The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB304, s. 1 1Section 1. 70.32 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
170.32 (2) (c) 1. "Agricultural land" means land, exclusive of buildings and
2improvements and the land necessary for their location and convenience, that is
3devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined by rule, if the land is a farm, as
4defined in sub. (2s) (a) 2., and the owner or lessee of the land files the form under sub.
SB304, s. 2 6Section 2. 70.32 (2) (c) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB304,3,97 70.32 (2) (c) 1m. "Other" means buildings and improvements located on farms,
8as defined in sub. (2s) (a) 2., and the land necessary for their location and
SB304, s. 3 10Section 3. 70.32 (2s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB304,3,1111 70.32 (2s) (a) In this subsection:
SB304,3,1212 1. "Department" means the department of revenue.
SB304,3,1913 2. "Farm" means a business engaged in activities included in the North
14American Industry Classification System, 1997 edition, published by the U.S. office
15of management and budget under any of the following classifications, if the business
16generated at least $6,000 in gross receipts from such activities in the year preceding
17the date that a form is filed under par. (b) or if the business is likely to generate at
18least $6,000 in gross receipts from such activities in the year following the date that
19a form is filed under par. (b):
SB304,3,2220 a. Classification 111-Crop production including growing sod, Christmas trees,
21and ginseng under industry number 111421, but excluding growing nursery product
22and stock under industry number 111421.
SB304,3,2323 b. Classification 112-Animal production.
SB304,4,1224 (b) Any person who owns or who is a lessee of land used as a farm shall file a
25form, as prescribed by the department, with the assessor of each taxation district in

1which land included in the farm is located no later than March 1 that certifies that
2the person is the owner or lessee of land used as a farm. The person shall certify on
3the form that the farm generated at least $6,000 in gross receipts from the activities
4described under par. (a) 2. in the preceding year, or is likely to generate at least
5$6,000 in gross receipts from such activities in the year following the date that a form
6is filed under this paragraph. On the form, the person shall specify each such activity
7and the gross receipts generated or likely to be generated from each activity. For
8purposes of this subsection, gross receipts from the activities described under par. (a)
92. shall be calculated on a per farm basis, regardless of whether the farm is located
10in more than one taxation district. A person who has filed a form under this
11paragraph shall only file such a form in a subsequent year, if in that subsequent year
12the person has acquired or leased additional land to be used as part of the farm.
SB304,4,2313 (c) If the use of the person's land has changed so that it may no longer be
14assessed as agricultural land under sub. (2r), the person who owns or who is the
15lessee of the land shall notify the clerk of the taxation district in which the person's
16land is located, on a form prescribed by the department. If the use of the person's land
17has changed so that it may no longer be assessed as agricultural land under sub. (2r)
18and the person who owns or who is the lessee of the land does not notify the clerk of
19the taxation district as provided under this paragraph, the taxation district shall
20treat the difference between the land's value as agricultural land under sub. (2r) and
21the land's value under the appropriate classification as provided under sub. (2) (a)
22as omitted property under s. 70.44 and collect from the owner of the land the penalty
23under s. 74.485.
SB304, s. 4 24Section 4. 74.48 of the statutes is repealed.
SB304, s. 5 25Section 5. 74.485 of the statutes is created to read:
174.485 Penalty for converting agricultural land. (1) Definition. In this
2section, "agricultural land" has the meaning given in s. 70.32 (2) (c) 1.
SB304,5,12 3(2) Penalty. Except as provided in sub. (4), a person who owns land that has
4been assessed as agricultural land under s. 70.32 (2r) and who converts the land's
5use so that the land is not eligible to be assessed as agricultural land under s. 70.32
6(2r), as determined by the county treasurer, shall pay a penalty to the county in which
7the land is located in an amount equal to the number of acres converted multiplied
8by the amount of the difference between the average fair market value of an acre of
9agricultural land sold in the county in the year before the year that the person
10converts the land, as determined under sub. (3), and the average equalized value of
11an acre of agricultural land in the county in the year before the year that the person
12converts the land, as determined under sub. (3), multiplied by the following:
SB304,5,1313 (a) Five percent, if the converted land is more than 30 acres.
SB304,5,1514 (b) Seven and one-half percent, if the converted land is 30 acres or less but at
15least 10 acres.
SB304,5,1616 (c) Ten percent, if the converted land is less than 10 acres.
SB304,5,22 17(3) Value determination. Annually, the department of revenue shall
18determine the average equalized value of an acre of agricultural land in each county
19in the previous year, as provided under s. 70.57, and the average fair market value
20of an acre of agricultural land sold in each county in the previous year based on the
21sales in each county in the previous year of parcels of agricultural land that are 38
22acres or more to buyers who intend to use the land as agricultural land.
SB304,6,2 23(4) Exceptions and deferral. (a) A person who owns land that has been
24assessed as agricultural land under s. 70.32 (2r) and who converts the land's use so
25that the land is not eligible to be assessed as agricultural land under s. 70.32 (2r) is

1not subject to a penalty under sub. (2) if the amount of the penalty determined under
2sub. (2) represents less than $25 for each acre of converted land.
SB304,6,123 (b) If a person owes a penalty under sub. (2), the treasurer of the county in
4which the person's land is located may defer payment of the penalty to the succeeding
5taxable year if the person demonstrates to the treasurer that the person's land will
6be used as agricultural land in the succeeding taxable year. A person who receives
7a deferral under this paragraph is not subject to the penalty under sub. (2) related
8to the deferral, if the person's land is used as agricultural land in the succeeding
9taxable year. If the land of a person who receives a deferral under this paragraph
10is not used as agricultural land in the succeeding taxable year, the person shall pay
11the penalty with interest at the rate of 1% a month, or fraction of a month, from the
12date that the treasurer granted a deferral to the date that the penalty is paid.
SB304,6,19 13(5) Payment. Except as provided in sub. (4), a person who owes a penalty under
14sub. (2) shall pay the penalty to the county in which the person's land related to the
15penalty is located no later than 30 days after the date that the penalty is assessed.
16A penalty that is not paid on the date it is due is considered delinquent and shall be
17paid with interest at the rate of 1% a month, or fraction of a month, from the date that
18the penalty is assessed to the date that the penalty is paid. The county shall collect
19an unpaid penalty as a special charge against the land related to the penalty.
SB304,7,4 20(6) Distribution. A county that collects a penalty under this section shall
21distribute 50% of the amount of the penalty to the taxation district in which the land
22related to the penalty is located. If the land related to the penalty is located in 2 or
23more taxation districts, the county shall distribute 50% of the amount of the penalty
24to the taxation districts in proportion to the equalized value of the land related to the
25penalty that is located in each taxation district. A taxation district shall distribute

150% of any amount it receives under this subsection to an adjoining taxation district,
2if the taxation district in which the land related to the penalty is located annexed the
3land related to the penalty from the adjoining taxation district in either of the 2 years
4preceding a distribution under this subsection.
SB304,7,7 5(7) Notice. A person who owns land that has been assessed as agricultural land
6under s. 70.32 (2r) and who sells the land shall notify the buyer of the land of all of
7the following:
SB304,7,88 (a) That the land has been assessed as agricultural land under s. 70.32 (2r).
SB304,7,109 (b) Whether the person who owns the land and who is selling the land has been
10assessed a penalty under sub. (2) related to the land.
SB304,7,1211 (c) Whether the person who owns the land and who is selling the land has been
12granted a deferral under sub. (4) related to the land.
SB304,7,14 13(8) Register of deeds. The county register of deeds shall inform the county
14treasurer of all sales of agricultural land located in the county.
SB304,7,16 15(9) Administration. The county in which the land as described in sub. (1) is
16located shall administer the penalty under this section.
SB304, s. 6 17Section 6. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB304,7,2518 (1) Penalty for converting agricultural land. Notwithstanding section
1970.32 (2s) (c) of the statutes, as created by this act, and section 74.485 of the statutes,
20as created by this act, land assessed as agricultural land for the property tax
21assessments as of January 1, 2001, that may no longer be assessed as agricultural
22land for the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2002, because the land is not
23used as a farm, as defined under section 70.32 (2s) (a) 2. of the statutes, is not subject
24to the penalty under section 74.485 of the statutes with regard to the property tax
25assessments as of January 1, 2001, and January 1, 2002.
SB304, s. 7
1Section 7. Initial applicability.
SB304,8,32 (1) This act first applies to the property tax assessments as of, and the penalties
3imposed on, January 1, 2002.
SB304,8,44 (End)