SB278,6,2121 c. Multiply $120 by the amount that is calculated under this subd. 2. b.
SB278,6,2322 (c) Limitations. 1. No credit may be allowed under this subsection unless it
23is claimed within the time period under s. 71.75 (2).
SB278,7,824 2. For a claimant who is a part-year resident of this state and who is a single
25person or a married person filing a separate return, multiply the credit for which the

1claimant is eligible under par. (b) by a fraction the numerator of which is the
2individual's Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the denominator of which is the
3individual's federal adjusted gross income. If a claimant is married and files a joint
4return, and if the claimant or the claimant's spouse, or both, are part-year residents
5of this state, or if the claimant's spouse is a nonresident of this state, multiply the
6credit for which the claimant is eligible under par. (b) by a fraction the numerator of
7which is the couple's joint Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the denominator of
8which is the couple's joint federal adjusted gross income.
SB278,7,99 3. Nonresidents of this state are not eligible for the credit under this subsection.
SB278,7,1110 4. No credit may be claimed under this subsection if the claimant's household
11income is $85,000 or more.
SB278,7,1312 5. No credit may be claimed under this subsection for a taxable year that begins
13after December 31, 2003.
SB278,7,1414 6. Only one claim may be filed each taxable year per household.
SB278,7,1915 (d) Administration. The department may enforce the credit under this
16subsection and may take any action, conduct any proceeding, and proceed as it is
17authorized in respect to taxes under this chapter. The income tax provisions in this
18chapter relating to assessments, refunds, appeals, collection, interest, and penalties
19apply to the credit under this subsection.
SB278, s. 7 20Section 7. 71.08 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,8,421 71.08 (1) Imposition. (intro.) If the tax imposed on a natural person, married
22couple filing jointly, trust or estate under s. 71.02, not considering the credits under
23ss. 71.07 (1), (2dd), (2de), (2di), (2dj), (2dL), (2dr), (2ds), (2dx), (2fd), (3m), (3s), (6),
24(6s), (8m), and (9e), 71.28 (1dd), (1de), (1di), (1dj), (1dL), (1ds), (1dx), (1fd), (2m) and
25(3) and 71.47 (1dd), (1de), (1di), (1dj), (1dL), (1ds), (1dx), (1fd), (2m) and (3) and

1subchs. VIII and IX and payments to other states under s. 71.07 (7), is less than the
2tax under this section, there is imposed on that natural person, married couple filing
3jointly, trust or estate, instead of the tax under s. 71.02, an alternative minimum tax
4computed as follows:
SB278, s. 8 5Section 8. 71.10 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,8,116 71.10 (4) (i) The total of claim of right credit under s. 71.07 (1), farmland
7preservation credit under subch. IX, homestead credit under subch. VIII, farmland
8tax relief credit under s. 71.07 (3m), farmers' drought property tax credit under s.
971.07 (2fd), senior citizen tax credit under s. 71.07 (8m), earned income tax credit
10under s. 71.07 (9e), estimated tax payments under s. 71.09, and taxes withheld under
11subch. X.
SB278, s. 9 12Section 9 . 71.52 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,9,2513 71.52 (6) "Income" means the sum of Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the
14following amounts, to the extent not included in Wisconsin adjusted gross income:
15maintenance payments (except foster care maintenance and supplementary
16payments excludable under section 131 of the internal revenue code Internal
17Revenue Code
), support money, cash public assistance (not including credit granted
18under this subchapter and amounts under s. 46.27), cash benefits paid by counties
19under s. 59.53 (21), except as otherwise provided in this subsection the gross amount
20of any pension or annuity (including railroad retirement benefits,; all payments
21received under the federal social security act Social Security Act, except that if such
22payments represent at least 50% of a claimant's Wisconsin adjusted gross income,
23any payments received under the Social Security Act in excess of $2,500;
24veterans disability pensions), nontaxable interest received from the federal
25government or any of its instrumentalities, nontaxable interest received on state or

1municipal bonds, worker's compensation, unemployment insurance, the gross
2amount of "loss of time" insurance, compensation and other cash benefits received
3from the United States for past or present service in the armed forces, scholarship
4and fellowship gifts or income, capital gains, gain on the sale of a personal residence
5excluded under section 121 of the internal revenue code Internal Revenue Code,
6dividends, income of a nonresident or part-year resident who is married to a
7full-year resident, housing allowances provided to members of the clergy, the
8amount by which a resident manager's rent is reduced, nontaxable income of an
9American Indian, nontaxable income from sources outside this state and nontaxable
10deferred compensation. Intangible drilling costs, depletion allowances and
11depreciation, including first-year depreciation allowances under section 179 of the
12internal revenue code Internal Revenue Code, amortization, contributions to
13individual retirement accounts under section 219 of the internal revenue code
14Internal Revenue Code, contributions to Keogh plans, net operating loss
15carry-forwards and capital loss carry-forwards deducted in determining Wisconsin
16adjusted gross income shall be added to "income". "Income" does not include gifts
17from natural persons, cash reimbursement payments made under title XX of the
18federal social security act Social Security Act, surplus food or other relief in kind
19supplied by a governmental agency, the gain on the sale of a personal residence
20deferred under section 1034 of the internal revenue code Internal Revenue Code or
21nonrecognized gain from involuntary conversions under section 1033 of the internal
22revenue code
Internal Revenue Code. Amounts not included in adjusted gross
23income but added to "income" under this subsection in a previous year and repaid
24may be subtracted from income for the year during which they are repaid.
25Scholarship and fellowship gifts or income that are included in Wisconsin adjusted

1gross income and that were added to household income for purposes of determining
2the credit under this subchapter in a previous year may be subtracted from income
3for the current year in determining the credit under this subchapter. A marital
4property agreement or unilateral statement under ch. 766 has no effect in computing
5"income" for a person whose homestead is not the same as the homestead of that
6person's spouse.
SB278, s. 10 7Section 10 . 71.52 (6) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (this
8act), is amended to read:
SB278,11,249 71.52 (6) "Income" means the sum of Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the
10following amounts, to the extent not included in Wisconsin adjusted gross income:
11maintenance payments (except foster care maintenance and supplementary
12payments excludable under section 131 of the Internal Revenue Code), support
13money, cash public assistance (not including credit granted under this subchapter
14and amounts under s. 46.27), cash benefits paid by counties under s. 59.53 (21),
15except as otherwise provided in this subsection the gross amount of any pension or
16annuity (including railroad retirement benefits; all payments received under the
17federal Social Security Act, except that if such payments represent at least 50% of
18a claimant's Wisconsin adjusted gross income, any payments received under the
19Social Security Act in excess of $2,500
; and veterans disability pensions), nontaxable
20interest received from the federal government or any of its instrumentalities,
21nontaxable interest received on state or municipal bonds, worker's compensation,
22unemployment insurance, the gross amount of "loss of time" insurance,
23compensation and other cash benefits received from the United States for past or
24present service in the armed forces, scholarship and fellowship gifts or income,
25capital gains, gain on the sale of a personal residence excluded under section 121 of

1the Internal Revenue Code, dividends, income of a nonresident or part-year resident
2who is married to a full-year resident, housing allowances provided to members of
3the clergy, the amount by which a resident manager's rent is reduced, nontaxable
4income of an American Indian, nontaxable income from sources outside this state
5and nontaxable deferred compensation. Intangible drilling costs, depletion
6allowances and depreciation, including first-year depreciation allowances under
7section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code, amortization, contributions to individual
8retirement accounts under section 219 of the Internal Revenue Code, contributions
9to Keogh plans, net operating loss carry-forwards and capital loss carry-forwards
10deducted in determining Wisconsin adjusted gross income shall be added to
11"income". "Income" does not include gifts from natural persons, cash reimbursement
12payments made under title XX of the federal Social Security Act, surplus food or
13other relief in kind supplied by a governmental agency, the gain on the sale of a
14personal residence deferred under section 1034 of the Internal Revenue Code or
15nonrecognized gain from involuntary conversions under section 1033 of the Internal
16Revenue Code. Amounts not included in adjusted gross income but added to
17"income" under this subsection in a previous year and repaid may be subtracted from
18income for the year during which they are repaid. Scholarship and fellowship gifts
19or income that are included in Wisconsin adjusted gross income and that were added
20to household income for purposes of determining the credit under this subchapter in
21a previous year may be subtracted from income for the current year in determining
22the credit under this subchapter. A marital property agreement or unilateral
23statement under ch. 766 has no effect in computing "income" for a person whose
24homestead is not the same as the homestead of that person's spouse.
SB278, s. 11 25Section 11. 71.54 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
171.54 (2m) Multiplier for 2004. For claims filed in 2005, based on property
2taxes accrued or rent constituting property taxes accrued during 2004, a claimant
3may claim a credit under this section in an amount equal to the credit amount that
4the claimant is eligible for under sub. (1) (f), multiplied by 120 percent.
SB278, s. 12 5Section 12 . 71.58 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,12,106 71.58 (7) (a) For an individual, means income as defined under s. 71.52 (6),
72001 stats., plus nonfarm business losses, plus amounts under s. 46.27, less net
8operating loss carry-forwards, less first-year depreciation allowances under section
9179 of the internal revenue code and less the first $25,000 of depreciation expenses
10in respect to the farm claimed by all of the individuals in a household.
SB278, s. 13 11Section 13 . 71.58 (7) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act ....
12(this act), is amended to read:
SB278,12,1713 71.58 (7) (a) For an individual, means income as defined under s. 71.52 (6),
142001 stats., plus nonfarm business losses, plus amounts under s. 46.27, less net
15operating loss carry-forwards, less first-year depreciation allowances under section
16179 of the internal revenue code and less the first $25,000 of depreciation expenses
17in respect to the farm claimed by all of the individuals in a household.
SB278, s. 14 18Section 14. 74.09 (3) (b) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,12,2219 74.09 (3) (b) 6. The amount of the credit under s. 79.10 (5) allocable to the
20property for the previous year and the current year, and the percentage change
21between those years, and the amount of the credit under s. 79.155 (3) allocable to the
22property for the current year
SB278, s. 15 23Section 15. 74.09 (3) (b) 6. of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act
24.... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
174.09 (3) (b) 6. The amount of the credit under s. 79.10 (5) allocable to the
2property for the previous year and the current year, and the percentage change
3between those years.
SB278, s. 16 4Section 16. 79.155 of the statutes is created to read:
SB278,13,5 579.155 Municipal purpose levy credit. (1) Definitions. In this section:
SB278,13,76 (a) "Municipal purpose levy" means the amount of total town, village, or city
7taxes, excluding total tax increments.
SB278,13,108 (b) "Total tax increments" means total tax increments as defined by rule, and
9as adjusted, by the department of revenue, based on the total tax increments
10reported on the statement of taxes filed by the taxation district with the department.
SB278,13,1411 (c) "Total town, village, or city taxes" means total town, village, or city taxes as
12defined by rule, and as adjusted, by the department of revenue, based on the total
13town, village, or city taxes reported on the statement of taxes filed by the taxation
14district with the department.
SB278,13,19 15(2) Distribution to municipalities. On or before March 28, 2005, each
16municipality that increases its municipal purpose levy for 2004 by an amount that
17is 2 percent or less of the amount of the municipality's municipal purpose levy for
182003 shall receive, from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (3) (c), an amount
19determined as follows:
SB278,13,2320 (a) If the municipality's municipal purpose levy for 2004 is the same amount
21as the municipality's municipal purpose levy for 2003, an amount equal to the
22amount of the taxes levied by the municipality for municipal purposes in 2004,
23multiplied by 25 percent.
SB278,14,324 (b) If the municipality increased its municipal purpose levy for 2004 by an
25amount that is greater than 0 percent, but not more than 2 percent, of the amount

1of the municipality's municipal purpose levy for 2003, an amount equal to the
2amount of the taxes levied by the municipality for municipal purposes in 2004,
3multiplied by 12.5 percent.
SB278,14,12 4(3) Credit against tax liability. (a) For the property tax assessments as of
5January 1, 2004, every property taxpayer in a municipality that is eligible for a
6distribution under sub. (2) shall receive a tax credit in an amount determined by
7applying the percentage of the amount of the value of the property assessed to the
8taxpayer to the amount of the distribution to be made to the municipality under sub.
9(2), except that no taxpayer may receive a credit that is greater than the total amount
10of property taxes to be paid on each parcel for which tax is levied for that year by that
11taxpayer. The credit under this paragraph shall reduce the property taxes otherwise
12payable by the taxpayer.
SB278,14,1413 (b) On or before March 1, 2005, each taxation district shall notify the
14department of revenue of the total amount of credits allocated under par. (a).
SB278,14,18 15(4) Corrections. (a) If the department of administration or the department
16of revenue determines by June 30, 2005, that there was an overpayment in the
17distribution to a municipality under sub. (2), the overpayment shall be corrected by
18reducing the amount of the municipality's subsequent payment under s. 79.035.
SB278,14,2219 (b) If the department of administration or the department of revenue
20determines by June 30, 2005, that there was an underpayment in the distribution
21to a municipality under sub. (2), the underpayment shall be corrected by increasing
22the amount of the municipality's subsequent payment under s. 79.035.
SB278,14,24 23(5) Appropriation. The amount that is estimated to be expended from the
24appropriation under s. 20.835 (3) (c) is $350,000,000 in the 2004-05 fiscal year.
SB278, s. 17
1Section 17. 79.155 of the statutes, as created by 2003 Wisconsin Act .... (this
2act), is repealed.
SB278, s. 18 3Section 18. 234.623 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,15,64 234.623 (5) The participant earned no more than $20,000 $33,500 in income,
5as defined under s. 71.52 (5), in the year prior to the year in which the property taxes
6or special assessments for which the loan is made are due.
SB278, s. 19 7Section 19. 234.625 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB278,15,198 234.625 (1) The authority shall enter into agreements with participants and
9their co-owners to loan funds to pay property taxes and special assessments on their
10qualifying dwelling units. The maximum loan under ss. 234.621 to 234.626 in any
11one year is limited to the lesser of $2,500 $3,200 or the amount obtained by adding
12the property taxes levied on the qualifying dwelling unit for the year for which the
13loan is sought, the special assessments levied on the dwelling unit, and the interest
14and penalties for delinquency attributable to the property taxes or special
15assessments. Loans shall bear interest at a rate equal to the prime lending rate at
16the time the rate is set, as reported by the federal reserve board in federal reserve
17statistical release H. 15, plus 1%. The executive director shall set the rate no later
18than October 15 of each year, and that rate shall apply to loans made in the following
SB278, s. 20 20Section 20. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB278,15,2121 (1) Commission on municipal employer health care coverage costs.
SB278,15,2322 (a) In this subsection, "municipal employer" has the meaning given in section
23111.70 (1) (j) of the statutes.
1(b) There is created a special committee to be called the commission on
2municipal employer health care coverage costs. The commission shall consist of the
3following members:
SB278,16,4 41. The governor or his or her designee.
SB278,16,5 52. The secretary of revenue or his or her designee.
SB278,16,6 63. The secretary of administration or his or her designee.
SB278,16,7 74. One member of the assembly, appointed by the speaker of the assembly.
SB278,16,8 85. One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.
SB278,16,10 96. One member who represents labor organizations, as defined in section 111.70
10(1) (h) of the statutes, appointed by the governor.
SB278,16,11 117. One member who represents the public interest, appointed by the governor.
SB278,16,1312 (c) The governor shall call the first meeting of the commission and the
13commission, at that meeting, shall select a chairperson.
SB278,16,1414 (d) The department of administration shall do all of the following:
SB278,16,15 151. Provide all necessary administrative support services to the commission.
SB278,16,19 162. Reimburse members of the commission for their actual and necessary
17expenses incurred in carrying out their functions from the appropriation under
18section 20.505 (4) (ba) of the statutes, within the budget of the committee authorized
19under section 16.40 (14) of the statutes.
SB278,16,2220 (e) The commission shall study the feasibility of allowing municipal employers
21to provide their employees with health insurance coverage under section 40.51 (6)
22of the statutes.
SB278,17,223 (f) No later than December 31, 2004, the commission shall report its findings
24and recommendations to the governor, and to the legislature in the manner provided

1in section 13.172 (2) of the statutes. Upon submittal of its report, the commission
2ceases to exist.
SB278,17,63 (2) Date of school aid calculation. Notwithstanding section 121.15 (4) (b) of
4the statutes, the department of public instruction shall calculate the total amount
5of school aid that each school district will receive in the 2003-04 school year by
6November 1, 2003.
SB278,17,107 (3) Date of levy amount. Notwithstanding section 120.12 (3) and (4) of the
8statutes, each school board of a common or union high school district shall determine
9the amount necessary to be levied under section 120.12 (3) and (4) of the statutes for
10the 2003-04 school year by November 30, 2003.
SB278,17,11 11(4) Commission on state and local tax structure.
SB278,17,13 12(a) There is created a special committee to be called the commission on state
13and local tax structure, which shall consist of members appointed by the governor.
SB278,17,15 14(b) The governor shall appoint or determine the method of appointment of the
15officers of the commission and shall call the first meeting of the commission.
SB278,17,16 16(c) The department of administration shall do all of the following:
SB278,17,17 171. Provide all necessary administrative support services to the commission.
SB278,17,21 182. Reimburse members of the commission for their actual and necessary
19expenses incurred in carrying out their functions from the appropriation under
20section 20.505 (4) (ba) of the statutes, within the budget of the committee authorized
21under section 16.40 (14) of the statutes.
SB278,17,23 22(d) The commission shall study Wisconsin's state and local tax structure and
23determine the tax burden, by income category, on Wisconsin taxpayers.
SB278,18,2 24(e) No later than January 1, 2005, the commission shall report its findings and
25recommendations to the legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2)

1of the statutes and to the governor. Upon submitting its report, the commission
2ceases to exist.
SB278, s. 21 3Section 21. Appropriation changes.
SB278,18,94 (1) General equalization aids. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
5statutes for the appropriation to the department of public instruction under section
620.255 (2) (ac) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2003, the dollar amount is
7increased by $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2003-04 and the dollar amount is increased
8by $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2004-05 to increase funding for the purpose for which
9the appropriation is made.
SB278, s. 22 10Section 22. Initial applicability.
SB278,18,1311 (1) Property tax deferral loans. The treatment of sections 234.623 (5) and
12234.625 (1) of the statutes first applies to applications under section 234.623 (1) of
13the statutes that are pending on the effective date of this subsection.
SB278,18,1814 (2) The amendment of sections 71.52 (6) (by Section 9 ) and 71.58 (7) (a) (by
15Section 12) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1,
162004, and the amendment of sections 71.52 (6) (by Section 10) and 71.58 (7) (a) (by
17Section (13) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1,
SB278,18,2019 (3) The treatment of section 71.07 (8m) of the statutes first applies to taxable
20years beginning on January 1, 2003.
SB278, s. 23 21Section 23. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
22except as follows:
SB278,18,2423 (1) The repeal of sections 20.835 (3) (c) and 79.155 of the statutes and the repeal
24and recreation of section 74.09 (3) (b) 6. of the statutes take effect on July 1, 2005.
1(2) The treatment of section 71.52 (6) (by Section 10) and 71.58 (7) (a) (by
2Section 13) of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2005.
SB278,19,33 (End)