2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
April 25, 2006 - Introduced by Senator Decker, cosponsored by Representative
Musser. Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Insurance.
SB698,2,3 1An Act to repeal 40.05 (4) (ag), 40.05 (4) (ar), 609.10, 609.20 (1m) (c), 609.20 (1m)
2(d), 628.36 (4) (b) 1., 628.36 (4) (b) 2. and 628.36 (4) (b) 3.; to renumber and
40.51 (6) and 62.61; to amend 40.51 (2), 40.51 (7), 40.51 (8), 40.51 (8m),
440.52 (1) (intro.), 40.52 (2), 49.473 (2) (c), 49.68 (3) (d) 1., 49.683 (3), 49.685 (6)
5(b), 59.52 (11) (c), 60.23 (25), 66.0137 (4), 66.0137 (4m) (b), 66.0137 (5), 111.70
6(1) (dm), 120.12 (24), 120.13 (2) (b), 120.13 (2) (g), 254.11 (13), 628.36 (4) (a)
7(intro.), 632.87 (5), 632.895 (10) (a), 632.895 (11) (a) (intro.), 632.895 (11) (c) 1.,
8632.895 (11) (d) and 632.895 (14) (b); to repeal and recreate 149.12 (2) (e); and
9to create 15.07 (2) (i), 15.735, 20.145 (6), 40.51 (6) (b), 40.52 (1m), 49.474,
1049.665 (4) (e), 62.61 (1) (b), 109.075 (9), 111.91 (2) (pm), 227.01 (13) (nm),
11632.895 (8) (f) 4., 632.895 (9) (d) 4., 632.895 (10) (b) 6., 632.895 (11) (e) 3.,
12632.895 (14) (d) 7. and chapter 634 of the statutes; relating to: creating a
13health care plan to cover all individuals employed in the state, requiring every
14employer in the state to pay an assessment for the costs of the health care plan,

1creating a Wisconsin Health Care Plan Board, requesting waivers of federal
2law, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill creates a health care coverage plan called the Wisconsin Health Care
Plan (WHCP) and creates the Wisconsin health care plan board (board), which must
develop and administer WHCP. The board, which is attached to the Office of the
Commissioner of Insurance (OCI), is composed of the commissioner of insurance,
who is the nonvoting chairperson of the board, five persons who represent employers
and who are nominated by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, and five
persons who represent employees and who are nominated by the Wisconsin State
AFL-CIO. In addition, the governor may appoint nonvoting members who represent
hospitals, physicians, or state agencies or organizations with a connection to health
WHCP provides mandatory health care coverage for all persons not eligible for
Medicare, regardless of where they reside, who are employed by private or public
employers in this state, or who are unemployed but were employed in this state
within the preceding two months, and for all dependents of those two categories of
persons. Any resident of this state who is under 65 years of age and who is not
automatically covered, including self-employed persons, may purchase coverage
under WHCP, for himself or herself and his or her dependents, at a cost determined
by the board that reflects the actual cost of their coverage. The bill defines a
dependent as a spouse, an unmarried child or stepchild under the age of 19 years or,
if the unmarried child or stepchild is a full-time student and financially dependent
on the parent, under the age of 21 years, or an unmarried child or stepchild of any
age who is disabled and dependent on the parent.
WHCP covers all reasonable medical services and prescription drugs necessary
to maintain health, enable diagnosis, or provide treatment or rehabilitation for an
injury, condition, disability, or disease. Specifically excluded from coverage,
however, unless determined to be medically necessary under criteria specified by the
board by rule, are dental and vision care, long-term care, and reconstructive or
cosmetic surgery. An employer may provide employee health care benefits that are
not covered under WHCP.
WHCP costs are partly paid through enrollee cost sharing and premiums paid
by persons who are not automatically covered and who purchase their coverage.
During the first year of WHCP's operation: 1) the total cost-sharing amount may not
exceed $300 for a single individual or $600 for a family, excluding prescription drug
copayments, health care services copayments, and premiums paid by persons
purchasing coverage; 2) copayments for prescription drugs may not exceed $15 per
prescription for a generic drug or $20 per prescription for a brand name drug; and
3) each time a covered person receives services, he or she must pay a health care

services copayment in the amount of $15 if the services are provided by the primary
care physician that he or she selects to coordinate his or her health care or by another
health care provider to which he or she has been referred or in the amount of 25
percent of the cost of the services if the services are provided by a specialist provider
to whom he or she has not been referred. After the first year of WHCP's operation,
the board may annually increase the specified cost-sharing amounts by not more
than a percentage equal to medical inflation. An employer may pay any or all of the
cost sharing on behalf of the employer's employees.
All employers in the state pay part of the costs of WHCP through a monthly
assessment based on a flat rate for each employee that an employer has. The board
must determine the basis for calculating the assessments and must set the flat rate
for each employee at a level that is sufficient to cover WHCP's costs not covered by
enrollee payments. If an employer has fewer than ten employees and the average
annual gross income of all of the employer's employees is not more than $20,000,
however, the employer's monthly assessment is reduced by 50 percent.
In addition to the responsibilities of the board that have been mentioned, the
board must negotiate, or contract with a third party to negotiate, with drug
manufacturers and distributors for discounts on prescription drug prices for WHCP
enrollees; may seek to extend to other health care programs covering state residents,
such as Medical Assistance (MA), the Badger Care health care program (Badger
Care), and Worker's Compensation, any agreements negotiated for prescription drug
discounts for WHCP enrollees; must establish provider payment rates for services
and articles covered under WHCP; must seek federal funds for payment of WHCP
costs related to covered persons who would otherwise be eligible for coverage under
MA, Badger Care, or any other health care program other than Medicare that is
financed at least in part with federal funds; and must select one or more
administrators of WHCP using a competitive bidding process.
The bill provides that WHCP is to be considered a group health insurance policy
and is subject to all requirements in current law that apply to group health insurance
policies, such as the requirements known as the health insurance mandates that
require health insurance policies to cover certain persons, certain conditions, or the
services of certain types of providers.
Finally, under the bill, OCI is required to request waivers from federal law to
allow persons who are eligible for MA, Badger Care, or any other health care program
other than Medicare funded at least in part with federal funds to be covered under
WHCP; to allow the use of federal financial participation to fund benefits provided
under WHCP to persons who are eligible for MA, Badger Care, or any other health
care program other than Medicare funded at least in part with federal funds; and to
allow persons with coverage under MA or Badger Care to purchase prescription
drugs under a purchasing program negotiated for WHCP participants.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB698, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.07 (2) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,4,32 15.07 (2) (i) The commissioner of insurance shall serve as nonvoting
3chairperson of the Wisconsin health care plan board.
SB698, s. 2 4Section 2. 15.735 of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,4,7 515.735 Same; attached boards. (1) Wisconsin health care plan board. (a)
6There is created a Wisconsin health care plan board, attached to the office of the
7commissioner of insurance under s. 15.03, consisting of the following members:
SB698,4,108 1. Five persons who represent employers, including at least one person who
9represents small employers, and who are nominated by Wisconsin Manufacturers
10and Commerce.
SB698,4,1211 2. Five persons who represent employees and who are nominated by the
12Wisconsin State AFL-CIO.
SB698,4,1313 3. The commissioner of insurance, who shall serve as nonvoting chairperson.
SB698,4,1614 (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), the governor may appoint to the board nonvoting
15members who represent hospitals, physicians, and other state agencies or
16organizations with a connection to health care.
SB698,4,1817 (c) The members of the board under par. (a) 1. and 2. shall be appointed for
183-year terms and may be reappointed.
SB698,4,2019 (d) Notwithstanding s. 15.07 (4), 8 votes are required for approval of any matter
20within the jurisdiction of the board.
SB698, s. 3
1Section 3. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
2the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
SB698, s. 4 3Section 4. 20.145 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,5,64 20.145 (6) Wisconsin Health Care Plan. (a) Development and administration.
5The amounts in the schedule for the expenses of the Wisconsin health care plan board
6in the development and administration of the Wisconsin Health Care Plan.
SB698,5,107 (d) Employer assessments received from the state; general purpose revenue. A
8sum sufficient to pay employer assessments for state employees whose salaries are
9paid from general purpose revenue for the operating costs of the Wisconsin Health
10Care Plan.
SB698,5,1311 (g) Operating costs. All moneys received from employer assessments and from
12premiums paid by individuals covered under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan for the
13operating costs of the Wisconsin Health Care Plan.
SB698,5,1814 (gm) Employer assessments received from the state; program revenue. From the
15appropriate program revenue and program revenue-service accounts, a sum
16sufficient to pay employer assessments for state employees whose salaries are paid
17from program revenue or program revenue-service accounts for the operating costs
18of the Wisconsin Health Care Plan.
SB698,5,2019 (h) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, and bequests to
20carry out the purposes for which made.
1(m) Federal funds; state operations. All moneys received from the federal
2government, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for the purposes for which
3made and received.
SB698,6,74 (s) Employer assessments received from the state; segregated revenue. From the
5appropriate segregated funds, a sum sufficient to pay employer assessments for state
6employees whose salaries are paid from segregated funds for the operating costs of
7the Wisconsin Health Care Plan.
SB698, s. 5 8Section 5. 40.05 (4) (ag) of the statutes is repealed.
SB698, s. 6 9Section 6. 40.05 (4) (ar) of the statutes is repealed.
SB698, s. 7 10Section 7. 40.51 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,7,211 40.51 (2) Except as provided in subs. (10), (10m), (11) and (16), any eligible
12employee may become covered by group health insurance benefits under this
by electing coverage within 30 days of being hired, to be effective as of
14the first day of the month which begins on or after the date the application is received
15by the employer, or by electing coverage prior to becoming eligible for any employer
16contribution towards the premium cost as provided in s. 40.05 (4) (a) to be effective
17upon becoming eligible for employer contributions. An eligible employee who is not
18insured, but who is eligible for an employer contribution under s. 40.05 (4) (ag) 1.,
19may elect coverage prior to becoming eligible for an employer contribution under s.
2040.05 (4) (ag) 2., with the coverage to be effective upon becoming eligible for the
21increase in the employer contribution.
Any employee who does not so elect at one of
22these times, or who subsequently cancels the insurance, shall not thereafter become
23insured unless the employee furnishes evidence of insurability satisfactory to the
24insurer, at the employee's own expense or obtains coverage subject to contractual

1waiting periods. The method to be used shall be specified in the health insurance
SB698, s. 8 3Section 8. 40.51 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 40.51 (6) (a) and amended
4to read:
SB698,7,135 40.51 (6) (a) This state shall offer to all of its eligible employees described in
6subs. (10), (10m), and (16)
at least 2 insured or uninsured health care coverage plans
7providing substantially equivalent hospital and medical benefits, including a health
8maintenance organization or a preferred provider plan, if those health care plans are
9determined by the group insurance board to be available in the area of the place of
10employment and are
approved by the group insurance board. The group insurance
11board shall place each of the plans into one of 3 tiers established in accordance with
12standards adopted by the group insurance board. The tiers shall be separated
13according to the employee's share of premium costs.
SB698, s. 9 14Section 9. 40.51 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,7,1715 40.51 (6) (b) The state may offer to its employees coverage for health care
16benefits not provided to the employees under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under
17ch. 634.
SB698, s. 10 18Section 10. 40.51 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,8,219 40.51 (7) Any employer, other than the state, may offer to all of its employees
20a health care coverage plan coverage for health care benefits not provided to the
21employees under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634
through a program
22offered by the group insurance board. Notwithstanding sub. (2) and ss. 40.05 (4) and
2340.52 (1), the department may by rule establish different eligibility standards or
24contribution requirements for such employees and employers and may by rule limit

1the categories of employers, other than the state, which may be included as
2participating employers under this subchapter.
SB698, s. 11 3Section 11. 40.51 (8) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 194,
4is amended to read:
SB698,8,85 40.51 (8) Every health care coverage plan offered by the state under sub. (6)
6(a) shall comply with ss. 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2), 631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.746 (1) to
7(8) and (10), 632.747, 632.748, 632.83, 632.835, 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.87 (3)
8to (6), 632.895 (5m) and (8) to (14), and 632.896.
SB698, s. 12 9Section 12. 40.51 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,8,1310 40.51 (8m) Every health care coverage plan offered by the group insurance
11board under sub. subs. (6) (b) and (7) shall comply with ss. 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2),
12631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.746 (1) to (8) and (10), 632.747, 632.748, 632.83, 632.835,
13632.85, 632.853, 632.855, and 632.895 (11) to (14) 632.87 (3) to (6).
SB698, s. 13 14Section 13. 40.52 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,8,1815 40.52 (1) (intro.) The group insurance board shall establish by contract a
16standard health insurance plan in which all insured employees shall participate
17except as otherwise provided in this chapter. The Except as provided in sub. (1m),
standard plan shall provide:
SB698, s. 14 19Section 14. 40.52 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,8,2220 40.52 (1m) The standard health insurance plan described under sub. (1) shall
21not provide employees any health care coverage that the employees receive under the
22Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634.
SB698, s. 15 23Section 15. 40.52 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,9,1324 40.52 (2) Health insurance benefits under this subchapter shall be integrated,
25with exceptions determined appropriate by the group insurance board, with benefits

1under federal plans for hospital and health care for the aged and disabled and with
2benefits provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634
. Exclusions
3and limitations with respect to benefits and different rates may be established for
4persons eligible under federal plans for hospital and health care for the aged and
5disabled in recognition of the utilization by persons within the age limits eligible
6under the federal program and for employees who receive benefits under the
7Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634
. The plan may include special provisions
8for spouses and other dependents covered under a plan established under this
9subchapter where one spouse is eligible under federal plans for hospital and health
10care for the aged or under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634 but the
11others are not eligible because of age or other reasons. As part of the integration, the
12department may, out of premiums collected under s. 40.05 (4), pay premiums for the
13federal health insurance.
SB698, s. 16 14Section 16. 49.473 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,9,1815 49.473 (2) (c) The woman is not covered under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan
16under ch. 634 and is not
eligible for any other health care coverage that qualifies as
17creditable coverage in 42 USC 300gg (c), excluding the coverage specified in 42 USC
(c) (1) (F).
SB698, s. 17 19Section 17. 49.474 of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,9,25 2049.474 Eligibility for Wisconsin Health Care Plan. Notwithstanding ss.
2149.46, 49.465, 49.47, and 49.472, if a waiver under 2005 Wisconsin Act .... (this act),
22section 57 (2) (a ) 2., is granted and in effect, a person who is covered under the
23Wisconsin Health Care Plan under s. 634.10 (2) (a) is eligible for medical assistance
24only with respect to health care benefits not provided under the Wisconsin Health
25Care Plan.
SB698, s. 18
1Section 18. 49.665 (4) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,10,62 49.665 (4) (e) Notwithstanding pars. (a) to (ap), if a waiver under 2005
3Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 57 (2) (a ) 2., is granted and in effect, a person who
4is covered under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under s. 634.10 (2) (a) is eligible
5for health care coverage under this section only with respect to health care benefits
6not provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan.
SB698, s. 19 7Section 19. 49.68 (3) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,10,228 49.68 (3) (d) 1. No aid may be granted under this subsection unless if the
9recipient has no other form of aid available from the federal medicare Medicare
10program, from private health, accident, sickness, medical, and or hospital insurance
11coverage, from the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634, or from other health
12care coverage specified by rule under s. 49.687 (1m). If insufficient aid is available
13from other sources and if the recipient has paid an amount equal to the annual
14medicare Medicare deductible amount specified in subd. 2., the state shall pay the
15difference in cost to a qualified recipient. If at any time sufficient federal or private
16insurance aid or other health care coverage becomes available during the treatment
17period, state aid under this subsection shall be terminated or appropriately reduced.
18Any patient who is eligible for the federal medicare Medicare program shall register
19and pay the premium for medicare Medicare medical insurance coverage where
20permitted, and shall pay an amount equal to the annual medicare Medicare
21deductible amounts required under 42 USC 1395e and 1395L (b), prior to becoming
22eligible for state aid under this subsection.
SB698, s. 20 23Section 20. 49.683 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,11,324 49.683 (3) No payment shall be made under this section for any portion of
25medical care costs that are payable under any state, federal, or other health care

1coverage program, including the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634 or a
2health care coverage program specified by rule under s. 49.687 (1m), or under any
3grant, contract, or other contractual arrangement.
SB698, s. 21 4Section 21. 49.685 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,11,125 49.685 (6) (b) Reimbursement shall not be made under this section for any
6blood products or supplies that are not purchased from or provided by a
7comprehensive hemophilia treatment center, or a source approved by the treatment
8center. Reimbursement shall not be made under this section for any portion of the
9costs of blood products or supplies that are payable under any other state, federal,
10or other health care coverage program, including the Wisconsin Health Care Plan
11under ch. 634 or
a health care coverage program specified by rule under s. 49.687
12(1m), or under any grant, contract, or other contractual arrangement.
SB698, s. 22 13Section 22. 59.52 (11) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,12,214 59.52 (11) (c) Employee insurance. Provide for individual or group hospital,
15surgical and
life insurance for county officers and employees and for payment of
16premiums for county officers and employees. A county may elect to provide health
17care benefits not provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634 to
18its officers and employees and a county
with at least 100 employees may elect to
19provide health care benefits not provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan
20under ch. 634
on a self-insured basis to its officers and employees. A county and one
21or more cities, villages, towns, or other counties that together have at least 100
22employees may jointly provide health care benefits not provided under the Wisconsin
23Health Care Plan under ch. 634
to their officers and employees on a self-insured
24basis. Counties that elect to provide health care benefits not provided under the
25Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634
on a self-insured basis to their officers

1and employees shall be subject to the requirements set forth under s. 120.13 (2) (c)
2to (e) and (g).
SB698, s. 23 3Section 23. 60.23 (25) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,12,64 60.23 (25) Self-insured health plans. Provide health care benefits not
5provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634
to its officers and
6employees on a self-insured basis, subject to s. 66.0137 (4).
SB698, s. 24 7Section 24. 62.61 of the statutes is renumbered 62.61 (1) (intro.) and amended
8to read:
SB698,12,109 62.61 (1) (intro.) The common council of a 1st class city may, by ordinance or
10resolution, provide do any of the following:
SB698,12,14 11(a) Provide for, including the payment of premiums of, general hospital,
12surgical and group insurance for both active and retired city officers and city
13employees and their respective dependents in private companies, or may, by
14ordinance or resolution, elect
SB698,12,18 15(c) Elect to offer to all of its employees a health care coverage plan through a
16program offered by the group insurance board under ch. 40. Municipalities which
17that elect to participate under s. 40.51 (7) are subject to the applicable sections of ch.
1840 instead of this section.
SB698,13,2 19(2) Contracts for insurance under this section may be entered into for active
20officers and employees separately from contracts for retired officers and employees.
21Appropriations may be made for the purpose of financing insurance under this
22section. Moneys accruing to a fund to finance insurance under this section, by
23investment or otherwise, may not be diverted for any other purpose than those for
24which the fund was set up or to defray management expenses of the fund or to

1partially pay premiums to reduce costs to the city or to persons covered by the
2insurance, or both.
SB698, s. 25 3Section 25. 62.61 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB698,13,64 62.61 (1) (b) Subject to s. 634.40, provide for, including the payment of
5premiums of, group health insurance for active city officers and city employees and
6their respective dependents.
SB698, s. 26 7Section 26. 66.0137 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 194,
8is amended to read:
SB698,13,169 66.0137 (4) Self-insured health plans. If a city, including a 1st class city, or
10a village provides health care benefits not provided under the Wisconsin Health Care
11Plan under ch. 634
under its home rule power, or if a town provides health care
12benefits not provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634, to its
13officers and employees on a self-insured basis, the self-insured plan shall comply
14with ss. 49.493 (3) (d), 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2), 632.746 (10) (a) 2. and (b) 2., 632.747
15(3), 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.87 (4), (5), and (6), 632.895 (9) to (14), 632.896, and
16767.25 (4m) (d).
SB698, s. 27 17Section 27. 66.0137 (4m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB698,13,2118 66.0137 (4m) (b) A political subdivision and one or more other political
19subdivisions, that together have at least 100 employees, may jointly provide health
20care benefits not provided under the Wisconsin Health Care Plan under ch. 634 to
21their officers and employees on a self insured self-insured basis.