose an assessment equal to 15% of the fine or
forfeiture whenever the court imposes a fine or forfeiture for an offense related to
weights and measures. In addition the court may order the offender to pay the costs
of the investigation and prosecution, including attorney fees, related to the offense.
The costs of investigation that are collected are deposited in an appropriation to pay
for additional investigations of weights and measures violations and the
assessments that are collected are deposited in an appropriation to pay for the
education of consumers and businesses regarding their rights and responsibilities
in the marketplace.
The bill also prohibits any person who buys or sells a commodity to dismiss,
demote, transfer, discriminate or otherwise retaliate against an employe because the
employe reported any information to a weights and measures inspector that
demonstrates a violation of a law or rule regulating weights and measures.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB449, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.115 (1) (jd) and (jf) of the statutes are created to read:
SB449,2,42 20.115 (1) (jd) Weights and measures investigations. All moneys received by the
3department under s. 98.26 (3) for the costs of investigating a violation of ch. 98 or of
4any rules promulgated under ch. 98.
SB449,2,85 (jf) Weights and measures assessments. All moneys received from the weights
6and measures assessment on fines and forfeitures that are levied by a court under
7s. 98.26 (4) for the education of consumers and businesses regarding their rights and
8responsibilities in the marketplace.
SB449, s. 2 9Section 2. 59.25 (3) (f) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
10section 2160p, is amended to read:
SB449,3,1411 59.25 (3) (f) 2. For all court imposed fines and forfeitures required by law to be
12deposited in the state treasury, the amounts required by s. 165.87 for the penalty
13assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s. 165.755 for the crime laboratories
14and drug law enforcement assessment, the amounts required by s. 167.31 (5) for the
15weapons assessment, the amounts required by s. 973.045 for the crime victim and
16witness assistance surcharge, the amounts required by s. 938.34 (8d) for the
17delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge, the amounts required by s.
18973.046 for the deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge, the amounts required by
19s. 961.41 (5) for the drug abuse program improvement surcharge, the amounts
20authorized by s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or required by s. 973.055 (1) for the domestic abuse
21assessment, the amounts required by s. 253.06 (4) (c) for the enforcement assessment

1under the supplemental food program for women, infants and children, the amounts
2required by s. 346.655 (2) (a) and (b) for the driver improvement surcharge, the
3amounts required by s. 102.85 (4) for the uninsured employer assessment, the
4amounts required by s. 299.93 for the environmental assessment, the amounts
5required by s. 29.9965 for the wild animal protection assessment, the amounts
6required by s. 29.997 for the natural resources assessment surcharge, the amounts
7required by s. 29.9967 for the fishing shelter removal assessment, the amounts
8required by s. 350.115 for the snowmobile registration restitution payment, the
9amounts required by s. 98.26 (4) for the weights and measures assessment
and the
10amounts required by s. 29.998 for natural resources restitution payments, transmit
11to the state treasurer a statement of all moneys required by law to be paid on the
12actions entered during the preceding month on or before the first day of the next
13succeeding month, certified by the county treasurer's personal signature affixed or
14attached thereto, and at the same time pay to the state treasurer the amount thereof.
SB449, s. 3 15Section 3. 59.40 (2) (m) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
16section 2163p, is amended to read:
SB449,4,1717 59.40 (2) (m) Pay monthly to the treasurer for the use of the state the state's
18percentage of the fees required to be paid on each civil action, criminal action and
19special proceeding filed during the preceding month and pay monthly to the
20treasurer for the use of the state the percentage of court imposed fines and forfeitures
21required by law to be deposited in the state treasury, the amounts required by s.
22165.87 (2) (b) for the penalty assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s.
23165.755 for the crime laboratories and drug law enforcement assessment, the
24amounts required by s. 167.31 (5) for the weapons assessment, the amounts required
25by s. 973.045 for the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, the amounts

1required by s. 938.34 (8d) for the delinquency victim and witness assistance
2surcharge, the amounts required by s. 973.046 for the deoxyribonucleic acid analysis
3surcharge, the amounts required by s. 961.41 (5) for the drug abuse program
4improvement surcharge, the amounts authorized by s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or required
5by s. 973.055 for the domestic abuse assessment surcharge, the amounts required by
6s. 253.06 (4) (c) for the enforcement assessment under the supplemental food
7program for women, infants and children, the amounts required by s. 346.655 for the
8driver improvement surcharge, the amounts required by s. 102.85 (4) for the
9uninsured employer assessment, the amounts required by s. 299.93 for the
10environmental assessment, the amounts required under s. 29.9965 for the wild
11animal protection assessment, the amounts required under s. 29.997 (1) (d) for the
12natural resources assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s. 29.9967 for the
13fishing shelter removal assessment, the amounts required by s. 350.115 for the
14snowmobile registration restitution payment, the amounts required by s. 98.26 (4)
15for the weights and measures assessment
and the amounts required under s. 29.998
16(1) (d) for the natural resources restitution payments. The payments shall be made
17by the 15th day of the month following receipt thereof.
SB449, s. 4 18Section 4. 98.26 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB449,4,2419 98.26 (3) In addition to the penalties imposed under sub. (1) or the injunction
20granted under sub. (2), the court may order a person who commits a violation of this
21chapter or of the rules promulgated under this chapter to pay the reasonable and
22necessary costs of investigation and of prosecution, including attorney fees, related
23to that violation. All moneys that the department receives under this subsection
24shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.115 (1) (jd).
SB449, s. 5 25Section 5. 98.26 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
198.26 (4) (a) Whenever a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of this
2section, the court shall also impose a weights and measures assessment in the
3amount of 15% of the fine or forfeiture imposed. If multiple offenses are involved,
4the court shall base the weights and measures assessment upon the total fine or
5forfeiture amounts for all offenses. When a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole
6or in part, the court shall reduce the weights and measures assessment in proportion
7to the suspension.
SB449,5,108 (b) The clerk of court shall collect and transmit the weights and measures
9assessment amounts to the county treasurer under s. 59.40 (2) (m). The county
10treasurer shall then make payment to the state treasurer under s. 59.25 (3) (f) 2.
SB449, s. 6 11Section 6. 98.27 of the statutes is created to read:
SB449,5,18 1298.27 Protection of employes. No person who is subject to the provisions of
13this chapter may dismiss, discipline, demote, transfer, reprimand, harass, reduce the
14pay of, discriminate against or otherwise retaliate against any employe, or threaten
15to take any of those actions, because the employe reported to the department or to
16a sealer or inspector any information gained by the employe which the employe
17reasonably believes demonstrates a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated
18under this chapter.
SB449, s. 7 19Section 7. 778.13 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
20amended to read:
SB449,6,8 21778.13 Forfeitures collected, to whom paid. All moneys collected in favor
22of the state for forfeiture, except the portion to be paid to any person who sues with
23the state, shall be paid by the officer who collects the forfeiture to the treasurer of the
24county within which the forfeiture was incurred within 20 days after its receipt. In
25case of any failure in the payment the county treasurer may collect the payment of

1the officer by action, in the name of the office and upon the official bond of the officer,
2with interest at the rate of 12% per year from the time when it should have been paid.
3Penalty assessment payments shall be made as provided in s. 165.87. Jail
4assessment payments shall be made as provided in s. 302.46 (1). Crime laboratories
5and drug law enforcement assessment payments shall be paid as provided in s.
6165.755. Domestic abuse assessments shall be made as provided in s. 973.055.
7Enforcement assessments shall be made as provided in s. 253.06 (4) (c). Weights and
8measures assessments shall be made as provided in s. 98.26 (4).
SB449, s. 8 9Section 8. 814.60 (2) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB449,6,1010 814.60 (2) (g) Weights and measures assessment imposed by s. 98.26 (4).
SB449, s. 9 11Section 9. 814.63 (3) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB449,6,1212 814.63 (3) (g) Weights and measures assessment imposed by s. 98.26 (4).
SB449, s. 10 13Section 10. 973.05 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
14is amended to read:
SB449,7,1615 973.05 (1) When a defendant is sentenced to pay a fine, the court may grant
16permission for the payment of the fine, of the penalty assessment imposed by s.
17165.87, the jail assessment imposed by s. 302.46 (1), the crime victim and witness
18assistance surcharge under s. 973.045, the crime laboratories and drug law
19enforcement assessment imposed by s. 165.755, any applicable deoxyribonucleic acid
20analysis surcharge under s. 973.046, any applicable drug abuse program
21improvement surcharge imposed by s. 961.41 (5), any applicable domestic abuse
22assessment imposed by s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or 973.055, any applicable driver
23improvement surcharge imposed by s. 346.655, any applicable enforcement
24assessment imposed by s. 253.06 (4) (c), any applicable weapons assessment imposed
25by s. 167.31, any applicable uninsured employer assessment imposed by s. 102.85 (4),

1any applicable environmental assessment imposed by s. 299.93, any applicable wild
2animal protection assessment imposed by s. 29.9965, any applicable natural
3resources assessment imposed by s. 29.997, any applicable weights and measures
4assessment imposed by s. 98.26 (4)
and any applicable natural resources restitution
5payment imposed by s. 29.998 to be made within a period not to exceed 120 days. If
6no such permission is embodied in the sentence, the fine, the penalty assessment, the
7jail assessment, the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, the crime
8laboratories and drug law enforcement assessment, any applicable deoxyribonucleic
9acid analysis surcharge, any applicable drug abuse program improvement
10surcharge, any applicable domestic abuse assessment, any applicable driver
11improvement surcharge, any applicable enforcement assessment, any applicable
12weapons assessment, any applicable uninsured employer assessment, any
13applicable environmental assessment, any applicable wild animal protection
14assessment, any applicable natural resources assessment, any applicable weights
15and measures assessment imposed by s. 98.26 (4)
and any applicable natural
16resources restitution payment shall be payable immediately.
SB449, s. 11 17Section 11. 973.05 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
18is amended to read:
SB449,9,219 973.05 (2) When a defendant is sentenced to pay a fine and is also placed on
20probation, the court may make the payment of the fine, the penalty assessment, the
21jail assessment, the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, the crime
22laboratories and drug law enforcement assessment, any applicable deoxyribonucleic
23acid analysis surcharge, any applicable drug abuse program improvement
24surcharge, any applicable domestic abuse assessment, any applicable uninsured
25employer assessment, any applicable driver improvement surcharge, any applicable

1enforcement assessment under s. 253.06 (4) (c), any applicable weapons assessment,
2any applicable environmental assessment, any applicable wild animal protection
3assessment, any applicable natural resources assessment, any applicable weights
4and measures assessment imposed by s. 98.26 (4)
and any applicable natural
5resources restitution payments a condition of probation. When the payments are
6made a condition of probation by the court, payments thereon shall be applied first
7to payment of the penalty assessment until paid in full, shall then be applied to the
8payment of the jail assessment until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment
9of part A of the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge until paid in full, shall
10then be applied to part B of the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge until
11paid in full, shall then be applied to the crime laboratories and drug law enforcement
12assessment until paid in full, shall then be applied to the deoxyribonucleic acid
13analysis surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the drug abuse
14improvement surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the
15driver improvement surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment
16of the domestic abuse assessment until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment
17of the natural resources assessment if applicable until paid in full, shall then be
18applied to payment of the natural resources restitution payment until paid in full,
19shall then be applied to the payment of the environmental assessment if applicable
20until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment of the wild animal protection
21assessment if applicable until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the
22weapons assessment until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the
23uninsured employer assessment until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment
24of the enforcement assessment under s. 253.06 (4) (c), if applicable, shall then be

1applied to payment of the weights and measures assessment under s. 98.26 (4), if
until paid in full and shall then be applied to payment of the fine.
SB449, s. 12 3Section 12. 973.07 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is
4amended to read:
SB449,9,25 5973.07 Failure to pay fine or costs or to comply with certain
6community service work.
If the fine, costs, penalty assessment, jail assessment,
7crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, crime laboratories and drug law
8enforcement assessment, applicable deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge,
9applicable drug abuse program improvement surcharge, applicable domestic abuse
10assessment, applicable driver improvement surcharge, applicable enforcement
11assessment under s. 253.06 (4) (c), applicable weapons assessment, applicable
12uninsured employer assessment, applicable environmental assessment, applicable
13wild animal protection assessment, applicable natural resources assessment,
14applicable weights and measures assessment
and applicable natural resources
15restitution payments are not paid or community service work under s. 943.017 (3)
16is not completed as required by the sentence, the defendant may be committed to the
17county jail until the fine, costs, penalty assessment, jail assessment, crime victim
18and witness assistance surcharge, crime laboratories and drug law enforcement
19assessment, applicable deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge, applicable drug
20abuse program improvement surcharge, applicable domestic abuse assessment,
21applicable driver improvement surcharge, applicable enforcement assessment
22under s. 253.06 (4) (c), applicable weapons assessment, applicable uninsured
23employer assessment, applicable environmental assessment, applicable wild animal
24protection assessment, applicable natural resources assessment, applicable weights
25and measures assessment
or applicable natural resources restitution payments are

1paid or discharged, or the community service work under s. 943.017 (3) is completed,
2for a period fixed by the court not to exceed 6 months.
SB449, s. 13 3Section 13. Initial applicability.
SB449,10,64 (1) This act first applies to offenses committed on the effective date of this
5subsection but does not preclude the counting of other offenses as prior offenses for
6purposes of sentencing by a court.
SB449,10,77 (End)