AB784,7,214 5.15 (1) (c) The wards established by municipal governing bodies under this
15section on the basis of the published results of each federal decennial census of
16population shall govern the adjustment of supervisory districts under s. 59.10 (2) (a)
17and (3) (b) and of aldermanic districts under s. 62.08 (1) for the purpose of local
18elections beginning on January 1 of the 2nd year commencing after the year of the
19census until revised under this section on the basis of the results of the next
20decennial census of population unless adjusted under sub. (2) (f) 4. or 5., (6) (a), or
21(7), or unless adjusted, as a matter of statewide concern, in the enactment of

1legislative districts under article IV, section 3, of the constitution on the basis of the
2most recent decennial census of population.
AB784, s. 4 3Section 4. 5.15 (2) (f) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,7,64 5.15 (2) (f) 5. That part of a local park district required to create an election
5district under s. 27.161 (7) (b) 1. that has a population which is, as nearly as
6practicable, equal to other election districts in the local park district.
AB784, s. 5 7Section 5. 5.58 (1u) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,7,138 5.58 (1u) Local park district commissioners. Except as authorized in s. 5.655,
9there shall be a separate ballot for the election of commissioners of any local park
10district. Arrangement of the names on the ballot shall be determined by the local
11park district clerk in the same manner as provided under s. 5.60 (1) (b). The ballot
12shall be entitled "Official Primary Ballot for Commissioner of the .... Park District."
13The ballot shall also specify "At large" or "Election District .... " as required.
AB784, s. 6 14Section 6. 5.58 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,8,715 5.58 (3) Names on spring ballot. Only 2 candidates for state superintendent,
16for any judicial office, or for any elected seat on a metropolitan sewerage commission
17or town sanitary district commission,; in counties having a population of 500,000 or
18more only 2 candidates for member of the board of supervisors within each district,;
19in counties having a population of less than 500,000 only 2 candidates for each
20member of the county board of supervisors from each district or numbered seat or
21only 4 candidates for each 2 members of the county board of supervisors from each
22district whenever 2 supervisors are elected to unnumbered seats from the same
23district,; in 1st class cities only 2 candidates for any at-large seat and only 2
24candidates from any election district to be elected to the board of school directors,;
25in school districts electing school board members to numbered seats, or pursuant to

1an apportionment plan or district representation plan, only 2 school board
2candidates for each numbered seat or within each district, ; in a local park district,
3twice as many candidates as are to be elected commissioner within each of the
4election districts and from the district at large;
and twice as many candidates as are
5to be elected members of other school boards or other elective officers receiving the
6highest number of votes at the primary shall be nominees for the office at the spring
7election. Only their names shall appear on the official spring ballot.
AB784, s. 7 8Section 7. 5.60 (6u) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,8,149 5.60 (6u) Local park district commission. Except as authorized in s. 5.655, a
10separate ballot shall list the names of all candidates for commissioner of any local
11park district. Arrangement of the names on the ballot shall be determined by the
12local park district clerk in the manner provided under sub. (1) (b). The ballot shall
13be entitled "Official Ballot for Commissioner of the .... Park District." The ballot shall
14also specify "At large" or "Election District .... " as required.
AB784, s. 8 15Section 8. 5.68 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,9,216 5.68 (2) Except as otherwise expressly provided, all costs for ballots, supplies,
17notices, and any other materials necessary in preparing or conducting any election
18shall be paid for by the county or municipality whose clerk or board of election
19commissioners is responsible for providing them. If a ballot is prepared for a school,
20technical college, sewerage or, sanitary , or local park district, the district shall pay
21for the cost of the ballot. If no other level of government is involved in a school,
22technical college, sewerage or, sanitary , or local park district election, the district
23shall pay for all costs of the ballots, supplies, notices, and other materials. If ballots,
24supplies, notices, or other materials are used for elections within more than one unit
25of local government, the costs shall be proportionately divided between the units of

1local government involved in the election. In a 1st class city, all costs otherwise
2attributable to a school district shall be paid by the city.
AB784, s. 9 3Section 9. 5.68 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,9,114 5.68 (3) If voting machines are used or if an electronic voting system is used
5in which all candidates and referenda appear on the same ballot, the ballots for all
6national, state and county offices and for county and state referenda shall be
7prepared and paid for by the county wherein they are used. If the voting machine
8or electronic voting system ballot includes a municipal or a school, technical college,
9sewerage, local park, or sanitary district ballot, the cost of that portion of the ballot
10shall be reimbursed to the county or paid for by the municipality or district, except
11as provided in a 1st class city school district under sub. (2).
AB784, s. 10 12Section 10. 7.10 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,9,1913 7.10 (1) (a) Each county clerk shall provide ballots for every election in the
14county for all national, state and county offices, including metropolitan sewerage
15commission elections under s. 200.09 (11) (am), for municipal judges elected under
16s. 755.01 (4), for a local park district commission whenever the local park district is
17not coterminous with the boundaries of a single municipality,
and for state and
18county referenda. The official and sample ballots shall be prepared in substantially
19the same form as those prescribed by the board under s. 7.08 (1) (a).
AB784, s. 11 20Section 11. 7.51 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,9,2421 7.51 (3) (b) For ballots which relate only to municipal or, school district, or local
22park district
offices or referenda, the inspectors, in lieu of par. (a), after counting the
23ballots shall return them to the proper ballot boxes, lock the boxes, paste paper over
24the slots, sign their names to the paper, and deliver them and the keys therefor to

1the municipal or, school district , or local park district clerk. The clerk shall retain
2the ballots until destruction is authorized under s. 7.23.
AB784, s. 12 3Section 12. 7.51 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,10,104 7.51 (3) (d) Except in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed
5under s. 7.52, all absentee certificate envelopes which have been opened shall be
6returned by the inspectors to the municipal clerk in a securely sealed carrier
7envelope which is clearly marked "used absentee certificate envelopes". The
8envelopes shall be signed by the chief inspector and 2 other inspectors. Except when
9the ballots are used in a municipal or, school district, or local park district election
10only, the municipal clerk shall transmit the used envelopes to the county clerk.
AB784, s. 13 11Section 13. 7.51 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,10,1612 7.51 (4) (b) The chief inspector, or one of the inspectors appointed by him or her,
13immediately after the votes are tabulated or counted at each election, shall report
14the returns of the election to the municipal clerk or , to the school district clerk for
15school district elections, except in 1st class cities, or to the local park district clerk
16for local park district elections
. The clerk shall then make the returns public.
AB784, s. 14 17Section 14. 7.51 (5) (a) 2., 3. and 5. and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB784,10,2118 7.51 (5) (a) 2. After recording the votes, the inspectors shall seal in a carrier
19envelope outside the ballot bag or container one tally sheet and one poll list for
20delivery to the county clerk, unless the election relates only to municipal or, school
21district, or local park district offices or referenda.
AB784,11,322 3. The inspectors shall also seal the inspectors' statement inside a separate
23carrier envelope, and shall similarly seal in a separate carrier envelope one tally
24sheet and one poll list for delivery to the municipal clerk. For school district
25elections, except in 1st class cities, the inspectors shall seal one tally sheet and one

1poll list for delivery to the school district clerk. For local park district elections, the
2inspectors shall seal one tally sheet and one poll list for delivery to the local park
3district clerk.
AB784,11,94 5. Upon receipt of the materials under subd. 4., the municipal clerk shall make
5sufficient copies of the inspectors' statement under sub. (4) (a) and seal one copy of
6the statement inside a carrier envelope together with the envelope containing any
7materials required to be delivered to the county clerk or , the school district clerk, or
8the local park district clerk
. The municipal clerk shall retain the original inspectors'
AB784,11,2110 (b) The municipal clerk shall deliver all ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists,
11and envelopes relating to a school district or local park district election to the school
12district or local park district clerk, respectively by 4 p.m. on the day following each
13such election. The municipal clerk shall deliver the ballots, statements, tally sheets,
14lists, and envelopes for his or her municipality relating to any county, technical
15college district, state, or national election to the county clerk no later than 4 p.m. on
16the day following each such election or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are
17canvassed under s. 7.52, by 4 p.m. on the 2nd day following each such election, and
18no later than 4 p.m. on the day after receiving any corrected returns under s. 6.221
19(6) (b). The person delivering the returns shall be paid out of the municipal treasury.
20Each clerk shall retain ballots, statements, tally sheets, or envelopes received by the
21clerk until destruction is authorized under s. 7.23 (1).
AB784, s. 15 22Section 15. 7.53 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,12,1523 7.53 (3m) Local park district elections. The local park district clerk shall
24appoint 2 qualified electors of the district prior to the date of the election being
25canvassed, who shall, with the clerk, constitute the local park district board of

1canvassers. The clerk shall appoint another qualified elector of the district to fill any
2vacancy on the board of canvassers. If the clerk's office is vacant or the clerk cannot
3perform his or her duties, the chairperson of the local park district commission shall
4designate another qualified elector of the district to serve in lieu of the clerk. The
5canvass shall begin as soon as possible after receipt of the returns and shall continue,
6without adjournment, until completed. The board of canvassers may return
7defective returns to the municipal board of canvassers in the manner provided in s.
87.60 (3). The board of canvassers shall prepare a written statement showing the
9numbers of votes cast for each person for each office and shall prepare a
10determination showing the names of the persons who are elected to the local park
11district commission. Following each primary election, the board of canvassers shall
12prepare a statement certifying the names of the persons who have won nomination
13to the local park district commission. Each statement and determination shall be
14attested by each of the canvassers. The board of canvassers shall file each statement
15and determination in the local park district office.
AB784, s. 16 16Section 16. 8.10 (3) (kw) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,12,2117 8.10 (3) (kw) For commissioners of local park districts who are elected at large,
18not less than 40 nor more than 200 electors, and for commissioners of local park
19districts who are elected from election districts, not less than 200 nor more than 400
20electors in local park districts of 500,000 population or more, and not less than 20 nor
21more than 100 electors in districts of less than 500,000 population.
AB784, s. 17 22Section 17. 8.10 (6) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,12,2423 8.10 (6) (e) For members of the local park district commission, with the local
24park district clerk.
AB784, s. 18 25Section 18. 8.11 (2f) of the statutes is created to read:
18.11 (2f) Local park district commission. A primary shall be held in a local
2park district whenever there are more than twice the number of candidates to be
3elected members of the local park district commission at large or from any election
AB784, s. 19 5Section 19. 9.10 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,13,116 9.10 (1) (a) The qualified electors of the state,; of any county, city, village, or
7town,; of any congressional, legislative, judicial, or school district,; of any local park
8district or election district thereof;
or of any prosecutorial unit may petition for the
9recall of any incumbent elective official by filing a petition with the same official or
10agency with whom nomination papers or declarations of candidacy for the office are
11filed demanding the recall of the officeholder.
AB784, s. 20 12Section 20. 9.10 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,13,2513 9.10 (2) (d) No petition may be offered for filing for the recall of an officer unless
14the petitioner first files a registration statement under s. 11.05 (1) or (2) with the
15filing officer with whom the petition is filed. The petitioner shall append to the
16registration a statement indicating his or her intent to circulate a recall petition, the
17name of the officer for whom recall is sought and, in the case of a petition for the recall
18of a city, village, town, local park district, or school district officer, a statement of a
19reason for the recall which is related to the official responsibilities of the official for
20whom removal is sought. No petitioner may circulate a petition for the recall of an
21officer prior to completing registration. The last date that on which a petition for the
22recall of an officer may be offered for filing is 5 p.m. on the 60th day commencing after
23registration. After the recall petition has been offered for filing, no name may be
24added or removed. No signature may be counted unless the date of the signature is
25within the period provided in this paragraph.
AB784, s. 21
1Section 21. 9.10 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,14,42 9.10 (3) (a) This subsection applies to the recall of all elective officials other
3than city, village, town, local park district, and school district officials. City, village,
4town, local park district, and school district officials are recalled under sub. (4).
AB784, s. 22 5Section 22. 9.10 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,15,136 9.10 (4) (a) Within 10 days after a petition for the recall of a city, village, town,
7local park district,
or school district official, is offered for filing, the officer against
8whom the petition is filed may file a written challenge with the municipal clerk or
9board of election commissioners or school district clerk
official or agency with whom
10it the petition is filed, specifying any alleged insufficiency. If a challenge is filed, the
11petitioner may file a written rebuttal to the challenge with the clerk or board of
12election commissioners
official or agency within 5 days after the challenge is filed.
13If a rebuttal is filed, the officer against whom the petition is filed may file a reply to
14any new matter raised in the rebuttal within 2 days after the rebuttal is filed. Within
1514 days after the expiration of the time allowed for filing a reply to a rebuttal, the
16clerk or board of election commissioners official or agency shall file the certificate or
17an amended certificate. Within 31 days after the petition is offered for filing, the
18clerk or board of election commissioners official or agency shall determine by careful
19examination of the face of the petition whether the petition is sufficient and shall so
20state in a certificate issued by the official or agency and attached to the petition. If
21the petition is found to be insufficient, the certificate shall state the particulars
22creating the insufficiency. The petition may be amended to correct any insufficiency
23within 5 days following the affixing of the original certificate. Within 2 days after
24the offering of the amended petition for filing, the clerk or board of election
official or agency shall again carefully examine the face of the petition

1to determine sufficiency and shall attach to the petition a certificate stating the
2findings. Immediately upon finding an original or amended petition sufficient,
3except in cities over 500,000 population, the municipal clerk or school district clerk
4and except with regard to a commissioner of a local park district, the official shall
5transmit the petition to the governing body or to the school board. Immediately
6Except with regard to a commissioner of a local park district, immediately upon
7finding an original or amended petition sufficient, in cities over 500,000 population,
8the board of election commissioners shall file the petition in its office. Immediately
9upon finding an original or amended petition sufficient, with regard to a member of
10the local park district commission, the local park district clerk shall file the petition
11in his or her office and shall transmit a copy of the petition to the governing body of
12each city, village, and town that has territory within the jurisdiction of the local park
AB784, s. 23 14Section 23. 9.10 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,15,2015 9.10 (4) (d) Promptly upon receipt of a certificate or copy of the certificate issued
16under par. (a), the governing body, school board, or board of election commissioners
17shall call a recall election. The recall election shall be held on the Tuesday of the 6th
18week commencing after the date on which the certificate is filed, except that if
19Tuesday is a legal holiday the recall election shall be held on the first day after
20Tuesday which is not a legal holiday.
AB784, s. 24 21Section 24. 9.10 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,15,2422 9.10 (7) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to facilitate the operation of
23article XIII, section 12, of the constitution and to extend the same rights to electors
24of cities, villages, towns, local park districts, and school districts.
AB784, s. 25 25Section 25. 10.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
110.05 Posting of notice. Unless specifically designated elsewhere, this
2section applies to villages, towns and, school districts, and local park districts.
3Whenever a notice is required to be published, a village, town or, school district, or
4local park district
may post 3 notices in lieu of publication under ch. 985 whenever
5there is not a newspaper published within the village, town or, school district, or local
6park district
or whenever the governing body of the village, town or, school district,
7or local park district
chooses to post in order to supplement notice provided in a
8newspaper. Whenever the manner of giving notice is changed by the governing body,
9the body shall give notice of the change in the manner used before the change.
10Whenever posting is used, the notices shall be posted no later than the day prescribed
11by law for publication, or, if that day falls within the week preceding the election to
12be noticed, at least one week before the election. All notices given for the same
13election shall be given in the same manner.
AB784, s. 26 14Section 26. 10.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,16,2215 10.07 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) in the case of voting machine ballots,
16whenever any county clerk or, any local park district clerk, and one or more
17municipal or school district clerks within the same county are directed to publish any
18notice or portion of a notice under this chapter on the same date in the same
19newspaper, the text of which is identical, the clerks may publish one notice only. The
20cost of publication of such notice or the portion of the notice required shall be
21apportioned equally between the county and each municipality or, school district, or
22local park district
sharing in its publication.
AB784, s. 27 23Section 27. 11.02 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,16,2524 11.02 (8) If the jurisdiction under sub. (3) is a local park district, the
25appropriate clerk is the local park district clerk.
AB784, s. 28
1Section 28. 11.26 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,17,52 11.26 (1) (d) 2. One cent times the number of inhabitants of the jurisdiction or,
3district, or election district, according to the latest federal census or the census
4information on which the district is based, as certified by the appropriate filing
5officer, but not more than $3,000.
AB784, s. 29 6Section 29. 11.26 (2) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,17,107 11.26 (2) (e) 2. Three-fourths of one cent times the number of inhabitants of
8the jurisdiction or, district, or election district, according to the latest federal census
9or the census information on which the district is based, as certified by the
10appropriate filing officer, but not more than $2,500.
AB784, s. 30 11Section 30. 11.31 (1) (h) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,17,1612 11.31 (1) (h) (intro.) Candidates for any local office , who are elected from a
13jurisdiction or, district, or election district with less than 500,000 inhabitants
14according to the latest federal census or census information on which the district is
15based, as certified by the appropriate filing officer, an amount equal to the greater
16of the following:
AB784, s. 31 17Section 31. 17.01 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,17,2118 17.01 (11m) By a commissioner of a local park district, to the local park district
19commission. The local park district commission shall immediately give a copy of each
20resignation under this subsection to the clerk or board of election commissioners of
21each municipality that has territory within the jurisdiction of the district.
AB784, s. 32 22Section 32. 17.13 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20,
23is amended to read:
AB784,18,2 2417.13 Removal of village, town, town sanitary district, school district,
25and technical college, and local park district officers. (intro.) Officers of

1towns, town sanitary districts, villages, school districts, and technical college
2districts, and local park districts may be removed as follows:
AB784, s. 33 3Section 33. 17.13 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,18,84 17.13 (3) All officers. Any village, town, town sanitary district, school district
5or, technical college district, or local park district officer, elective or appointive,
6including those embraced within subs. (1) and (2), by the a judge of the circuit court
7of the a circuit wherein the village, town, town sanitary district, school district or,
8technical college district, or local park district is situated, for cause.
AB784, s. 34 9Section 34. 17.27 (1f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,18,1810 17.27 (1f) Local park district commission. Except as provided in s. 9.10, a
11vacancy in the office of commissioner of a local park district may be filled for the
12residue of the unexpired term by temporary appointment of the remaining members
13of the local park district commission. If the vacancy occurs in any year after the first
14Tuesday in April and on or before December 1, the vacancy shall be filled for the
15residue of the unexpired term, if any, at the next spring election. If the vacancy
16occurs in any year after December 1 or on or before the first Tuesday in April, the
17vacancy shall be filled for the residue of the unexpired term, if any, at the 2nd
18succeeding spring election.
AB784, s. 35 19Section 35. 20.370 (5) (cr) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,18,2420 20.370 (5) (cr) Recreation aids — county snowmobile trail and area aids. As
21a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule from the snowmobile
22account in the conservation fund to provide state aid to counties and local park
23districts, as defined in s. 350.01 (2m),
for snowmobile trails , facilities, and areas
24consistent with the requirements of ss. 23.09 (26) and 350.12 (4) (b).
AB784, s. 36
1Section 36. 20.370 (5) (ct) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act
by section 247g, is amended to read:
AB784,19,73 20.370 (5) (ct) Recreation aids — all-terrain vehicle project aids; gas tax
As a continuing appropriation, an amount equal to the estimated
5all-terrain vehicle gas tax payment to provide aid to towns, villages, cities, counties,
6local park districts, as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (im),
and federal agencies for nonstate
7all-terrain vehicle projects.
AB784, s. 37 8Section 37. 20.370 (5) (cu) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB784,19,1610 20.370 (5) (cu) Recreation aids — all-terrain vehicle project aids. As a
11continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule from moneys received from
12all-terrain vehicle fees under s. 23.33 (2) (c) to (e) to provide aid to towns, villages,
13cities, counties, local park districts, as defined in s. 23.33 (1m), and federal agencies
14for nonstate all-terrain vehicle projects, and to provide grants under s. 23.33 (11m)
15(g) to counties and municipalities participating in the lightweight utility vehicle pilot
AB784, s. 38 17Section 38. 23.09 (19) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,19,2118 23.09 (19) (a) 2. "Governmental unit" means a city, a village, a town, a county,
19a local park district created under s. 27.161, a lake sanitary district, as defined in s.
2030.50 (4q), a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, or the Kickapoo
21reserve management board.
AB784, s. 39 22Section 39. 23.09 (20) (ab) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,19,2423 23.09 (20) (ab) 2. "Municipality" means a city, a village, a town or, a county, or
24a local park district created under s. 27.161
AB784, s. 40 25Section 40. 23.09 (20m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
123.09 (20m) (a) 1. "Governmental unit" means a city, a village, a town, a county,
2a local park district created under s. 27.161,
or the Kickapoo reserve management
AB784, s. 41 4Section 41. 23.09 (26) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,20,65 23.09 (26) (title) Aids to counties County and park district aid for
6snowmobile purposes.
AB784, s. 42 7Section 42. 23.09 (26) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 23.09 (26) (g) and
8amended to read:
AB784,20,149 23.09 (26) (g) The procedures in sub. (11) (a), (d), (e) and (f) shall apply to this
10subsection except that the
The department shall consult with the snowmobile
11recreational council before adopting snowmobile trail construction standards, the
12restriction in sub. (11) (a) as to county lands is not applicable, the restriction in sub.
13(11) (d) as to encumbrance of funds is not applicable and the restriction in sub. (11)
14(e) as to requests for state aids exceeding available funds is not applicable
AB784, s. 43 15Section 43. 23.09 (26) (ac) of the statutes is created to read:
AB784,20,1616 23.09 (26) (ac) In this subsection:
AB784,20,1717 1. "Local park district" has the meaning given in s. 350.01 (2m).
AB784,20,1818 2. "Facility" means a parking area, shelter, or toilet.
AB784, s. 44 19Section 44. 23.09 (26) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB784,20,2120 23.09 (26) (am) (intro.) Counties and local park districts may receive aids under
21this subsection distributed in accordance with s. 350.12 (4) to do any of the following:
AB784, s. 45 22Section 45. 23.09 (26) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: