AB316,1,2 1An Act to create 30.125 of the statutes; relating to: ballast water management
2to control aquatic nuisance species.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill relates to the treatment and other management of ballast water in
vessels operating on the Great Lakes to prevent the introduction and to minimize the
spread of aquatic nuisance species. Aquatic nuisance species are plants and animals
that are not native and that threaten the diversity or abundance of native species or
the ecological stability of infected waters or that threaten commercial, agricultural,
or recreational activities that are dependent on infested waters.
The bill requires the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to determine, by
six months after the bill is enacted, whether ballast water management practices
proposed by the Shipping Federation of Canada are being complied with by all
oceangoing vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the
boundaries of this state. By that date, DNR must also determine whether ballast
water management practices proposed jointly by the Lake Carriers' Association and
the Canadian Shipowners' Association are being complied with by all nonoceangoing
vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this
state. The bill requires DNR to maintain a list, beginning six months after the bill
is enacted, of the vessels that are complying with these standards. The bill prohibits
DNR from awarding a grant, a loan, or other financial assistance to the owner or
operator of a vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the
boundaries of this state and that is not on the list or to a person in this state who has
a contract for the transportation of cargo with a person who owns or operates a vessel

that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state
and that is not on the list.
The bill requires DNR to identify, also by six months after the bill is enacted,
any available ballast water treatment methods that could be used by oceangoing
vessels to prevent the introduction of aquatic nuisance species into the Great Lakes
while protecting the safety of the vessels. If DNR does identify any ballast water
management methods, it must also determine a date after which those methods
could be used by all oceangoing vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes
within the boundaries of this state. If DNR is not able to identify any ballast water
treatment methods that satisfy these requirements by six months after the bill is
enacted, but later does so, it must determine a date after which such a ballast water
treatment method could be used by all oceangoing vessels operating on the portions
of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state. The bill requires DNR to
maintain a list, beginning after the date on which it determines that a safe ballast
water treatment method could be used by all oceangoing vessels, of the vessels that
are complying with such a ballast water treatment method. The bill prohibits DNR
from awarding a grant, a loan, or other financial assistance to a person who owns or
operates an oceangoing vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes
within the boundaries of this state and that is not on the list or to a person in this
state who has a contract for the transportation of cargo with the owner or operator
of an oceangoing vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the
boundaries of this state and that is not on the list.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB316, s. 1 1Section 1. 30.125 of the statutes is created to read:
AB316,2,2 230.125 Ballast water management. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB316,2,33 (a) "Aquatic nuisance species" has the meaning given in s. 30.1255 (1).
AB316,2,64 (b) "Ballast water" means water and associated solids taken on board a vessel
5to control or maintain the vessel's trim, draft, or stability, or to control stresses on the
AB316,2,97 (c) "Ballast water treatment method" means one or more of the following
8methods of treating ballast water and sediments to remove or destroy living
11. Filtration.
AB316,3,22 2. The use of biocides or ultraviolet light.
AB316,3,33 3. Thermal methods.
AB316,3,44 4. Another treatment technique approved by the department.
AB316,3,65 (d) "Nonoceangoing vessel" means a vessel that takes on ballast water and that
6is not an oceangoing vessel.
AB316,3,97 (e) "Oceangoing vessel" means a vessel that takes on ballast water and that
8operates on the Great Lakes or the St. Lawrence Waterway after operating outside
9of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Waterway in waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
AB316,3,1010 (f) "Sediment" means matter that settles out of ballast water in a vessel.
AB316,3,1211 (g) "St. Lawrence Waterway" means the St. Lawrence River, the St. Lawrence
12Riverway, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
AB316,3,16 13(2) Cooperation. The department shall cooperate with the U.S. and Canadian
14governments, other states, Canadian provinces, and the maritime industry to
15prevent the introduction of aquatic nuisance species into the Great Lakes and to
16minimize the spread of aquatic nuisance species within the Great Lakes.
AB316,3,23 17(3) Initial requirements. (a) 1. By the first day of the 6th month beginning
18after the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], the department
19shall determine whether the ballast water management practices that were
20proposed by the Shipping Federation of Canada to the Michigan department of
21environmental quality on June 7, 2000, are being complied with by all oceangoing
22vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this
AB316,4,424 2. Upon request by the department, the owner or operator of an oceangoing
25vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this

1state shall provide information needed to determine whether the vessel is complying
2with the ballast water management practices described in subd. 1. The owner or
3operator shall provide the information on a form developed by the department to be
4consistent with forms used in other states and the Canadian provinces.
AB316,4,115 (b) 1. By the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
6subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall determine whether the
7ballast water management practices that were proposed jointly by the Lake Carriers'
8Association and the Canadian Shipowners' Association to the Michigan department
9of environmental quality on January 26, 2001, are being complied with by all
10nonoceangoing vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the
11boundaries of this state.
AB316,4,1812 2. If a nonoceangoing vessel that is a ferry used to transport motor vehicles
13across Lake Michigan has a configuration that prevents compliance with one or more
14of the ballast water management practices described in subd. 1., the department
15shall, by the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
16subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], identify alternative ballast water management
17practices with which the vessel could comply and determine whether the vessel is
18complying with those alternative ballast water management practices.
AB316,4,2419 3. Upon request by the department, the owner or operator of a nonoceangoing
20vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this
21state shall provide information showing whether the vessel is complying with the
22ballast water management practices described in subd. 1. or 2. The owner or operator
23shall provide the information on a form developed by the department to be consistent
24with forms used in other states and the Canadian provinces.
1(c) By the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
2paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall determine whether the St.
3Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and the Saint Lawrence Seaway
4Development Corporation have made the ballast water management practices
5described in pars. (a) 1. and (b) 1. conditions of passage on the St. Lawrence Seaway.
AB316,5,116 (d) 1. By the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
7subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall determine whether one
8or more ballast water treatment methods could be used by oceangoing vessels to
9prevent the introduction of aquatic nuisance species into the Great Lakes while
10protecting the safety of the vessels, their crews, and their passengers, and, if so,
11identify the ballast water treatment method or ballast water treatment methods.
AB316,5,1712 2. If the department identifies one or more ballast water treatment methods
13under subd. 1. the department shall, by the first day of the 6th month beginning after
14the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], determine a date after
15which one or more of those ballast water treatment methods could be used by all
16oceangoing vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the
17boundaries of this state.
AB316,5,2218 3. If the department does not identify any ballast water treatment methods
19under subd. 1. the department shall, by the first day of the 6th month beginning after
20the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], determine the actions
21needed to develop, test, and make available to vessel owners one or more ballast
22water treatment methods that would satisfy the requirements in subd. 1.
AB316,6,423 4. If the department does not identify any ballast water treatment methods
24under subd. 1. but at any time after making the determination under subd. 1.
25identifies one or more ballast water treatment methods that satisfy the

1requirements of subd. 1., the department shall determine a date after which one or
2more of those ballast water treatment methods could be used by all oceangoing
3vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this
AB316,6,95 (e) By the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
6paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall submit to the governor
7and, under s. 13.172 (3), to the standing committees of the legislature with primary
8jurisdiction over issues relating to natural resources and the environment a report
9that describes the determinations made by the department under pars. (a) to (d).
AB316,6,20 10(4) Subsequent requirements. (a) 1. By the first day of the 18th month
11beginning after the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], if the
12department has identified one or more ballast water treatment methods under sub.
13(3) (d) 1. or 4., the department shall determine whether all oceangoing vessels that
14are operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state
15are using one of those ballast water treatment methods to prevent the introduction
16of aquatic nuisance species into the Great Lakes. If the department determines that
17some oceangoing vessels operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the
18boundaries of this state are not using one of those ballast water treatment methods
19by the date specified under sub. (3) (d) 2. or 4., the department shall determine the
20reasons that they are not doing so.
AB316,7,221 2. Upon request by the department, the owner or operator of an oceangoing
22vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this
23state shall provide information needed to determine whether the vessel is using a
24ballast water treatment method identified under sub. (3) (d) 1. or 4. by the date
25specified under sub. (3) (d) 2. or 4. The owner or operator shall provide the

1information on a form developed by the department to be consistent with forms used
2in other states and the Canadian provinces.
AB316,7,73 (b) By the first day of the 18th month beginning after the effective date of this
4paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall determine whether the St.
5Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and the Saint Lawrence Seaway
6Development Corporation have made the use of a ballast water treatment method
7a condition of passage on the St. Lawrence Seaway.
AB316,7,128 (c) By the first day of the 18th month beginning after the effective date of this
9paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall submit to the governor
10and, under s. 13.172 (3), to the standing committees of the legislature with primary
11jurisdiction over issues relating to natural resources and the environment a report
12that describes the determinations made by the department under pars. (a) and (b).
AB316,7,22 13(5) Lists. (a) Beginning on the first day of the 6th month beginning after the
14effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall
15compile and maintain a list of all oceangoing vessels operating on the portions of the
16Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state that it determines have complied
17with the ballast water management practices described in sub. (3) (a) 1. during the
18previous 12 months and of all of the nonoceangoing vessels operating on the portions
19of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state that it determines have
20complied with the ballast water management practices described in sub. (3) (b) 1. or
212. during the previous 12 months. The department shall update the list continually
22and shall provide access to the list on the Internet.
AB316,8,323 (b) Beginning after the date determined by the department under sub. (3) (d)
242. or 4., the department shall compile and maintain a list of all oceangoing vessels
25operating on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state that

1have been using a ballast water treatment method identified under sub. (3) (d) 1. or
24. during the previous 12 months. The department shall update the list continually
3and shall provide access to the list on the Internet.
AB316,8,64 (c) The department shall annually distribute copies of the lists under pars. (a)
5and (b) to each person in this state who has a contract for the transportation of cargo
6with an operator of an oceangoing vessel or a nonoceangoing vessel.
AB316,8,107 (d) The department shall provide copies of the initial lists under pars. (a) and
8(b) and of the annual lists under par. (c) to the governor and, under s. 13.172 (3), to
9the standing committees of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over issues
10relating to natural resources and the environment.
AB316,8,14 11(6) Ineligibility. (a) Notwithstanding ss. 281.75 (7) (a) and 292.65 (8) (c), after
12the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph ....
13[revisor inserts date], the department may not award a grant, a loan, or other
14financial assistance to any of the following:
AB316,8,1715 1. A person who owns or operates an oceangoing vessel or a nonoceangoing
16vessel that operates on the portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this
17state and that is not on the list compiled under sub. (5) (a).
AB316,8,1918 2. A person in this state who has a contract for the transportation of cargo with
19a person described in subd. 1.
AB316,8,2120 (b) After the department compiles a list under sub. (5) (b), the department may
21not award a grant, a loan, or other financial assistance to any of the following:
AB316,8,2422 1. A person who owns or operates an oceangoing vessel that operates on the
23portions of the Great Lakes within the boundaries of this state and that is not on the
24list compiled under sub. (5) (b).
12. A person in this state who has a contract for the transportation of cargo with
2a person described in subd. 1.
AB316,9,33 (End)