AB654-engrossed,4,8 814.63 (title) College tuition prepayment and expenses program.
AB654-engrossed, s. 1m 9Section 1m. 14.63 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
10is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,4,1511 14.63 (1) (b) "Institution of higher education" means a public or private
12institution of higher education that is accredited by an accrediting association
13recognized by the state treasurer, and a proprietary school approved by the
14educational approval board under s. 45.54
an eligible educational institution, as
15defined under 26 USC 529
AB654-engrossed, s. 1r 16Section 1r. 14.63 (3) (title) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,4,1818 14.63 (3) (title) Tuition prepayment College tuition and expenses contracts.
AB654-engrossed, s. 2 19Section 2. 14.63 (3) (a) 1. and 3. of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin
20Act 9
, are repealed.
AB654-engrossed, s. 3 21Section 3. 14.63 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,4,2222 14.63 (3) (c) The state treasurer may charge a purchaser an enrollment fee.
AB654-engrossed, s. 4m 23Section 4m. 14.63 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
24amended to read:
114.63 (4) Number of tuition units purchased. A person who enters into a
2contract under sub. (3) may purchase tuition units at any time and in any number,
3except that the total number of tuition units purchased on behalf of a single
4beneficiary may not exceed the number necessary to pay for 4 years of full-time
5attendance, including mandatory student fees, as a resident undergraduate at the
6institution within the University of Wisconsin System that has the highest resident
7undergraduate tuition, as determined by the state treasurer, in the anticipated
8academic years of their use
cover tuition, fees and the costs of room and board, books,
9supplies and equipment required for enrollment or attendance of the beneficiary at
10an institution of higher education
AB654-engrossed, s. 5 11Section 5. 14.63 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
12amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,5,2113 14.63 (5) (a) Except as provided in sub. (7m), if an individual named as
14beneficiary in a contract under sub. (3) attends an institution of higher education in
15the United States, each tuition unit purchased on his or her behalf entitles that
16beneficiary to apply toward the payment of tuition and mandatory student, fees and
17the costs of room and board, books, supplies and equipment required for enrollment
18or attendance
at the institution an amount equal to 1% of the anticipated weighted
19average tuition of bachelor's degree-granting institutions within the University of
20Wisconsin System for the year of attendance, as estimated under sub. (2) in the year
21in which the tuition unit was purchased.
AB654-engrossed, s. 6 22Section 6. 14.63 (5) (b) (intro.) and 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1999
23Wisconsin Act 9
, are amended to read:
114.63 (5) (b) (intro.) Upon request by the beneficiary, the state treasurer shall
2pay to the institution or beneficiary, whichever is appropriate, in each semester of
3attendance the lesser of the following:
AB654-engrossed,6,54 2. An amount equal to the sum of the institution's tuition and mandatory
, fees and the costs described in par. (a) for that semester.
AB654-engrossed, s. 7 6Section 7. 14.63 (8) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
7amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,6,118 14.63 (8) Exemption from garnishment, attachment and execution. Moneys
9deposited in the tuition trust fund and a beneficiary's right to the payment of tuition
10and mandatory student, fees and the costs described in sub. (5) (a) under this section
11are not subject to garnishment, attachment, execution or any other process of law.
AB654-engrossed, s. 8 12Section 8. 14.63 (11) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
13is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,6,1714 14.63 (11) (b) The requirements to pay tuition and mandatory student, fees and
15the costs of room and board, books, supplies and equipment
under sub. (5) and to
16make refunds under sub. (7) are subject to the availability of sufficient assets in the
17tuition trust fund.
AB654-engrossed, s. 8m 18Section 8m. 14.63 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,6,2519 14.63 (11m) Financial aid calculations. The value of tuition units shall not
20be included in the calculation of a beneficiary's eligibility for state financial aid for
21higher education if the beneficiary notifies the higher educational aids board and the
22institution of higher education that the beneficiary is planning to attend that he or
23she is a beneficiary of a contract under this section and the contract owner agrees to
24release to the higher educational aids board and the institution of higher education
25information necessary for the calculation under this subsection.
AB654-engrossed, s. 8r
1Section 8r. 14.63 (13) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
2amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,7,63 14.63 (13) Program termination. If the state treasurer determines that the
4program under this section is financially infeasible, the state treasurer shall
5discontinue entering into tuition prepayment contracts under sub. (3) and
6discontinue selling tuition units under sub. (4).
AB654-engrossed, s. 9 7Section 9. 14.64 of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,7,8 814.64 College savings program. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB654-engrossed,7,109 (a) "Account owner" means an individual who establishes a college savings
10account under this section.
AB654-engrossed,7,1111 (b) "Board" means the college savings program board.
AB654-engrossed,7,12 12(2) Duties of the board. The board shall do all of the following:
AB654-engrossed,7,1813 (a) Except as provided in s. 16.25, establish and administer a college savings
14program that allows an individual, trust, legal guardian or entity described under
1526 USC 529 (e) (1) (C) to establish a college savings account to cover tuition, fees and
16the costs of room and board, books, supplies and equipment required for the
17enrollment or attendance of a beneficiary at an eligible educational institution, as
18defined under 26 USC 529.
AB654-engrossed,7,2019 (b) Ensure that the college savings program meets the requirements of a
20qualified state tuition plan under 26 USC 529.
AB654-engrossed,7,2221 (c) Invest the contributions to college savings accounts and pay distributions
22to beneficiaries and eligible educational institutions.
AB654-engrossed,8,223 (d) Provide to each account owner, and to persons who are interested in
24establishing a college savings account, information about current and estimated
25future higher education costs, levels of participation in the college savings program

1that will help achieve educational funding objectives and availability of and access
2to financial aid.
AB654-engrossed,8,73 (e) Promulgate rules to implement and administer this section, including rules
4that determine whether a withdrawal from a college savings account is a qualified
5or nonqualified withdrawal, as defined under 26 USC 529, and that impose more
6than a de minimis penalty, as defined under 26 USC 529, for nonqualified
AB654-engrossed,8,108 (f) Seek rulings and guidance from the U.S. department of the treasury, the
9internal revenue service and the securities and exchange commission to ensure the
10proper implementation and administration of the college savings program.
AB654-engrossed,8,1311 (g) Ensure that if the department of administration changes vendors, the
12balances of college savings accounts are promptly transferred into investment
13instruments as similar to the original investment instruments as possible.
AB654-engrossed,8,1714 (h) Keep personal and financial information pertaining to an account owner or
15a beneficiary closed to the public, except that the board may release to the
16appropriate state agency information necessary in determining a beneficiary's
17eligibility for state financial aid for higher education.
AB654-engrossed,8,19 18(3) Account owners; beneficiaries; contributions; termination of savings
(a) An account owner may do all of the following:
AB654-engrossed,8,2020 1. Contribute to a college savings account
AB654-engrossed,8,2121 2. Select a beneficiary of a college savings account.
AB654-engrossed,8,2322 3. Change the beneficiary of a college savings account to a family member, as
23defined under 26 USC 529, of the previous beneficiary.
AB654-engrossed,8,2524 4. Transfer all or a portion of a college savings account to another college
25savings account whose beneficiary is a member of the family.
15. Designate an individual other than the beneficiary as an individual to whom
2funds may be paid from a college savings account.
AB654-engrossed,9,43 6. Receive distributions from a college savings account if no other individual
4is designated.
AB654-engrossed,9,75 (b) An individual may be the beneficiary of more than one college savings
6account, and an account owner may be the beneficiary of a college savings account
7that the account owner has established.
AB654-engrossed,9,138 (c) The board shall establish a minimum initial contribution to a college savings
9account that may be waived if the account owner agrees to contribute to a college
10savings account through a payroll deduction or automatic deposit plan. The board
11shall ensure that any such plan permits the adjustment of scheduled deposits
12because of a change in the account owner's economic circumstances or a beneficiary's
13educational plans.
AB654-engrossed,9,1514 (d) An account owner under this section may terminate his or her college
15savings account if any of the following occurs:
AB654-engrossed,9,1616 1. The beneficiary dies or is permanently disabled.
AB654-engrossed,9,1817 2. The beneficiary graduates from high school but is unable to gain admission
18to an institution of higher education after a good faith effort.
AB654-engrossed,9,2019 3. The beneficiary attended an institution of higher education but involuntarily
20failed to complete the program in which he or she was enrolled.
AB654-engrossed,9,2121 4. The beneficiary is at least 18 years old and one of the following applies:
AB654-engrossed,9,2222 a. The beneficiary has not graduated from high school.
AB654-engrossed,9,2323 b. The beneficiary has decided not to attend an institution of higher education.
AB654-engrossed,9,2524 c. The beneficiary attended an institution of higher education but voluntarily
25withdrew without completing the program in which he or she was enrolled.
15. Other circumstances determined by the board to be grounds for termination.
AB654-engrossed,10,52 (e) The board shall terminate a college savings account if any portion of the
3college savings account balance remains unused 10 years after the anticipated
4academic year of the beneficiary's initial enrollment in an eligible educational
AB654-engrossed,10,8 6(4) Contracts with professionals. The board may enter into a contract for the
7services of accountants, attorneys, consultants and other professionals to assist in
8the administration and evaluation of the college savings program.
AB654-engrossed,10,12 9(5) Report. Annually, the board shall submit a report to the governor, and to
10the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3), on the
11performance of the college savings program, including any recommended changes to
12the program.
AB654-engrossed,10,16 13(6) Construction. Nothing in this section guarantees an individual's
14admission to, retention by or graduation from any institution of higher education; a
15rate of interest or return on a college savings account; or the payment of principal,
16interest or return on a college savings account.
AB654-engrossed,10,19 17(7) Exemption from garnishment, attachment and execution; security for
(a) A beneficiary's right to qualified withdrawals under this section is not
19subject to garnishment, attachment, execution or other process of law.
AB654-engrossed,10,2120 (b) No interest in a college savings account may be pledged as security for a
AB654-engrossed,11,3 22(8) Financial aid calculations. The balance of a college savings account shall
23not be included in the calculation of a beneficiary's eligibility for state financial aid
24for higher education if the beneficiary notifies the higher educational aids board and
25the eligible educational institution that the beneficiary is planning to attend that he

1or she is a beneficiary of a college savings account and if the account owner agrees
2to release to the higher educational aids board and the eligible educational
3institution information necessary for the calculation under this subsection.
AB654-engrossed, s. 10 4Section 10. 15.07 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,11,55 15.07 (1) (b) 2. College savings program board.
AB654-engrossed, s. 11 6Section 11. 16.25 of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,11,9 716.25 College savings program vendor. (1) The department shall
8determine the factors to be considered in selecting a vendor of the program under s.
914.64, which shall include:
AB654-engrossed,11,1010 (a) The person's ability to satisfy record-keeping and reporting requirements.
AB654-engrossed,11,1111 (b) The fees, if any, that the person proposes to charge account owners.
AB654-engrossed,11,1312 (c) The person's plan for promoting the college savings program and the
13investment that the person is willing to make to promote the program.
AB654-engrossed,11,1514 (d) The minimum initial contribution or minimum contributions that the
15person will require.
AB654-engrossed,11,1616 (e) The ability and willingness of the person to accept electronic contributions.
AB654-engrossed,11,1817 (f) The ability of the person to augment the college savings program with
18additional, beneficial services related to the program.
AB654-engrossed,11,22 19(2) The department shall solicit competitive sealed proposals under s. 16.75
20(2m) from nongovernmental persons to serve as vendor of the college savings
21program. The department shall select the vendor based upon factors determined by
22the department under sub. (1).
AB654-engrossed,11,24 23(3) The contract between the department and the vendor shall ensure all of the
1(a) That the vendor reimburses the state for all administrative costs that the
2state incurs for the college savings program.
AB654-engrossed,12,53 (b) That a firm of certified public accountants selected by the vendor annually
4audits the college savings program and provides a copy of the audit to the college
5savings program board.
AB654-engrossed,12,96 (c) That each account owner receives a quarterly statement that identifies the
7contributions to the college savings account during the preceding quarter, the total
8contributions to and the value of the college savings account through the end of the
9preceding quarter and any distributions made during the preceding quarter.
AB654-engrossed,12,1110 (d) That the manager communicate to the beneficiary and account owner the
11requirements of s. 14.64 (8).
AB654-engrossed, s. 12 12Section 12. 16.75 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,12,1713 16.75 (2m) (a) If Except as otherwise required by law, if the secretary or his or
14her designee determines that the use of competitive sealed bidding is not practicable
15or not advantageous to this state, the department may solicit competitive sealed
16proposals. Each request for competitive sealed proposals shall state the relative
17importance of price and other evaluation factors.
AB654-engrossed, s. 13 18Section 13. 20.585 (1) (gm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,12,2119 20.585 (1) (gm) General program operations; reimbursement. All moneys
20received from the vendor of the college savings program under s. 16.25 (3) (a) for
21general programs operations.
AB654-engrossed, s. 13dm 22Section 13dm. 20.585 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,12,2523 20.585 (2) (a) Administrative expenses; general fund. The amounts in the
24schedule for the administrative expenses of the college tuition prepayment and
program under s. 14.63, including the expense of promoting the program.
AB654-engrossed, s. 13dr
1Section 13dr. 20.585 (2) (s) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,13,52 20.585 (2) (s) Administrative expenses; tuition trust fund. From the tuition
3trust fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administrative expenses of the college
4tuition prepayment and expenses program under s. 14.63, including the expense of
5promoting the program.
AB654-engrossed, s. 13g 6Section 13g. 71.05 (6) (b) 23. of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB654-engrossed,13,118 71.05 (6) (b) 23. Any increase in value of a tuition unit that is purchased under
9a tuition contract under s. 14.63, except that the subtraction under this subdivision
10may not be claimed by any individual who received a refund under s. 14.63 (7) (a) 2.,
113. or 4
AB654-engrossed, s. 13h 12Section 13h. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. h. of the statutes is created to read:
AB654-engrossed,13,1713 71.05 (6) (b) 28. h. No modification may be claimed under this subdivision for
14an amount paid for tuition expenses, as described under this subdivision, if the
15source of the payment is an amount withdrawn from a college savings account, as
16described in s. 14.64 or from a college tuition prepayment program, as described in
17s. 14.63.