This bill provides that the governor must consider recommendations from the
Advisory Siting Commission (commission) before he or she concurs with a decision
of the U.S. secretary of the interior that an Indian gaming establishment proposed
to be located on off-reservation lands would be in the best interest of the Indian tribe
and its members and would not be detrimental to the surrounding community.
Under this bill, the commission is responsible for reviewing proposals for
additional Indian gaming establishments and recommending to the governor
whether additional Indian gaming establishments should be established on
off-reservation lands, and, if so, where they should be located. The bill requires the
commission to consider various factors in deciding which proposals to recommend.
The commission must give preference to proposals: that are filed by small

disadvantaged tribes; that provide the greatest net economic benefit to Wisconsin;
and that have the support of the affected community as evidenced by the results of
a local referendum. The commission may not recommend a site unless all voting
members of the commission approve the proposal and unless the site has an
agreement with a local service provider to provide fire, police, and emergency
The bill creates the commission, which consists of four members of the
legislature and three members of the public (each appointed by the governor); the bill
requires that the chair of the committee must be one of the members of the public.
While the commission reviews and develops recommendations on specific proposals,
the commission must also include one nonvoting member selected by any Indian
tribe that submitted the proposal.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB905, s. 1 1Section 1. 14.037 of the statutes is created to read:
AB905,2,3 214.037 Indian gaming on lands taken into trust after October 17, 1988.
3(1) In this section:
AB905,2,64 (a) "Affected community" means the county and municipality within whose
5borders the proposed off-reservation Indian gaming facility described in sub. (2)
6would lie.
AB905,2,77 (b) "Indian gaming facility" has the meaning given in s. 569.01 (1j).
AB905,2,88 (c) "Indian tribe" has the meaning given in s. 569.01 (3).
AB905,2,99 (d) "Municipality" means a city, village, or town.
AB905,2,1110 (e) "Off-reservation" means any land that is acquired by the U.S. secretary of
11the interior in trust for the benefit of an Indian tribe after October 17, 1988.
AB905,3,3 12(2) The governor may not concur with a determination of the U.S. secretary of
13the interior, as described in 25 USC 2719 (b) (1) (A), that an Indian gaming facility
14proposed to be located on off-reservation land would be in the best interest of the

1Indian tribe and its members and would not be detrimental to the affected
2community unless the governor considers the recommendations from the advisory
3siting commission created under s. 15.107 (18).
AB905, s. 2 4Section 2. 15.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB905,3,175 15.01 (2) "Commission" means a 3-member governing body in charge of a
6department or independent agency or of a division or other subunit within a
7department, except for the Wisconsin waterways commission which shall consist of
85 members, the parole commission which shall consist of 8 members, and the Fox
9River management commission which shall consist of 7 members. A Wisconsin group
10created for participation in a continuing interstate body, or the interstate body itself,
11shall be known as a "commission", but is not a commission for purposes of s. 15.06.
12The parole commission created under s. 15.145 (1) shall be known as a "commission",
13but is not a commission for purposes of s. 15.06. The sentencing commission created
14under s. 15.105 (27) shall be known as a "commission" but is not a commission for
15purposes of s. 15.06 (1) to (4m), (7), and (9). The advisory siting commission created
16under s. 15.107 (18) shall be known as a "commission" but is not a commission for
17purposes of s. 15.06.
AB905, s. 3 18Section 3. 15.107 (18) of the statutes is created to read:
AB905,3,2119 15.107 (18) Advisory siting commission. (a) There is created an advisory siting
20commission in the department of administration. The commission shall consist of
21the following members:
AB905,3,2422 1. One majority party member and one minority party member from each house
23of the legislature, appointed as are the members of standing committees in their
24respective houses.
12. Three members who are not employed by any unit of federal, state, or local
2government, appointed by the governor, one of whom will chair the committee.
AB905,4,43 3. One nonvoting member selected by the Indian tribe, as defined in s. 569.01
4(3), that submitted the proposal.
AB905,4,65 (b) Members appointed under par. (a) 2. shall serve 4-year terms and are
6eligible for reappointment.
AB905,4,107 (c) Members of the advisory siting commission shall be reimbursed for their
8actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. An officer
9or employee of the state shall be reimbursed by the agency that pays the member's
10salary. Members shall receive no compensation for their services.
AB905,4,1311 (d) The advisory siting commission shall meet on the call of the chairperson.
12The chairperson shall call for at least one meeting to discuss each proposal that is
13submitted, and the chairperson may call for other meetings.
AB905, s. 4 14Section 4. 569.07 of the statutes is created to read:
AB905,4,15 15569.07 Advisory siting commission. (1) In this section:
AB905,4,1816 (a) "Affected community" means the county and municipality within whose
17borders the proposed off-reservation Indian gaming facility described in s. 14.037 (2)
18would lie.
AB905,4,1919 (b) "Municipality" means a city, village, or town.
AB905,4,2120 (c) "Off-reservation" means any land that is acquired by the U.S. secretary of
21the interior in trust for the benefit of an Indian tribe after October 17, 1988.
AB905,5,2 22(2) An Indian tribe that has submitted a proposal to the U.S. secretary of the
23interior for his or her determination may submit the proposal to the advisory siting
24commission. The bureau of Indian affairs for a tribe also may submit a proposal to

1the advisory siting commission when the bureau submits the proposal to the
2governor for his or her approval.
AB905,5,6 3(3) After reviewing a proposal submitted under sub. (2), the advisory siting
4commission, subject to the criteria in subs. (4), (5), and (6), shall recommend to the
5governor which proposed Indian gaming facilities described in s. 14.037 (2) should
6be established.
AB905,5,7 7(4) The advisory siting commission shall give preference to all of the following:
AB905,5,88 (a) Proposals that are filed by or include a small disadvantaged Indian tribe.
AB905,5,109 (b) Proposals that yield the greatest net economic benefit to the state as
10measured by Indian gaming receipts.
AB905,5,1311 (c) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., proposals that have the support of a
12majority of the affected community, as shown by a referendum that occurred after
13January 1, 1998.
AB905,5,1614 2. If the referendum occurs after January 1, 1998, and before the effective date
15of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], proposals in which the governing bodies
16of the affected community concur in the referendum results.
AB905,5,19 17(5) The advisory siting commission may not recommend an Indian gaming
18facility unless all voting members of the commission designated under s. 15.107 (18)
19(a) 1. and 2. approve the proposal.
AB905,5,22 20(6) The advisory siting commission may not recommend an Indian gaming
21facility site if the site does not have an agreement, or a process to reach an agreement,
22in place with the affected community to provide fire, police, and emergency services.
AB905, s. 5 23Section 5. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB905,6,224 (1) Notwithstanding section 15.107 (18) (b) of the statutes, as created by this
25act, the initial members of the advisory siting commission appointed under section

115.107 (18) (a) 2. of the statutes, as created by this act, shall be appointed for the
2following terms:
AB905,6,33 (a) One member for a term expiring on July 1, 2005.
AB905,6,44 (b) One member for a term expiring on July 1, 2007.
AB905,6,55 (c) One member for a term expiring on July 1, 2009.
AB905, s. 6 6Section 6. Initial applicability.
AB905,6,87 (1) This act first applies to decisions made by the governor as described under
825 USC 2719 (b) (1) (A) on the effective date of this subsection.
AB905,6,99 (End)