Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Revenue limits; local
This bill provides that, beginning in 2008, a local government may not collect
more revenue than the amount it collected in 2007, or, in any subsequent year, than
the maximum amount it was permitted to collect in the previous year, both as
increased by the lesser of the inflation factor or the income factor, plus (for a special
purpose district) the annual percentage increase, if any, in the district's population
and plus (for a municipality or county) 67 percent of the annual percentage increase
in the value of taxable property that is due to new construction, less the value of
taxable property that is removed or demolished. For a technical college district, the
limit applies initially to revenues collected in the 2006-07 fiscal year.

The bill also requires a local governmental unit to return to taxpayers any
revenue collected over its limit. A local governmental unit may reduce its limit by
majority vote of its governing body, but exceed its limit only with the approval of the
electors at a referendum.
Revenue limits; state
This bill provides that, beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the legislature
may not pass any bill that would result in the collection of more in revenue, in the
2007 fiscal year, than the amount it collected in 2006 fiscal year, or, in any subsequent
year, than the maximum amount it was permitted to collect in the previous year, both
as increased by the lesser of the inflation factor or the income factor, plus the annual
percentage increase, if any, in state population.
Under the bill "revenue" is defined to mean all revenue, except moneys received
from the issuance of bonds or from short-term cash borrowing, moneys used to pay
the debt service on economic development bonds, one-time grants, interfund
transfers, moneys used to pay a settlement or damage award, moneys used for
expenses arising from a natural disaster or terrorist attack, or moneys received from
the federal government, from gifts, from settlements or damage awards, or from real
or personal property sales, from the state or a local governmental unit for providing
governmental services for governmental entities, moneys received from certain
medical care facilities, from unemployment insurance taxes, from insurance
premiums, from public employee or retiree payments for fringe benefits, from
governmental property insurance, from investment trusts, from private purpose
trusts, from college savings programs, from fees imposed for airport or mass
transportation systems, or from tuition or fees imposed for university functions.
The bill also requires that if the revenue received by the state in any fiscal year
exceeds the limit, the secretary of administration must deposit into the budget
stabilization fund all of the excess revenue, except that the fund's total may not
exceed 8 percent of the state's revenue in the previous year. If the balance of the fund
is at least equal to 8 percent of the revenues received by the state during that fiscal
year, the bill requires the legislature to pass a bill to provide that all of the excess
revenues must be used for tax relief in the succeeding fiscal year.
The bill further provides that, beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the
legislature may not pass any bill that would result in the deposit of more revenue into
a segregated fund in a fiscal year than the amount deposited into that fund in the
preceding fiscal year, increased by the lessor of the inflation factor or the income
factor, plus the percentage increase from the previous year in the population of the
Revenue obligations and certain agreements related to borrowing
The bill provides that the Building Commission may not authorize money to be
borrowed and evidences of revenue obligations to be issued for any purpose other
than a purpose specified for public debt under the Wisconsin constitution.
The bill also prohibits the Building Commission from entering into an
agreement to refund any type of borrowing if that refunding would increase the
state's debt service obligation in any fiscal year and an agreement or arrangement
relating to any type of borrowing unless the financial benefits from that agreement

or arrangement accrue proportionately over the life of the agreement or
Legislation requiring local mandates
The bill provides that, beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the legislature
may not pass any bill that would increase a local governmental unit's expenditures
unless an appropriation is made to pay the reasonable costs incurred by the local
governmental unit to comply with the bill. This provision, however, does not apply
to any bill that is passed in order to comply with a requirement of federal law,
including a requirement related to receiving federal aid.
Administrative rules
This bill prohibits an agency from promulgating an administrative rule that
increases the expenditures of a local government unit, including a technical college
district, unless an appropriation is made to pay the reasonable costs incurred by the
local governmental unit to comply with the rule.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB724, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.40 of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, is
SB724, s. 2 3Section 2. 13.488 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB724,3,54 13.488 (8) Beginning on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
5date], the building commission may not enter into any of the following:
SB724,3,76 (a) An agreement to refund any type of borrowing if that refunding would
7increase the state's debt service obligation in any fiscal year.
SB724,3,108 (b) An agreement or arrangement relating to any type of borrowing unless the
9financial benefits from that agreement or arrangement accrue proportionately over
10the life of the agreement or arrangement.
SB724, s. 3 11Section 3. 18.53 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB724,4,212 18.53 (5) Beginning on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
13date], the commission may not authorize money to be borrowed and evidences of

1revenue obligations to be issued for any purpose other than a purpose specified under
2s. 18.04.
SB724, s. 4 3Section 4. 20.0035 of the statutes is created to read:
SB724,4,4 420.0035 Revenue limits. (1) In this section:
SB724,4,75 (a) "Income factor" means the percentage that is the average of the annual
6percentage increases, if any, in state personal income growth for each of the 3 most
7recent years available.
SB724,4,108 (b) "Inflation factor" means the percentage that is the average of the annual
9percentage increases, if any, in the consumer price index for Milwaukee-Racine, or
10its successor index, for each of the 3 most recent years available.
SB724,4,1211 (c) "Local governmental unit" means a county, municipality, special purpose
12district, school district, or technical college district.
SB724,4,1313 (d) "Municipality" means a city, village, or town.
SB724,4,1514 (e) "Population" means annual population estimates adjusted by the most
15recent federal decennial census, as determined by the department of administration.
SB724,5,516 (f) "Revenue" means all revenue, except moneys received from the issuance of
17bonds or from short-term cash borrowing, moneys used to pay a settlement or
18damage award, moneys used to pay the debt service on economic development bonds,
19one-time grants, interfund transfers, moneys used for expenses arising from a
20natural disaster or terrorist attack, or moneys received from the federal government,
21from gifts, from settlements or damage awards, or from real or personal property
22sales, from unemployment insurance taxes, from the state or a local governmental
23unit for providing governmental services for governmental entities, moneys received
24from medical care provided by a facility that is operated by the state, from insurance
25premiums, from public employee or retiree payments for fringe benefits, from

1governmental property insurance, from investment trusts, from private purpose
2trusts, from college savings programs, from fees imposed for airport or mass
3transportation systems, or from tuition or fees imposed for university functions.
4"Revenue" includes moneys retained by a trustee for the purpose of issuing, or paying
5debt service on, revenue bonds.
SB724,5,86 (g) "Special purpose district" means any entity that is authorized to collect
7taxes or fees, other than the state, a school district, a technical college district, a
8sanitary or sewage district, a county, or a municipality.
SB724,5,15 9(2) (a) Subject to par. (b), beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the legislature
10may not pass any bill that would result in the collection of more in revenue, in the
112007-08 fiscal year, than the amount it collected in 2006-07 fiscal year, or, in any
12subsequent fiscal year, than the maximum amount it was permitted to collect in the
13previous fiscal year under this section, both as increased by the lesser of the inflation
14factor or the income factor, plus the annual percentage increase, if any, in state
SB724,5,1916 (b) The limit under par. (a) for a fiscal year is reduced by the amount of any
17reduction in that year in the aggregate amount of state aid to any of the categories
18of county, city, village, town, special purpose district, school district, or technical
19college district, as compared to the previous fiscal year.
SB724,5,23 20(3) (a) If the revenue received by the state in any fiscal year exceeds the limit
21under sub. (2), the secretary of administration shall deposit into the budget
22stabilization fund all of the excess revenue, except that the fund's total may not
23exceed 8 percent of the state's revenue in the previous year.
1(b) If the balance of the budget stabilization fund on July 1 of a fiscal year is
2at least equal to 8 percent of the revenues received by the state during the preceding
3fiscal year, the secretary may not make the deposit under par. (a).
SB724,6,84 (c) If the balance of the budget stabilization fund on June 30 of a fiscal year is
5at least equal to 8 percent of the revenues received by the state during that fiscal year,
6the legislature shall pass a bill to provide that all revenues received by the state in
7that fiscal year that exceed the limit under sub. (2) be used for tax relief in the
8succeeding fiscal year.
SB724,6,11 9(4) The limit under sub. (2) (a) for a fiscal year may be increased if the
10legislature adopts a joint resolution providing for an advisory referendum and the
11voters approve the increase.
SB724,6,16 12(5) Beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the legislature may not pass any
13bill that would result in the deposit of more revenue into a segregated fund in a fiscal
14year than the amount deposited into that fund in the preceding fiscal year, increased
15by the lesser of the inflation factor or the income factor, plus the percentage increase
16from the previous year in the population of the state.
SB724,6,20 17(6) Beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the legislature may not pass any
18bill that would permit moneys in a segregated fund that existed before the 2007-08
19fiscal year to be expended for any purpose other than the purpose of the segregated
SB724,7,2 21(7) Beginning with the 2007-08 fiscal year, the legislature may not pass any
22bill that would increase a local governmental unit's expenditures unless an
23appropriation is made to pay the reasonable costs incurred by the local governmental
24unit to comply with the bill. This subsection does not apply to any bill that is passed

1in order to comply with a requirement of federal law, including a requirement related
2to receiving federal aid.
SB724, s. 5 3Section 5. 66.0604 of the statutes is created to read:
SB724,7,6 466.0604 Revenue limits. (1) (a) "Income factor" means the percentage that
5is the average of the annual percentage increases, if any, in state personal income
6growth for each of the 3 most recent years available.
SB724,7,97 (b) "Inflation factor" means the percentage that is the average of the annual
8percentage increases, if any, in the consumer price index for Milwaukee-Racine, or
9its successor index, for each of the 3 most recent years available.
SB724,7,1110 (c) "Local governmental unit" means a municipality, county, special purpose
11district, or technical college district.
SB724,7,1812 (d) "Municipality" means a city, village, or town, not including a town whose
13budgeted revenue is less than $1,000,000 in 2008 or, in subsequent years, less than
14$1,000,000 increased annually by the inflation factor. A district, utility, or other
15entity, not including a lake or sanitary district, that receives moneys from taxes or
16fees, and that is created by a city, village, or town, is included as part of the city,
17village, or town that created it for purposes of determining the limits under this
SB724,7,2019 (e) "Population" means the annual estimate of population adjusted by the most
20recent federal decennial census, as determined by the department of administration.
SB724,8,1421 (f) "Revenue" means all revenue, except taxes levied by a county for the
22purposes of a children with disabilities education board, if the board existed prior to
23January 1, 2005, moneys used to pay the debt service on economic development
24bonds one-time grants, interfund transfers, moneys received by a local
25governmental unit under s. 227.136, moneys received by a local governmental unit

1under s. 20.0035 (7), moneys received from the issuance of bonds or from short-term
2cash borrowing, moneys used to pay a settlement or damage award, moneys used for
3expenses arising from a natural disaster or terrorist attack, or moneys received from
4the federal government, from the state or a local governmental unit for providing
5governmental services for governmental entities, from gifts, from settlements or
6damage awards, or from real or personal property sales, moneys received from the
7operation of a telephone, gas, electric, sewerage, or water utility, from insurance
8premiums, from public employee or retiree payments for fringe benefits, from
9governmental property insurance, from investment trusts, from private purpose
10trusts, from fees imposed for airport or mass transportation systems, or from tuition
11or fees imposed for technical college functions, or nongovernmental moneys received
12from medical care provided by a facility that is operated by an entity that is subject
13to the limits imposed under this section. "Revenue" includes moneys retained by a
14trustee for the purpose of issuing, or paying debt service on, revenue bonds.
SB724,8,1715 (g) "Special purpose district" means any entity that is authorized to collect
16taxes or fees, other than the state, a school district a technical college district, a
17sanitary or sewerage district, a municipality, a town, or a county.
SB724,8,22 18(2) (a) Subject to subs. (3) to (5), a local governmental unit, other than a
19technical college district, may not collect more in revenue, in 2008, than the amount
20it collected in 2007, or, in any subsequent year, than the maximum amount it was
21permitted to collect in the previous year under this section, both as increased by the
22lesser of the inflation factor or the income factor, plus:
SB724,8,2423 1. For a special purpose district, the annual percentage increase, if any, in the
24population of the special purpose district.
12. For a municipality or county, 67 percent of the annual percentage increase,
2if any, in taxable property values attributable to new construction, less the taxable
3value of any property removed or demolished.
SB724,9,94 (b) Subject to subs. (3) to (5), a technical college district may not collect more
5in revenue in the 2006-07 fiscal year than the amount it collected in the 2005-06
6fiscal year, or, in any subsequent fiscal year, than the maximum amount it was
7permitted to collect in the previous fiscal year under this section, both as increased
8by the lesser of the inflation factor or the income factor, plus the annual percentage
9increase, if any, in the population of the technical college district.
SB724,9,1310 (c) If a town that is not subject to the revenue limit under this section for 2008
11becomes subject to the limit after that year, the town's base year revenue amount for
12computing the revenue limit for the current year equals $1,000,000 increased
13annually by the inflation factor through the previous year.
SB724,9,16 14(3) A local governmental unit shall return to the taxpayers any excess revenue.
15A refund made under this subsection shall be made in the year immediately following
16the year in which the local governmental unit has excess revenue.
SB724,9,21 17(4) A local governmental unit may reduce its revenue limit by majority vote of
18its governing body. A local governmental unit may exceed its revenue limit only with
19the approval of the electors of the local governmental unit at a referendum. The
20referendum shall specify whether the increase in the revenue limit is on a recurring
21or nonrecurring basis.
SB724,9,24 22(5) A special purpose district may use revenue collected in excess of the limit
23imposed under this section to retire or defease debt that was incurred prior to
24January 1, 2006.
1(6) Any individual or class of individuals residing in this state has standing to
2bring a suit to enforce this section as it relates to the local governmental unit in which
3the individual or class of individuals resides or pays property taxes.
SB724, s. 6 4Section 6. 227.136 of the statutes is created to read:
SB724,10,6 5227.136 State payment of local costs. (1) In this section, "local
6governmental unit" has the meaning given in s. 20.0035 (1) (c).
SB724,10,10 7(2) Beginning on January 1, 2007, an administrative rule that increases the
8expenditures of a local governmental unit may not be promulgated unless an
9appropriation is made to pay the reasonable costs incurred by the local governmental
10unit to comply with the rule.
SB724,10,13 11(3) This section does not apply to any rule that is promulgated in order to
12comply with a requirement of federal law, including a requirement related to
13receiving federal aid.
SB724,10,1414 (End)