SB534,14,1816 (f) The commission shall allow an eastern Wisconsin utility to recover in its
17retail electric rates any costs that are prudently incurred by the utility in complying
18with the requirements under par. (b).
SB534, s. 28 19Section 28. 196.39 of the statutes is renumbered 196.39 (1) and amended to
SB534,14,2521 196.39 (1) The commission at any time, on its own motion or upon motion of
22an interested party, and
upon notice to the public utility and after opportunity to be
23heard, may rescind, alter or amend any order fixing rates, tolls, charges or schedules,
24or any other order made by the commission, and may reopen any case following the
25issuance of an order in the case, for any reason.
1(3) Any order rescinding, altering, amending or reopening a prior order shall
2have the same effect as an original order.
SB534,15,5 3(4) Within 30 days after service of an order, the commission may correct an
4error or omission in the order related to transcription, typing or calculation without
5hearing if the correction does not alter the intended effect of the order.
SB534, s. 29 6Section 29. 196.39 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,15,87 196.39 (2) An interested party may request the reopening of a case under s.
SB534, s. 30 9Section 30. 196.485 of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,15,10 10196.485 Independent system operator. (1) Definitions. In this section:
SB534,15,1111 (a) "Affiliated interest of a person" means any of the following:
SB534,15,1312 1. Any person owning or holding directly or indirectly 5% or more of the voting
13securities of the person.
SB534,15,1514 2. Any person in any chain of successive ownership of 5% or more of voting
15securities of the person.
SB534,15,1816 3. Any corporation 5% or more of whose voting securities is owned by any
17person owning 5% or more of the voting securities of the person or by any person in
18any chain of successive ownership of 5% or more of the voting securities of the person.
SB534,15,2119 4. Any person who is an officer or director of the person or of any corporation
20in any chain of successive ownership of 5% or more of the voting securities of the
SB534,16,222 5. Any corporation operating a servicing organization for furnishing
23supervisory, construction, engineering, accounting, legal or similar services to the
24person, which corporation has one or more officers or one or more directors in
25common with the person, and any other corporation which has directors in common

1with the person if the number of directors of the corporation is more than one-third
2of the total number of the person's directors.
SB534,16,33 6. Any subsidiary of the person.
SB534,16,44 (b) "Cooperative" means a cooperative association organized under ch. 185.
SB534,16,75 (c) "Federal agency" means, with respect to a transmission utility that is a
6cooperative, the rural utilities service and, with respect to a transmission utility that
7is a public utility, the federal energy regulatory commission.
SB534,16,108 (d) "Independent system operator" means an independent system operator that
9requires the approval of a federal agency to operate transmission facilities in this
10state or a region.
SB534,16,1211 (dm) "Independent transmission owner" means a person that satisfies each of
12the following:
SB534,16,1813 1. The person does not own electric generation facilities or does not sell electric
14generation capacity or energy in a market within the geographic area that, on
15December 31, 1997, was served by the Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc.,
16Mid-Continent Area Power Pool, East Central Area Reliability Coordination
17Agreement or Southwest Power Pool reliability council of the North American
18Electric Reliability Council.
SB534,16,1919 3. The person is not an affiliated interest of a person specified in subd. 1.
SB534,16,2120 (e) "Region" means an interstate geographic area that includes any portion of
21this state.
SB534,16,2322 (f) "Rural utilities service" means the agency in the federal department of
23agriculture that is the successor to the rural electrification administration.
SB534,16,2524 (fm) "Subsidiary" means any person, 5% or more of the securities of which are
25directly or indirectly owned by another person.
1(g) "Transmission area" means the area of the state that, on January 1, 1997,
2was served by the Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc., reliability council of
3the North American Electric Reliability Council.
SB534,17,84 (h) "Transmission facility" means any pipe, pipeline, duct, wire, line, conduit,
5pole, tower, equipment or other structure used for the transmission of electric power
6as determined by the public service commission on the basis of factors for identifying
7a transmission facility that are specified in the orders of the federal energy
8regulatory commission under 16 USC 824d and 824e.
SB534,17,119 (i) "Transmission utility" means a cooperative or public utility that owns a
10transmission facility in this state and that provides transmission service in this
SB534,17,18 12(2) Commission powers and duties. (a) By June 30, 2000, if a transmission
13utility has not transferred control over its transmission facilities to an independent
14system operator that is approved by the applicable federal agency or divested, with
15approval of the applicable federal agency and the commission, its interest in its
16transmission facilities to an independent transmission owner, the commission shall,
17subject to par. (am), order the transmission utility to apply to the applicable federal
18agency to do one of the following:
SB534,17,2119 1. Transfer control of the transmission utility's transmission facilities to an
20independent system operator that has received the approval of the federal agency to
21operate in a region.
SB534,17,2422 2. If the federal agency has not approved an independent system operator
23specified in subd. 1., transfer control over the transmission utility's transmission
24facilities to an independent system operator that is intended to operate in a region.
13. If the transmission utility does not, or is not able to, to the satisfaction of the
2commission, transfer its transmission facilities to an independent system operator
3specified in subd. 2., divest the transmission utility's interest in its transmission
4facilities to an independent transmission owner.
SB534,18,65 (am) The commission may waive the requirement to issue an order against a
6transmission utility under par. (a) if each of the following is satisfied:
SB534,18,107 1. The transmission utility has filed an application with the applicable federal
8agency for approval to transfer control of its transmission facilities to an independent
9system operator or to divest its interest in its transmission facilities to an
10independent transmission owner.
SB534,18,1711 2. The commission finds that the waiver is reasonably expected to result in a
12more expeditious transfer of control to an independent system operator or
13divestment of interest to an independent transmission owner than would result
14under an order issued under par. (a). In making a finding under this subdivision, the
15commission shall consider the need for a reasonably prompt transition period for the
16transfer of control or divestment of interest that ensures, to the maximum extent
17practicable, the continued reliability of the electric transmission system in this state.
SB534,18,2218 (b) By June 30, 2000, the commission shall, except as provided in par. (bm),
19order each transmission utility in this state that is a public utility to identify and
20separately account for the cost of retail transmission service and to take all retail
21transmission service from an independent system operator or independent
22transmission owner.
SB534,19,223 (bm) The commission may issue an order under par. (b) after June 30, 2000, if
24the commission determines that a later date is necessary due to circumstances

1beyond the control of a transmission utility, including regulatory delays at the
2commission or applicable federal agency.
SB534,19,43 (c) The commission has jurisdiction to do all things necessary and convenient
4to enforce the requirements of this section.
SB534,19,16 5(3) Independent system operator and independent transmission owner
(a) If an independent system operator that has control over transmission
7facilities in this state determines that there is a need for additional transmission
8facilities in this state, the independent system operator shall order any transmission
9utility that has transferred control over transmission facilities to the independent
10system operator to, subject to the requirements of ss. 196.49 and 196.491 (3), expand
11the portion of the electric transmission system that is in this state and under the
12control of the independent system operator or construct additional transmission
13facilities in that portion of the transmission system. An independent system
14operator may issue an order under this paragraph only if a transmission utility that
15is subject to the order is reasonably compensated for the costs incurred in complying
16with the order.
SB534,19,2317 (bm) If each of the transmission utilities in the transmission area that are
18public utilities have not transferred control over their transmission facilities to the
19same independent system operator, the independent system operator that controls
20transmission facilities in the transmission area shall ensure that, by itself or
21pursuant to a long-term agreement with another independent system operator, the
22transmission facilities in the transmission area are planned, constructed, operated,
23maintained and controlled as a single transmission system.
SB534,20,524 (b) If an independent transmission owner determines that there is a need for
25additional transmission facilities in a portion of the electric transmission system of

1this state that consists of transmission facilities the interest in which has been
2divested to the independent transmission owner by a transmission utility, the
3independent transmission owner shall, subject to the requirements of ss. 196.49 and
4196.491 (3), expand that portion of the electric transmission system or construct
5additional transmission facilities in that portion.
SB534,20,86 (c) An independent transmission owner or an independent system operator
7shall operate transmission facilities over which it has control in a manner that does
8each of the following:
SB534,20,119 1. To the maximum extent practicable, eliminates advantages in electric
10generation, wholesale and retail markets that are otherwise related to ownership,
11control or operation of transmission facilities over which it has control.
SB534,20,1312 2. Satisfies the reasonable needs of transmission users in this state for reliable,
13low-cost and competitively priced electric service.
SB534,20,17 14(4) Transmission utilities. (a) A transmission utility may not transfer control
15over, or divest its interest in, its transmission facilities to an independent system
16operator or independent transmission owner unless, to the satisfaction of the
17commission, each of the following requirements is satisfied:
SB534,20,2118 1. The independent system operator or independent transmission owner is the
19sole provider of all transmission service to all users of its transmission system in this
20state, including the provision of retail transmission service to users that are public
SB534,20,2522 2. The independent system operator or independent transmission owner has
23authority over transmission facilities that is sufficient for the independent system
24operator or independent transmission owner to ensure the reliability of its
25transmission system.
13. The independent system operator or independent transmission owner has
2sufficient authority to carry out the duties specified in sub. (3).
SB534,21,73 (b) A transmission utility that transfers control over its transmission facilities
4to an independent system operator shall, subject to the approval of the applicable
5federal agency, provide reasonable and cost-effective construction, operation and
6maintenance services to the independent system operator that are required for
7operation of the transmission facilities.
SB534, s. 31 8Section 31. 196.491 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,21,10 9196.491 (title) Advance planning of electric Strategic energy
10assessment; electric
generating facilities and transmission lines.
SB534, s. 32 11Section 32. 196.491 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
SB534, s. 33 12Section 33. 196.491 (1) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,21,1313 196.491 (1) (am) "Affiliated interest" has the meaning given in s. 196.52 (1).
SB534, s. 34 14Section 34. 196.491 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,21,1715 196.491 (1) (bm) "Cooperative association" means a cooperative association
16organized under ch. 185 for the purpose of generating, distributing or furnishing
17electric energy at retail or wholesale to its members only.
SB534, s. 35 18Section 35. 196.491 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,22,219 196.491 (1) (d) "Electric utility" means any public utility, as defined in s.
20196.01, which is involved in the generation, distribution and sale of electric energy,
21and any corporation, company, individual or association, and any cooperative
22association organized under ch. 185 for the purpose of generating, distributing or
23furnishing electric energy at retail or wholesale to its members only
, which owns or
24operates, or plans within the next 10 3 years to construct, own or operate, bulk

1electric generating facilities, large electric generating
facilities or high-voltage
2transmission lines
in the state.
SB534, s. 36 3Section 36. 196.491 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,22,54 196.491 (1) (e) "Facility" means a bulk electric generating facility, a large
5electric generating facility or a high-voltage transmission line.
SB534, s. 37 6Section 37. 196.491 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,22,97 196.491 (1) (g) "Large electric generating facility" means electric generating
8equipment and associated facilities designed for nominal operation at a capacity of
9between 12,000 and 300,000 kilowatts 100 megawatts or more.
SB534, s. 38 10Section 38. 196.491 (1) (w) of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,22,1311 196.491 (1) (w) "Wholesale merchant plant" means electric generating
12equipment and associated facilities located in this state that do not provide service
13to any retail customer and that are owned and operated by any of the following:
SB534,22,1514 1. Subject to the approval of the commission under sub. (3m) (a), an affiliated
15interest of a public utility.
SB534,22,1616 2. A person that is not a public utility.
SB534, s. 39 17Section 39. 196.491 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB534,22,1818 196.491 (2) (title) Strategic energy assessment.
SB534, s. 40 19Section 40. 196.491 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to
SB534,22,2421 196.491 (2) (a) (intro.) The commission shall prepare a biennial strategic
22energy assessment that evaluates the adequacy and reliability of the state's current
23and future electrical supply. The strategic energy assessment shall do all of the
SB534, s. 41 25Section 41. 196.491 (2) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes are repealed.
SB534, s. 42
1Section 42. 196.491 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,23,102 196.491 (2) (a) 3. Identify the location of proposed and alternative specific sites
3for all bulk electric generating facilities and all
and describe large electric generating
4facilities over 200,000 kilowatts for which a certificate of public convenience and
5necessity has not been applied for under sub. (3) but the commencement of whose
6construction is planned within 3 years, or such longer period as the commission
7deems necessary and indicate the impacts of the proposed and alternative
8generating facilities on the environment and the means by which potential adverse
9effects on such values will be avoided or minimized;
on which an electric utility plans
10to commence construction within 3 years.
SB534, s. 43 11Section 43. 196.491 (2) (a) 3g. of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,23,1312 196.491 (2) (a) 3g. Assess the adequacy and reliability of purchased generation
13capacity and energy to serve the needs of the public.
SB534, s. 44 14Section 44. 196.491 (2) (a) 3m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,23,1915 196.491 (2) (a) 3m. Identify the location of tentative and alternative routes for
16and describe high-voltage transmission lines on which an electric utility plans to
construction is intended to be commenced in the succeeding 18 months
18and indicate the effects of such transmission lines on the environment and the means
19by which potential adverse effects will be avoided or minimized;
within 3 years.
SB534, s. 45 20Section 45. 196.491 (2) (a) 3r. of the statutes is created to read:
SB534,23,2321 196.491 (2) (a) 3r. Identify and describe any plans for assuring that there is an
22adequate ability to transfer electric power into the state and the transmission area,
23as defined in s. 196.485 (1) (g), in a reliable manner.
SB534, s. 46 24Section 46. 196.491 (2) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.491 (2) (a) 4. Indicate in detail Identify and describe the projected demand
2for electric energy and the basis for determining the projected demand ;.
SB534, s. 47 3Section 47. 196.491 (2) (a) 5. and 6. of the statutes are repealed.
SB534, s. 48 4Section 48. 196.491 (2) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB534,24,65 196.491 (2) (a) 7. Identify and describe existing and planned programs and
activities to discourage inefficient and excessive power use; and.
SB534, s. 49 7Section 49. 196.491 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes is repealed.
SB534, s. 50 8Section 50. 196.491 (2) (a) 9. to 13. of the statutes are created to read:
SB534,24,109 196.491 (2) (a) 9. Identify and describe existing and planned generating
10facilities that use renewable sources of energy.
SB534,24,1311 10. Consider the public interest in economic development, public health and
12safety, protection of the environment and diversification of sources of energy
SB534,24,1514 11. Assess the extent to which the regional bulk-power market is contributing
15to the adequacy and reliability of the state's electrical supply.