6. Outside of the budget process, a political subdivision's chief executive, a
county administrator, or, in a county without a county executive or administrator, the

finance committee may propose to the political subdivision's governing body an
increase or decrease in any appropriation or revenue amount subject to the same
budget amendment procedures described in item #3., above. A two-thirds majority
vote of the governing body is required to approve such a proposal, which may not be
amended, except that if such a proposal is made and voted on between October 1 and
November 15 of an even-numbered year, it may be approved by a simple majority
and may be amended on a limited basis.
This bill also provides certain restrictions on the county board's and
municipality's governing body's actions related to the budget, including the
1. The budget must include all of the following items, and may include no
others: a) the county or municipal tax levy; b) anticipated revenue amounts from all
sources; and c) appropriations for all departments, and for any other obligations of
the county or municipality.
2. The county board of a county with a county executive and a municipality's
governing body may not issue municipal obligations in an amount that is higher than
the amount initially proposed by the county or chief executive in his or her proposed
budget for that biennium. During a biennium, however, a county executive or
municipal chief executive may propose, outside of the budget process, the issuance
of additional county or municipal obligations. The county board or municipal
governing body may approve such a proposal, but may not increase the amount
3. A political subdivision's authority to transfer unencumbered appropriation
balances is subject to certain limitations.
4. With regard to a populous county, and subject to some exceptions, the county
board may not adopt a budget in which the total amount of budgeted expenditures
related to the compensation of county board members, and to any other costs that are
directly related to the operation and functioning of the county board or committees,
including staff, is greater than 0.4 percent of the county portion of the tax levy for
that year to which the budget applies. Some of the exceptions to this 0.4 percent cap
include health care and pension benefits for retired county employees and officers,
and salaries and benefits for any board member whose term begins before April 2018.
Accounting procedures
This bill also requires populous counties to utilize fund accounting and
authorizes any county to create proprietary funds, fiduciary funds, and other
appropriate funds allowed by government accounting practice, provided that the
county describes the sources of revenues that may be deposited into each fund and
the types of expenditures that may be made from each fund. In counties without a
county executive, such funds may be created by the county board. In counties with
a county executive, such funds may be created only by executive order of the county
executive. Counties that create proprietary, fiduciary, or other funds must develop
policies and procedures that apply to each such fund, including setting a working
cash flow target for each fund, publishing annual estimates of working cash flow
balances, and descriptions of possible uses of balances in a fund that accumulate
above the cash flow target.

Compensation, certain elective officials
This bill also makes the following changes to the method for establishing the
compensation of county supervisors and county elective officers other than circuit
1. Requires that a county board of supervisors may change the compensation
of county supervisors only by enacting an ordinance for that purpose at least three
months before, but not more than six months before, the next due date for filing
nomination papers for the office of supervisor.
2. Provides that the county executive, county administrator, or administrative
coordinator of each county may elect to appoint a commission, composed of five
people who are not holding a federal, state, or local elective office, that must make
recommendations to the county board concerning the compensation for each county
elective officer other than supervisor and circuit judge. The bill requires the county
board to enact an ordinance establishing that the compensation for county elective
officers other than circuit judges and supervisors is identical to the compensation
commission's recommendations.
For further information see the local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 46.21 (1m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 46.21 (1m) (a) The county executive shall appoint under ss. 63.01 to 63.17 a
3director of the county department of human services. The appointment shall be
4made on the basis of recognized and demonstrated public interest in and knowledge
5of the problems of human services, and with due regard to training, experience,
6executive and administrative ability and efficiency, and general qualifications and
7fitness for performing the duties of the office. The director shall file an official oath
8and bond in the amount determined by the county board of supervisors. The county
9board of supervisors may create a position of deputy director of the county
10department of human services. The director shall be appointed by the county
11executive in the unclassified civil service and is subject to confirmation by the county
12board of supervisors under s. 59.17 (2) (bm)

1Section 2. 46.21 (1m) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 46.21 (1m) (am) The county executive shall appoint under ss. 63.01 to 63.17
3an administrator of the county hospital. The appointment shall be made on the basis
4of recognized and demonstrated public interest in and knowledge of the problems of
5delivery of medical care and treatment, and with due regard to training, experience,
6executive and administrative ability and efficiency, and general qualifications and
7fitness for performing the duties of the office. The administrator shall file an official
8oath and bond in the amount determined by the county board of supervisors. The
9county board of supervisors may create positions to assist the administrator. The
10administrator shall be appointed by the county executive in the unclassified civil
11service and the appointment is subject to confirmation by the county board of
12supervisors under s. 59.17 (2) (bm)
13Section 3. 48.09 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 48.09 (5) By the district attorney or, if designated by the county board of
15supervisors or the county executive, by the corporation counsel, in any matter arising
16under s. 48.13, 48.133 or 48.977. If the county board or county executive transfers
17this authority to or from the district attorney on or after May 11, 1990, the board or
may do so only if the action is effective on September 1 of an odd-numbered
19year and the board or executive notifies the department of administration of that
20change by January 1 of that odd-numbered year.
21Section 4. 59.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 59.06 (2) Effect of transfer. All deeds, contracts, and agreements made on
23behalf of the county under the directions of the board under s. 59.52 (6), or by a county
24executive acting under s. 59.17 (2) (b) 3., when signed and acknowledged by the clerk
the county seal is attached, are valid and binding on the county to the extent of

1the terms of the instrument and the right, title, and interest which the county has
2in the property, except that in the case of the sale or purchase of real property, the
3instrument must also be signed by the clerk to be valid and binding on the county
4Section 5. 59.10 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 59.10 (1) (a) Number of supervisors and apportionment of supervisory districts.
6In each county with a population of at least 500,000, sub. (2) (a) and, (b), and (c) 5.
7applies. In counties with a population of less than 500,000 and more than one town,
8sub. (3) (a) to (c) and (k) applies. In counties with one town only, sub. (5) applies.
9Section 6. 59.10 (2) (c) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
10 59.10 (2) (c) 5. The board may not change the salary specified in subd. 1., or as
11otherwise adjusted under this paragraph, unless the board enacts an ordinance for
12that purpose at least 3 months before, but not more than 6 months before, the next
13closing date for filing nomination papers for the office of supervisor.
14Section 7. 59.10 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 59.10 (3) (f) Compensation. Each supervisor shall be paid a per diem by the
16county for each day that he or she attends a meeting of the board. Any board may,
17at its annual a meeting, by a two-thirds vote of all the members, fix the compensation
18of the board members to be next elected. Any board may also provide additional
19compensation for the chairperson.
20Section 8. 59.10 (3) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 59.10 (3) (i) Alternative compensation. As an alternative method of
22compensation, in counties having a population of less than 500,000, including
23counties containing only one town, the board may, at its annual a meeting, by a
24two-thirds vote of the members entitled to a seat, fix the compensation of the
25supervisors to be next elected at an annual salary for all services for the county

1including all committee services, except the per diem allowance for services in
2acquiring highway rights-of-way set forth in s. 84.09 (4). The board may, in like
3manner, allow additional salary for the members of the highway committee and for
4the chairperson of the board. In addition to the salary, the supervisors shall receive
5mileage as provided in par. (g) for each day's attendance at board meetings or for
6attendance at not to exceed 2 committee meetings in any one day.
7Section 9. 59.10 (3) (k) of the statutes is created to read:
8 59.10 (3) (k) Changing compensation. The board may not change the
9compensation of supervisors unless the board enacts an ordinance for that purpose
10at least 3 months before, but not more than 6 months before, the next closing date
11for filing nomination papers for the office of supervisor.
12Section 10. 59.10 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 59.10 (5) Counties having only one town. In all counties containing one town
14only, the board shall consist of the members of the town board and one supervisor
15from every village. A supervisor from a village shall be elected at the time the other
16village officers are elected. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum of
17the county board. Each Subject to sub. (3) (k), each supervisor shall receive
18compensation and mileage as provided in sub. (3) (f) and (g). The chairperson of the
19board elected under s. 59.12 (1) may be, but need not be, the same person who is
20elected chairperson of the town board under s. 60.21 (3) (a).
21Section 11. 59.17 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
22 59.17 (2) (b) 1. Appoint and supervise the heads of all departments except
23where the statutes provide that the appointment shall be made by a board or
24commission or by other elected officers. Notwithstanding any statutory provision
25that a board or commission or the county board or county board chairperson appoint

1a department head, except ss. 17.21 and 59.47 (3), the county executive shall appoint
2and supervise the department head. Except for a statutory provision which specifies
3that a board or commission or the county board shall supervise the administration
4of a department, the county executive shall administer, supervise, and direct all
5county departments, including any person who negotiates on behalf of the county,
6and the county board, other board, or commission shall perform any advisory or
7policy-making function authorized by statute. Any appointment by the county
8executive under this subdivision requires the confirmation of the county board
9unless the county board, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation. Any appointee
10who is confirmed by the board for a particular position does not need to be
11reconfirmed for that position for as long as he or she continues in uninterrupted
12service in that position. Any appointee who is appointed as an interim department
13head does not need county board confirmation. Any department head appointee of
14a county executive who has been confirmed by a county board, or whose confirmation
15has been waived by the board, on or before the effective date of this subdivision ....
16[LRB inserts date], does not need to be reconfirmed, or confirmed, by the board as
17long as the appointee continues in uninterrupted service in that position. In this
18subdivision, uninterrupted service includes a gap in service for an allowable leave
19of absence, such as medical leave.
An appointee of the county executive may assume
20his or her duties immediately, pending board action which shall take place within 60
21days after the county executive submits the appointment to the board for
22confirmation. Any department head appointed by a county executive under this
23subsection may be removed at the pleasure of the county executive. The county
24executive shall comply with hiring policies set by the board when making
25appointments under this paragraph.

1Section 12. 59.17 (2) (b) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 59.17 (2) (b) 3. (intro.) Exercise the authority under s. 59.52 (6) that would
3otherwise be exercised by a county board, except that the county board may continue
exercise the authority under s. 59.52 (6) only with regard to the sale, acquisition,
5or lease as landlord or tenant of
land that is zoned as a park on or after July 14, 2015,
6other than land zoned as a park in the city of Milwaukee that is located within the
7area west of Lincoln Memorial Drive, south of E. Michigan Street, east of N. Van
8Buren Street, and north of E. Clybourn Avenue. With regard to the sale, acquisition,
9or lease as landlord or tenant of real property, other than certain park land as
10described in this subdivision, the county executive's action need not be consistent
11with established county board policy and may take effect without submission to or
12approval by the county board. The proceeds of the sale of real property as authorized
13under this subdivision shall first be applied to any debt attached to the property.
14Before the county executive's sale of county land may take effect, a majority of the
15following must sign a document, a copy of which will be attached to the bill of sale
16and a copy of which will be retained by the county, certifying that they believe the
17sale is in the best interests of the county:
18Section 13. 59.17 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
19 59.17 (2) (b) 4. Sign all contracts, conveyances, and evidences of indebtedness
20on behalf of the county, to the extent that no other county officer or employee is
21specifically required to sign such contracts, conveyances, and evidences of
22indebtedness, and countersign all other contracts, conveyances, and evidences of
23indebtedness. No contract with the county is valid unless it is signed or
24countersigned by the county executive and, as provided in ss. 59.255 (2) (e) and 59.42
25(2) (b) 5., by the comptroller and corporation counsel, except that the requirement for

1signatures by the comptroller and corporation counsel applies only to contracts the
2value of which exceeds $250,000
3Section 14. 59.17 (2) (b) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
4 59.17 (2) (b) 6. Hire and supervise the number of employees that the county
5executive reasonably believes are necessary for him or her to carry out the duties of
6the county executive's office, subject to board approval of the county executive
7department budget. For purposes of this subdivision, the board may neither reduce
8nor eliminate the staff authorized by the county executive for operating the office of
9the county executive, nor reduce or eliminate the appropriations for the staff and
10operations of the office of the county executive.
11Section 15. 59.17 (2) (b) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
12 59.17 (2) (b) 8. Exercise the authority under s. 59.52 (3), (4), (11), (12), (14), and
13(23) for matters regarding property that would otherwise be exercised by the board.
14Section 16. 59.17 (2) (bm) of the statutes is repealed.
15Section 17. 59.17 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 59.17 (2) (c) Appoint the members of all boards and commissions where
17appointments are required and where the statutes provide that the appointments
18are made by the county board or by the chairperson of the county board. All Subject
19to par. (b) 1., all
appointments to boards and commissions by the county executive
20are subject to confirmation by the county board.
21Section 18. 59.17 (2) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
22 59.17 (2) (d) In any county with a population of at least 750,000, exercise sole
23authority over the following administrative actions, which may take effect without
24any review or approval of the board:

11. Procurement, including an appeals process, requests for proposals or
2information, negotiation, approval, amendment, execution, administration, and
4 2. Contracting, including negotiation, requests for proposals or information,
5approval, amendment, execution, administration, and payment.
6 3. Administrative review of appeals under ch. 68, administrative review of any
7protest of a solicitation or award of a contract, the denial in whole or in part of a
8contract award, any appeal by an aggrieved party from an administrative
9determination by any county official regarding an initial permit, license, right,
10privilege, or authority, except an alcohol beverage license, for which a person applies
11through the county.
12 4. Creation of an administrative manual of operating procedures and taking
13actions under such a manual related to the authority and powers granted to a county
14executive under the statutes. If an action taken by the county board conflicts with
15an action taken by a county executive under this subdivision, the county executive's
16action shall prevail over the county board's action to the extent that the county
17executive's action and the county board's action conflict.
18Section 19. 59.17 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
19 59.17 (2) (e) 1. Notwithstanding s. 63.11 or any authority granted by law to the
20county board, in a county with a population of at least 750,000, exercise sole
21authority to determine all of the following for any county employee who is not an
22elected official:
23 a. Compensation, including compensation plan design, and fringe benefits,
24including retirement benefits.
25 b. Creation and elimination of positions.

1c. Human resources matters, including hiring, training, job descriptions,
2classifications, pay ranges, pay range assignments, and number and type of
3full-time equivalent positions within each department.
4 2. With regard to county employment, notwithstanding any authority granted
5by law to the county board, in a county with a population of at least 750,000, exercise
6sole authority to conduct employment bargaining or negotiation or participate in
7arbitration. The county board may not enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution to
8limit the authority of the county executive under this paragraph.
9Section 20. 59.17 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 59.17 (4) Compensation of county executive, deputy, and staff assistants.
11The Subject to s. 59.22, the board shall fix the compensation of the county executive,
12the county executive's administrative secretary and the county executive's staff
13assistants, provided that the salary of the county executive shall be established at
14least 90 days prior to any election held to fill the office.
15Section 21. 59.22 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
16 59.22 (1) (a) 1. The board shall, before the earliest time for filing nomination
17papers for any elective office to be voted on in the county, other than supervisors and
18circuit judges, which officer is paid in whole or part from the county treasury,
19establish the total annual compensation for services to be paid to the officer exclusive
20of reimbursements for expenses out-of-pocket provided for in sub. (3). If the county
21executive, county administrator, or administrative coordinator elects under subd. 3.
22a. that compensation is to be established by a county elective officer compensation
23commission, the board shall establish at least 3 months before the next closing date
24for filing nomination papers for any elective office to be voted on in the county other
25than supervisors and circuit judges that the compensation to be paid to each county

1elective officer other than supervisors and circuit judges is identical to the
2recommendation under subd. 3. d. of the county elective officer compensation
Except as provided in subd. 2., the annual compensation may shall be
4established by resolution or ordinance, on a basis of straight salary, fees, or part
5salary and part fees, and if the compensation established is a salary, or part salary
6and part fees, it shall be in lieu of all fees, including per diem and other forms of
7compensation for services rendered, except those specifically reserved to the officer
8in the resolution or ordinance. The compensation established shall not be increased
9nor diminished during the officer's term and shall remain for ensuing terms unless
10changed by the board. Court fees shall not be used for compensation for county
12Section 22. 59.22 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
13 59.22 (1) (a) 2. The board shall establish the annual compensation of the sheriff
14as straight salary by enacting an ordinance. No portion of that salary may include
15or be based on retention of fees by the sheriff. No portion of that salary may be based
16on providing food to prisoners under s. 302.37 (1). This subdivision does not prohibit
17the reimbursement of a sheriff for actual and necessary expenses.
18Section 23. 59.22 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
19 59.22 (1) (a) 3. a. The county executive, county administrator, or
20administrative coordinator may, within 3 months of taking office, elect that a county
21elective officer compensation commission should make recommendations to the
22board concerning the compensation for each county elective officer other than
23supervisor and circuit judge who is paid in whole or part from the county treasury.
24 b. If the county executive, county administrator, or administrative coordinator
25elects under subd. 3. a. that a county elective officer compensation commission

1should make recommendations to the board, within 60 days of that decision the
2county executive, county administrator, or administrative coordinator shall appoint
32 members to the commission, and within 60 days of that decision the board shall
4appoint 2 members to the commission. The director of a county department having
5duties related to human resources and personnel shall also be a member of the
6commission. Notwithstanding s. 59.10 (4), a person who holds elective office in the
7federal government, state government, or the governing body of a political
8subdivision may not be a member of the commission during the person's term of
9office. The board shall provide the resources and information to the commission that
10is necessary for the commission to make its recommendations under subd. 3. d.
11 c. If the county has a county executive, the commission under subd. 3. b. shall
12terminate at the end of the county executive's term. If the county has a county
13administrator, the commission under subd. 3. b. shall terminate 4 years after the
14board appoints the county administrator. If the county has an administrative
15coordinator, the commission under subd. 3. b. shall terminate 4 years after the board
16designates the administrative coordinator.
17 d. At least 4 months before the next closing date for filing nomination papers
18for an elective office to be voted on in the county other than supervisors and circuit
19judges, the commission under subd. 3. b. shall by a vote of 4 members of the
20commission make a recommendation to the board concerning the compensation for
21each county elective officer other than supervisor and circuit judge who is paid in
22whole or part from the county treasury. Any 4 members of the commission under
23subd. 3. b. shall constitute a quorum.
24Section 24. 59.22 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

159.22 (2) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, and except for
2elective offices included under sub. (1), supervisors and circuit judges, and subject
3to s. ss. 59.602 (8) and 59.794 (3), the board of any county that does not have a county
has the powers set forth in this subsection, sub. (3) , and s. 59.03 (1) as to
5any office, department, board, commission, committee, position or employee in
6county service created under any statute, the salary or compensation for which is
7paid in whole or in part by the county, and the jurisdiction and duties of which lie
8within the county or any portion thereof and the powers conferred by this section
9shall be in addition to all other grants of power and shall be limited only by express
10language. In any county with a population of at least 750,000, the county executive
11has the powers set forth in this subsection, sub. (3), and s. 59.03 (1), as described in
12this subsection.
13Section 25. 59.22 (2) (c) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 59.22 (2) (c) 1. (intro.) Except as provided in subd. 2. and par. (d), the board of
15any county that does not have a population of at least 750,000 may, and in any county
16with a population of at least 750,000, the county executive
may , do any of the
18Section 26. 59.22 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
19 59.22 (2) (c) 2. No action of the board or of a county executive may be contrary
20to or in derogation of the rules of the department of children and families under s.
2149.78 (4) to (7) relating to employees administering old-age assistance, aid to
22families with dependent children, aid to the blind, or aid to totally and permanently
23disabled persons or ss. 63.01 to 63.17.
24Section 27. 59.22 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

159.22 (2) (d) The county executive in any county that has a population of at least
2750,000, or the county
board of any county that does not have a population of at least
or any board, commission, committee or agency to which the board or
4statutes has delegated the authority to manage and control any institution or
5department of the county government may contract for the services of employees,
6setting up the hours, wages, duties and terms of employment for periods not to exceed
72 years.
8Section 28. 59.22 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 59.22 (2) (e) The county executive in any county that has a population of at least
10750,000, or the
board of any county that does not have a population of at least
may provide and appropriate money for an employee awards program to
12encourage and to reward unusual and meritorious suggestions and
13accomplishments by county employees.
14Section 29. 59.22 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 59.22 (3) Reimbursement for expense. The county executive in any county that
16has a population of at least 750,000, or the
board of any county that does not have
17a population of at least 750,000,
may provide for reimbursement to any elective
18officer, deputy officer, appointive officer or employee for any out-of-pocket expense
19incurred in the discharge of that person's duty in addition to that person's salary or
20compensation, including without limitation because of enumeration, traveling
21expenses, tuition costs incurred in attending courses of instruction clearly related to
22that person's employment, and the county executive or the board, consistent with the
23powers granted under this subsection,
may establish standard allowances for
24mileage, room and meals, the purposes for which allowances may be made, and
25determine the reasonableness and necessity for such reimbursements, and also

1establish in advance a fair rate of compensation to be paid to the sheriff for the board
2and care of prisoners in the county jail at county expense. Any reimbursement paid
3under this subsection to an officer or employee of a county with a population of
4750,000 or more is subject to the budget limitation described in s. 59.60 (7e).
5Section 30. 59.22 (3a) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 59.22 (3a) Commission on aging. The county executive in any county that has
7a population of at least 750,000, or the
board of any county that does not have a
8population of at least 750,000,
may provide for the payment of expenses and a per
9diem to persons appointed to a county commission on aging under s. 59.53 (11).
10Section 31. 59.255 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 59.255 (2) (a) The comptroller is the chief financial officer of the county, and
12the administrator of the county's financial affairs. The comptroller shall administer
13the county's accounts payable, payroll, and accounting. The comptroller shall
14develop rules and procedures to administer these functions to allow for the efficient
15processing of payments for contracts authorized under s. 59.17 (2) (d) 2.
16comptroller shall oversee all of the county's debt.
17Section 32. 59.255 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: