2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
October 12, 2001 - Introduced by Senators Chvala, Rosenzweig, Plache, Burke,
Risser, Wirch
and Decker, cosponsored by Representatives Urban,
Wasserman, Black, Riley, Carpenter, Berceau, Pocan, Turner, Bock, Sinicki,
Townsend, Miller, Kreibich, Kreuser, Gronemus, Richards
and Reynolds.
Referred to Committee on Universities, Housing, and Government
SJR46,1,6 1Relating to: commending Dr. James Thomson and his research team, the
2University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Wisconsin Alumni Research
3Foundation for their pioneering work in embryonic stem cell research and
4asking the federal government to designate the University of
5Wisconsin-Madison as a National Center of Excellence for Embryonic Stem
6Cell Research.
SJR46,1,97 Whereas, Professor James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
8and his colleagues were the first scientists to isolate and culture human embryonic
9stem cells; and
SJR46,1,1210 Whereas, this research has laid the foundation for a revolution in medicine,
11offering hope to millions of people suffering from debilitating and sometimes deadly
12diseases, such as heart disease, Parkinson's Disease, and diabetes; and
SJR46,1,1313 Whereas, this research was conducted under stringent ethical guidelines; and
SJR46,1,1514 Whereas, the University of Wisconsin-Madison is recognized as a worldwide
15leader in embryonic stem cell research in monkeys and humans; and
1Whereas, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) has played a
2critical role in fostering this new technology, and its efforts to protect and
3disseminate this technology have ensured that the intellectual property of the
4University of Wisconsin-Madison is deployed for the benefit of the citizens of
5Wisconsin and the world; and
SJR46,2,86 Whereas, after careful and thoughtful deliberation, President George W. Bush
7has announced a national policy permitting the use of federal funds for research on
8embryonic stem cells derived before August 9, 2001; and
SJR46,2,119 Whereas, the 5 existing stem cell lines developed at the University of
10Wisconsin-Madison and patented by WARF are the gold standard of human
11embryonic stem cell lines; and
SJR46,2,1412 Whereas, WARF, through its agreement with the National Institutes of Health
13under the policies of the administration of President George W. Bush, is providing
14access to these important stem cell lines to researchers around the world; and
SJR46,2,1615 Whereas, national science policymakers are targeting embryonic stem cell
16research grants as a major area of investment; and
SJR46,2,1917 Whereas, because of its research excellence and the national prominence of its
18faculty, the University of Wisconsin-Madison is in a position to compete successfully
19for federal embryonic stem cell research funds; and
SJR46,2,2320 Whereas, established companies, new biotechnology start-ups, and venture
21capitalists will likely be attracted to the Madison area and other regions of the state
22to be in close proximity to world leaders in this research, thereby enhancing economic
23development in the state; now, therefore, be it
SJR46,3,3 24Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the Wisconsin
25legislature commends Dr. James Thomson and his research team, the University of

1Wisconsin-Madison, and WARF, for this pioneering research that has significant
2potential to improve public health for all and that promises enhanced economic
3development in Wisconsin; and, be it further
SJR46,3,6 4Resolved, That the Wisconsin legislature requests the National Institutes of
5Health to designate the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a "National Center of
6Excellence in Embryonic Stem Cell Research"; and, be it further
SJR46,3,10 7Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide a copy of this joint
8resolution to the U.S. secretary of health and human services, to the director of the
9National Institutes of Health, and to all members of the congressional delegation
10from this state.
SJR46,3,1111 (End)