SB463,11,127 11.05 (9) (b) An individual who or a committee or group which receives a
8contribution of money and transfers the contribution to another individual,
9committee or group while acting as a conduit is not subject to registration under this
10section unless the individual, committee or group transfers the contribution to a
11candidate or a personal campaign, legislative campaign, political party or support
SB463, s. 8 13Section 8. 11.06 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,11,1914 11.06 (1) (a) An itemized statement giving the date, full name and street
15address of each contributor who has made a contribution in excess of $20, or whose
16contribution if $20 or less aggregates more than $20 for the calendar year, together
17with the amount of the contribution and the cumulative total contributions made by
18that contributor for the calendar year and, if the contributor made the contribution
19through a conduit, the identity of the conduit
SB463, s. 9 20Section 9. 11.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,12,421 11.06 (2) Disclosure of certain indirect disbursements. Notwithstanding
22sub. (1), if a disbursement is made or obligation incurred by an individual other than
23a candidate or by a committee or group which is not primarily organized for political
24purposes, and the disbursement does not constitute a contribution to any candidate
25or other individual, committee or group, the disbursement or obligation is required

1to be reported only if the purpose is to expressly advocate the election or defeat of a
2clearly identified candidate or the adoption or rejection of a referendum. The
3exemption provided by this subsection shall in no case be construed to apply to a
4political party, legislative campaign, personal campaign or support committee.
SB463, s. 10 5Section 10. 11.06 (7m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,12,206 11.06 (7m) (a) If a committee which was registered under s. 11.05 as a political
7party committee or legislative campaign committee supporting candidates of a
8political party files an oath under sub. (7) affirming that it does not act in cooperation
9or consultation with any candidate who is nominated to appear on the party ballot
10of the party at a general or special election, that the committee does not act in concert
11with, or at the request or suggestion of, such a candidate, that the committee does
12not act in cooperation or consultation with such a candidate or agent or authorized
13committee of such a candidate who benefits from a disbursement made in opposition
14to another candidate, and that the committee does not act in concert with, or at the
15request or suggestion of, such a candidate or agent or authorized committee of such
16a candidate who benefits from a disbursement made in opposition to another
17candidate, the committee filing the oath may not make any contributions in support
18of any candidate of the party at the general or special election or in opposition to any
19such candidate's opponents exceeding the amounts specified in s. 11.26 (2), except as
20authorized in par. (c).
SB463, s. 11 21Section 11. 11.06 (7m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,13,322 11.06 (7m) (c) A committee filing an oath under sub. (7) which desires to change
23its status to a political party committee or legislative campaign committee may do
24so as of December 31 of any even-numbered year. Section 11.26 does not apply to
25contributions received by such a committee prior to the date of the change. Such a

1committee may change its status at other times only by filing a termination
2statement under s. 11.19 (1) and reregistering as a newly organized committee under
3s. 11.05.
SB463, s. 12 4Section 12. 11.06 (11) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,13,75 11.06 (11) (c) A contribution of money received from a conduit, accompanied by
6the information required under par. (a), is considered to be a contribution from the
7original contributor for purposes of s. 11.26 (1) and (4).
SB463, s. 13 8Section 13. 11.065 of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,13,11 911.065 Registration and reports by certain individuals and
10organizations. (1)
(a) "Mass mailing" means the distribution of 50 or more pieces
11of substantially identical material.
SB463,13,1312 (b) "Organization" means any person, other than an individual, and any
13combination of 2 or more persons.
SB463,13,1414 (c) "Telephone bank operator" has the meaning given in s. 11.095 (1) (b).
SB463,13,21 15(2) Any individual who or organization which receives one or more donations
16and makes one or more expenditures from those donations or other income for the
17purpose of publishing, broadcasting or disseminating a communication which
18includes the name or likeness of a candidate for state or local office by means of one
19or more communications media or a mass mailing or through a telephone bank
20operator shall, prior to conducting any such activity, register with the filing officer
21of the candidate whose name or likeness is used.
SB463,13,23 22(3) A registrant under sub. (2) shall file reports with each filing officer with
23whom the individual or organization is registered identifying all of the following:
SB463,14,324 (a) Each donation received from a single source exceeding $20 within a
25calendar year, together with the amount of the donation, the date that the donation

1was received and accepted, the name and address of the donor and, if the amount of
2the donation exceeds $100 cumulatively within a calendar year, the occupation and
3principal place of employment of the donor.
SB463,14,74 (b) Each expenditure exceeding $20 made, together with the amount of the
5expenditure, the date that the expenditure was made, the name of the person to
6whom the expenditure was made and the specific purpose for which the expenditure
7was made.
SB463,14,98 (c) The total donations and other income received and accepted and total
9expenditures made cumulatively for the calendar year.
SB463,14,15 10(4) The individual or organization shall report to the board the information
11required under sub. (3) in the form prescribed by the board at the time specified in
12s. 11.20 (2), (2m) and (4) for filing of reports by each candidate who is identified in
13a communication made by the individual or organization and shall include all
14donations received and accepted and all expenditures made as of the applicable dates
15specified in s. 11.20 (8).
SB463,14,20 16(5) If any individual or organization under sub. (2) makes an expenditure
17exceeding $1,000 for the purpose of making a communication specified in sub. (2), the
18individual or organization shall, in addition to filing reports under sub. (3), file a
19special report which includes the information required under sub. (4) relating to that
20expenditure no later than 24 hours after the expenditure is made.
SB463,14,24 21(6) An individual who or organization which determines that it will no longer
22receive and accept donations or make expenditures for a purpose specified in sub. (2)
23may file a notice of termination of its registration with any filing officer with whom
24the individual or organization is registered.
1(7) If a registrant with the board under sub. (2) receives and accepts donations
2exceeding the amount specified in s. 11.21 (16) within a period specified in s. 11.21
3(16), the registrant shall file reports with the board in the manner specified under
4s. 11.21 (16).
SB463, s. 14 5Section 14. 11.09 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,15,166 11.09 (3) Each registrant whose filing officer is the board, who or which makes
7disbursements in connection with elections for offices which serve or referenda
8which affect only one county or portion thereof, except a candidate, personal
9campaign committee, political party committee or other committee making
10disbursements in support of or in opposition to a candidate for state senator,
11representative to the assembly, court of appeals judge or circuit judge, shall file a
12duplicate original of each financial report filed with the board with the county clerk
13or board of election commissioners of the county in which the elections in which the
14registrant participates are held. Such reports shall be filed no later than the
15applicable dates specified under s. 11.20 (2), (2e) and (4) for the filing of each report
16with the board.
SB463, s. 15 17Section 15. 11.095 of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,15,18 1811.095 Regulation of certain telephoning activities. (1) In this section:
SB463,16,419 (a) "Persuasive telephoning" means contacting, by telephone, potential voters
20for the purpose of presenting them with information or viewpoints which are
21designed to influence the attitudes of the voters toward candidates or referenda.
22"Persuasive telephoning" does not include any contacts that are limited solely to an
23attempt to identify potential voters, to urge potential voters to participate in an
24election or to offer assistance to potential voters to enable them to participate in an
25election, or questioning a random or representative sample of a universe of potential

1voters in a voting jurisdiction or voting group in an attempt to infer, using standard
2statistical techniques and standard levels of statistical confidence, the attitudes or
3positions of the voters concerning candidates or issues or potential candidates or
4issues, or their knowledge of candidates or issues or potential candidates or issues.
SB463,16,75 (b) "Telephone bank operator" means any person who places or directs the
6placement of telephone calls to individuals and engages in or directs persuasive
SB463,16,19 8(2) Each individual who, or committee or group which, engages in or retains
9a telephone bank operator to engage in persuasive telephoning with respect to any
10election shall file a written report, on a form prescribed by the board, disclosing the
11name and address of the individual, committee or group; the name and address of any
12operator who is retained; the amount paid to any such operator for the telephoning
13services; the total amount expended by the individual, committee or group to conduct
14persuasive telephoning; and, if the individual, committee or group engaged in or the
15telephone bank operator engaged in such telephoning on behalf of the individual,
16committee or group in more than one legislative district, the amount expended by the
17individual, committee or group within each legislative district for persuasive
18telephoning performed on behalf of each candidate or each personal campaign
19committee of a candidate for legislative office in that district.
SB463,16,25 20(3) Each individual who, or committee or group which, engages in or retains
21a telephone bank operator to engage in persuasive telephoning shall report the
22information specified in sub. (2) on the dates specified for filing reports under s. 11.20
23(2), (2m) and (4), unless all information relating to an election has previously been
24reported by the individual, committee or group. Each report shall cover the period
25specified in s. 11.20 (8).
1(4) Each individual who, or committee or group which, engages in or retains
2a telephone bank operator to engage in persuasive telephoning shall report the
3information specified in sub. (2) to the filing officer under s. 11.02 of each candidate
4whose name appears on the ballot in opposition to a candidate on behalf of whom the
5individual, committee or group is conducting persuasive telephoning, or to the filing
6officer for each referendum at which the individual, committee or group seeks to
7influence the attitudes of voters.
SB463,17,9 8(5) The board shall, by rule, define the term "designed to influence the attitudes
9of voters" under sub. (1) (a).
SB463, s. 16 10Section 16. 11.16 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,17,2511 11.16 (5) Escrow agreements. Any personal campaign committee, or political
12party committee or legislative campaign committee may, pursuant to a written
13escrow agreement with more than one candidate, solicit contributions for and
14conduct a joint fund raising effort or program on behalf of more than one named
15candidate. The agreement shall specify the percentage of the proceeds to be
16distributed to each candidate by the committee conducting the effort or program.
17The committee shall include this information in all solicitations for the effort or
18program. All contributions received and disbursements made by the committee in
19connection with the effort or program shall be received and disbursed through a
20separate depository account under s. 11.14 (1) that is identified in the agreement.
21For purposes of s. 11.06 (1), the committee conducting the effort or program shall
22prepare a schedule in the form prescribed by the board supplying all required
23information under s. 11.06 (1) and items qualifying for exclusion under s. 11.31 (6)
24for the effort or program, and shall transmit a copy of the schedule to each candidate
25who receives any of the proceeds within the period prescribed in s. 11.06 (4) (c).
SB463, s. 17
1Section 17. 11.20 (2e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,18,42 11.20 (2e) Postelection reports under s. 11.06 (1) shall be received by the
3appropriate filing officer no earlier than 8 days after and no later than 14 days after
4each general election.
SB463, s. 18 5Section 18. 11.20 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,18,86 11.20 (3) (b) A candidate or personal campaign committee of a candidate at an
7election shall file a preelection report. A candidate or personal campaign committee
8of a candidate at the general election shall file a postelection report.
SB463, s. 19 9Section 19. 11.20 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,18,1910 11.20 (3) (d) A registered committee or individual other than a candidate or
11personal campaign committee making or accepting contributions, making
12disbursements or incurring obligations in support of or in opposition to one or more
13candidates for office at an election, or supporting or opposing other committees or
14individuals who are engaging in such activities, shall file a preelection report. A
15registered committee or individual other than a candidate or personal campaign
16committee making or accepting contributions, making disbursements or incurring
17obligations in support of or in opposition to one or more candidates for office at the
18general election, or supporting or opposing other committees or individuals who are
19engaging in such activities, shall file a postelection report.
SB463, s. 20 20Section 20. 11.20 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,19,221 11.20 (3) (g) A contribution, disbursement or obligation in support of or in
22opposition to a candidate at an election which is made, accepted or incurred during
23the period covered by the preelection report, or by the postelection report following
24the general election,
is considered to be made, accepted or incurred in support of or

1in opposition to that candidate at the election, regardless of whether the candidate
2is opposed at the election.
SB463, s. 21 3Section 21. 11.20 (3) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,19,94 11.20 (3) (L) A registered group or individual making or accepting
5contributions, making disbursements or incurring obligations in support of or in
6opposition to a referendum appearing on an election ballot shall file a preelection
7report. A registered group or individual making or accepting contributions, making
8disbursements or incurring obligations in support of or in opposition to referendum
9appearing on a general election ballot shall file a postelection report.
SB463, s. 22 10Section 22. 11.20 (8) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,19,1211 11.20 (8) (intro.)  Reports filed under subs. (2), (2e), (4) and (4m) shall include
12all contributions received and transactions made as of the end of:
SB463, s. 23 13Section 23. 11.20 (8) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,19,1514 11.20 (8) (am) The 7th day after the election in the case of the postelection
15report which follows the general election.
SB463, s. 24 16Section 24. 11.20 (10) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,19,2317 11.20 (10) (a) Where a requirement is imposed under this section for the filing
18of a financial report which is to be received by the appropriate filing officer no later
19than a certain date, the requirement may be satisfied either by actual receipt of the
20report by the prescribed time for filing at the office of the filing officer, or by filing a
21report with the U.S. postal service by first class mail with sufficient prepaid postage,
22addressed to the appropriate filing officer, no later than the 3rd day before the date
23provided by law for receipt of such report.
SB463, s. 25 24Section 25. 11.20 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.20 (12) If a candidate is unopposed in a primary or election, the obligation
2to file the reports required by this chapter does not cease. Except as provided in ss.
311.05 (2r) and 11.19 (2), a registrant who makes or receives no contributions, makes
4no disbursements or incurs no obligations shall so report on the applicable dates
5designated in subs. (2), (2e) and (4).
SB463, s. 26 6Section 26. 11.21 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,20,197 11.21 (2) Furnish to each registrant prescribed forms for the making of reports
8and statements. Forms shall be sent by 1st class mail not earlier than 21 days and
9not later than 14 days prior to the applicable filing deadline under s. 11.20, and
10addressed to the attention of the treasurer or other person indicated on the
11registration statement. Forms need not be sent to a registrant who has made an
12indication that aggregate contributions, disbursements and obligations will not
13exceed the amount specified under s. 11.05 (2r) or to a registrant who has been
14granted a suspension under s. 11.19 (2). Forms for reports shall not be sent by the
15board to a registrant if the registrant is required to file reports with the board in an
16electronic format.
Whenever any notice of filing requirements under this chapter is
17sent to a candidate's campaign treasurer, the board shall also send a notice to the
18candidate if he or she has appointed a separate treasurer. Failure to receive any form
19or notice does not exempt a registrant from compliance with this chapter.
SB463, s. 27 20Section 27. 11.21 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,20,2421 11.21 (9) Place a copy Maintain a duplicate record of any separate schedule
22under s. 11.06 (1) (j) received with the financial report of an individual or committee
23filing an oath under s. 11.06 (7) in the file together with the record of each candidate
24to whom it relates.
SB463, s. 28 25Section 28. 11.21 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.21 (15) Inform each candidate who files an application to become eligible to
2receive a grant from the Wisconsin election campaign fund of the dollar amount of
3the applicable disbursement limitation under s. 11.31 (1), adjusted as provided under
4s. 11.31 (9),
which applies to the office for which such person is a that candidate.
5Failure to receive the notice required by this subsection does not constitute a defense
6to a violation of s. 11.27 (1) or 11.31.
SB463, s. 29 7Section 29. 11.21 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,22,58 11.21 (16) Require each registrant for whom the board serves as filing officer
9and who or which accepts contributions in a total amount or value of $20,000 or more
10during a campaign period to file each campaign finance report that is required to be
11filed under this chapter in an electronic format, and accept from any other registrant
12for whom the board serves as a filing officer any campaign finance report that is
13required to be filed under this chapter in an electronic format. A registrant who or
14which becomes subject to a requirement to file reports in an electronic format under
15this subsection shall initially file the registrant's report in an electronic format for
16the period which includes the date on which the registrant becomes subject to the
17requirement. To facilitate implementation of this subsection, the board shall specify,
18by rule, a type of software that is suitable for compliance with the electronic filing
19requirement under this subsection. The board shall provide copies of software to
20registrants at a price fixed by the board that may not exceed cost. Each registrant
21who or which files a report under this subsection in an electronic format shall also
22file a copy of the report with the board that is recorded on a medium specified by the
23board. The copy shall be signed by an authorized individual and filed with the board
24by each registrant no later than the time prescribed for filing of the report under this
25chapter. The board shall provide complete instructions to any registrant who or

1which files a report under this subsection. In this subsection, the "campaign period"
2of a candidate, personal campaign committee or support committee begins and ends
3with the "campaign" of the candidate whose candidacy is supported, as defined in s.
411.26 (17), and the "campaign period" of any other registrant begins on January 1 of
5each odd-numbered year and ends on December 31 of the following year.
SB463, s. 30 6Section 30. 11.24 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 11.24 (5).
SB463, s. 31 7Section 31. 11.24 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,22,188 11.24 (4) No person may make a contribution to an incumbent partisan state
9elective official or to the personal campaign committee or support committee
10authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) of that official for the purpose of promoting that
11official's nomination or reelection to the office held by the official during the period
12beginning on the first Monday of January in each odd-numbered year and ending
13on the date of enactment of the biennial budget act and thereafter during any
14legislative floorperiod, including any special or extraordinary session floorperiod.
15This subsection does not apply to an individual who is a candidate for state office at
16a special election or to the personal campaign committee of such an individual during
17the period commencing on the date that the special election is ordered and ending
18on the date of the special election.
SB463, s. 32 19Section 32. 11.26 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,22,2420 11.26 (1) (intro.) No individual, except an individual serving as a conduit, may
21make any contribution or contributions to a candidate for election or nomination to
22any of the following offices and to any individual or committee under s. 11.06 (7)
23acting solely in support of such a candidate or solely in opposition to the candidate's
24opponent to the extent of more than a total of the amounts specified per candidate:
SB463,22,25 25" Section 33. 11.26 (1) (a), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
111.26 (1) (a) Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
2state treasurer, attorney general, state superintendent or justice, $10,000 $1,000.
SB463,23,33 (b) Candidates for state senator, $1,000 $500.
SB463,23,44 (c) Candidates for representative to the assembly, $500 $250.
SB463, s. 34 5Section 34. 11.26 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,23,126 11.26 (2) (intro.) No committee, including a committee serving as a conduit,
7other than a political party committee or legislative campaign committee may make
8or transfer any contribution or contributions to a candidate for election or
9nomination to any of the following offices and to any individual or committee under
10s. 11.06 (7) acting solely in support of such a candidate or solely in opposition to the
11candidate's opponent to the extent of more than a total of the amounts specified per
SB463, s. 35 13Section 35. 11.26 (2) (a), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB463,23,1614 11.26 (2) (a) Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
15state treasurer, attorney general, state superintendent or justice, 4% of the value of
16the disbursement level specified in the schedule under s. 11.31 (1)
SB463,23,1717 (b) Candidates for state senator, $1,000 $500.
SB463,23,1818 (c) Candidates for representative to the assembly, $500 $250.
SB463, s. 36 19Section 36. 11.26 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB463,23,2420 11.26 (4) No individual, except an individual serving as a conduit, may make
21any contribution or contributions to all candidates for state and local offices and to
22any individuals who or committees which are subject to a registration requirement
23under s. 11.05, including legislative campaign committees and committees of a
24political party, to the extent of more than a total of $10,000 in any calendar year.
SB463, s. 37 25Section 37. 11.26 (8) of the statutes is repealed.
SB463, s. 38
1Section 38. 11.26 (8m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,24,32 11.26 (8m) No committee may make a contribution to any other committee
3except a personal campaign or support committee.
SB463, s. 39 4Section 39. 11.26 (9) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB463,24,165 11.26 (9) (a) No individual who is a candidate for state or local office may receive
6and accept more than 65% of the value of the total disbursement level , as determined
7under s. 11.31 (1) and adjusted as provided under s. 11.31 (9), for the office for which
8he or she is a candidate during any primary and election campaign combined from
9all committees subject to a filing requirement, including political party and
10legislative campaign
committees. A candidate for state office whose grant or grants
11under s. 11.50 exceed the contribution limitation authorized by this paragraph may
12exceed the contribution limitation otherwise applicable to the extent required to
13accept the full amount of the grant or grants received by the candidate under s. 11.50,
14but any contributions received and accepted by such a candidate from committees
15other than the Wisconsin election campaign fund reduce the amount of the grant or
16grants which the candidate may accept by an amount equal to such contributions.
SB463,24,2217 (b) No individual who is a candidate for state or local office may receive and
18accept more than 45% 15% of the value of the total disbursement level, as determined
19under s. 11.31 (1) and adjusted as provided under s. 11.31 (9), for the office for which
20he or she is a candidate during any primary and election campaign combined from
21all committees other than political party and legislative campaign committees
22subject to a filing requirement.
SB463, s. 40 23Section 40. 11.26 (9) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 11.26 (9) (c) 1. and
24amended to read:
111.26 (9) (c) 1. For purposes of pars. par. (a) and (b), a, "committee" includes the
2Wisconsin election campaign fund.
SB463, s. 41 3Section 41. 11.26 (9) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB463,25,54 11.26 (9) (c) 2. For the purposes of pars. (a) and (b), "committee" includes an
5individual who or a committee which is a conduit.