12Section 11. 66.1109 (4g) of the statutes is created to read:
13 66.1109 (4g) A municipality may convert a business improvement district
14under this section into a neighborhood improvement district under s. 66.1110 if an
15owner of real property that is subject to general real estate taxes, that is used
16exclusively for residential purposes, and that is located in the business improvement
17district petitions the municipality for the conversion. If the municipality approves
18the petition, the board shall consider and may make changes to the operating plan
19under s. 66.1110 (4) (b).
20Section 12. 66.1110 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
21 66.1110 (4m) A municipality may annex territory to an existing neighborhood
22improvement district if all of the following conditions are met:
23 (a) An owner of real property subject to general real estate taxes and located
24in the territory proposed to be annexed has petitioned the municipality for

1(b) The planning commission has approved the annexation.
2 (c) At least 30 days before annexation, the planning commission has held a
3public hearing on the proposed annexation. Notice of the hearing shall be published
4as a class 2 notice under ch. 985. Before publication, a copy of the notice, together
5with a copy of a detail map showing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be
6annexed to the neighborhood improvement district, shall be sent by certified mail to
7all owners of real property within the territory proposed to be annexed. The notice
8shall state the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed.
9 (d) Within 30 days after the hearing under par. (c), one of the following has not
10filed a petition with the planning commission protesting the proposed annexation:
11 1. The owners of property in the territory to be annexed that would be assessed
12under the operating plan having a valuation equal to more than 40 percent of the
13valuation of all property in the territory to be annexed that would be assessed under
14the operating plan, using the method of valuation specified in the operating plan.
15 2. The owners of property in the territory to be annexed that would be assessed
16under the operating plan having an assessed valuation equal to more than 40 percent
17of the assessed valuation of all property in the territory to be annexed that would be
18assessed under the operating plan.
19Section 13. 75.106 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 75.106 (2) Assignment authorized. Before a judgment is issued under s. 75.521
21or a tax deed is executed under s. 75.14, the governing body of a county may assign
22to a person the county's right to take judgment with respect to any parcel that is
23subject to the county's foreclosure action under s. 75.521 or to take a tax deed with
24respect to any parcel subject to s. 75.14
, if all of the following apply:

1(a) The governing body of the county provides written notice to the governing
2body of the city, town, or village in which the parcel that is subject to the county's
3foreclosure action
is located at least 15 days before the governing body of the county
4meets to consider the approval of the assignment.
5 (b) The governing body of the county produces a written assignment that is
6signed on behalf of the county, the assignee and the city, town, or village in which the
7parcel that is subject to the county's foreclosure action is located.
8 (c) The assignment identifies the parcel for which a judgment or tax deed is
10 (d) The parcel for which a judgment or tax deed is assigned is a brownfield.
11 (e) The assignment requires an environmental assessment of the parcel and
12requires that the department be provided the results of that assessment before a
13final judgment under s. 75.521 or a tax deed under s. 75.14 related to the parcel is
14granted to the assignee.
15 (f) The assignment requires that, if the parcel is contaminated by the discharge
16of a hazardous substance, as determined by the assessment under par. (e), and if the
17assignee elects to accept the judgment or deed assigned under this subsection
18regardless of the contamination, the assignee enter into an agreement with the
19department, before a final judgment is issued under s. 75.521 or a tax deed is issued
20under s. 75.14
related to the parcel, to clean up the parcel to the extent practicable;
21to minimize any harmful effects from the hazardous substance pursuant to rules the
22department promulgates; and to maintain and monitor the parcel pursuant to rules
23the department promulgates.
24 (g) The assignment and an affidavit from the county treasurer that attests to
25the county governing body's approval of the assignment are filed with the court that

1is presiding over the county's foreclosure action under s. 75.521 or, in the case of a
2tax deed issued under s. 75.14, with the register of deeds
3Section 14 . 75.106 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 75.106 (4) (a) and
4amended to read:
5 75.106 (4) (a) An assignee who is granted a judgment under sub. (3) shall take
6title to, and is the owner of, the parcel that is the subject of the assignment, except
7that a person who commences an action under s. 75.521 (14a) related to the parcel
8shall commence the action against only the county that assigned judgment to the
9parcel under sub. (2). An assignment under sub. (2) may provide that an assignee
10under sub. (2) who is granted a judgement under sub. (3) shall indemnify the county
11that makes the assignment and hold the county harmless against any loss, expense,
12liability, or damage that the county may incur as a result of an action under s. 75.521
14Section 15 . 75.106 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
15 75.106 (4) (b) An assignee who is assigned a tax deed under sub. (2) shall take
16title to, and is the owner of, the parcel that is the subject of the assignment, except
17that a person who commences an action under s. 75.144 or 893.25 related to the
18parcel shall commence the action against only the county that assigned the tax deed
19under sub. (2). An assignment of a tax deed under sub. (2) may provide that an
20assignee shall indemnify the county that makes the assignment and hold the county
21harmless against any loss, expense, liability, or damage that the county may incur
22as a result of an action under s. 75.144 or 893.25.
23Section 16. 285.675 of the statutes is created to read:
24285.675 Pilot program for manufacturing facilities on brownfields. (1)
25In this section:

1(a) “Green Tier Program" means the program under s. 299.83.
2 (b) “Registration permit" means an air pollution control permit under s. 285.60
4(2) The department shall implement a pilot program under which a
5participating owner or operator is not required to make changes to the air pollution
6controls for a stationary source due to new or modified legal requirements, except as
7required under the federal clean air act, for 10 years after the department grants
8coverage under a registration permit for the stationary source.
9(3) The department may allow an owner or operator to participate in the pilot
10program under this section only if all of the following apply:
11 (a) The stationary source is a minor source and is eligible for coverage under
12a registration permit.
13 (b) The stationary source is a manufacturing facility that the owner or operator
14is constructing.
15 (c) The stationary source is located on property on which the owner or operator
16has conducted the activities required under s. 292.15 (2) (a) 2., (ae) 2., or (ag) 1. and
17the owner or operator has obtained a certificate of completion from the department
18under s. 292.15 (2) (a) 3., (ae) 3., or (ag) 2. for the property.
19 (d) The owner or operator is a participant in tier I or tier II of the Green Tier
20Program and the manufacturing facility is included in the program.
21(4) The department may specify limitations on participation in the pilot
22program, such as limitations on the number of participants or on the location in
23which the pilot program operates.
24(5) No later than the first day of the 60th month beginning after department
25implements the pilot program, the department shall submit a report, to the governor

1and to the standing committees of the legislature with jurisdiction over
2environmental matters under s. 13.172 (3), on the pilot program, including the
3environmental and economic effects of the pilot program and the department's
4recommendations about whether the pilot program should be expanded.
5Section 17. 292.13 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 292.13 (1m) Exemption from liability for soil contamination. (intro.) A
7person is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to the existence
8of a hazardous substance in the soil, including sediments, or in vapor emitted from
9the soil or groundwater
on property possessed or controlled by the person if all of the
10following apply:
11Section 18 . 292.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 292.13 (2) Determinations concerning liability. The department shall, upon
13request, issue a written determination that a person who possesses or controls
14property on which a hazardous substance exists in the soil or groundwater, or in
15vapor emitted from the soil or groundwater,
is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7)
16(b) and (c) if the person satisfies the applicable requirements in subs. (1) and (1m).
17The department may revoke its determination if it determines that any of the
18requirements in sub. (1) or (1m) cease to be met.
19Section 19. 292.15 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
20 292.15 (1) (c) “Property" means the area of real property that is included in an
21application to obtain an exemption under this section, made up of a parcel or
22contiguous parcels, the legal description of which is contained in one or more deeds.
23Section 20 . 292.15 (2) (at) of the statutes is created to read:
24 292.15 (2) (at) Subdivision, transfer, or other change in property. The
25subdivision or transfer of a property, the combination of a property with another

1property, or any other similar change to the legal boundaries of the property do not
2affect a voluntary party's eligibility for the liability exemption under this section if
3change occurs after the department has approved any required environmental
4investigation and if all other applicable requirements for the exemption are met.
5 (End)