2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
June 5, 2003 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to Committee
on Homeland Security, Veterans and Military Affairs and Government
SB190,1,3 1An Act to amend 13.0992 (2) (c) and (6); and to create 13.0992 of the statutes;
2relating to: preparation of tribal impact statements for bills that would have
3an impact on tribal governments or American Indians.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the Joint Legislative Council in
the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Joint Legislative Council prefatory note: This bill was prepared for the joint
legislative council's special committee on state-tribal relations. It is based on 2001
Assembly Bill 772, which was introduced by the council on the committee's
The bill requires the preparation of statements describing the impact of legislation
on tribal governments and American Indians. It applies to bills that apply specifically
to tribal governments or American Indians or that affect tribal governments or American
Indians differently than other governments or entities or other individuals. The
requirements of the bill are designed to parallel the current requirements contained in
the statutes and the joint rules of the legislature for the preparation of statements
describing the fiscal impact of legislation.
The bill directs the legislative reference bureau to identify bills for which tribal
impact statements are required and authorizes either house of the legislature to request
one. In addition, the chairperson or either cochairperson of the special committee on

state-tribal relations may request a tribal impact statement. If the Wisconsin
tribal-state council is created, as is proposed in separate legislation recommended by the
special committee on state-tribal relations, the bill permits either cochairperson or the
executive director of the council to request a tribal impact statement. It directs the
department of administration to assign the task of preparing a statement to the
appropriate agency or agencies. It establishes a deadline for the preparation of a
statement and requirements for its distribution. The bill states that a standing
committee may not hold a public hearing on, or report a bill for which a tribal impact
statement is required, before receipt of the statement.
SB190, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.0992 of the statutes is created to read:
SB190,2,2 213.0992 Tribal impact statements. (1) In this section:
SB190,2,73 (a) "Agency", except in par. (d), means an office, department, agency, institution
4of higher education, association, society, or other body in state government, created
5or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend
6moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, but not
7including an authority.
SB190,2,88 (b) "Authority" means a body created under ch. 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, or 237.
SB190,2,109 (c) "Have an impact on tribal governments or American Indians," when
10referring to a bill, means to do any of the following:
SB190,2,1111 1. Apply directly and specifically to tribal governments or American Indians.
SB190,2,1312 2. Affect a tribal government differently than other governments or other
SB190,2,1414 3. Affect individual American Indians differently than other individuals.
SB190,2,1715 (d) "Tribal government" means the government of a federally recognized
16American Indian tribe or band in this state or any unit, agency, subdivision, or
17corporation of that government.
SB190,3,2 18(2) (a) Whenever a bill is introduced in either house of the legislature that
19would have an impact on tribal governments or American Indians, the legislative

1reference bureau shall promptly transmit a copy of the bill to the department of
SB190,3,93 (b) Either house of the legislature may, under rules of that house or joint rules
4of the legislature, request the department of administration to order the preparation
5of a tribal impact statement with respect to any bill before that house, either in its
6original form or as affected by one or more amendments. If a house so requests, the
7chief clerk of that house shall thereupon request the legislative reference bureau to
8transmit a copy of that bill and any affected amendments to the department of
SB190,3,1810 (c) The chairperson or either cochairperson of the special committee on
11state-tribal relations may request the department of administration to order the
12preparation of a tribal impact statement with respect to any bill that has an impact
13on tribal governments or American Indians and that has not been transmitted to the
14department of administration under par. (a) or (b). In making a request under this
15paragraph, the chairperson or cochairperson shall request the legislative reference
16bureau to transmit a copy of the bill and any affected amendments to the department
17of administration and shall notify the chief clerk of the house in which the bill is
18currently pending.
SB190,3,22 19(3) Upon receipt of a bill under sub. (2), the department of administration shall
20direct one or more agencies or authorities to prepare a tribal impact statement with
21respect to the bill. Each tribal impact statement shall describe the impact on tribal
22governments or American Indians that would result from enactment of the bill.
SB190,4,6 23(4) Each agency or authority that is directed to prepare a tribal impact
24statement under sub. (3) shall provide the statement to the department of
25administration within 5 working days after the date on which it receives the

1direction, but the department of administration, on a limited basis only and upon an
2agency's request received before the end of the 5-day period and applicable to only
3one tribal impact statement, may extend the period for the specified tribal impact
4statement to not more than 10 working days if the statement necessitates extended
5research. Whenever the extension is granted, the department of administration
6shall immediately notify the legislative reference bureau.
SB190,4,11 7(5) Upon receiving a tribal impact statement under sub. (4), the department
8of administration shall transmit it to the legislative reference bureau, which shall
9transmit one copy to the principal author of the bill and one copy to the chief clerk
10of the house of the legislature in which the bill originated. The tribal impact
11statement shall be reproduced and distributed as are amendments.
SB190,4,17 12(6) Whenever a tribal impact statement is required under sub. (2) (a) for a bill,
13the legislative reference bureau shall include a notation to that effect on the jacket
14of the bill when the jacket is prepared. If the preparation of a tribal impact statement
15is requested by a house of the legislature or the chairperson or cochairperson of the
16special committee on state-tribal relations, the chief clerk of that house shall include
17a notation to that effect on the jacket of the bill.
SB190,4,21 18(7) Whenever a tribal impact statement for a bill is required or requested under
19this section, a standing committee to which the bill is referred may not hold a public
20hearing on the bill or report the bill until the statement is received by the chief clerk
21of the house in which the bill originated.
SB190, s. 2 22Section 2. 13.0992 (2) (c) and (6) of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin
23Act .... (this act), are amended to read:
SB190,5,824 13.0992 (2) (c) The chairperson or either cochairperson of the special committee
25on state-tribal relations or of the Wisconsin tribal-state council or the executive

1director of the Wisconsin tribal-state council
may request the department of
2administration to order the preparation of a tribal impact statement with respect to
3any bill that has an impact on tribal governments or American Indians and that has
4not been transmitted to the department of administration under par. (a) or (b). In
5making a request under this paragraph, the chairperson or , cochairperson, or
6executive director
shall request the legislative reference bureau to transmit a copy
7of the bill and any affected amendments to the department of administration and
8shall notify the chief clerk of the house in which the bill is currently pending.
SB190,5,15 9(6) Whenever a tribal impact statement is required under sub. (2) (a) for a bill,
10the legislative reference bureau shall include a notation to that effect on the jacket
11of the bill when the jacket is prepared. If the preparation of a tribal impact statement
12is requested by a house of the legislature or the chairperson or cochairperson of the
13special committee on state-tribal relations or of the Wisconsin tribal-state council
14or the executive director of the Wisconsin tribal-state council
, the chief clerk of that
15house shall include a notation to that effect on the jacket of the bill.
SB190, s. 3 16Section 3. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB190,5,2117 (1) Reconciliation provision. The amendment of section 13.0992 (2) (c) and (6)
18of the statutes, as created by this act, is void unless 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate
19Bill ....) (LRB-2801/1) creates a Wisconsin tribal-state council and authorizes the
20council to appoint an executive director and that act is enacted into law before August
211, 2004.
SB190, s. 4 22Section 4. Effective date.
SB190,5,2323 (1) This act takes effect on January 1, 2005.
SB190,5,2424 (End)