2. Upon completion of the analysis, submit the analysis to the agency, to the
11department of administration, to the governor, and to the chief clerks of each house
12of the legislature, who shall distribute the analysis to the presiding officers of their
13respective houses, to the chairpersons of the appropriate standing committees of
14their respective houses, as designated by those presiding officers, and to the
15cochairpersons of the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
3. Complete the independent economic impact analysis within 60 days after
17contracting to prepare the analysis.
(d) When an independent economic impact analysis is requested under par. (a),
19the agency may not submit the proposed rule for approval under s. 227.185 (1) until
20the agency receives the completed independent economic impact analysis.
21Section 1725
. 227.137 (6) and (7) of the statutes are repealed.
22Section 1726
. 227.139 of the statutes is created to read:
23227.139 Passage of bill required for certain rules. (1) If an economic
24impact analysis prepared under s. 227.137 (2), a revised economic impact analysis
25prepared under s. 227.137 (4), or an independent economic impact analysis prepared
1under s. 227.137 (4m) or 227.19 (5) (b) 3. indicates that $10,000,000 or more in
2implementation and compliance costs are reasonably expected to be incurred by or
3passed along to businesses, local governmental units, and individuals over any
42-year period as a result of the proposed rule, the agency proposing the rule shall
5stop work on the proposed rule and may not continue promulgating the proposed rule
6notwithstanding any provision authorizing or requiring the agency to promulgate
7the proposed rule, except as authorized under sub. (2).
8(2) (a) Any member of the legislature may introduce a bill authorizing an
9agency to promulgate a rule that the agency is prohibited from promulgating under
10sub. (1). The agency may resume the rule-making process as provided in this
11subchapter upon enactment of a bill introduced under this paragraph.
(b) If an agency is prohibited from promulgating a rule under sub. (1), the
13agency may modify the proposed rule, if the modification is germane to the subject
14matter of the proposed rule, to address the implementation and compliance costs of
15the proposed rule. If the agency modifies a proposed rule under this paragraph, the
16agency shall prepare a revised economic impact analysis under s. 227.137 (4).
17Following the modification, the agency may continue with the rule-making process
18as provided in this subchapter if the revised economic impact analysis prepared by
19the agency indicates, and any independent economic impact analysis prepared under
20s. 227.137 (4m) or 227.19 (5) (b) 3. subsequent to the agency's modification also
21indicates, that $10,000,000 or more in implementation and compliance costs are not
22reasonably expected to be incurred by or passed along to businesses, local
23governmental units, and individuals over any 2-year period as a result of the
24proposed rule.
25(3) This section does not apply to rules promulgated under s. 227.24.
1727. 227.14 (2) (a) 3m. of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (a) 3m. A summary of any public comments and feedback on the
3statement of scope of the proposed rule that the agency received at any preliminary
4public hearing and comment period held under s. 227.136 and a description of how
5and to what extent the agency took those comments and that feedback into account
6in drafting the proposed rule.
7Section 1728
. 227.14 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) Notice of submittal to legislative council staff. On the same
9day that an agency submits a proposed rule to the legislative council staff under s.
10227.15, the agency shall prepare a written notice of the agency's submittal to the
11legislative council staff. The notice shall include a statement of the date on which
12the proposed rule has been submitted to the legislative council staff for review, of the
13subject matter of the proposed rule
, and of whether a public hearing on the proposed
14rule is required
under s. 227.16, and shall identify the organizational unit within the
15agency that is primarily responsible for the promulgation of the rule. The notice
16shall also include a statement containing the identifying number of the statement
17of scope for the proposed rule assigned under s. 227.135 (3), the date of publication
18and issue number of the register in which the statement of scope is published, and
19the date of approval
by the department of administration of the
statement of scope
20by the individual or body with policy-making powers over the subject matter of the
21proposed rule under s. 227.135 (2) agency's initial economic impact analysis under
22s. 227.137 (3m). The notice shall be approved by the individual or body with
23policy-making powers over the subject matter of the proposed rule. The agency shall
24send an electronic copy of the notice to the legislative reference bureau, in a format
25approved by the legislative reference bureau, for publication in the register. On the
1same day that the agency sends the notice to the legislative reference bureau, the
2agency shall send a copy of the notice to the secretary of administration.
3Section 1729
. 227.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Submittal to legislative council staff. Prior to a public hearing
5on a proposed rule
required under s. 227.16 or, if no
such public hearing is required,
6prior to notice under s. 227.19, an agency shall submit the proposed rule to the
7legislative council staff for review. The proposed rule shall be in the form required
8under s. 227.14 (1), and shall include the material required under s. 227.14 (2), (3),
9and (4), the economic impact analysis required under s. 227.137 (2), and any revised
10economic impact analysis required under s. 227.137 (4). An agency may not hold a
11public hearing on a proposed rule or give notice under s. 227.19 until after it has
12received a written report of the legislative council staff review of the proposed rule
13or until after the initial review period of 20 working days under sub. (2) (intro.),
14whichever comes first. An agency may give notice of a public hearing prior to receipt
15of the legislative council staff report. This subsection does not apply to rules
16promulgated under s. 227.24.
17Section 1730
. 227.15 (1m) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (bm) The economic impact analysis required under s. 227.137 (2)
19and, any revised economic impact analysis required under s. 227.137 (4)
, and any
20independent economic impact analysis prepared under s. 227.137 (4m).
1731. 227.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Except as provided under sub. (2) In addition to any preliminary
23public hearing and comment period held under s. 227.136, all rule making by an
24agency shall be preceded by notice and public hearing as provided in ss. 227.17 and
, except as provided in sub. (2).
1732. 227.16 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 227.136 (8) and
2amended to read:
(8) For the purpose of soliciting public comment, an agency may hold
4a hearing on the general subject matter of possible or anticipated rules before
5preparing a
statement of scope for a proposed rule
in draft form. A hearing held
6under this subsection does not
satisfy the requirement of sub. (1) with respect to the
7promulgation of a specific proposed rule relieve the agency from its obligation to
8comply with a directive under sub. (1) or the requirement to hold a hearing under s.
1733. 227.17 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (intro.) If a hearing is required
under s. 227.16, the agency shall
12all of the following:
13Section 1734
. 227.17 (3) (eg) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (eg) Any independent economic impact analysis prepared under s.
15227.137 (4m).
1735. 227.17 (3) (em) of the statutes is repealed.
17Section 1736
. 227.185 of the statutes is renumbered 227.185 (1) and amended
18to read:
(1) After a proposed rule is in final draft form, the agency shall submit
20the proposed rule to the governor for approval. The governor, in his or her discretion,
21may approve or reject the proposed rule. If the governor approves a proposed rule,
22the governor shall provide the agency with a written notice of that approval. No
23proposed rule may be submitted to the legislature for review under s. 227.19 (2)
24unless the governor has approved the proposed rule in writing.
The agency shall
1notify the joint committee for review of administrative rules whenever it submits a
2proposed rule for approval under this subsection.
3Section 1737
. 227.185 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (a) If an agency makes a germane modification to a proposed rule
5under s. 227.19 (4) (b) 3., 3m., or 4., the agency shall submit the modification to the
6governor for approval. The governor, in his or her discretion, may approve or reject
7the modification, but if the governor does not notify the agency within 10 working
8days after the date of the agency's submittal that the governor does not approve the
9modification or that the governor requires additional time to review the
10modification, the modification shall be considered approved and may be made as
11proposed by the agency. If the governor approves a modification prior to the
12expiration of the 10-day period or after notifying the agency that he or she will
13require additional time to review the modification, he or she shall provide the agency
14with a written notice of that approval. If the governor does not approve the
15modification, he or she shall provide the agency with a written notice of that
16nonapproval and the agency may not promulgate the proposed rule, except that the
17agency may resubmit the proposed rule to the legislature as provided in s. 227.19
18without the modification.
(b) This subsection does not apply to a proposed rule to which s. 227.19 (5) (dm)
21Section 1738
. 227.19 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Notification of legislature. An agency shall submit a notice to the
23chief clerk of each house of the legislature when a proposed rule is in final draft form.
24The notice shall be submitted in triplicate and shall be accompanied by a report in
25the form specified under sub. (3). A notice received under this subsection after the
1last day of the legislature's final general-business floorperiod in the biennial session
2as established in the joint resolution required under s. 13.02 (3) shall be considered
3received on the first day of the next regular session of the legislature, unless the
4presiding officers of both houses direct referral of the notice and report under this
5subsection before that day. The presiding officer of each house of the legislature
6shall, within 10 working days following the day on which the notice and report are
7received, direct the appropriate chief clerk to refer the notice and report to one
8standing committee. The agency shall submit to the legislative reference bureau for
9publication in the register, in an electronic format approved by the legislative
10reference bureau, a statement that a proposed rule has been submitted to the chief
11clerk of each house of the legislature. The agency shall also include in the statement
12the date of approval of the proposed rule by the governor under s. 227.185
(1). Each
13chief clerk shall enter a similar statement in the journal of his or her house.
14Section 1739
. 227.19 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Form of report. (intro.) The report required under sub. (2) shall be
16in writing and shall include the proposed rule in the form specified in s. 227.14 (1);
17the material specified in s. 227.14 (2), (3), and (4); including any statement,
18suggested changes, or other material submitted to the agency by the small business
19regulatory review board; a copy of any economic impact analysis prepared by the
20agency under s. 227.137 (2); a copy of any revised economic impact analysis prepared
21by the agency under s. 227.137 (4); a copy of any
report prepared by the department
22of administration under s. 227.137 (6); independent economic impact analysis
23prepared under s. 227.137 (4m); a copy of any energy impact report received from the
24public service commission under s. 227.117 (2); and a copy of any recommendations
25of the legislative council staff. The report shall also include all of the following:
1740. 227.19 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (c) A list of the persons who appeared or registered for or against the
3proposed rule at a public hearing
held under s. 227.136 or 227.16.
4Section 1741
. 227.19 (4) (b) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b) 1. (intro.) Except as
otherwise provided
under subds. 1m. and 5. 6in this paragraph, the committee review period for each committee extends for 30
7days after referral of the proposed rule to the committee under sub. (2). If the
8chairperson or the cochairpersons of a committee take either of the following actions
9within the 30-day period, the committee review period for that committee is
10continued for 30 days from the date on which the first 30-day review period would
11have expired:
12Section 1742
. 227.19 (5) (b) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (b) 1. (intro.) Except as
otherwise provided in
subd. 1m. this
14paragraph, the review period for the joint committee for review of administrative
15rules extends for 30 days after the last referral of a proposed rule and any objection
16to that committee, and during that review period that committee may take any action
17on the proposed rule in whole or in part permitted under this subsection. The joint
18committee for review of administrative rules shall meet and take action in executive
19session during that period with respect to any proposed rule or any part of a proposed
20rule to which a committee has objected and may meet and take action in executive
21session during that period with respect to any proposed rule or any part of a proposed
22rule to which no committee has objected, except that if the cochairpersons take either
23of the following actions within the 30-day period, the joint committee review period
24is continued for 30 days from the date on which the first 30-day review period would
25have expired:
1743. 227.19 (5) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
(5) (b) 3. The joint committee for review of administrative rules, by a
3majority vote of a quorum of the committee, may request the preparation of an
4independent economic impact analysis for a proposed rule, regardless of whether an
5independent economic impact analysis was prepared under s. 227.137 (4m). If the
6joint committee for review of administrative rules requests an independent economic
7impact analysis under this subdivision, the committee shall notify the agency
8proposing the proposed rule and shall direct the department of administration to
9contract with a vendor that is not an agency to prepare the independent economic
10impact analysis. The vendor preparing the independent economic impact analysis
11shall comply with s. 227.137 (4m) (c) 1. to 3. Upon completion of an independent
12economic impact analysis requested under this subdivision, the vendor preparing
13the analysis may submit a request to the committee for reimbursement of its actual
14and necessary costs of completing the analysis. Costs of completing the independent
15economic impact analysis shall be paid as provided in s. 227.137 (4m) (b) 3. a. and
16b. If the committee requests an independent economic impact analysis under this
17subdivision, the review period for the committee is extended to the 10th working day
18following receipt by the committee of the completed analysis.
1744. 227.24 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) An agency may
, except as provided in s. 227.136 (1), promulgate
21a rule as an emergency rule without complying with the notice, hearing
, and
22publication requirements under this chapter if preservation of the public peace,
23health, safety
, or welfare necessitates putting the rule into effect prior to the time it
24would take effect if the agency complied with the procedures.
25Section 1745
. 227.24 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) A rule promulgated under par. (a) takes effect
upon publication
2in the official state newspaper on the date the rule is published in the register under
3s. 35.93 (2) (b) 4. or on any later date specified in the rule and, except as provided
4under sub. (2), remains in effect only for 150 days.
5Section 1746
. 227.24 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) A rule promulgated under par. (b) takes effect
upon publication
7in the official state newspaper on the date the rule is published in the register under
8s. 35.93 (2) (b) 4. or on any later date specified in the rule and remains in effect for
9one year or until it is suspended or the proposed rule corresponding to it is objected
10to by the joint committee for review of administrative rules, whichever is sooner. If
11a rule under par. (b) is suspended or a proposed rule under s. 186.235 (21), 215.02 (18)
12or 220.04 (8) is objected to by the joint committee for review of administrative rules,
13any person may complete any transaction entered into or committed to in reliance
14on that rule and shall have 45 days to discontinue other activity undertaken in
15reliance on that rule.
1747. 227.24 (1) (e) 1d. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (e) 1d. Prepare a statement of the scope of the proposed emergency
18rule as provided in s. 227.135 (1), obtain approval of the statement as provided in s.
19227.135 (2),
and send the statement to the legislative reference bureau for
20publication in the register as provided in s. 227.135 (3)
, and hold a preliminary public
21hearing and comment period if directed under s. 227.136 (1). If the agency changes
22the scope of a proposed emergency rule as described in s. 227.135 (4), the agency shall
23prepare and obtain approval of a revised statement of the scope of the proposed
24emergency rule as provided in s. 227.135 (4). No state employee or official may
25perform any activity in connection with the drafting of a proposed emergency rule
1except for an activity necessary to prepare the statement of the scope of the proposed
2emergency rule until the governor
and the individual or body with policy-making
3powers over the subject matter of the proposed emergency rule approve approves the
5Section 1748
. 227.24 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 227.24 (2) (a) (intro.)
6and amended to read:
(2) (a) (intro.) At the request of an agency, the joint committee for review
8of administrative rules may, at any time prior to the expiration date of a rule
9promulgated under sub. (1) (a), extend the effective period of the emergency rule or
10part of the emergency rule
for as follows:
111. For a period specified by the committee
not to exceed 60 days. Any number
12of extensions may be granted under this
subdivision, but the total period
13for all extensions
under this subdivision may not exceed 120 days.
The committee
14may grant an extension under this subdivision at any time.
15Section 1749
. 227.24 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (a) 2. For a period specified by the committee that does not extend
17beyond March 31 of the following year. An extension under this subdivision may be
18in addition to, and may overlap with, an extension granted under subd. 1. The
19committee may grant an extension under this subdivision only within 30 days before
20the last day of the legislature's final general-business floorperiod in the biennial
21session as established in the joint resolution required under s. 13.02 (3).
22Section 1750
. 227.24 (2) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (am) Any request by an agency to extend the effective period of the
24emergency rule or part of the emergency rule shall be made in writing to the joint
1committee for review of administrative rules no later than 30 days before the
initial 2expiration date of the emergency rule.
1751. 227.24 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Public hearing. Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a) and (b)
and in addition
5to any preliminary public hearing and comment period held under sub. (1) (e) 1d., an
6agency shall hold a public hearing within 45 days after it promulgates a rule under
7sub. (1). If within that 45-day period the agency submits to the legislative council
8staff under s. 227.15 a proposed rule corresponding to the rule under sub. (1), it shall
9hold a public hearing on both rules within 90 days after promulgation of the rule
10under sub. (1), or within 30 days after the agency receives the report on the proposed
11rule prepared by the legislative council under s. 227.15 (2), whichever occurs later.
1752. 227.26 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) Repeal of unauthorized rules. (a) In this subsection,
14“unauthorized rule" means a rule that an agency lacks the authority to promulgate
15due to the repeal or amendment of the law that previously authorized its
(b) Notwithstanding ss. 227.114 to 227.117 and 227.135 to 227.19, an agency
18that promulgated or that otherwise administers a rule that the agency determines
19is an unauthorized rule may petition the joint committee for review of administrative
20rules for authorization to repeal that rule by using the following process:
1. The agency shall submit a petition with a proposed rule that repeals the rule
22the agency has determined is an unauthorized rule to the legislative council staff for
23review. The proposed rule shall be in the form required under s. 227.14 (1) and shall
24include the material required under s. 227.14 (2) (a) 1., 2., and 7. and a statement that
25the agency is petitioning the joint committee for review of administrative rules to use
1the process under this subsection to repeal a rule the agency has determined to be
2an unauthorized rule.
2. The legislative council staff shall review the petition and proposed rule in
4accordance with s. 227.15 (2) and submit to the joint committee for review of
5administrative rules the petition and proposed rule with a written report including
6a statement of its determination as to whether the proposed rule proposes to repeal
7an unauthorized rule.
3. Following receipt of the petition and proposed rule submitted by the
9legislative council staff under subd. 2., the joint committee for review of
10administrative rules shall review the petition and proposed rule and may do any of
11the following:
a. Approve the agency's petition if the committee determines that the proposed
13rule would repeal an unauthorized rule.
b. Deny the agency's petition.
c. Request that the agency make changes to the proposed rule and resubmit the
16petition and proposed rule under subd. 1.
4. The committee shall inform the agency in writing of its decision as to the
(c) If the joint committee for review of administrative rules approves a petition
20to repeal an unauthorized rule as provided in par. (b) 3. a., the agency may
21promulgate the proposed rule by filing a certified copy of the rule with the legislative
22reference bureau under s. 227.20, together with a copy of the committee's decision.
23Section 1753
. 227.52 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) Those decisions of the department of workforce development
which 2that are subject to
administrative review, prior to any judicial review
, by the labor
3and industry review commission.
1754. 227.55 of the statutes is renumbered 227.55 (1) and amended
5to read:
(1) Within 30 days after service of the petition for review upon the
7agency, or within such further time as the court
may allow allows, the agency
8possession of the record for the decision under review shall transmit to the reviewing
9court the original or a certified copy of the entire record
of the proceedings in which
10the decision under review was made, including all pleadings, notices, testimony,
11exhibits, findings, decisions, orders
, and exceptions,
therein; but except that by
12stipulation of all parties to the review proceedings the record may be shortened by
13eliminating any portion
thereof of the record. Any party, other than the agency
14is a party, refusing to stipulate to limit the record may be taxed by the court for the
15additional costs.
The Except as provided in sub. (2), the record may be typewritten
16or printed. The exhibits may be typewritten,
photostated photocopied, or otherwise
17reproduced, or, upon motion of any party, or by order of the court, the original exhibits
18shall accompany the record. The court may require or permit subsequent corrections
19or additions to the record when deemed desirable.
1755. 227.55 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) In the case of a record under sub. (1) that is in the possession of the
22division of hearings and appeals, if any portion of the record is in the form of an audio
23or video recording, the division may transmit to the reviewing court a copy of that
24recording in lieu of preparing a transcript, unless the court requests a transcript.
25Section 1756
. 227.59 of the statutes is amended to read:
1227.59 Certification of certain cases from the circuit court of Dane
2County to other circuits. Any action or proceeding for the review of any order of
3an administrative officer, commission, department
, or other administrative tribunal
4of the state required by law to be instituted in or taken to the circuit court of Dane
5County except an action or appeal for the review of any order of the department of
6workforce development or the department of safety and professional services
7findings and orders of the labor and industry review commission which that is
8instituted or taken and is not called for trial or hearing within 6 months after the
9proceeding or action is instituted, and the trial or hearing of which is not continued
10by stipulation of the parties or by order of the court for cause shown, shall on the
11application of either party on 5 days' written notice to the other be certified and
12transmitted for trial to the circuit court of the county of the residence or principal
13place of business of the plaintiff or petitioner, where the action or proceeding shall
14be given preference. Unless written objection is filed within the 5-day period, the
15order certifying and transmitting the proceeding shall be entered without hearing.
16The plaintiff or petitioner shall pay to the clerk of the circuit court of Dane County
17a fee of $2 for transmitting the record.
18Section 1757
. 230.08 (2) (e) 3e. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (e) 3e. Corrections —
7 8.
1758. 230.08 (2) (pd) of the statutes is repealed.
1759. 230.08 (2) (wh) of the statutes is repealed.
22Section 1760
. 230.08 (2) (xc) of the statutes is repealed.
1761. 230.08 (4) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
1762. 230.13 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3) and ss. 19.36 (10)
to (12) and
2(11) and 103.13, the director and the administrator may keep records of the following
3personnel matters closed to the public:
1763. 230.337 of the statutes is repealed.
1764. 230.44 (1) (f) of the statutes is repealed.