(1) Administration. The department
of veterans affairs shall administer
4a tuition and fee reimbursement program for eligible veterans enrolling as
5undergraduates in any institution of higher education, as defined in s. 45.396 (1) (a),
6in this state, enrolling in a school that is approved under s. 45.35 (9m), enrolling in
7a proprietary school that is approved under s. 45.54, or receiving a waiver of
8nonresident tuition under s. 39.47.
Note: "Department" in ch. 45 is defined as the department of veterans affairs by
s. 45.001 (2), which is created by this bill.
AB934, s. 87
87. 45.34 (2) (e) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (e) 3. Between August 1, 1990, and the ending date of Operation
11Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm, as established by the department
12veterans affairs by rule.
Note: "Department" in ch. 45 is defined as the department of veterans affairs by
s. 45.001 (2), which is created by this bill.
(2) (f) 3. Between September 11, 2001, and the ending date of Operation
16Enduring Freedom or an operation that is a successor to Operation Enduring
17Freedom, as established by the department
of veterans affairs by rule.
Note: "Department" in ch. 45 is defined as the department of veterans affairs by
s. 45.001 (2), which is created by this bill.
AB934, s. 89
89. 45.34 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Service in Somalia. A person shall be considered to have served in
20Somalia if the person was on active duty in the U.S. armed services in Somalia or in
21territorial waters adjacent to Somalia under honorable conditions between
1December 9, 1992, and the ending date of Operation Restore Hope, as established by
2the department
of veterans affairs by rule.
Note: "Department" in ch. 45 is defined as the department of veterans affairs by
s. 45.001 (2), which is created by this bill.
AB934, s. 90
90. 45.34 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (c) Between December 1, 1995, and the ending date of Operation
5Balkan Endeavor or a successor operation, as established by the department
6veterans affairs by rule.
Note: "Department" in ch. 45 is defined as the department of veterans affairs by
s. 45.001 (2), which is created by this bill.
AB934, s. 91
. 45.348 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) In this section and ss. 45.35, 45.351, and 45.356 unless otherwise
9modified, "child" means any natural child, any legally adopted child, any stepchild
10or child if a member of the veteran's household, or any nonmarital child if the veteran
11acknowledges paternity or paternity has been otherwise established.
Note: Moves the definition of "child" applicable to ss. 45.35, 45.351, and 45.356,
previously a part of the definition of "dependent" in s. 45.35 (5m), to a separate provision
for easier access. The definition of "dependent" is renumbered to s. 45.348 (2) by this bill.
(3d) (b) The council on veterans programs and the department, jointly
15or separately, shall submit a report regarding the council on veterans programs to
16the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under
17s. 13.172 (2)
by November 1, 1989, and by September 30 of every odd-numbered year
18thereafter. The report shall include a general summary of the activities and
19membership over the past 2 years of the council and each organization on the council.
Note: An outdated transition provision is deleted.
(4) (a) The secretary shall appoint under the classified service such
4persons as are necessary to carry out the policy of the board and for the proper
5conduct of the Wisconsin
veterans museum Veterans Museum. All persons
6appointed by the department shall, if possible, be veterans as defined in sub. (5) and
7preference shall be given to disabled veterans.
Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
AB934, s. 94
94. 45.35 (5) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(5) (title)
Spouses and dependents entitlement to benefits.
Note: See the treatment of s. 45.35 (5) (d) by Section 98 this bill.
AB934, s. 95
95. 45.35 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 45.001 (4) (a), and 45.001
11(4) (a) (intro.), 1. (intro.) and a. to c. and 2. (intro.) and a., as renumbered, are
12amended to read:
(4) (a) (intro.)
"Veteran" as used in this chapter, except Except as used 14in s.
45.358 or 45.37
and or subch. II or unless otherwise modified,
and except as
15provided in par. (b), "veteran" means any person who has served on active duty under
16honorable conditions in the U.S. armed forces or in forces incorporated as part of the
17U.S. armed forces, except service on active duty for training purposes, and who meets
18all of the following conditions:
1. (intro.)
The person Except as provided in par. (c), is a resident of and living
20in this state at the time of making application, or is deceased, and meets one of the
21following conditions:
a. Has served in Bosnia, Grenada, Lebanon, Panama, Somalia
, or a Middle
23East crisis under s. 45.34.
1b. Was entitled to receive the armed forces expeditionary medal, established
2by executive order 10977 on December 4, 1961, the Vietnam service medal
3established by executive order 11231 on July 8, 1965, the navy expeditionary medal
, 4or the marine corps expeditionary medal.
c. Has served for 90 days or more during a war period
as enumerated under par.
6(e) or under section 1 of executive order 10957 dated August 10, 1961, or if having
7served less than 90 days was honorably discharged for a service-connected disability
8or for a disability subsequently adjudicated to have been service connected or died
9in service.
2. (intro.)
The person Except as provided in par. (c), is a resident of and living
11in this state at the time of making application or is deceased, and meets one of the
12following conditions:
a. His or her selective service local board, if any, and home of record at
the time
14of entry or reentry into active service as shown on the veteran's report of separation
15from the U.S. armed forces for a qualifying period were in this state.
Note: This bill creates, as the first section in ch. 45, s. 45.001, a section for
definitions applicable to all of ch. 45, consistent with current style. Excepts statutes that
contain a different definition of "veteran." Reorders text to improve readability and to
conform to current style.
AB934, s. 96
96. 45.35 (5) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 45.001 (4) (b).
Note: Moves a part of the definition of "veteran" applicable to all of ch. 45 to the
beginning of the chapter, consistent with current style.
AB934, s. 97
97. 45.35 (5) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 45.001 (4) (c).
Note: Moves a part of the definition of "veteran" applicable to all of ch. 45 to the
beginning of the chapter, consistent with current style.
AB934, s. 98
. 45.35 (5) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 45.35 (5).
Note: Sub. (5) (a) to (c) make up the definition of "veteran" as used in ch. 45 and
are renumbered to s. 45.001 by this bill. This provision does not fit within the definition
of veteran and is not renumbered.
AB934, s. 99
99. 45.35 (5) (e) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 45.001 (5) (intro.)
2and amended to read:
(5) (intro.)
The "War period" means any of the following
are designated
4as war periods:
Note: Moves the definition of "war period" applicable to all of ch. 45 to the
beginning of the chapter and rearranges text, consistent with current style.
AB934, s. 100
100. 45.35 (5) (e) 1. to 7. of the statutes are renumbered 45.001 (5) (a)
6to (g).
Note: Moves the definition of "war period" applicable to all of ch. 45 to the
beginning of the chapter.
Note: Moves the definition of "war period" applicable to all of ch. 45 to the
beginning of the chapter.
Note: Moves the definition of "war period" applicable to all of ch. 45 to the
beginning of the chapter.
AB934, s. 103
103. 45.35 (5m) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 45.348 (title) and
12amended to read:
1345.348 (title)
Dependent and child defined for ss. 45.35, 45.351, and
Note: See the next section of this bill.
AB934, s. 104
104. 45.35 (5m) (a) and (b) of the statutes are renumbered 45.348 (2)
16(a) and (b) and amended to read:
(2) (a)
"Dependent" of a veteran as used in this section and In ss.
18and 45.351
and 45.356, "dependent" includes
only any of the following:
11. A
wife or husband spouse, an unremarried widow or widower
;, or a divorced
2wife spouse, but only
when if the divorced spouse is receiving benefits under a court
2. Any child of the veteran under 18 years of age, or under the age of 26 if in
5full attendance at a recognized school of instruction, or of any age if incapable of
6self-support by reason of mental or physical disability.
"Child" as used in this section
7means any natural child, any legally adopted child, any stepchild or child if a member
8of the veteran's household or any nonmarital child if the veteran acknowledges
9paternity or the same has been otherwise established.
3. The natural
mother or natural father parent or a person to whom the veteran
11stands in the place of a parent and who has so stood for not less than 12 months prior
the veteran's entrance into active service.
4. A minor
sister or minor brother sibling or a
brother or sister sibling of any
14age if incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability.
(b) For purposes of defining "dependent" under
this subsection par. (a),
16"veteran" includes a person who served on active duty under honorable conditions
17in the U.S. armed forces or in forces incorporated as part of the U.S. armed forces,
18who was a resident of this state at the time of entry or reentry into active duty and
19who died while on active duty if
that the person's death was not the result of the
20veteran's wilful person's willful misconduct.
Note: Moves the definition of "dependent" applicable to multiple sections to a
separate section for easier access. The definition of "child" is deleted from the definition
of "dependent" and recreated as a separate definition by this bill as s. 45.348 (1). See
Section 91 of this bill. Dependent is not used in s. 45.356 and that cross-reference is
deleted. Gender neutral terms are inserted pursuant to s. 13.93 (1) (m) 2. Amends
punctuation and inserts specific references and cross-references to improve readability
and to conform to current style.
AB934, s. 105
105. 45.35 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Coordination duties. The department shall coordinate the activities
2of all state agencies and the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
3performing functions relating to the medical, hospital, or other remedial care
,; 4placement and training
,; and educational, economic
, or vocational rehabilitation of
5persons who served in the armed forces of the United States at any time and who
6were honorably discharged, including such persons with disabilities whether or not
7service-connected or war-connected. In particular
, the department shall
8coordinate the activities of the technical college system board, state selective service
9administration, department of health and family services, department of workforce
10development, department of public instruction, the University of Wisconsin System
11and other educational institutions, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
12Clinics Authority, and all other departments or agencies performing any of the
13functions specified, to the end that the benefits provided in this section may be made
14available to veterans as promptly and effectively as possible.
Note: Replaces pronoun with specific reference to improve readability.
AB934, s. 106
106. 45.35 (13) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(13) (b) The department may also receive moneys or other gifts and
17bequests in its name for the benefit of the Wisconsin
veterans museum Veterans
18Museum. All moneys
so received shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited
19to the veterans trust fund and
is appropriated
therefrom by from s. 20.485 (2) (zm)
20to the department to be used, as far as practicable in accordance with the wishes of
21the donors, and in accordance with the policies adopted by the board.
Note: Conforms capitalization to current style. Removes unnecessary language
regarding appropriation.
AB934, s. 107
107. 45.35 (17) (c) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 45.35 (17) (c) 1m.
Note: Accommodates the renumbering of s. 45.35 (17) (c) 4. to s. 45.35 (17) (c) 1g.
by this bill.
AB934, s. 108
108. 45.35 (17) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(17) (c) 3. The department shall incorporate the payment acceleration
3requirements of subd.
1. 1m. in all loan documents for programs administered by the
4department under s. 45.351 or subch. II.
Note: Subdivision 1. is renumbered to subd. 1m. by this bill.
AB934, s. 109
109. 45.35 (17) (c) 4. of the statutes is renumbered 45.35 (17) (c) 1g.
Note: Renumbers a definition to the beginning of the section and modifies
language, consistent with current style.
(1) (a) The department may grant subsistence aid to any incapacitated
9individual who is a veteran or a dependent of a veteran in an amount that the
10department determines is advisable to prevent want or distress. The department
11may grant subsistence aid under this
subsection paragraph to an individual whose
12incapacitation is the result of the individual's abuse of alcohol or other drugs if the
13individual is participating in an alcohol and other drug abuse treatment program
14that is approved by the department. The department may grant subsistence aid on
15a month-to-month basis or for a 3-month period. The department may grant
16subsistence aid for a 3-month period if the veteran or dependent whose incapacity
17is the basis for the aid will be incapacitated for more than 3 months and if earned or
18unearned income or aid from sources other than those listed in the application will
19not be available in the 3-month period. Subsistence aid is limited to a maximum of
203 months in a 12-month period unless the department determines that the need for
1subsistence aid in excess of this maximum time period is caused by the aid recipient's
3(b) The department may submit a request to the joint committee on finance for
4supplemental funds from the veterans trust fund to be credited to the appropriation
5account under s. 20.485 (2) (vm) for subsistence grants to veterans. If the
6cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary
of the department within
714 working days after the date of the department's submittal that the committee
8intends to schedule a meeting to review the request, the appropriation account shall
9be supplemented as provided in the request. If, within 14 working days after the date
10of the department's submittal, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the
of the department that the committee intends to schedule a meeting to
12review the request, the appropriation account shall be supplemented only as
13approved by the committee.
Note: Subdivides long provision for improved readability. "Secretary" in ch. 45 is
defined as the secretary of veterans affairs by s. 45.001 (3), which is created by this bill.
AB934, s. 111
111. 45.356 (1m) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Repeals definitions of "department" and "veteran" made unnecessary by the
creation of s. 45.001, which defines those terms for all of ch. 45.
AB934, s. 112
112. 45.356 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The department may lend a veteran, a veteran's unremarried
, or a deceased veteran's child
who meets the requirements of s. 45.35 (5m) (a)
182. not more than $15,000
, or a lesser amount established by the department by rule
, 19for the purchase of a mobile home, business
, or business property, the education of
20the veteran or
his or her the veteran's spouse or children, the payment of medical or
21funeral expenses, the payment under sub. (6) (c)
, or the consolidation of debt. The
22department may prescribe loan conditions, but the term of the loan may not exceed
110 years. The department shall ensure that the proceeds of any loan made under this
2section shall first be applied to pay any delinquent child support or maintenance
3payments and
then to pay any past support, medical expenses
, or birth expenses.
Note: This bill incorporates the requirements for a child in s. 45.35 (5m) (a) 2. into
a definition at s. 45.348 that is applicable to this section, which renders the text deleted
by this section unnecessary. Punctuation is amended and a specific reference replaces
pronouns to improve readability and to conform to current style.
AB934, s. 113
113. 45.356 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) The department may lend not more than $15,000
, or a lesser amount
6established by the department by rule
, to a veteran's remarried surviving spouse or
7to the parent of a deceased veteran's child for the education of a child
who meets the
8requirements of s. 45.35 (5m) (a) 2.
Note: This bill incorporates the requirements for a child in s. 45.35 (5m) (a) 2. into
a definition at s. 45.348 that is applicable to this section, which renders the text deleted
by this section unnecessary.
AB934, s. 114
114. 45.357 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The department
of veterans affairs shall administer a program to
11provide assistance to persons who served in the U.S. armed forces or in forces
12incorporated as part of the U.S. armed forces and who were discharged under
13conditions other than dishonorable. The department shall provide assistance to
14persons whose need for services is based upon homelessness, incarceration
, or other
15circumstances designated by the department by rule. The department shall
16designate the assistance available under this section, which may include assistance
17in receiving medical care, dental care, education, employment
, and transitional
18housing. The department may provide grants to facilitate the provision of services
19under this section.