AB925,15,1514 236.20 (1) General requirements. (intro.) All plats shall be legibly prepared
15in the following manner and meet all of the following requirements:
AB925,15,2216 (a) With The plat shall have a binding margin 1 1/2 inches wide on the left side,
17and a one-inch margin on all other sides. A graphic scale of not more than 100 feet
18to one inch shall be shown on each sheet showing layout features. When more than
19one sheet is used for any plat, each sheet shall be numbered consecutively and shall
20contain a notation giving the total number of sheets in the plat and showing the
21relation of that sheet to the other sheets and each sheet shall bear the subdivision
22and county name.

Note: Amends (intro.) for conformity with current style for (intro.) provisions and
amends sub. (1) (a) accordingly.
AB925, s. 29 1Section 29. 236.20 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB925,16,32 236.20 (2) Map and engineering information. (intro.) The final plat shall show
3correctly on its face all of the following:
Note: Amends provision for conformity with current style for (intro.) provisions.
AB925, s. 30 4Section 30. 236.20 (3) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,16,95 236.20 (3) Name, location and position. (intro.) The name of the plat shall be
6printed thereon in prominent letters, and shall not be a duplicate of the name of any
7plat previously recorded in the same county or municipality. The All of the following
8information relating to the position and location of the subdivision shall be shown
9on the plat:
AB925,16,1210 (a) The location of the subdivision by government lot, recorded private claim,
11quarter-quarter section, section, township, range and county noted immediately
12under the name given the subdivision;.
Note: Amends (intro.) in accordance with current style for (intro.) provisions and
replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
AB925, s. 31 13Section 31. 236.20 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB925,16,1514 236.20 (4) (b) All lands dedicated to public use except roads and streets shall
15be clearly marked "Dedicated to the Public";.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current
AB925, s. 32 16Section 32. 236.20 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB925,16,1817 236.20 (5) Site conditions and topography. The final plat shall show all of the
AB925,16,1919 (a) All existing buildings;.
1(b) All watercourses, drainage ditches and other existing features pertinent to
2proper subdivision;.
AB925,17,53 (c) The water elevations of adjoining lakes or streams at the date of the survey
4and the approximate high and low water elevations of such those lakes or streams.
5All elevations shall be referred to some permanent established datum plane.
Note: Amends (intro.) in accordance with current style for (intro.) provisions and
replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
Replaces disfavored term.
AB925, s. 33 6Section 33. 236.21 (1) (intro.), (a) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,17,97 236.21 (1) Surveyor's certificate of compliance with statute. (intro.) The
8certificate of the surveyor who surveyed, divided and mapped the land giving all of
9the following information, which shall have the same force and effect as an affidavit:
AB925,17,1110 (a) By whose direction the surveyor made the survey, subdivision and plat of
11the land described on the plat;.
AB925,17,1312 (c) A statement that the plat is a correct representation of all the exterior
13boundaries of the land surveyed and the subdivision of it; .
Note: Amends (intro.) in accordance with current style for (intro.) provisions and
replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
AB925, s. 34 14Section 34. 236.21 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB925,18,215 236.21 (1) (b) A clear and concise description of the land surveyed, divided and
16mapped by government lot, recorded private claim, quarter-quarter section, section,
17township, range and county; and by metes and bounds commencing with a
18monument at a section or quarter section corner of the quarter section and not at the
19center of the section, or at the end of a boundary line of a recorded private claim or
20federal reservation in which the subdivision is located; or if. If the land is located in
21a recorded subdivision or recorded addition thereto, then the land shall be described
22by the number or other description of the lot, block or subdivision thereof, which that

1has previously been tied to a corner marked and established by the U.S. public land
Note: Breaks up long sentence to improve readability. Replaces "which" with
"that" to correct grammar.
AB925, s. 35 3Section 35. 236.295 (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,18,64 236.295 (1) (intro.) Correction instruments may be recorded in the office of the
5register of deeds in the county in which the plat or certified survey map is recorded
6and may include any of the following:
AB925,18,97 (a) Affidavits to correct distances, angles, directions, bearings, chords, block or
8lot numbers, street names or other details shown on a recorded plat or certified
9survey map; and.
Note: Amends (intro.) in accordance with current style for (intro.) provisions and
replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
AB925, s. 36 10Section 36. 242.01 (7) (a) 3. and 4. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,18,1111 242.01 (7) (a) 3. A general partner in a partnership described in subd. 2.; or
AB925,18,1312 4. A corporation of which the debtor is a director, officer or person in control.;
Note: Modifies punctuation consistent with the remainder of the section.
AB925, s. 37 14Section 37. 280.15 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB925,19,215 280.15 (4) Except as herein otherwise provided, no person, firm or corporation
16shall engage in the industry of well drilling or pump installing for compensation in
17this state without having duly registered and obtained a permit therefor as herein
No permit shall be person is required of any person to obtain a permit
19under this section
for driving, digging or otherwise obtaining groundwater supply on
20real estate owned or leased by him that person, but such the well and the work done

1thereon shall comply and be in conformity with the law and the rules and regulations
2prescribed promulgated by the department.
Note: Deletes redundant sentence. 1983 Wis. Act 27 added the following to sub.
(1) without treating sub. (4):
"Except as provided under ss. 280.17 and 280.19, no person may engage in
the business of well drilling or pump installing in this state unless the person
registers each place of business or retail outlet he or she operates as a well
driller or pump installer and pays the required permit fee."
Also reorders text for improved readability and replaces gender-specific pronoun
under s. 13.93 (1) (m). Amends language regarding administrative law consistent with
ch. 227.
AB925, s. 38 3Section 38. 281.41 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 281.41 (1) (a) and
4amended to read:
AB925,19,155 281.41 (1) (a) Except as provided under sub. (2), every owner within the time
6prescribed by the department, shall file with the department a certified copy of
7complete plans of a proposed system or plant or extension thereof, in scope and detail
8satisfactory to the department, and, if required, of existing systems or plants, and
9such any other information concerning maintenance, operation and other details as
10that the department requires, including the information specified under s. 281.35 (5)
11(a), if applicable. Material changes with a statement of the reasons shall be likewise
12submitted. Before plans are drawn, a statement concerning the improvement may
13be made to the department and the department may, if requested, outline generally
14what it will require. Upon receipt of such the plans for approval, the department or
15its duly authorized representative shall notify the owner of the date of receipt.
AB925,20,9 16(b) Within 90 days from the time of receipt of complete plans or within the time
17specified in s. 281.35 (5) (c), if applicable, the department or its authorized
18representative shall examine and take action to approve, approve conditionally or
19reject the plans and shall state in writing any conditions of approval or reasons for
20rejection. Approval or disapproval of such the plans and specifications shall may not

1be contingent upon eligibility of such the proposed project for federal aid. The time
2period for review may be extended by agreement with the owner if the plans and
3specifications cannot be reviewed within the specified time limitation due to
4circumstances beyond the control of the department or in the case of extensive
5installation involving expenditures of $350,000 or more. The extension shall may
6not exceed 6 months. Failure of the department or its authorized representative to
7act before the expiration of the time period allowed for review shall constitute an
8approval of the plans, and upon demand a written certificate of approval shall be
9issued. Approval may be subject to modification by the department upon due notice.
AB925,20,19 10(c) Construction or material change shall be according to approved plans only.
11The department may disapprove plans which that are not in conformance with any
12existing approved areawide waste treatment management plan prepared pursuant
13to the federal water pollution control act, P.L. 92-500, as amended, and shall
14disapprove plans that do not meet the grounds for approval specified under s. 281.35
15(5) (d), if applicable. The department shall require each person whose plans are
16approved under this section to report that person's volume and rate of water
17withdrawal, as defined under s. 281.35 (1) (m), and that person's volume and rate of
18water loss, as defined under s. 281.35 (1) (L), if any, in the form and at the times
19specified by the department.
Note: Subdivides provision to break up long subsection and improve readability.
Replaces disfavored terms and improperly used "which".
AB925, s. 39 20Section 39. 281.47 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 281.47 (1) (c) 1. and
21amended to read:
AB925,21,1222 281.47 (1) (c) 1. In Except as provided in subd. 2., in lieu of the construction in
23compliance with the foregoing provision par. (a) for diversion from such lakes

1described in par. (a), any owner of an existing plant, on or before September 1, 1967,
2or any owner of a new system or plant prior to construction of such the new system
3or plant, may file with the department such plans for advanced treatment of effluent
4from primary or secondary treatment as that in the judgment of the department will
5accomplish substantially the same results in eliminating nuisance conditions on
6such a lake described in par. (a) as would be accomplished by diversion of secondary
7sewage effluent from said the lake (, without at the same time creating other
8objectionable or damaging results), and such. The owner shall be of the plant or
9system is
exempt from the foregoing provisions of this subsection par. (a) for
10diversion from such the lakes described in par. (a) upon approval of such the plans
11submitted under this paragraph and installation of advanced treatment facilities
12and procedures in compliance therewith, but nothing shall impair.
AB925,21,14 132. Nothing in subd. 1. impairs the authority of the department to require at any
14time preliminary or final plans, or both, for diversion construction.
Note: Breaks up and subdivides long sentence, replaces parentheses, replaces
disfavored terms and inserts specific references and cross-references for improved
readability and conformity with current style.
AB925, s. 40 15Section 40. 283.31 (3) (a) to (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,21,1616 283.31 (3) (a) Effluent limitations;.
AB925,21,1717 (b) Standards of performance for new sources;.
AB925,21,1818 (c) Effluent standards, effluents prohibitions and pretreatment standards;.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current
AB925, s. 41 19Section 41. 283.55 (1) (intro.) and (a) to (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,21,2220 283.55 (1) Monitoring and reporting requirements. (intro.) Every owner or
21operator of a point source who is required to obtain a permit issued under s. 283.31
22shall do all of the following:
1(a) Establish and maintain records of the volume of effluent discharged and the
2amount of each pollutant discharged from each point source under the owner's or
3operator's ownership or control;.
AB925,22,64 (b) Make regular reports to the department on the volume of effluent
5discharged and the amount of each pollutant discharged from each such point source;
6under the owner's or operator's ownership or control.
AB925,22,117 (c) Install, use and maintain such monitoring equipment or methods, including
8where appropriate, biological monitoring methods, as are necessary to determine the
9volume of effluent discharged and to identify and determine the amount of each
10pollutant discharged from each such point source; under the owner's or operator's
11ownership or control.
AB925,22,1412 (d) Sample the effluents discharged from each such point source under the
13owner's or operator's ownership or control
in accordance with such methods, at such
14locations and in such manner as the department shall by rule prescribe ;.
Note: Modifies (intro.) subsection, inserts specific references and replaces
punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
AB925, s. 42 15Section 42. 340.01 (3) (a) to (dm) (intro.) and (e) to (h) of the statutes are
16amended to read:
AB925,22,1817 340.01 (3) (a) Police vehicles, whether publicly or privately owned. Police
18vehicles include
, including bicycles being operated by law enforcement officers.
AB925,22,2019 (b) Conservation wardens' vehicles or foresters' trucks, whether publicly or
20privately owned;.
AB925,22,2121 (c) Vehicles of a fire department or fire patrol;.
AB925,23,222 (d) Privately owned motor vehicles being used by deputy state fire marshals or
23by personnel of a full-time or part-time fire department or by members of a

1volunteer fire department while enroute en route to a fire or on an emergency call
2pursuant to orders of their chief or other commanding officer;.
AB925,23,43 (dm) (intro.) A privately Privately owned motor vehicle which is vehicles that
4are all of the following
AB925,23,75 (e) Such emergency Emergency vehicles of municipal or county departments
6or public service corporations as that are designated or authorized by the local
7authorities to be authorized emergency vehicles;.
AB925,23,108 (f) Such emergency Emergency vehicles of state departments as that are
9designated or authorized by the heads of such those departments to be authorized
10emergency vehicles;.
AB925,23,1211 (g) Such ambulances, publicly Publicly owned, as ambulances that are
12designated or authorized by local authorities to be authorized emergency vehicles.
AB925,23,1713 (h) The An emergency vehicle authorized by the county board of supervisors
14of any county may authorize for use by the county coroners or medical examiners to
15use an emergency vehicle for the purpose of traveling en route to the scene of a fatal
16accident or a death and on such any other occasions as that are authorized pursuant
under par. (e).
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and consistency with current
style. Rearranges text for agreement with the subdivision (intro.).
AB925, s. 43 18Section 43. 340.01 (3) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB925,24,919 340.01 (3) (i) Such Privately owned ambulances which are privately owned and
20that are operated by their owners or by their owners' agents and which vehicles that
21are authorized in writing by the sheriff or others designated by the county board to
22be operated
as emergency vehicles. The sheriff or others designated by the county
23board may make such authorization which shall be in writing and which shall be

1authorization is
effective throughout the state until rescinded. The sheriff or others
2designated by the county board may designate any owner of ambulances usually kept
3in the county to operate such vehicles those ambulances as authorized emergency
4vehicles. Such The written authorization shall at all times be carried on each
5ambulance used for emergency purposes. The sheriff shall keep a file of such
6authorizations made under this paragraph in the sheriff's office for public
7inspection, and all other persons permitted to issue authorizations under this
shall file a copy of all authorizations issued with the sheriff who shall keep
9them on file
Note: Reorders text for improved readability; changes disfavored terms and
inserts cross-references consistent with current style.
AB925, s. 44 10Section 44. 341.05 (intro.) and (1) to (25) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB925,24,13 11341.05 When vehicles exempt from registration. (intro.) A vehicle, even
12though operated upon a highway of this state, is exempt from registration when such
13vehicle if any of the following applies:
AB925,24,16 14(1) Is The vehicle is operated in accordance with the provisions relating to
15registration of dealers, distributors, manufacturers, transporters or finance
16companies; or.
AB925,24,18 17(2) Is The vehicle is operated in accordance with the provisions exempting
18nonresident or foreign-registered vehicles from registration; or.
AB925,24,19 19(3) Is The vehicle is operated in accordance with s. 341.405.
AB925,24,20 20(6) Is The vehicle is operated exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks; or.
AB925,24,23 21(7) Is The vehicle is a farm tractor used exclusively in agricultural operations,
22including threshing, or used exclusively to provide power to drive other machinery,
23or to transport from job to job machinery driven by such a farm tractor; or.
1(9) Is The vehicle is a trailer or semitrailer used exclusively for the
2transportation of farm machinery, implements, produce or supplies on a farm or
3between farms; or.
AB925,25,6 4(11) Is The vehicle is a trailer or semitrailer permanently equipped with a
5well-drilling outfit or designed for moving pea viners and used exclusively for either
6of such those purposes; or.
AB925,25,9 7(12) Is The vehicle is a fork-lift truck, a specially constructed road or truck
8tractor used for shunting trailers or semitrailers in terminal areas or a trailer which
9that is used principally off the highway; or.
AB925,25,11 10(13m) Is The vehicle is a trailer or, semitrailer or camping trailer having a
11gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less and not used for hire or rental ; or.
AB925,25,13 12(14) Is The vehicle is a trailer or semitrailer not operated in conjunction with
13a motor vehicle; or.
AB925,25,15 14(14m) Is The vehicle is a new motor vehicle being operated only across a
15highway from its point of manufacture or assembly.
AB925,25,18 16(15) Is The vehicle is a motor vehicle being towed, except that when the person
17operating the vehicle supplying the motive power is a transporter, that person must
18be registered as a transporter; or.