SJR2, s. 41
41. Joint rule 54 (1), (2) and (2m) (a) are amended to read:
24Joint Rule 54 (1) Before a proposal is jacketed for introduction, the legislative
25reference bureau shall submit a copy of the draft to the authorizing legislator, chief
caucus, or state agency for approval, but substitute amendments or
2amendments shall be immediately prepared to be offered unless the authorizing
3legislator, chief clerk,
caucus, or state agency requests prior submittal for approval.
(2) The legislative reference bureau, except as otherwise provided in sub. (2m),
5shall provide to the authorizing legislator, chief clerk,
caucus, or state agency 4 copies
6of each proposal approved under sub. (1) and
6 4 copies of each amendment approved
7under sub. (1). One copy is for the use of the requester. The other copies shall, if a
8proposal, be inserted in the jacket envelope or, if a substitute amendment or
9amendment, be attached to an amendment jacket.
(2m) (a) The chief of the legislative reference bureau and a chief clerk of either
11house may enter into a written agreement under this joint rule to have the chief
12clerk, when the chief clerk's house is
sitting in session, receive on the floor of the
13house copies of drafts of proposals, substitute amendments, and amendments
14transmitted electronically by the legislative reference bureau, and place the
15proposals in jacket envelopes and attach jacket cover sheets (stripes) to drafts of
16amendments and substitute amendments.
SJR2, s. 42
42. Joint rule 55 (1) is amended to read:
18Joint Rule 55 (1) Any bill
, or joint resolution
, or motion under joint rule 7 may
19have, following and separate from the names of the authors of the bill
, or joint
or motion, the names of one or more cosponsors from the other house.
SJR2, s. 43
43. Joint rule 57 (2) (intro.) is renumbered joint rule 57 (2) (a).
SJR2, s. 44
44. Joint rule 57 (2) (a) is renumbered joint rule 57 (2) (am).
SJR2, s. 45
45. Joint rule 59 is amended to read:
24Joint Rule 59.
Explanative notes. In addition to such notes as are required
25by law or joint rule, explanative notes may be included in revision and correction bills
1prepared by the legislative reference bureau, in reconciliation bills introduced by the
2committee on organization of either house, and in proposals introduced or offered
3and in substitute amendments or amendments offered by the joint legislative council
4or its law revision committee, at the request of the judicial council, and by or at the
5request of any other official interim study or investigative group. The notes shall be
6prepared by the requester, shall be factual in nature, shall be as brief as may be and,
7where feasible, shall follow the section of the proposal or amendment to which they
8relate. Notes
shall may appear in the original reproduced version of the proposal or
9amendment only, and
shall may not appear in the Wisconsin Acts, session law
10volumes, or statutes unless the chief of the legislative reference bureau determines
11that including them is essential. The notes constitute no part of the proposed act or
12engrossed or enrolled resolution.
SJR2, s. 46
46. Joint rule 60 (2) is amended to read:
14Joint Rule 60 (2) Whenever the legislative reference bureau determines that
15the text of a proposal passed by the legislature cannot be properly enrolled because
16of unreconciled conflicts in adopted amendments, the bureau shall report the
17problem to the
organization committee
on organization of the house in which the
18proposal originated. If the
organization committee
on organization concurs with that
: a), the committee shall introduce a joint resolution recalling the
20proposal for further legislative action
; and
b) the bureau may not enroll the proposal
21until the legislature acts on the joint resolution recalling the proposal.
SJR2, s. 47
47. Joint rule 62 (1) is amended to read:
23Joint Rule 62 (1) The joint committee on legislative organization
shall may 24determine the number of copies of each proposal and amendments thereto to be
25reproduced on a routine basis unless otherwise provided by joint resolution.
SJR2, s. 48
48. Joint rule 64 (1) (a) and (2) are amended to read:
2Joint Rule 64 (1) (a) Reconciliation bills introduced by the
organization 3committee
on organization of either house or correction or revision bills.
(2) In any official publication of any act or enrolled joint resolution, matter
5stricken out shall be shown with a line through the stricken matter and new matter
6shall be shown
as plain text if all of the designated part is created and as underscored
7text if the designated part is otherwise treated.
SJR2, s. 49
49. Joint rule 73 (1) to (4) are amended to read:
oint Rule 73 (1) The chief clerk of each house shall prepare and transmit for
, after the
close adjournment of each daily session
, its daily journal.
(2) The journals shall contain a concise description of the business conducted
12by each house.
Any Each proposal shall be identified in the journal by number and
13relating clause
on introduction when it is introduced or offered, when reported by
14standing a committee, when first considered on any legislative day, or after
15significant business relating to another subject has intervened. All other journal
16references to the proposal shall be by number only. Either house may order any other
17of its proceedings included in its journal.
(3) All executive messages to the legislature, except veto messages
19nominations for appointment requiring the advice and consent of the assembly, shall
20be included in the senate journal only. Executive pardon communications or reports
, 21and reports of the claims board under section 16.007 of the statutes and reports of
22lobbyist registrations required by section 13.685 (7) of the statutes shall be included
23in the senate journal. The report of a joint committee shall be included in the journal
24of the house in which the resolution or act creating the committee originated. Joint
1resolutions and amendments to bills and joint resolutions
shall may not be included
2in the journal except as required by section 1 of article XII of the constitution.
(4) The presiding officer of each house shall
direct that notice of receipt
4of any proposed administrative rule under section 227.19 of the statutes
to be
5included in the journal of the house, together with a notice of the standing committee
6to which the proposed rule is referred and the date of referral. The presiding officer
cause direct that a similar notice
to be included whenever a proposed rule is
SJR2, s. 50
50. Joint rule 73 (5) is repealed.
SJR2, s. 51
51. Joint rule 74 is amended to read:
oint Rule 74.
Journals in book form. (1) Within
60 90 days
next following 12after the
close final adjournment of any
biennial session of the legislature, the chief
13clerk of each house shall prepare the matter for its daily journal, which is required
14by the order of such house to be included therein; and any other matter, not already
15included in either journal, which is required to be included by joint action of the
16legislature, shall be prepared and transmitted by the chief clerk of the house in which
17the action originated.
One hundred copies shall be reproduced and bound. The journals for both
19houses shall be bound in cloth. The journals of regular, extraordinary, and special
20sessions may be bound together in the same volumes if the extraordinary or special
21session is called before the journals of the regular sessions have been bound; if not
22so bound the journals of both houses for the extraordinary or special session shall be
23bound together. The
chief clerk of each house legislative reference bureau shall
24distribute the copies.
SJR2, s. 52
52. Joint rule 75 is repealed and recreated to read:
oint Rule 75.
Schedule of committee activities. The chief clerk of each
2house shall publish, on a daily basis on the legislature's committee Internet Web site,
3a committee schedule containing the name of each committee, its chairperson, the
4room number or place, and the time and date of each meeting scheduled; and, if
5applicable, shall designate each proposal, appointment, or administrative rule to be
6heard by number or name, author, and topic.
SJR2, s. 53
53. Joint rule 76 (1) is amended to read:
oint Rule 76 (1) After the 3rd week of the biennial session, a "Bulletin of
9Proceedings" shall be published at convenient intervals. The senate and assembly
10parts shall each be published under the direction of the respective chief clerk and the
11index part shall be published as provided in joint rule 77. The senate and assembly
12parts shall each contain a directory of the officers, members,
and committees of the
. The senate and assembly parts shall contain
, status of business, bills
14enacted into law, acts originating in that house, bills vetoed, joint resolutions
15enrolled and deposited with the secretary of state, and the complete history of
16legislative action on the proposals and petitions originating in that house; in
17addition, the senate part shall contain the history of senate advice and consent on
18nominations for appointment.
SJR2, s. 54
54. Joint rule 77 (3) and (4) are amended to read:
oint Rule 77 (3) Author indexes to proposals introduced
or offered by
21committees, or by the entire membership of one or both houses.
(4) A subject index to the legislative journals
, which includes an alphabetical
23index by name to lobbyists' principals and an alphabetical list of the names of
24registered lobbyists and, in conjunction with each name, the principals represented
25by each lobbyist.
SJR2, s. 55
55. Joint rule 77 (7) to (9) are renumbered joint rule 77 (5) to (7), and
2joint rule 77 (5), as renumbered, is amended to read:
3Joint Rule 77 (5) A subject index to Wisconsin Acts and enrolled proposals
4vetoed and partially vetoed bills, and supreme court orders.
SJR2, s. 56
56. Joint rule 77 (8) is created to read:
6Joint Rule 77 (8) If provided the necessary information by the government
7accountability board, a list of organizations employing lobbyists; a list of registered
8lobbyists and the organizations represented by each lobbyist; and a list of state
9agency legislative liaisons.
SJR2, s. 57
57. Joint rule 78 is amended to read:
11Joint Rule 78.
Bulletin and index to actions concerning proposed
12administrative rules. The administrative rules bulletin of proceedings shall be
13prepared jointly by the chief clerks of the 2 houses, the legislative council staff, and
14the legislative reference bureau. The bulletin shall contain a history of each
15transaction affecting a proposed administrative rule received under section 227.15
16(1) of the statutes, prepared by the chief clerk of each house. It shall
also contain a
17subject index
, and an author index by agency of any proposed administrative rule
18received under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes, prepared by the legislative
19reference bureau.
A replacement or supplement to the
The administrative rules
20volume shall be published at
least once every month
the end of the biennial session.
SJR2, s. 58
58. Joint rule 79 (intro.), (1), (4) and (6) are amended to read:
oint Rule 79.
Biennial record continuity; special sessions. (intro.) For
biennial session
biennium, the chief clerks of the 2 houses and the legislative
24reference bureau shall, and the offices of the governor and secretary of state are
25requested to, treat the legislative documents of the regular session and of any special
1sessions convened by the governor during that
biennium biennial session in the
2following manner:
Drafting requests. The legislative reference bureau shall number all
4drafting requests received by it in a continuing sequence throughout each
5biennium biennial session. Separate sequences may be used to distinguish
6proposals, substitute amendments, simple amendments to proposals other than the
7budget bill, floor amendments to proposals, and drafts for incorporation into the
8budget bill or any amendments thereto.
Journals. The daily journals for each special session shall be identified as
10journals of the legislature meeting in special session, but shall be filed in consecutive
11order, by date, together with the journals recording the action in regular session
12throughout the
legislative biennium biennial session. When the legislature, at
13different times within a single
calendar day, conducts the business of the regular
14session as well as business under the governor's special session call, the actions may
15be recorded in a single journal for that day but actions under the special session call
16shall be clearly identified as actions of the legislature meeting in special session.
Wisconsin Acts. The office of the governor is requested and the chief clerks
18of the senate and assembly are directed to number all Wisconsin Acts enacted
19throughout a single biennial session
period, whether enacted in regular or in special
20session, into a single consecutive act number sequence.
SJR2, s. 59
59. Joint rule 81 (1), (2) (b), (3) (intro.) and (b) and (4) are amended
22to read:
oint Rule 81 (1) Each biennial session
period begins and ends on the first
24Monday in January of the odd-numbered year, as follows:
1(a) The incoming legislature shall convene in the capitol at 2 p.m. to take the
2oath of office, select officers, and do all other things necessary to organize itself for
3the conduct of its business, but if the first Monday in January falls on January 1 or
42, the organizational meeting
shall be is held on January 3.
(b) Each biennial session
period shall be structured into floorperiods,
6committee work periods, and an interim committee work period, and shall include
7at least one meeting of the legislature in January of each year.
(c) Early in each biennial session, the joint committee on legislative
9organization shall introduce a joint resolution setting forth the session schedule for
biennium biennial session. The joint resolution is amendable and shall, when
11approved by both houses, constitute the session schedule for that
biennium biennial
12session unless later changed by action of the 2 houses.
(2) (b) Any extended floorperiod or extraordinary session
shall be is limited to
14the business specified in the action by which it is authorized
and to advice and
15consent on nominations for appointment.
(3) (intro.) Any day of the
legislative biennium
biennial session that is not
17reserved by the session schedule to conduct an organizational meeting or to be part
18of a scheduled floorperiod of the legislature is available for committee work, but:
(b) The committee on senate organization may designate a committee work day
20for senate advice and consent on nominations for appointment
and the committee on
21assembly organization may designate a committee work day for assembly advice and
22consent on nominations for appointment, whether or not that day was already
as a session day under par. (a).
1(4) The biennial session schedule shall specify the
final date dates on which the
2chief clerks of the 2 houses shall
submit present to the
office of the governor all bills
3approved by the 2 houses.
SJR2, s. 60
60. Joint rule 81m (2) (intro.) and (b) are amended to read:
5Joint Rule 81m (2) (intro.) The limited-business floorperiod
shall be is a
6floorperiod limited to action on:
(b) Reconciliation bills introduced by the
organization committee
8organization of either house that resolve conflicts between mutually inconsistent
9acts of the
legislative biennial session and proposals recalled for further legislative
10action under joint rule 60 (2).
SJR2, s. 61
61. Joint rule 82 (intro.) is renumbered joint rule 82 (1) and amended
12to read:
oint Rule 82 (1) The biennial session schedule shall provide for a
3-day veto
14review session no earlier than April 1 of the even-numbered year and no later than
15June 30 of the even-numbered year.
SJR2, s. 62
62. Joint rule 82 (1) is renumbered joint rule 82 (1m), and joint rule
1782 (1m) (intro.), (b) and (d), as renumbered, are amended to read:
18Joint Rule 82 (1m) (intro.) The veto review session
shall be is a floorperiod
19limited to action on:
(b) Pending nominations for appointments requiring senate
or assembly 21confirmation.
(d) Reconciliation bills introduced by the
organization committee
23organization of either house that resolve conflicts between mutually inconsistent
24acts of the
legislative biennial session and proposals recalled for further legislative
25action under joint rule 60 (2).
SJR2, s. 63
63. Joint rule 82 (1m) (g) is created to read:
2Joint Rule 82 (1m) (g) Resolutions or joint resolutions offering recognition or
3condolences introduced by any member of the legislature.
SJR2, s. 64
64. Joint rule 82 (2) (a) is amended to read:
oint Rule 82 (2) (a)
Any Unless otherwise provided by the committee on
6senate organization or the assembly committee on rules, any vetoes of regular or
7special session bills not previously on a calendar in the house of origin shall be shown
8as pending business on the calendar for the veto review session's first day.
SJR2, s. 65
65. Joint rule 82 (2) (b) is amended to read:
oint Rule 82 (2) (b) Any
pending veto
required to be scheduled under par. (a) 11that does not receive final action during the veto review session is sustained. The
12disposition shall be recorded as "failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the
SJR2, s. 66
66. Joint rule 83 (1) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (1) During any scheduled floorperiod the introduction, or
16offering, and disposition of proposals and the offering and disposition of
17amendments, and
of certificates under joint rule 7
citations, shall
, in each house
, be
18governed by the rules thereof.
SJR2, s. 67
67. Joint rule 83 (2) is repealed.
SJR2, s. 68
68. Joint rule 83 (3) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (3) Any proposal on which final action has not been taken at the
22conclusion adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod in the
23odd-numbered year
shall be is carried forward to the even-numbered year.
SJR2, s. 69
69. Joint rule 83 (4) (a) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), at the
conclusion 2adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session
3schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year, any bill or joint resolution not yet
4agreed to by both houses, and any resolution not yet passed by the house of origin,
5is adversely disposed of for the biennial session and recorded as "failed to pass,"
6"failed to adopt," or "failed to concur."
SJR2, s. 70
70. Joint rule 83 (5) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (5) Following the
conclusion adjournment of the last
9general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the
10even-numbered year, no further regular session proposals may be introduced
11offered for the balance of the
legislative biennium biennial session, except proposals
12under joint rule 81 (2) (c) or 82
(1) (1m); or required for the conduct of any special
13session called by the governor, of any extraordinary session called by the legislature,
14of the veto review session, or of any extended floorperiod.
SJR2, s. 71
71. Joint rule 84 (intro.) and (4) are amended to read:
oint Rule 84.
Committees continue throughout biennium biennial
17session. (intro.) Every standing committee and, unless otherwise ordered, every
18special committee of one or both houses,
shall continue continues throughout the
biennial session
biennium of the legislature creating the committee. Any such
20committee may:
Technical assistance. Request the legislative council staff, legislative
22reference bureau,
legislative technology services bureau, and legislative fiscal
23bureau for the necessary technical assistance appropriate to the completion of the
24committee's tasks. The joint committee on legislative organization shall coordinate
25the assignment of staff under this subsection. Any chairperson who determines that
1the attendance of staff is necessary to the proper conduct of any meeting scheduled
2at a location other than the capitol may, with the prior authorization of the committee
3on senate organization in the case of a senate committee chairperson or the speaker
4in the case of an assembly committee chairperson, authorize the reimbursement of
5such staff for actual and necessary expenses incurred in attending the meeting, from
6the general program operations appropriation to the senate or assembly under
7section 20.765 (1) (a) or (b) of the statutes.
SJR2, s. 72
72. Joint rule 87 (intro.) is amended to read:
oint Rule 87.
Recess duties
Duties of the chief clerk after floorperiods
10and sessions. (intro.) Following the
conclusion adjournment of any scheduled
or any special session or extraordinary session, the chief clerk of each
12house shall:
SJR2, s. 73
73. Joint rule 87 (3) (intro.) is amended to read:
oint Rule 87 (3)
Committee schedules and journals Journals and bulletins. 15(intro.) Compile and
cause to be published publish:
SJR2, s. 74
74. Joint rule 87 (3) (a) is repealed.
SJR2, s. 75
75. Joint rule 87 (3) (b) is amended to read:
oint Rule 87 (3) (b) Such journals as are necessary, showing the chief clerk's
19entries for all business received by the chief clerk's office
during the recess after the
20floorperiod or special or extraordinary session.
SJR2, s. 76
76. Joint rule 87 (3) (c) is repealed and recreated to read:
22Joint Rule 87 (3) (c) In cooperation with the legislative reference bureau, the
23bulletin of proceedings shall be published in accordance with joint rules 76 and 77.