24 447.02 (2) (k) Continuing education requirements for dentists under s. 447.056
25regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances, as defined in s. 961.01

1(4). The board shall specify a minimum number of hours of such instruction that
2must be completed in each 2-year period. Continuing education requirements
3established in the rules promulgated under this paragraph shall apply only with
4respect to a dentist who is authorized to dispense controlled substances under 21
5USC 821
to 831.
6Section 15. 447.056 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 447.056 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in subs. (2) to (4), a person is not eligible
8for renewal of a license to practice dentistry, other than a permit issued under s.
9447.02 (3), unless the person has taught, attended, or otherwise completed, during
10the 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date specified under s. 440.08
11(2) (a), 30 credit hours of continuing education related to the practice of dentistry or
12the practice of medicine, including not less than 25 credit hours of instruction in
13clinical dentistry or clinical medicine and including the credit hours of instruction
14regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances that are required by
15the board in rules promulgated under s. 447.02 (2) (k)
. Not more than 4 of the 30
16hours may be from teaching. Continuing education does not satisfy the requirements
17under this subsection unless the continuing education is one of the following:
18Section 16. 448.038 of the statutes is created to read:
19448.038 Maintenance and detoxification treatment under federal
(1) In this section, “waiver” means a waiver issued by the federal
21department of health and human services under 21 USC 823 (g) (2) (A).
22(2) With respect to the ability of a physician assistant to obtain and practice
23under a waiver, a physician who meets any of the conditions specified in 21 USC 823
24(g) (2) (G) (ii) shall be considered eligible to serve as a qualifying physician for

1purposes of the requirement under 21 USC 823 (g) (2) (G) (iv) (III), regardless of
2whether the physician himself or herself holds a waiver.
3Section 17. 448.07 (1) (d) of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
5 448.07 (1) (d) No registration may be permitted by the secretary of the board
6in the case of any physician, physician assistant, or perfusionist who has failed to
7meet the requirements of s. 448.13 or any person whose license or certificate has been
8suspended or revoked and the registration of any such person shall be deemed
9automatically annulled upon receipt by the secretary of the board of a verified report
10of such suspension or revocation, subject to the person's right of appeal. A person
11whose license or certificate has been suspended or revoked and subsequently
12restored shall be registered by the board upon tendering a verified report of such
13restoration of the license or certificate, together with an application for registration
14and the registration fee.
15Section 18. 448.13 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
16 448.13 (1) (a) 3. If the physician is authorized to dispense controlled substances
17under 21 USC 821 to 831, continuing education programs regarding best practices
18in prescribing controlled substances, as defined in s. 961.01 (4).
19Section 19. 448.13 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
20 448.13 (4) Each person who is licensed as a physician assistant and who is
21authorized to dispense controlled substances under 21 USC 821 to 831 shall, in each
222nd year at the time of application for a certificate of registration under s. 448.07,
23submit proof of completion of continuing education requirements promulgated by
24rule by the board regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances, as
25defined in s. 961.01 (4).

1Section 20. 448.20 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
2 448.20 (3) (c) Promulgating the rules establishing continuing education
3requirements under s. 448.40 (2) (cm).
4Section 21. 448.40 (2) (ck) of the statutes is created to read:
5 448.40 (2) (ck) Establishing continuing education requirements under s.
6448.13 (1) (a) 3. regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances, as
7defined in s. 961.01 (4), for renewal of a license to practice medicine and surgery by
8a physician authorized to dispense controlled substances under 21 USC 821 to 831.
9The board shall specify a minimum number of hours of such instruction that must
10be completed in each 2-year period.
11Section 22. 448.40 (2) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
12 448.40 (2) (cm) Establishing continuing education requirements under s.
13448.13 (4) regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances, as defined
14in s. 961.01 (4), for renewal of a physician assistant license by a physician assistant
15authorized to dispense controlled substances under 21 USC 821 to 831. The board
16shall specify a minimum number of hours of such instruction that must be completed
17in each 2-year period. In promulgating rules under this paragraph, the board shall
18give deference to the recommendations of the council on physician assistants.
19Section 23. 448.665 of the statutes is renumbered 448.665 (1) (intro.) and
20amended to read:
21 448.665 (1) (intro.) The affiliated credentialing board shall promulgate rules
22establishing requirements and procedures for licensees to complete continuing
23education programs or courses of study in order to qualify for renewal of a license
24granted under this subchapter. The rules promulgated under this section shall
25require do all of the following:

1(a) Require a licensee to complete at least 30 hours of continuing education
2programs or courses of study within each 2-year period immediately preceding the
3renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a).
4(2) The affiliated credentialing board may waive all or part of these the
5requirements for the completion of continuing education programs or courses of
6study under sub. (1) if the affiliated credentialing board determines that prolonged
7illness, disability, or other exceptional circumstances have prevented a licensee from
8completing the requirements.
9Section 24. 448.665 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
10 448.665 (1) (b) Establish requirements for a licensee who is authorized to
11dispense controlled substances under 21 USC 821 to 831 to complete continuing
12education programs regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances, as
13defined in s. 961.01 (4). The affiliated credentialing board shall specify a minimum
14number of hours of such instruction that must be completed in each 2-year period.
15Section 25. 449.06 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 449.06 (2m) (intro.) and
16amended to read:
17 449.06 (2m) (intro.) The examining board shall promulgate rules requiring a
18person who is issued a license to practice optometry to complete, during the 2-year
19period immediately preceding the renewal date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a), not less
20than 30 hours of continuing education. The rules shall include requirements all of
21the following:
22(a) Requirements that apply only to optometrists who are allowed to use topical
23ocular diagnostic pharmaceutical agents under s. 449.17 or who are allowed to use
24therapeutic pharmaceutical agents or remove foreign bodies from an eye or from an
25appendage to the eye under s. 449.18.

1Section 26. 449.06 (2m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
2 449.06 (2m) (b) Requirements for optometrists who are authorized to dispense
3controlled substances under 21 USC 821 to 831 to complete continuing education
4programs regarding best practices in prescribing controlled substances, as defined
5in s. 961.01 (4). The examining board shall specify a minimum number of hours of
6such instruction that must be completed in each 2-year period.
7Section 27. 457.02 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
8Section 28. 457.02 (5m) of the statutes is repealed.
9Section 29. 961.385 (2) (cm) 1. (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 2015
10Wisconsin Act 266
, is amended to read:
11 961.385 (2) (cm) 1. (intro.) A practitioner, pharmacist, registered nurse
12licensed under s. 441.06, or substance abuse counselor, as defined in s. 440.88 (1) (b),
13or an individual authorized under s. 457.02 (5m) to treat who treats, within the scope
14of his or her credential,
alcohol or substance dependency or abuse as a specialty, if
15any of the following is applicable:
16Section 30. 961.385 (2) (cm) 2. of the statutes, as created by 2015 Wisconsin
17Act 266
, is amended to read:
18 961.385 (2) (cm) 2. A person who medically coordinates, directs, or supervises,
19or establishes standard operating procedures for, a practitioner, pharmacist,
20registered nurse, substance abuse counselor, or individual authorized under s.
21457.02 (5m) to treat alcohol or substance dependency or abuse as a specialty
to whom
22records may be disclosed under subd. 1., if the person is evaluating the job
23performance of the practitioner, pharmacist, registered nurse, substance abuse
24counselor, or individual, or is performing quality assessment and improvement
25activities, including outcomes evaluation or development of clinical guidelines, and

1if the disclosure does not contain personally identifiable information, as defined in
2s. 19.62 (5), of a patient and is limited to only those records about the practitioner,
3pharmacist, registered nurse, substance abuse counselor, or individual the person
4medically coordinates, directs, or supervises, or for whom the person establishes
5standard operating procedures.
6Section 31. DHS 75.02 (15) of the administrative code is amended to read:
7 DHS 75.02 (15) “Counseling" means the application of recognized theories,
8principles, techniques and strategies to manage and facilitate the progress of diverse
9patients toward mutually determined treatment goals and objectives using
10culturally sensitive modalities as described in s. SPS 166.01 (3) 160.02 (10m) or s.
11MPSW 2.01 (10).
12Section 32. DHS 75.02 (84) (d) of the administrative code is amended to read:
13 DHS 75.02 (84) (d) A s. MPSW 1.09 specialty An individual who holds a
under ch. 457, Stats., granted by DSPS.
15Section 33. DHS 75.03 (4) (e) of the administrative code is amended to read:
16 DHS 75.03 (4) (e) All Any staff who provide provides clinical supervision shall
17fulfill the requirements established
, as defined in s. SPS 160.02 (6) and, shall hold
18a certificate from DSPS as required
be a clinical supervisor, as defined in s. SPS
19160.02 (7), except for a physician knowledgeable in addiction treatment, licensed
20psychologist with a knowledge of psychopharmacology and addiction treatment, or
21professional possessing the s. MPSW 1.09 subspecialty a credential under ch. 457,
23Section 34. MPSW 1.09 of the administrative code is repealed.
24Section 35. Chapter SPS 160 (title) of the administrative code is amended to

1Chapter SPS 160
3Section 36. SPS 160.015 of the administrative code is created to read:
4SPS 160.015 Applicability. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), no person may
5represent himself or herself to the public as a substance abuse counselor, clinical
6supervisor, or prevention specialist or a certified substance abuse counselor, clinical
7supervisor, or prevention specialist or use in connection with his or her name a title
8or description that conveys the impression that he or she is a substance abuse
9counselor, clinical supervisor, or prevention specialist or a certified substance abuse
10counselor, clinical supervisor, or prevention specialist unless he or she is so certified
11under s. 440.88, Stats.
12(2) Chapters SPS 160 to 168 do not apply to any of the following:
13 (a) A physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), Stats., who practices as a substance
14abuse clinical supervisor or provides substance abuse counseling, treatment, or
15prevention services within the scope of his or her licensure.
16 (b) A clinical social worker, as defined in s. 457.01 (1r), Stats., who practices as
17a substance abuse clinical supervisor or provides substance abuse counseling,
18treatment, or prevention services within the scope of his or her licensure.
19 (c) A licensed psychologist, as defined in s. 455.01 (4), Stats., who practices as
20a substance abuse clinical supervisor or provides substance abuse counseling,
21treatment, or prevention services within the scope of his or her licensure.
22 (d) A marriage and family therapist, as defined in s. 457.01 (3), or a professional
23counselor, as defined in s. 457.01 (7), who practices as a substance abuse clinical
24supervisor or provides substance abuse counseling, treatment, or prevention
25services within the scope of his or her licensure.

1(e) The preparation of a patient for substance use disorder treatment by
2referral, the treatment of a patient for substance use disorder until a referral for
3substance use disorder treatment is completed, and the continuation of treatment
4with the nonsubstance use disorder issues of a person, when performed by a mental
5health provider practicing within the scope of his or her credential.
6Section 37. SPS 160.02 (2m) of the administrative code is created to read:
7 SPS 160.02 (2m) “Assessment training” means education on the
8comprehensive process of collecting pertinent data about patients or patient systems
9and their environment, and appraising the data as a basis for making decisions
10regarding substance use disorder diagnosis and treatment or referral. The education
11shall consist of culturally inclusive studies in understanding addiction,
12psychopharmacology, recognition and differentiation of co-occurring medical and
13psychological disorders, clinical evaluation, and treatment planning.
14Section 38. SPS 160.02 (3) (g) of the administrative code is created to read:
15 SPS 160.02 (3) (g) Marriage and family therapy, as defined in s. 457.01 (5),
17Section 39. SPS 160.02 (3) (h) of the administrative code is created to read:
18 SPS 160.02 (3) (h) Professional counseling, as defined in s. 457.01 (6), Stats.
19Section 40. SPS 160.02 (3m) of the administrative code is created to read:
20 SPS 160.02 (3m) “Case management” means education on culturally
21appropriate administrative, clinical, and evaluative activities included in the
22process of coordinating and prioritizing patient treatment goals and working with
23the patient and significant others, as well as other services, agencies, and resources
24to achieve those treatment goals. The education shall include studies in
25implementing treatment plans including continuing assessment, the referral

1process, service coordination, including for co-occurring medical and psychological
2disorders, record management and documentation, and utilizing the written client
3record to guide and monitor services to reach measurable goals and objectives.
4Section 41. SPS 160.02 (6) of the administrative code is amended to read:
5 SPS 160.02 (6) “Clinical supervision" means a specific and definitive process
6of oversight of a counselor's professional development in the didactic, experiential
7and application of the transdisciplinary foundations, and practice dimensions
8including core functions. Supervision takes place in intermittent in person contact
9between a clinical supervisor and treatment staff provided on or off the site of a
10service to ensure that each patient has an individualized treatment plan and is
11receiving quality care. A primary purpose of “clinical supervision" is to ensure skill
12development evidenced in
quality patient care.
13Section 42. SPS 160.02 (9) of the administrative code is repealed.
14Section 43. SPS 160.02 (10) of the administrative code is repealed.
15Section 44. SPS 160.02 (10m) of the administrative code is created to read:
16 SPS 160.02 (10m) “Counseling training” means education that includes the
17study of fundamental theories, principles, and techniques of substance use disorder
18counseling to facilitate the progress of diverse patients toward mutually determined
19treatment goals and objectives using culturally sensitive modalities. Counseling
20education shall include studies of understanding addiction, recognized treatment
21theory and practice, the recovery process, effective strategies for meeting the
22counseling needs of diverse patients, crisis management skills, and awareness of
23co-occurring medical and psychological disorders.
24Section 45. SPS 160.02 (14) of the administrative code is repealed.
25Section 46. SPS 160.02 (16) of the administrative code is repealed.

1Section 47. SPS 160.02 (19m) of the administrative code is created to read:
2 SPS 160.02 (19m) “Patient education” means education about the process of
3providing patients, groups, families, couples, significant others, and communities
4with information on risks related to substance use, the processes of dependence
5including signs, symptoms, and behavior patterns, and available resources for
6prevention, treatment, and recovery in culturally relevant ways. The education
7shall include studies in understanding addiction including addiction to nicotine, the
8classification and basic pharmacology of drugs, basic physiology and the effects of
9drug use on the human body and patient, learning styles and teaching methods,
10delivery of educational programs, health and behavior problems related to substance
11use including transmission of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted
12infections, and other infectious diseases, and basic life skills such as stress
13management, communication, and assertiveness.
14Section 48. SPS 160.02 (22) of the administrative code is repealed.
15Section 49. SPS 160.02 (24m) of the administrative code is created to read:
16 SPS 160.02 (24m) “Professional responsibility” means education that
17addresses standards of conduct or professional behavior expectations for counselors,
18supervisors, and prevention workers. Professional behavior areas to be studied shall
19include, at a minimum, legal issues specific to substance use disorder professional
20practice, patient welfare as a primary concern, responsibility for professional
21competence and professional development, participation in ongoing supervision and
22consultation, counselor values and self-care, relationships with other professionals
23and institutions, and the establishment of limits and boundaries in the patient
24relationship. This education shall also address the impact of specific cultural, ethnic,
25and racial influences and expectations.

1Section 50. SPS 160.02 (28) of the administrative code is amended to read:
2 SPS 160.02 (28) “Substance use disorder" means the existence of a diagnosis
3of “substance dependence" or “substance abuse" “substance use disorder” listed in
4the most current edition of DSM.
5Section 51. SPS 160.02 (29) of the administrative code is repealed.
6Section 52. SPS 160.03 of the administrative code is amended to read:
7SPS 160.03 Use of title. A Except as consistent with s. SPS 160.015 (2), a
8person may use the title “addiction counselor," “substance abuse counselor," “alcohol
9and drug counselor," “substance use disorder counselor" or “chemical dependency
10counselor" only if he or she is certified as a substance abuse counselor, or as a clinical
11substance abuse counselor under s. 440.88, Stats., or as allowed under the provisions
12of s. 457.02 (5m), Stats.
13Section 53. Chapter SPS 161 of the administrative code is repealed and
14recreated to read:
15Chapter SPS 161
17SPS 161.01 Substance abuse counselor-in-training application. An
18applicant for certification as a substance abuse counselor-in-training shall submit
19all of the following:
20(1) An application form.
21(2) A fee as determined by the department under s. 440.05, Stats.
22(3) Evidence of successful passage of the jurisprudence examination.
23(4) Evidence of completion of 100 hours of substance use disorder specialized
24education through a postsecondary institution, department-approved continuing

1education, or department-approved education program. The 100 hours shall be in
2all of the following:
3 (a) Fifteen hours in assessment training.
4 (b) Fifteen hours in counseling training.