AB605,20,114 8. Is convicted of a 2nd violation of s. 346.63, of a law of another state that is
5comparable to a violation of s. 346.63 or of a law of a federally recognized American
6Indian tribe or band that is comparable to s. 346.63, within 3 years of a previous
7conviction. For purposes of this subdivision, the first violation of s. 346.63, of a law
8of another state that is comparable to a violation of s. 346.63 or of a law of a federally
9recognized American Indian tribe or band that is comparable to s. 346.63, may have
10occurred before the date on which the individual submitted his or her application for
11a license under this section.
AB605,20,1212 9. Is found incompetent under ch. 880.
AB605,20,1713 (am) 1. If a licensee is arrested or charged with a crime that would disqualify
14him or her from having a license under this section, the sheriff shall suspend the
15licensee's license until judgment is entered in the case. If the charge is dismissed or
16the licensee is acquitted, the sheriff shall restore the licensee's license. If the person
17is convicted, the sheriff shall revoke the licensee's license.
AB605,20,2118 2. If an applicant for a license under this section is arrested or charged with a
19crime that would disqualify him or her from having a license under this section, the
20sheriff shall deny the application. Notwithstanding sub. (3) (m), if the charge is
21dismissed or the applicant is acquitted, the applicant may reapply for a license.
AB605,20,2422 (c) 1. A person aggrieved by any action by a sheriff under this subsection may
23appeal directly to the circuit court of the sheriff's county or, if applicable, to the circuit
24court of the county of issuance designated under sub. (2) (c).
12. To begin an appeal under this paragraph, the aggrieved person shall file a
2petition for review with the clerk of the applicable circuit court within 30 days after
3the date of the sheriff's action or, if applicable, within 30 days after the date of the
4notice provided to the person under sub. (9) (b) 2. The petition shall state the
5substance of the sheriff's action that the person is appealing from and the grounds
6upon which the person believes the sheriff's action to be improper. The petition may
7include a copy of any records or documents that are relevant to the grounds upon
8which the person believes the sheriff's action to be improper.
AB605,21,119 3. A copy of the petition shall be served upon the sheriff either personally or
10by registered or certified mail within 5 days after the person files his or her petition
11under subd. 2.
AB605,21,1512 4. The sheriff shall file an answer within 15 days after being served with the
13petition under subd. 3. The answer shall include a brief statement of the actions
14taken by the sheriff, and a copy of any documents or records on which the sheriff
15based his or her action shall be included with the answer when filed.
AB605,21,2116 5. The court shall review the petition, answer and any records or documents
17submitted with the petition or answer. The review under this subdivision shall be
18conducted by the court without a jury and shall be confined to the petition, answer
19and any records or documents submitted with the petition or answer, except that in
20cases of alleged irregularities in procedure by the sheriff the court may take
21testimony that the court determines is appropriate.
AB605,21,2322 6. The court shall affirm the sheriff's action unless the court finds any of the
AB605,21,2424 a. That the sheriff failed to follow procedure prescribed under this section.
1b. That the sheriff erroneously interpreted a provision of law and a correct
2interpretation compels a different action.
AB605,22,43 c. That the sheriff's action depends on a finding of fact that is not supported
4by substantial evidence in the record.
AB605,22,65 7. The court's decision shall provide whatever relief is appropriate regardless
6of the original form of the petition.
AB605,22,9 7(15) License expiration and renewal. (a) Except as provided in sub. (9r) (c)
81., a license issued under this section is valid for a period of 5 years after the date on
9which the license is issued unless the license is suspended or revoked under sub. (14).
AB605,22,1310 (b) At least 90 days before the expiration date of a license issued under this
11section, the sheriff who issued the license shall mail to the licensee a written notice
12of expiration and a form for renewing the license. The sheriff shall renew the license
13if, before the date the license expires, the licensee does all of the following:
AB605,22,1414 1. Submits a renewal application on the form provided by the sheriff.
AB605,22,1615 2. Submits a notarized affidavit stating that he or she remains qualified under
16subs. (3) and (4).
AB605,22,1717 4. Pays all of the following:
AB605,22,2018 a. A fee set by the sheriff that does not exceed the cost to a sheriff of renewing
19a license issued under this section, including the cost of equipment purchase or
AB605,22,2121 b. The fee for a firearms restrictions record search specified in sub. (9g) (c).
AB605,22,2222 c. A shooting range improvement fee of $15.
AB605,22,2323 d. A law enforcement excellence fund fee of $15.
1(c) The sheriff shall request the department to conduct a firearms restrictions
2record search of a licensee as provided under sub. (9g) before renewing the licensee's
3license under par. (b).
AB605,23,64 (d) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., if a licensee submits a renewal application
5under par. (b) after the expiration date of the license he or she shall be assessed a late
6fee of $15.
AB605,23,107 2. If a licensee does not submit a renewal application under par. (b) before 6
8months after the date the license expires, the license shall permanently expire. A
9licensee whose license has permanently expired may be issued a new license if he or
10she applies for a license as provided under sub. (7).
AB605,23,12 11(16) Prohibited activity. (a) No licensee may carry a concealed weapon in any
12of the following places:
AB605,23,1313 1. A place that has been declared a nuisance under ch. 823.
AB605,23,1714 2. A police station, sheriff's office or state patrol station. This subdivision does
15not prohibit a peace officer who is acting within the scope of his or her employment
16from carrying a concealed weapon in a police station, sheriff's office or state patrol
AB605,23,1818 3. A prison, jail, house of correction or secured correctional facility.
AB605,23,2219 4. A courthouse, except that a judge who is a licensee may carry a concealed
20weapon in a courthouse in which he or she is presiding in court or may permit in
21writing any other licensee to carry a concealed weapon in a courthouse in which he
22or she is presiding in court.
AB605,23,2523 8. A place at which a school, college or professional athletic event is taking
24place, unless the event is related to firearms and the licensee is a participant in the
19. A school administration building.
AB605,24,32 10. Any premises for which a Class "B" or "Class B" license or permit has been
3issued under ch. 125, except as provided under s. 941.237.
AB605,24,54 14. An airport, unless the weapon is encased for shipment as baggage to be
5transported by aircraft.
AB605,24,66 15. A place in which the carrying of a weapon is prohibited under s. 948.61.
AB605,24,77 16. A place in which the carrying of a weapon is prohibited by federal law.
AB605,24,98 (c) A licensee may not carry a concealed weapon if he or she is prohibited from
9possessing a dangerous weapon under s. 969.02 (3) (c) or 969.03 (1) (c).
AB605,24,11 10(17) Penalties. (a) A licensee who violates sub. (2g) (b) may be required to
11forfeit not more than $25.
AB605,24,1312 (b) A licensee who violates sub. (16) may be fined not more than $1,000 or
13imprisoned for not more than 90 days or both.
AB605,24,21 14(19) Statistical report. (a) By February 1 of each year, a sheriff who is issuing
15or renewing licenses under this section shall submit a statistical report to the
16department indicating the number of licenses applied for, issued, denied, suspended
17and revoked under this section during the previous calendar year. For the licenses
18denied, the report shall indicate the reasons for the denials and the part of the
19application process during which the reasons for denial were discovered. For the
20licenses suspended or revoked, the report shall indicate the reasons for the
21suspensions and revocations.
AB605,25,422 (b) By March 1 of each year, the department shall submit a statistical report
23to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor that is compiled from the
24reports submitted under par. (a) and that indicates the number of licenses applied
25for, issued, denied, suspended and revoked under this section during the previous

1calendar year. For the licenses denied, the report shall indicate the reasons for the
2denials and the part of the application process in which the reasons for denial were
3discovered. For the licenses suspended or revoked, the report shall indicate the
4reasons for the suspensions and revocations.
AB605,25,10 5(20) Law enforcement excellence fund. (a) If a county's sheriff issues licenses
6on his or her own under sub. (2) (a) or through an agreement under sub. (2) (c), the
7county board shall establish a law enforcement excellence fund. All money collected
8by a sheriff under subs. (7) (bt) and (15) (b) 4. d. shall be deposited in accordance with
9s. 59.25 (3) (u) 4. in the law enforcement excellence fund established under this
AB605,25,1311 (b) A law enforcement excellence fund established under this subsection shall
12be used to improve law enforcement services in the county and may not be used to
13supplant or replace other funds otherwise available to the sheriff.
AB605, s. 9 14Section 9. 440.26 (3r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,25,1815 440.26 (3r) Carrying of concealed weapons by private detective. An
16individual who is licensed as a private detective under this section and who is
17licensed under s. 175.50 to carry a concealed weapon may carry a concealed weapon
18as permitted under s. 175.50, including while he or she acting as a private detective.
AB605, s. 10 19Section 10. 941.23 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,25,23 20941.23 Carrying concealed weapon. Any person except a peace officer, a
21person licensed under s. 175.50 or a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon in
22another state
who goes armed with a concealed and dangerous weapon is guilty of
23a Class A misdemeanor.
AB605, s. 11 24Section 11. 941.235 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1941.235 (2) This section does not apply to peace officers or armed forces or
2military personnel who go armed in the line of duty, to any individual licensed under
3s. 175.50 to carry a concealed weapon who is carrying a concealed weapon as
4permitted under s. 175.50,
or to any person duly authorized by the chief of police of
5any city, village or town, the chief of the capitol police or the sheriff of any county to
6possess a firearm in any building under sub. (1).
AB605, s. 12 7Section 12. 941.295 (2) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,26,98 941.295 (2) (bm) Any person licensed to carry a concealed weapon under s.
AB605, s. 13 10Section 13. 948.605 (2) (b) 4m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,26,1211 948.605 (2) (b) 4m. By an individual licensed under s. 175.50 to carry a
12concealed weapon who is carrying a concealed weapon as permitted under s. 175.50;
AB605,26,1313 (End)