AR3, s. 50 6Section 50. Assembly rule 48 is amended to read:
AR3,36,9 7Assembly Rule 48. Third reading and decisions on proposals. (1) The
8purpose of the 3rd reading stage is to make a final decision on each proposal requiring
93 readings which that is submitted to the assembly.
AR3,36,1510 (2) Following the 3rd reading of any bill or of any joint resolution proposing a
11change in the state or U.S. constitution, and the failure of any motion to indefinitely
12postpone, reject, or nonconcur, the question on assembly bills shall be is "Shall the
13bill be passed?", on assembly joint resolutions shall be is "Shall the joint resolution
14be adopted?", and on senate proposals shall be is "Shall the proposal be concurred
AR3, s. 51 16Section 51. Assembly rule 49 (1) (b) and (2) are amended to read:
AR3,36,18 17Assembly Rule 49 (1) (b) Rejection (assembly amendments, assembly
18resolutions, and assembly joint resolutions).
AR3,36,2119 (2) Once an assembly proposal has been adversely disposed of, another
20assembly proposal identical or substantially similar in nature, but not more limited
21in scope, shall may not be considered by the assembly in that biennial session.
AR3, s. 52 22Section 52. Assembly rule 50 is amended to read:
AR3,37,3 23Assembly Rule 50. Messaging to the senate. (1) Each proposal which that
24passes or is adopted after a 3rd reading, and each senate proposal adversely disposed
25of by the assembly, shall be transmitted to the senate immediately after any motion

1to reconsider such the passage , adoption, or adverse disposition has failed fails or the
2time for making such the motion has expired expires, together with a certified report
3of the assembly's action.
AR3,37,74 (2) Immediately following adoption of a conference report on a senate proposal,
5the passage of an assembly bill notwithstanding the objections of the governor, or
6assembly action on a vetoed senate bill, such the proposal shall be transmitted to the
7senate together with a certified report of the assembly's action.
AR3, s. 53 8Section 53. Assembly rule 52 (1), (2) (intro.) and (3) are amended to read:
AR3,37,11 9Assembly Rule 52 (1) Amendments to proposals may be offered during the
10period of time following
after introduction of and preceding a decision on the proposal
11at the end of the 2nd reading stage, and as authorized by rule 73 (9).
AR3,37,1312 (2) (intro.) Amendments to amendments may be offered, but amendments in
13the 3rd degree shall may not be accepted.
AR3,37,1514 (3) Every amendment received by the chief clerk shall be provided as provided
15by the assembly rules.
AR3, s. 54 16Section 54. Assembly rule 52 (4) is created to read:
AR3,37,18 17Assembly Rule 52 (4) An amendment to a report of a committee of conference
18may not be offered.
AR3, s. 55 19Section 55. Assembly rule 53 (intro.) and (4) (b) are amended to read:
AR3,38,3 20Assembly Rule 53. Drafting of amendments. (intro.) Except as authorized
21in sub. (2), amendments shall be drafted by the legislative reference bureau before
22being offered for consideration to the assembly, or to any committee by a person other
23than a member thereof. No An amendment prepared by the legislative reference
24bureau may not be received for consideration if changes have been made in to the
255-copy set draft prepared by the bureau. Amendments may be deposited at the chief

1clerk's office on any day of the legislative session for the purpose of allowing them to
2be provided prior to before the 2nd reading stage for the proposals to which the
3amendments pertain.
AR3,38,114 (4) (b) Following the commencement of debate on any floor amendment the
5principal author may request permission to substitute the version of the amendment
6drafted by the legislative reference bureau for the version provided or read to the
7membership by the chief clerk. Unless such the permission is requested and granted,
8the substantive text of any floor amendment adopted by the assembly shall remain
9remains as provided or read to the membership by the chief clerk, but the legislative
10reference bureau shall prepare a copy which that incorporates any nonsubstantive,
11technical corrections required by rule 36.
AR3, s. 56 12Section 56. Assembly rule 54 (1), (2), (3) (intro.) and (d) to (g) and (4) (intro.),
13(b), (d) and (f) are amended to read:
AR3,38,19 14Assembly Rule 54 (1) General statement: The assembly shall may not consider
15any assembly amendment or assembly substitute amendment which that relates to
16a different subject or is intended to accomplish a different purpose than that of the
17proposal to which it relates or which that, if adopted and passed, would require a
18relating clause for the proposal which is substantially different from the proposal's
19original relating clause or which that would totally alter the nature of the proposal.
AR3,38,2320 (2) Procedure: The presiding officer shall rule on the admissibility of any
21assembly amendment or assembly substitute amendment when the question of
22germaneness is raised, but any such question shall is not be in order once an the
23amendment has been is adopted.
AR3,38,2424 (3) (intro.) Assembly amendments which that are not germane include:
1(d) An amendment: 1) amending a statute or session law when the purpose of
2the proposal bill is limited to repealing such the law; or 2) repealing a statute or
3session law when the purpose of the proposal bill is limited to amending such the law.
AR3,39,54 (e) An amendment which that negates the effect of another assembly
5amendment previously adopted.
AR3,39,66 (f) An amendment which that substantially expands the scope of the proposal.
AR3,39,87 (g) An amendment to a bill when legislative action on that bill is by law limited
8to passage, concurrence, indefinite postponement, or nonconcurrence as introduced.
AR3,39,99 (4) (intro.) Amendments which that are germane include:
AR3,39,1110 (b) An amendment which that accomplishes the same purpose in a different
AR3,39,1312 (d) An amendment adding appropriations necessary to fulfill the original
13intent of a proposal bill.
AR3,39,1614 (f) An amendment which that changes the effective date of a repeal, reduces
15the scope of a repeal, or adds a short-term nonstatutory transitional provision to
16facilitate a repeal.
AR3, s. 57 17Section 57. Assembly rule 55 (1) (a) and (c) and (2) are amended to read:
AR3,39,20 18Assembly Rule 55 (1) (a) Substitute amendments offered prior to before the
19present consideration of the proposal shall be considered beginning with the
20substitute amendment most recently received.
AR3,39,2321 (c) Substitute amendments offered during the consideration of a substitute
22amendment to the proposal shall be considered in the sequence in which received,
23but only if no other another substitute amendment has not been adopted.
1(2) (a) Whenever a substitute amendment is before the assembly, simple
2amendments to it shall be considered in numerical sequence prior to before action
3on the substitute amendment.
AR3,40,64 (b) Whenever a simple amendment is before the assembly, amendments to it
5shall be considered in numerical sequence prior to before action on the simple
AR3, s. 58 7Section 58. Assembly rule 57 (1) (intro.) and (f) are amended to read:
AR3,40,10 8Assembly Rule 57 (1) (intro.) Once a member has been recognized and has the
9floor, the member may speak without interruption unless questions arise which that
10require immediate consideration. Such questions are:
AR3,40,1411 (f) Rising to ask whether the member who has the floor will yield to a proper
12question. The member who has the floor may yield to a proper question even if the
13member obtained the floor for the purpose of making a motion or raising a question
14which that is not debatable.
AR3, s. 59 15Section 59. Assembly rule 58 (2) and (3) are amended to read:
AR3,40,18 16Assembly Rule 58 (2) When the presiding officer calls a member to order, that
17the member shall may not speak, except in explanation, until it is determined
18whether or not the member is in order.
AR3,40,2219 (3) When a member is called to order for the use of improper or disorderly
20language, the specific words to which exception has been taken shall be put in
21writing, thus enabling the presiding officer better to be able to judge whether the
22words spoken were in violation of the assembly rules.
AR3, s. 60 23Section 60. Assembly rule 59 (intro.) and (3) are amended to read:
1Assembly Rule 59. Conduct during debate. (intro.) Unless permission is
2given by unanimous consent or the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members
3present, no a member may not:
AR3,41,74 (3) Display documents or exhibits or read aloud from documents other than
5from the proposal then under debate or any amendment thereto, or from any statute,
6session law, constitutional provision, assembly rule, or joint rule directly related to
7the proposal or its amendments.
AR3, s. 61 8Section 61. Assembly rule 60 (1) is amended to read:
AR3,41,11 9Assembly Rule 60 (1) Whenever the assembly has one or more calendars
10pending of a later date than the calendar on which the assembly is then working,
11debate is limited, as follows:
AR3,41,1212 (a) No A member may not speak for more than 5 minutes on any question.
AR3,41,1313 (b) No A question may not be considered for more than 20 minutes.
AR3, s. 62 14Section 62. Assembly rule 61 (intro.) and (1) to (3) are amended to read:
AR3,41,19 15Assembly Rule 61. Questions of privilege. (intro.) Questions of privilege are
16under the immediate control of the presiding officer and the assembly. Such
17questions pertain to the rights, integrity, and safety of the assembly collectively, to
18the rights, reputation, or conduct of members of the assembly in their representative
19capacity, or to the conduct of government in general.
AR3,41,2320 (1) "Assembly privilege": With recognition by the presiding officer, any
21member may raise and discuss a question pertaining to the safety, dignity, decorum,
22comfort, rights, organization, or officers of the assembly which that requires
23immediate attention.
AR3,42,224 (2) "Personal privilege": With recognition by the presiding officer, any
25member may rise to explain a personal matter which that affects the rights,

1reputation, and conduct of the member in his or her representative capacity. No A
2pending question may not be discussed in any such the explanation.
AR3,42,93 (3) "Special privilege": Any member desiring to make a statement on a matter
4other than one of assembly or personal privilege may rise and, with recognition by
5the presiding officer and within any time limits determined by the presiding officer
6or the assembly, may discuss any subject relative to state or local government, the
7conduct of public officials in relation to their official duties, or other matters
8concerning the public welfare, or any question pertaining to the rights of the
9assembly collectively, its safety, dignity, or the integrity of its proceedings.
AR3, s. 63 10Section 63. Assembly rule 62 (2), (3) (a) and (b) 1., (3m), (6) and (7) are
11amended to read:
AR3,42,13 12Assembly Rule 62 (2) No A member may not speak more than once on any point
13of order.
AR3,42,1514 (3) (a) Immediately announce and explain a ruling on a point of order which
15that has been raised; or
AR3,42,1916 (b) 1. When the point of order concerns a proposal or a question currently
17pending on such proposal, taking the point of order under advisement shall remove
18removes the proposal from further consideration until the presiding officer
19announces the ruling on the point of order.
AR3,42,2220 (3m) The presiding officer shall rule on a point of order within 7 legislative days
21after the point of order is raised or on the final legislative day of the last scheduled
22general-business floorperiod preceding the veto review session, whichever is earlier.
AR3,42,2523 (6) Any member may appeal a ruling of the presiding officer on any point of
24order. When an appeal is made, the question shall be is: "Shall the decision of the
25chair stand as the decision of the assembly?"
1(7) Appeals are debatable and shall be are decided by a majority of the members
2present and voting
on a roll call vote. The presiding officer may vote on appeals.
AR3, s. 64 3Section 64. Assembly rule 63 is amended to read:
AR3,43,5 4Assembly Rule 63. Putting a motion. When a motion is made, it shall be
5stated by the presiding officer or read by the chief clerk prior to before debate.
AR3, s. 65 6Section 65. Assembly rule 64 is amended to read:
AR3,43,12 7Assembly Rule 64. Seconding. Whenever a requested action is required to
8be seconded, immediately after the request is made, the presiding officer shall ask
9if there are sufficient seconds. Any member wishing to be a second shall then stand
10in his or her assigned place until counted. The presiding officer shall count the
11seconds and immediately announce whether or not there are sufficient seconds for
12the request to be granted by the assembly.
AR3, s. 66 13Section 66. Assembly rule 65 (1) (intro.) and (i), (2) (h), (3) (b) and (4) are
14amended to read:
AR3,43,17 15Assembly Rule 65 (1) (intro.) When a main question is under debate the
16following privileged motions and requests are in order if appropriate under the rules
17governing motions, requests, and proposals:
AR3,43,1918 (i) To introduce offer and ask consideration of a privileged resolution [rules 33
19and 43].
AR3,43,2120 (2) (h) To postpone indefinitely, reject, or nonconcur in a proposal [rules 49 and
AR3,43,2322 (3) (b) Amendments to amendable motions are not in order as long as no while
question of higher precedence is pending; and
AR3,44,224 (4) If any motion is made while no other question is before the assembly, or is
25made subject to qualifications not specifically authorized in these the assembly

1rules, such the motion loses its precedence and becomes a main motion, subject to the
2rules that apply to main motions.
AR3, s. 67 3Section 67. Assembly rule 66 (1) (intro.) and (f) and (2) are amended to read:
AR3,44,7 4Assembly Rule 66 (1) (intro.) In addition to the motions and requests listed in
5rule 65 (1) and (2), and subject to the limitations imposed by other rules, the following
6incidental motions, requests, and questions are in order while a proposal or question
7is under debate:
AR3,44,98 (f) A request or motion by the maker of a pending motion that it be withdrawn,
9provided that if rule 73 (6) does not apply.
AR3,44,1310 (2) The motions, requests, and questions listed in sub. (1) do not have no an
11order of precedence, can be initiated at any time they are timely, and shall be
12disposed of before any question to which they relate is returned to or any other
13incidental motion, request, or question is entertained.
AR3, s. 68 14Section 68. Assembly rule 67 is amended to read:
AR3,44,17 15Assembly Rule 67. Nondebatable motions. Any motion to adjourn, recess,
16end debate, or suspend the rules, and all incidental questions relating to such
17motions including appeals, shall be are decided without debate.
AR3, s. 69 18Section 69. Assembly rule 68 is amended to read:
AR3,44,21 19Assembly Rule 68. Amendments to motions to be germane. Amendments
20to amendable motions shall comply with are subject to the rules of germaneness in
21rule 54 as if they were amendments to proposals and amendments.
AR3, s. 70 22Section 70. Assembly rule 69 (3) and (4) are amended to read:
AR3,44,25 23Assembly Rule 69 (3) Two consecutive motions to adjourn shall are not be in
24order unless other significant business has intervened between the motions or unless
25there is no other business is pending before the assembly.
1(4) While a motion remains undecided pending the chair's presiding officer's
2ruling on a point of order taken under advisement, it is dilatory to enter a
3substantially similar motion on the same question, but it is proper to request an
4expansion of the question under advisement.
AR3, s. 71 5Section 71. Assembly rule 70 (4) is amended to read:
AR3,45,8 6Assembly Rule 70 (4) A motion to fix the time for convening the next daily
7session may be amended by altering the time. The motion is debatable and in order
8only when there is no other main question is before the assembly.
AR3, s. 72 9Section 72. Assembly rule 71 is amended to read:
AR3,45,13 10Assembly Rule 71. Ending debate. (1) When a proposal is under
11consideration, any member who obtains the floor may move that debate on the
12proposal be ended. Any such motion shall be seconded by at least 15 members, shall
13may not be debated, and shall be is decided by a roll call vote.
AR3,45,1614 (2) If the motion prevails, debate on the proposal shall be ended ends and all
15pending and subsequently entered motions concerning the proposal shall be are
16decided without debate in the order prescribed by these the assembly rules.
AR3, s. 73 17Section 73. Assembly rule 72 is amended to read:
AR3,45,21 18Assembly Rule 72. Postponing; rejecting; referring. When a motion to
19postpone to a day or time certain, to postpone indefinitely, to reject, to nonconcur, or
20to refer to a specific standing or special committee has failed, it may not be allowed
21again on the same day at the same stage in the consideration of that proposal.
AR3, s. 74 22Section 74. Assembly rule 73 (intro.), (2) (b) and (3) to (10) are amended to