SB1,449,1210 30.52 (3) (c) Fee for boats 16 feet or more but less than 26 feet. The fee for the
11issuance or renewal of a certificate of number for a boat 16 feet or more but less than
1226 feet in length is $24 $28.
SB1, s. 722 13Section 722. 30.52 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,449,1614 30.52 (3) (d) Fee for boats 26 feet or more but less than 40 feet. The fee for the
15issuance or renewal of a certificate of number for a boat 26 feet or more but less than
1640 feet in length is $45 $52.
SB1, s. 723 17Section 723. 30.52 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,449,1918 30.52 (3) (e) Fee for boats 40 feet or longer. The fee for the issuance or renewal
19of a certificate of number for a boat 40 feet or more in length is $75 $86.
SB1, s. 724 20Section 724. 30.52 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,449,2321 30.52 (3) (f) Fee for nonmotorized sailboats. Notwithstanding pars. (b) to (e),
22the fee for the issuance or renewal of a certificate of number for a sailboat which is
23not a motorboat is $15 $17.
SB1, s. 725 24Section 725. 30.52 (3) (fm) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.52 (3) (fm) Fee for voluntarily registered boats. Notwithstanding pars. (b)
2to (f), the fee for issuance or renewal of registration for a boat registered pursuant
3to sub. (1) (b) 1m. is $9.75 $11.
SB1, s. 726 4Section 726. 30.74 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,450,135 30.74 (1) (b) The department by rule shall set the instruction fee for the course.
6A person conducting a course or giving instruction under this subsection shall collect
7the instruction fee from each person who receives instruction. The department may
8determine the portion of this fee, which may not exceed 50%, that the person may
9retain to defray expenses incurred by the person in conducting the course or giving
10the instruction. The person shall remit the remainder of the fee or, if nothing is
11retained, the entire fee to the department. The department by rule shall set the fee
12for the course
shall issue a duplicate certificate of accomplishment to a person who
13is entitled to a duplicate certificate of accomplishment and who pays a fee of $2.75
SB1, s. 726b 14Section 726b. 35.001 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1, s. 726d 15Section 726d. 35.05 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,450,2216 35.05 (4) When legislative proposals, legislative publications or other printing
17is required for the legislature, including revision or correction bills for the revisor of
legislative reference bureau, bills or reports for the joint legislative council
19or legislative proposals of members intended for introduction by them, such printing
20may be ordered by the chief clerk of either house or by other authorized persons
21during any session of the legislature or recess thereof, pursuant to such regulations
22as either house shall establish.
SB1, s. 726f 23Section 726f. 35.15 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,451,224 35.15 (1) (b) The volume shall contain all acts enacted during such session, all
25important joint resolutions of the session, and an alphabetical index to the volume

1prepared by the legislative reference bureau in consultation with the revisor of
SB1, s. 726h 3Section 726h. 35.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,451,10 435.17 Correcting typographical errors. In enrolling under s. 13.92 (1) (b)
53. and for publishing under ss. 35.095, 35.15 and 35.35 (1) (a) the legislative reference
6bureau shall correct obvious typographical errors. No such correction shall be
7deemed an alteration of the enrolled copy. Like corrections shall be made by the
8revisor legislative reference bureau in printing the Wisconsin statutes and
9administrative code. On questions of orthography the current edition of Webster's
10new international dictionary shall be taken as the standard.
SB1, s. 726j 11Section 726j. 35.18 (1), (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB1,451,1712 35.18 (1) Publication. Biennially the revisor legislative reference bureau shall
13prepare and deliver to the department printer's copy for the Wisconsin statutes,
14which shall contain all the general statutes in force, all important joint resolutions
15adopted since the last preceding general session, an alphabetical index, and such
16other matter as the revisor bureau deems desirable and practicable. The department
17shall determine how many copies shall be printed.
SB1,452,2 18(2) Revisor's Legislative reference bureau certificate. After making the
19necessary comparison, the revisor chief of the legislative reference bureau shall
20annex, at the end of one copy of each newly printed statute, which shall be filed in
21the office of the secretary of state as a public record, the revisor's a certificate
22certifying that the revisor bureau has compared each printed section therein with
23the original section of the statutes, or, as the case may be, with the original section
24contained in the enrolled act from which the section was derived, together with all

1amendments of such original section, if any, and that all the sections appear to be
2correctly printed. All other copies shall contain a printed copy of such certificate.
SB1,452,12 3(3) Numbers and titles of chapters and sections. All chapters and sections
4of Wisconsin statutes shall retain their present numbers and titles until changed by
5the revisor legislative reference bureau or by statute. Each section shall be
6designated by a mixed, decimal number, the whole number corresponding to the
7chapter and the decimal to the section's place in the chapter. The numbers and titles
8of chapters and sections shall be printed in boldface type. Each subsection shall be
9designated by a number, or by a number and a letter of the alphabet, enclosed in
10parentheses. Each paragraph shall be designated by a letter or letters enclosed in
11parentheses. Each subdivision shall be designated by a number or by a number and
12a letter. Each paragraph of a subdivision shall be designated by a letter or letters.
SB1, s. 726L 13Section 726L. 35.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,452,21 1435.20 Wisconsin Town Law Forms. With each issue of Wisconsin statutes,
15under the supervision of the revisor legislative reference bureau, an edition will be
16printed as directed by the department for distribution by the department to all town
17clerks, of a volume to be designated "Wisconsin Town Law Forms" containing
18suitable forms for use in the administration of laws relating to: common schools; the
19county board; the powers, duties and liabilities of towns, town officers and the
20assessment of taxes; highways, bridges and drainage districts; and such other forms
21as the revisor legislative reference bureau determines desirable and practicable.
SB1, s. 726n 22Section 726n. 35.23 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,453,2 2335.23 Wisconsin Annotations. The revisor legislative reference bureau shall
24prepare such annotations as will keep the volume known as "Wisconsin

1Annotations," up to date, and to print such continuations in each biennial issue of
2the Wisconsin statutes.
SB1, s. 726p 3Section 726p. 35.50 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,453,134 35.50 (2) Unless otherwise required by law, each edition of the Blue Book and
5the reports specified in ss. 35.26 and 35.27, and reprints thereof, shall be
6substantially the same in printing and binding as the previous edition of the same
7publication. Unless otherwise determined by the chief of the legislative reference
8bureau, each edition of the Laws of Wisconsin shall be substantially the same in
9format, printing, and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless
10otherwise determined by the revisor of statutes legislative reference bureau, each
11edition of the statutes and the Wisconsin administrative code and register shall be
12substantially the same in format, printing, and binding as the previous edition of the
13same publication.
SB1, s. 726r 14Section 726r. 35.56 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,453,1915 35.56 (1) (a) As a basis for printing of the statutes and the Wisconsin
16administrative code and register, the department shall, before advertising for bids
17and after consultation with the revisor legislative reference bureau, establish base
18prices for 2-year periods and establish specifications subject to approval by the
19revisor legislative reference bureau for 2-year periods.
SB1, s. 726t 20Section 726t. 35.56 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,453,2321 35.56 (5) Notwithstanding subs. (1), (3) and (4), the revisor of statutes
22legislative reference bureau shall approve specifications and production schedules
23for the printing and binding of the Wisconsin statutes.
SB1, s. 727 24Section 727. 35.86 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
135.86 (1) The director of the historical society may procure the exchange of
2public documents produced by federal, state, county, local, and other agencies as may
3be desirable to maintain or enlarge its historical, literary, and statistical collections,
4and may make such distributions of public documents, with or without exchange, as
5may accord with interstate or international comity. The state law librarian shall
6procure so many of such exchanges as the state law librarian is authorized by law
7to make, and the department of health and family services, department of children
8and families,
commission of banking, department of public instruction, legislative
9reference bureau, and the legislative council staff, may procure by exchange such
10documents from other states and countries as may be needed for use in their
11respective offices. Any other state agency wishing to initiate a formal exchange
12program in accordance with this section may do so by submitting a formal application
13to the department and by otherwise complying with this section.
SB1, s. 727c 14Section 727c. 35.91 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,454,2015 35.91 (1) The latest edition of the Wisconsin statutes shall be sold at a
16reasonable price, calculated to the nearest dollar, to be fixed as determined by the
17department, based on cost plus 75% of the revisor's expenditures under s. 20.765 (3)
18(a) during the preceding biennium
. The department may sell noncurrent editions of
19the Wisconsin statutes and Wisconsin annotations at reduced prices to be fixed by
SB1, s. 727g 21Section 727g. 35.93 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,455,1022 35.93 (1) The Wisconsin administrative code and register shall be published
23using the format and method of printing and binding determined by the revisor
24legislative reference bureau. The notice section of the register and new rules filed
25by an agency whose rules have not been compiled and printed pursuant to this

1section may be duplicated in some other form than printing if the department and
2revisor legislative reference bureau determine that it is administratively feasible to
3do so. The printing or other duplicating shall be performed or contracted by the
4department. The department may purchase and sell suitable binders for the code or
5parts thereof at a price not exceeding cost. The revisor legislative reference bureau
6shall supervise the arrangement of materials in the Wisconsin administrative code
7and register, including the numbering of pages and sections. No part of the
8Wisconsin administrative code or register may be printed until the revisor legislative
9reference bureau
has approved the arrangement of materials and numbering of
10sections therein.
SB1, s. 727j 11Section 727j. 35.93 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,455,2512 35.93 (3) The revisor legislative reference bureau shall compile and deliver to
13the department for printing copy for a register which shall contain all the rules filed
14since the compilation of rules for the preceding issue of the register was made and
15those executive orders which are to be in effect for more than 90 days or an
16informative summary thereof. The complete register shall be compiled and
17published before the first day of each month and a notice section of the register shall
18be compiled and published before the 15th day of each month. Each issue of the
19register shall contain a title page with the name "Wisconsin administrative register",
20the number and date of the register, and a table of contents. Each page of the register
21shall also contain the date and number of the register of which it is a part in addition
22to the other necessary code titles and page numbers. The revisor legislative
23reference bureau
may include in the register such instructions or information as in
24the revisor's bureau's judgment will help the user to correctly make insertions and
25deletions in the code and to keep the code current.
SB1, s. 727m
1Section 727m. 35.93 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,456,112 35.93 (4) Each issue of the Wisconsin administrative register shall contain a
3notice section in which shall be printed the notices of hearings on rule making which
4agencies have transmitted to the revisor legislative reference bureau for that
5purpose, statements of scope of proposed rules under s. 227.135, notices of submittal
6to joint the legislative council staff under s. 227.14 (4m), notices of intent to
7promulgate rules without a public hearing under s. 227.16 (2) (e), notices of referrals
8of proposed rules to presiding officers under s. 227.19 (2), notices of emergency rules
9in effect, fiscal estimates for rule-making orders under s. 227.14 (4) and such other
10notices as may be required by law or determined by the revisor legislative reference
to be appropriate.
SB1, s. 727p 12Section 727p. 35.93 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,456,1913 35.93 (6) The department shall sell the code, issues of the register or parts of
14either of them at a price to be determined by it, which shall include the proportionate
15cost per copy of preparation and manufacturing as determined by the revisor of
legislative reference bureau, and the cost of sale and distribution specified
17in s. 35.80. State employee personnel costs shall be excluded from preparation costs.
18The department may establish the price of the code or of the register or parts thereof
19on an annual basis.
SB1, s. 727s 20Section 727s. 35.93 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,457,221 35.93 (8) The revisor legislative reference bureau shall prepare and the
22department shall publish a table of contents and an index of all the rules in effect
23which have been compiled and printed under this section. The table of contents and
24index shall be recompiled and reprinted annually. They shall be printed in the same

1page size as the administrative code. The department shall distribute one copy of the
2table of contents and index free to each subscriber to the register or parts thereof.
SB1, s. 730 3Section 730. 36.11 (3) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,457,94 36.11 (3) (d) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the board shall require that a $35
5$44 fee accompany each application for admittance from persons seeking admittance
6to any school within the system as new freshmen or as transfer students from outside
7the system. The board may exempt from the fee under this subdivision, on the basis
8of financial need, a maximum of 5% of the applications in any school year. The board
9shall ensure that no less than $9 of the fee is used for admission application expenses.
SB1, s. 731 10Section 731. 36.11 (3) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,457,1411 36.11 (3) (d) 2. The board shall require that a $45 $56 fee accompany each
12application for admittance to a graduate school, law school or medical school within
13the system. The board shall ensure that no less than $11 of the fee is used for
14admission application expenses.
SB1, s. 731m 15Section 731m. 36.11 (30) of the statutes is renumbered 36.59 (7) and amended
16to read:
SB1,457,1917 36.59 (7) Information technology reports. The board Board of Regents shall
18prepare and submit reports to the joint committee on information policy and
19technology upon request of the committee under s. 13.58 (5) (b) 3.
SB1, s. 731p 20Section 731p. 36.11 (32) of the statutes is renumbered 36.59 (8) and amended
21to read:
SB1,457,2522 36.59 (8) Computer services data collection. The board Board of Regents
23shall collect and maintain data necessary to calculate numerical measures of the
24efficiency and effectiveness of the mainframe computer services provided by the
25board at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
SB1, s. 732m
1Section 732m. 36.11 (54) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,458,42 36.11 (54) Employee reports. (a) In this subsection, "backup position" means
3a position that the board is contractually required to provide for an employee who
4resigns or is terminated from his or her current position.
SB1,458,115 (b) Annually, the board shall submit a report to the appropriate standing
6committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) and to the governor that identifies
7the number of employees with limited appointments under s. 36.17 and rules
8promulgated thereunder, the number of employees with concurrent appointments,
9and the number of employees with employment contracts that require backup
10positions but who have not yet resigned or been terminated from their current
SB1, s. 732p 12Section 732p. 36.11 (55) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,458,1713 36.11 (55) Information on instructors. The board shall ensure that each
14institution provides information to a student when he or she registers for a class
15about who will be teaching the class on a daily basis and whether the teacher has an
16academic staff appointment or tenure or probationary faculty appointment or is a
17teaching assistant.
SB1, s. 732t 18Section 732t. 36.25 (13s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,459,219 36.25 (13s) Medical practice in underserved areas. Of the moneys
20appropriated to the board under s. 20.285 (1) (fc) of the statutes, the board shall,
21beginning in fiscal year 2008-09, allocate $400,000 in each fiscal year for the
22department of family medicine and practice in the University of Wisconsin School of
23Medicine and Public Health to support the Wisconsin Academy for Rural Medicine,
24the Academy for Center-city Medical Education, and the Wisconsin Scholars
25Academy programs. The board may not expend any moneys allocated under this

1subsection in a fiscal year unless the board receives $400,000 in gifts and grants from
2private sources in that fiscal year for supporting such programs.
SB1, s. 732x 3Section 732x. 36.25 (47) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,459,64 36.25 (47) Discovery farm grants. (a) In this subsection, "discovery farm"
5means an operating commercial farm that conducts on-farm research under the
6Wisconsin agricultural stewardship initiative.
SB1,459,97 (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (qr), the board shall make grants
8through the extension to operators of discovery farms for research and outreach
9activities under the Wisconsin agricultural stewardship initiative.
SB1, s. 733 10Section 733. 36.27 (2) (cr) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,459,1311 36.27 (2) (cr) A person who is a citizen of a country other than the United States
12is entitled to the exemption under par. (a) if that person meets all of the following
SB1,459,1514 1. The person graduated from a high school in this state or received a high
15school graduation equivalency from this state.
SB1,459,1716 2. The person was continuously present in this state for at least one year
17following the first day of attending a high school in this state.
SB1,459,2118 3. The person enrolls in an institution and provides that institution with an
19affidavit stating that the person has filed or will file an application for a permanent
20resident visa with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as soon as the person
21is eligible to do so.
SB1, s. 733mr 22Section 733mr. 36.27 (3n) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,459,2523 36.27 (3n) (b) 2. An Except as provided in subd. 2m., an unremarried surviving
24spouse of an eligible veteran. The remission under this subdivision applies only
25during the first 10 years after the veteran died.
SB1, s. 733mw
1Section 733mw. 36.27 (3n) (b) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,460,62 36.27 (3n) (b) 2m. An unremarried surviving spouse of an eligible veteran who
3had a child with the eligible veteran. The remission under this subdivision applies
4only until 10 years after the youngest child that the spouse had with the eligible
5veteran reaches or would have reached 18 years of age, or during the first 10 years
6after the veteran died, whichever is longer.
SB1, s. 734 7Section 734. 36.27 (3n) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1,460,98 36.27 (3n) (b) 3. A child of an eligible veteran, if the child is at least 18 17 but
9not yet 26 years of age and is a full-time student at an institution.
SB1, s. 735 10Section 735. 36.27 (3n) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,460,1311 36.27 (3n) (c) The higher educational aids board shall reimburse the board of
12regents for all academic fees and segregated fees remitted under par. (b) as provided
13in s. 39.50 (1) and (3m).
SB1, s. 736 14Section 736. 36.27 (3p) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1,460,1715 36.27 (3p) (c) The higher educational aids board shall reimburse the board of
16regents for all nonresident tuition, academic fees, and segregated fees remitted
17under par. (b) as provided in s. 39.50 (1) and (3m).
SB1, s. 736e 18Section 736e. 36.27 (5) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 36.27 (5) (b) 1.
SB1, s. 736m 19Section 736m. 36.27 (5) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 36.27 (5) (b) 2. and
20amended to read:
SB1,460,2421 36.27 (5) (b) 2. The board shall calculate the average subsidy for the purpose
22of the fee statement under par. (b) subd. 1. by dividing state funds in the appropriate
23fiscal year by the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in the system in
24the most recent fall semester.
SB1, s. 736s 25Section 736s. 36.27 (5) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
136.27 (5) (d) 1. The board shall ensure that the segregated fees applicable at
2each institution and college campus are posted on the Internet Web site of the
3institution or college campus. The board shall also ensure that detailed information
4on the organizations and activities for which allocable segregated fees are expended
5at each institution and college campus are posted on the Internet Web site of the
6institution or college campus.
SB1,461,87 2. The board shall ensure that each student's bill for academic fees or
8nonresident tuition for a semester or session includes each of the following:
SB1,461,109 a. The total amount of academic fees or nonresident tuition assessed on the
10student, which shall be listed separately from the amount specified in .subd. 2. b.
SB1,461,1211 b. The total amount of segregated fees assessed on the student, which shall be
12listed separately from the amount specified in subd. 2. a.
SB1,461,1413 c. The Internet Web site address specified in subd. 1. for the institution or
14college campus at which the student is enrolled.
SB1, s. 736x 15Section 736x. 36.59 of the statutes is created to read: