AB105,13,923 66.94 (4) Manner of adoption. This section may be adopted by any city, village
24or town within the metropolitan district in the following manner: The governing body
25of any municipality, by ordinance passed at least 30 days prior to submission of the

1question, may direct that the question of the adoption of this section be submitted
2to the electors therein at any general, special, judicial or local election authorized
3under s. 8.065
. The clerk of such municipality or the election commission of any city
4of the first class shall thereupon submit the question to popular vote. Public notice
5of the election shall be given in the same manner as in case of a regular municipal
6election except that such notice shall be published or posted at least 20 days prior to
7the election. If a majority of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative
8thereon, this section shall be adopted in such municipality. The proposition on the
9ballot to be used at such election shall be in substantially the following form:
AB105,13,1210 Shall section 66.94 of the Wisconsin statutes which creates a metropolitan
11transit authority for ownership and operation of a public mass transportation system
12in the metropolitan district be adopted?
AB105,13,1313 YES NO
AB105, s. 26 14Section 26. 67.05 (4) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB105,14,315 67.05 (4) Permissive referendum in counties. If a county board adopts an
16initial resolution for an issue of county bonds to provide for the original construction
17or for the improvement and maintenance of highways, to provide railroad aid, or to
18construct, acquire or maintain, or to aid in constructing, acquiring or maintaining
19a bridge over or across any stream or other body of water bordering upon or
20intersecting any part of the county, the county clerk is not required to submit the
21resolution for approval to the electors of the county at a special election referendum
22unless within 30 days after the adoption thereof there is filed with the clerk a petition
23conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 and requesting such submission, signed by
24electors numbering at least 10% of the votes cast in the county for governor at the
25last general election. If a petition is filed, the question submitted shall be whether

1the resolution shall be or shall not be approved. No such resolution of a county board
2other than those specified in this subsection need be submitted to county electors,
3except as provided otherwise in sub. (7).
AB105,14,16 4(5) Referendum in towns, villages and cities. (a) Whenever an initial
5resolution has been so adopted by the governing body of a town, the clerk of the
6municipality shall immediately record the resolution and call a special election
7referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 for the purpose of submitting the resolution
8to the electors of the municipality for approval. This paragraph does not apply to
9bonds issued to finance low-interest mortgage loans under s. 66.38, unless a number
10of electors equal to at least 15% of the votes cast for governor at the last general
11election in their town sign and file a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40
12with the town clerk requesting submission of the resolution. Whenever a number of
13electors cannot be determined on the basis of reported statistics, the number shall
14be determined in accordance with s. 60.74 (6). If a petition is filed, the question
15submitted shall be whether the resolution shall or shall not be approved. This
16paragraph is limited in its scope by sub. (7).
AB105,15,2517 (b) No city or village may issue any bonds for any purposes other than for water
18systems, lighting works, gas works, bridges, street lighting, street improvements,
19street improvement funding, hospitals, airports, harbor improvements, river
20improvements, breakwaters and protection piers, sewerage, garbage disposal,
21rubbish or refuse disposal, any combination of sewage, garbage or refuse or rubbish
22disposal, parks and public grounds, swimming pools and band shells thereon,
23veterans housing projects, paying the municipality's portion of the cost of abolishing
24grade crossings, for the construction of police facilities and combined fire and police
25safety buildings, for the purchase of sites for engine houses, for fire engines and other

1equipment of the fire department, for construction of engine houses, and for pumps,
2water mains, reservoirs and all other reasonable facilities for fire protection
3apparatus or equipment for fire protection, for parking lots or other parking
4facilities, for school purposes, for libraries, for buildings for the housing of machinery
5and equipment, for acquiring and developing sites for industry and commerce as will
6expand the municipal tax base, for financing the cost of low-interest mortgage loans
7under s. 66.38, for providing financial assistance to blight elimination, slum
8clearance, community development, redevelopment and urban renewal programs
9and projects under ss. 66.405 to 66.425, 66.43, 66.431, 66.4325, 66.435 and 66.46 or
10for university of Wisconsin system college campuses, as defined in s. 36.05 (6m), until
11the proposition for their issue for the special purpose thereof has been submitted to
12the electors of the city or village and adopted by a majority vote. Except as provided
13under sub. (15), if the common council of any city or the village board of any village
14declares its purpose to raise money by issuing bonds for any purpose other than those
15above specified, it shall direct by resolution, which shall be recorded at length in the
16record of its proceedings, the clerk to call a special election referendum in accordance
17with s. 8.065
for the purpose of submitting the question of bonding to the city or
18village electors. If a number of electors of a city or village equal to at least 15% of the
19votes cast for governor at the last general election in their city or village sign and file
20a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 with the city or village clerk
21requesting submission of the resolution, the city or village may not issue bonds for
22financing the cost of low-interest mortgage loans under s. 66.38 without calling a
23special election to submit the question of bonding to
unless the issuance is approved
the city or village electors for their approval at a referendum called in accordance
25with s. 8.065
AB105, s. 27
1Section 27. 67.05 (6a) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,16,92 67.05 (6a) (a) 2. a. Direct the school district clerk to call a special election
3referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065
for the purpose of submitting the resolution to the electors for approval or
5rejection, or direct that the resolution be submitted at the next regularly scheduled
6primary or election permitted under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s.
78.065 (3)
to be held not earlier than 45 days after the adoption of the resolution. The
8resolution shall not be effective unless adopted by a majority of the school district
9electors voting at the referendum.
AB105, s. 28 10Section 28. 67.05 (6m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,16,1611 67.05 (6m) (b) If a referendum is to be held on an initial resolution, the district
12board shall direct the technical college district secretary to call a special election
13referendum in accordance with s. 8.065 for the purpose of submitting the initial
14resolution to the electors for a referendum on approval or rejection. In lieu of a
15special election, the district board may specify that the election be held at the next
16succeeding spring primary or election or September primary or general election
AB105, s. 29 17Section 29. 67.10 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,16,2118 67.10 (5) (b) Any city having voted approved the issuance of bonds at a special
19referendum election held in accordance with s. 8.065 and having sold a portion
20thereof may negotiate, sell or otherwise dispose of the same in the manner provided
21by statute within 9 years of the date of the election voting the same.
AB105, s. 30 22Section 30. 67.12 (12) (e) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,18,723 67.12 (12) (e) 5. Within 10 days of the adoption by a technical college district
24board of a resolution under subd. 1. to issue a promissory note for a purpose under
25s. 38.16 (2), the secretary of the district board shall publish a notice of such adoption

1as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985. The notice need not set forth the full contents of
2the resolution, but shall state the amount proposed to be borrowed, the method of
3borrowing, the purpose thereof, that the resolution was adopted under this
4subsection and the place where and the hours during which the resolution is
5available for public inspection. If the amount proposed to be borrowed is for building
6remodeling or improvement and does not exceed $500,000 or is for movable
7equipment, the district board need not submit the resolution to the electors for
8approval unless, within 30 days after the publication or posting, a petition
9conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 is filed with the secretary of the district
10board requesting a referendum at a special election to be called for that purpose.
11Such petition shall be signed by electors from each county lying wholly or partially
12within the district. The number of electors from each county shall equal at least 1.5%
13of the population of the county as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c). If a county lies
14in more than one district, the technical college system board shall apportion the
15county's population as determined under s. 16.96 (2) (c) to the districts involved and
16the petition shall be signed by electors equal to the appropriate percentage of the
17apportioned population. In lieu of a special election, the district board may specify
18that the referendum shall be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election
19or September primary or general election.
Any resolution to borrow amounts of
20money in excess of $500,000 for building remodeling or improvement shall be
21submitted to the electors of the district for approval. Any referendum under this
22subdivision shall be called at the next election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an
23election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) occurring not sooner than 45 days after filing
24of a petition or adoption of a resolution requiring the referendum
. If a referendum
25is held or required under this subdivision, no promissory note may be issued until

1the issuance is approved by a majority of the district electors voting at such
2referendum. The referendum shall be noticed, called and conducted under s. 67.05
3(6a) insofar as applicable, except that the notice of special election referendum and
4ballot need not embody a copy of the resolution and the question which shall appear
5on the ballot shall be "Shall .... (name of district) be authorized to borrow the sum of
6$.... for (state purpose) by issuing its general obligation promissory note (or notes)
7under section 67.12 (12) of the Wisconsin Statutes?".
AB105, s. 31 8Section 31. 81.01 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,18,139 81.01 (3) (b) The town board by resolution submits to the electors of the town
10as a referendum at a general or special town an election authorized under s. 8.065
11the question of exceeding the $10,000 limit set under this subsection. The board shall
12abide by the majority vote of the electors of the town on the question. The question
13shall read as follows:
AB105,18,1514 Shall the town of ... spend $... over the annual limit of $10,000 for the
15construction and repair of its highways and bridges?
AB105, s. 32 17Section 32. 86.21 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,19,1818 86.21 (2) (a) Before any such toll bridge is constructed or acquired under this
19section, a resolution authorizing the construction or acquisition thereof, and
20specifying the method of payment therefor, shall be adopted by a majority of the
21members of the governing body of such county, town, village or city at a regular
22meeting, after publication of said resolution, as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985. The
23resolution shall include a general description of the property it is proposed to acquire
24or construct. Any county, town, village or city constructing or acquiring a toll bridge
25under this section may provide for the payment of the same or any part thereof from

1the general fund, from taxation, or from the proceeds of either municipal bonds,
2revenue bonds or as otherwise provided by law. Such resolution shall not be effective
3until 15 days after its passage and publication. If within said 15 days a petition
4conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 is filed with the clerk of such municipality
5signed by at least 20% of the electors thereof requesting that the question of
6acquiring such toll bridge be submitted to the said electors, such question shall be
7submitted at any general or regular municipal the next election authorized under s.
88.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3)
that may be is held not less
9sooner than 10 nor more than 40 45 days from the date of filing such petition. In case
10no such general or regular municipal election is to be held within such stated period,
11then the governing body of such municipality shall order a special election to be held
12within 30 days from the filing of such petition upon the question of whether such toll
13bridge shall be acquired by said municipality.
The question submitted to the electors
14shall specify the method of payment for such toll bridge as provided in the resolution
15for the acquisition thereof. If no such petition is filed, or if the majority of votes cast
16at such referendum election are in favor of the acquisition of such toll bridge, then
17the resolution of the governing body for the acquisition of such toll bridge shall be in
AB105, s. 33 19Section 33. 117.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,20,2 20117.20 Referendum procedures. (1) If a referendum is required under ss.
21117.08 to 117.11, it shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November
22occurring not sooner than 45 days following receipt of the petition or adoption of the
23resolution under s. 117.08 (3) (a), 117.09 (3) (a), 117.10 (3) (a) or 117.11 (4) (a). If a
24referendum is required under s. 117.105, it shall be held on the Tuesday after the first

1Monday in the 2nd November occurring not sooner than 45 days following receipt of
2the petition or adoption of the resolution under s. 117.105 (1).
AB105,20,13 3(2) The clerk of each affected school district shall publish notice, as required
4under s. 8.55 10.06 (4), in the territory of that school district. The procedures for
5school board elections under s. 120.06 (5), (9), (11), (13) and (14) apply to a
6referendum held under this section. The school board and school district clerk of each
7affected school district shall each perform, for that school district, the functions
8assigned to the school board and the school district clerk, respectively, under those
9subsections. The form of the ballot shall correspond to the form prescribed by the
10elections board under ss. 5.64 (2) and 7.08 (1) (a). The clerk of each affected school
11district shall file with the secretary of the board a certified statement prepared by
12the school district board of canvassers of the results of the referendum in that school
AB105, s. 34 14Section 34. 119.48 (4) (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB105,20,1915 119.48 (4) (b) The communication shall state the purposes for which the funds
16from the increase in the levy rate will be used and shall request the common council
17to submit to the voters of the city the question of exceeding the levy rate specified in
18s. 65.07 (1) (f) at the September election or a special an election authorized under s.
AB105,21,620 (c) Upon receipt of the communication, the common council shall cause the
21question of exceeding the levy rate specified under s. 65.07 (1) (f) to be submitted to
22the voters of the city at the September election or at a special next election authorized
23under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) to be held not sooner
24than 45 days after receipt of the communication
. The question of exceeding the levy
25rate specified under s. 65.07 (1) (f) shall be submitted upon a separate ballot or in

1some other manner so that the vote upon exceeding the levy rate specified in s. 65.07
2(1) (f) is taken separately from any other question submitted to the voters. If a
3majority of the electors voting on the question favors exceeding the levy rate specified
4under s. 65.07 (1) (f), the common council shall approve the increase in the levy rate
5and shall levy and collect a tax equal to the amount of money approved by the
AB105, s. 35 7Section 35. 119.49 (1) (b) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB105,21,138 119.49 (1) (b) The communication shall state the amount of funds needed under
9par. (a) and the purposes for which the funds will be used and shall request the
10common council to submit to the voters of the city at the next election authorized
11under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) to be
held in the city
12not sooner than 45 days after receipt of the communication the question of issuing
13school bonds in the amount and for the purposes stated in the communication.
AB105,21,25 14(2) Upon receipt of the communication, the common council shall cause the
15question of issuing such school bonds in the stated amount and for the stated school
16purposes to be submitted to the voters of the city at the next election held in the city
17authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s. 8.065 (3) that occurs
18not sooner than 45 days after the date of receipt of the communication
. The question
19of issuing such school bonds shall be submitted upon a separate ballot or in some
20other manner so that the vote upon issuing such school bonds is taken separately
21from any other question submitted to the voters. If a majority of the electors voting
22on the school bond question favors issuing such school bonds, the common council
23shall cause the school bonds to be issued immediately or within the period permitted
24by law, in the amount requested by the board and in the manner other bonds are
AB105, s. 36
1Section 36. 121.91 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,22,182 121.91 (3) (a) If a school board wishes to exceed the limit under sub. (2m)
3otherwise applicable to the school district in any school year, it shall promptly adopt
4a resolution supporting inclusion in the final school district budget of an amount
5equal to the proposed excess revenue. The resolution shall specify whether the
6proposed excess revenue is for a recurring or nonrecurring purpose, or, if the
7proposed excess revenue is for both recurring and nonrecurring purposes, the
8amount of the proposed excess revenue for each purpose. Within 10 days after
9adopting the resolution, the school board shall notify the department of the
10scheduled date of the referendum and submit a copy of the resolution to the
11department. The school board shall call a special referendum in accordance with s.
for the purpose of submitting the resolution to the electors of the school district
13for approval or rejection. In lieu of a special referendum, the school board may
14specify that the referendum be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election
15or September primary or general election, if such election is
, to be held not earlier
16sooner than 35 days after the adoption of the resolution of the school board. The
17school district clerk shall certify the results of the referendum to the department
18within 10 days after the referendum is held.
AB105, s. 37 19Section 37. 197.04 (1) (b) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB105,23,720 197.04 (1) (b) If within either of the 90-day periods described in par. (a) a
21petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 is filed with the clerk of the
22municipality and the petition has been signed by 5% of the electors of a 1st class city
23or by 10% of the electors of all other municipalities requesting that the question of
24discontinuing the proceeding to acquire the plant or equipment of the public utility
25be submitted to the electors of the municipality, the applicable question under par.

1(c) shall be submitted to the electors at any general or regular municipal the
election authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under s.
38.065 (3)
that may be is held not less than 30, and not more than 35, days from the
4date of the filing of the petition. If no general election or regular municipal election
5is to be held within the stated periods, the governing body of the municipality shall
6order the holding of a special election for the purpose of submitting the question to
7the electors.
AB105,23,17 8(2) The governing body of the municipality may provide for notice of, the
9manner of holding s, the method of voting on, the method of making returns of, and
10the method of canvassing and determining the result of, the election required under
11sub. (1). Notice of the election to the electors shall be given by a brief notice of that
12fact once a week for 3 weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published in
13the municipality. If no newspaper of general circulation is published in the
14municipality, publication may be made in any newspaper of general circulation in the
15county seat of the county in which the municipality is located. The notice of holding
16any special election shall be incorporated as a part of the notice given under this
AB105, s. 38 18Section 38. 197.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,24,519 197.10 (2) Such contract when adopted by the common council of said city and
20accepted by the owner or owners of such public utility shall be submitted to the public
21service commission for its approval and upon such approval the same shall be
22submitted in such manner as the common council shall determine to a vote of the
23electors of such city at the next regular municipal election or at a special election
24called for that purpose
authorized under s. 8.065 (2) or an election authorized under
25s. 8.065 (3) to be held not sooner than 45 days after approval of the commission
, and

1such contract shall not become binding upon such city until approved by a majority
2vote of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon. No bonds shall in any case
3be issued by said city under the contract or contracts mentioned in sub. (1), until the
4proposition of their issue shall have been submitted to the people of such city and
5adopted by a majority of the electors voting thereon.
AB105, s. 39 6Section 39. 198.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB105,24,217 198.19 (1) Any territory, constituting one or more municipalities contiguous to
8a district may be annexed to and become a part of such district to all intents and
9purposes and with like effect as though originally included therein upon such terms
10and conditions as the board of directors of the district shall fix by ordinance adopted
11by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the directors-elect, provided that before such
12ordinance becomes effective the same shall be accepted and ratified by the
13affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors entitled to vote and voting in
14a special election referendum called and held for that purpose, in accordance with
15s. 8.065,
in each municipality proposed in such ordinance to be annexed to the
16district. Such ordinance shall be published and such election shall be noticed, held
17and conducted, as nearly as may be, in the manner provided by this chapter for the
18noticing, holding and conduct of elections upon the organization of a municipal power
19district, except that the returns of such election and the ballots therein shall be
20delivered to the clerk of the district. The results of said election shall be canvassed
21publicly by the directors of the district.
AB105, s. 40 22Section 40. Initial applicability.
AB105,24,2423 (1) This act first applies with respect to referenda called on the effective date
24of this subsection.
AB105,24,2525 (End)