SB683,7,2525 11. One member appointed by the speaker of the assembly.
112. One member appointed by the assembly minority leader.
SB683,8,32 (b) The governor shall appoint the members under par. (a) 1. to 5. All members
3serve for staggered 3-year terms, as determined by the secretary of revenue.
SB683,4 4Section 4. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
5the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB683,5 6Section 5. 20.566 (9) (q) of the statutes is created to read:
SB683,8,107 20.566 (9) Medical marijuana regulatory commission. (q) General program
8operations and enforcement
. From the medical marijuana fund, the amounts in the
9schedule for general program operations, administration, and enforcement of ss.
1073.17 and 73.18 and subch. IV. of ch. 139.
SB683,6 11Section 6. 20.923 (4) (e) 13. of the statutes is created to read:
SB683,8,1312 20.923 (4) (e) 13. Revenue, department of: medical marijuana regulatory
13commission: members and chairperson.
SB683,7 14Section 7. 20.923 (6) (hb) of the statutes is created to read:
SB683,8,1615 20.923 (6) (hb) Revenue, department of: medical marijuana regulatory
16commission: all positions other than the members and chairperson.
SB683,8 17Section 8 . 25.56 of the statutes is created to read:
SB683,9,2 1825.56 Medical marijuana fund. There is established a separate nonlapsible
19trust fund, designated as the medical marijuana fund, consisting of all revenue from

1the fees, taxes, interest, and penalties under ss. 73.17 and 73.18 and subch. IV of ch.
SB683,9 3Section 9. Chapter 73 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB683,9,84 CHAPTER 73
6 medical marijuana regulatory
7 commission,
SB683,10 9Section 10 . 73.17 of the statutes is created to read:
SB683,9,10 1073.17 Medical marijuana; licensees. (1) Definitions. In this section:
SB683,9,1111 (a) “Child care center” has the meaning given in s. 49.136 (1) (ad).
SB683,9,1212 (b) “Commission” means the medical marijuana regulatory commission.
SB683,9,1713 (c) “Dispensary” means a person who obtains packaged and labelled medical
14marijuana from a licensed processor and dispenses that marijuana at a permanent
15location to patients or caregivers holding a valid registry identification card issued
16under s. 73.18 (3), regardless of whether the dispensing is done in exchange for
17monetary consideration.
SB683,9,2118 (d) “Laboratory” means a person who obtains medical marijuana from a
19licensed processor and tests that medical marijuana for tetrahydrocannabinol
20content and the presence of molds, pesticides, heavy metals, and other
SB683,9,2322 (e) “Licensee” means a producer, processor, dispensary, transporter, or
23laboratory that holds a valid license under this section.
SB683,9,2424 (f) “Marijuana" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (14).
SB683,9,2525 (g) “Medical marijuana" has the meaning given in s. 73.18 (1) (e).
1(h) “Processor" means a person who obtains marijuana from a licensed
2producer, processes the marijuana into medical marijuana, packages and labels the
3medical marijuana, and transfers or sells the packaged and labelled medical
4marijuana to a licensed dispensary.
SB683,10,65 (i) “Producer” means a person who plants, grows, cultivates, and harvests
6marijuana and transfers or sells the marijuana to a licensed processor.
SB683,10,77 (j) “School” has the meaning given in s. 118.257 (1) (d).
SB683,10,98 (k) “Transporter” means a person who transports marijuana or medical
9marijuana to other licensees.
SB683,10,18 10(2) Annual license required. No person may operate in this state as a
11producer, processor, dispensary, transporter, or laboratory without a license issued
12by the commission under this section. A person who engages in more than one of
13these activities shall obtain a separate license for each activity. A person who
14operates more than one dispensary location shall obtain a separate license for each
15location. A person who is an employee of a licensee is not required to obtain a
16separate license. A license issued under this section expires after one year. A person
17is not required to obtain a license under this section if the person handles only
18industrial hemp and holds a valid license under s. 94.55.
SB683,10,21 19(3) License criteria. The commission may issue a license to a producer,
20processor, dispensary, transporter, or laboratory if the commission determines that
21all of the following requirements are met:
SB683,11,522 (a) Notwithstanding ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, the applicant, or each
23principal officer or board member of the applicant, has never been convicted of a
24criminal violation of the federal Controlled Substances Act under 21 USC 801 to 971,
25the Uniform Controlled Substances Act under ch. 961, or any controlled substances

1law of another state. The commission shall determine whether this requirement is
2met on the basis of a criminal history search obtained from the records maintained
3by the department of justice for each of these persons. The department of justice
4shall provide information to the commission necessary to determine whether this
5requirement is met.
SB683,11,76 (b) The applicant, or each principal officer or board member of the applicant,
7is at least 21 years of age.
SB683,11,128 (c) For the 24 months following the first date on which the commission receives
9applications under this section, the applicant, or at least one principal officer or
10board member of the applicant, has resided in this state, in accordance with the
11qualifications set forth in s. 6.10, for at least one year before submitting an
12application to the commission under this subsection.
SB683,11,1513 (d) 1. If the applicant is a producer or processor, the applicant, or each principal
14officer or board member of the applicant, does not have any financial interest in a
15licensed laboratory or an applicant for a laboratory license.
SB683,11,1916 2. If the applicant is a laboratory, the applicant, or each principal officer or
17board member of the applicant, does not have any financial interest in a licensed
18producer, processor, or dispensary or an applicant for a producer, processor, or
19dispensary license.
SB683,11,2220 3. If the applicant is a producer or a processor, the applicant, or each principal
21officer or board member of the applicant, does not have any financial interest in a
22licensed dispensary or an applicant for a dispensary license.
SB683,12,223 4. If the applicant is a dispensary, the applicant, or each principal officer or
24board member of the applicant, does not have any financial interest in a licensed

1producer, processor, or laboratory, or an applicant for a producer, processor, or
2laboratory license.
SB683,12,63 (e) The applicant, and each principal officer or board member of the applicant,
4has never had a license revoked and not reinstated under this section, or been a
5principal officer or board member of an entity that has had a license revoked and not
6reinstated under this section.
SB683,12,87 (f) The applicant's facility or the site of the applicant's facility is not prohibited
8by a local ordinance of the county or municipality where the facility would be located.
SB683,12,109 (g) The applicant's operation will not be located within 300 feet of the premises
10of a school or child care center.
SB683,12,1211 (h) The applicant will have sufficient security measures in place at its
12operating location.
SB683,12,1313 (i) The applicant will have sufficient record-keeping procedures in place.
SB683,12,1514 (j) If the applicant is a laboratory, the applicant will employ and retain at least
15one employee with an advanced degree in a medical or laboratory science.
SB683,12,1816 (k) The applicant provides proof of financial responsibility equal to no less than
17$1,000,000 for liability for bodily injury that may result from producing, processing,
18transporting, or dispensing medical marijuana.
SB683,12,1919 (L) The applicant has paid the fee specified under sub. (4).
SB683,12,2120 (m) The applicant meets any other conditions for obtaining a license as
21required by the department by rule.
SB683,13,2 22(4) Application and annual renewal fees. (a) The commission shall set, by
23rule, the amount of application, registration, and renewal fees for applying for and
24receiving a license under this section, subject to the limitations under par. (b). The

1amount of the fees under this subsection shall be sufficient to cover the commission's
2costs of administering and enforcing this section.
SB683,13,63 (b) 1. For a license under sub. (7) (d) 1. a, the application fee shall be no less than
4$1,000, but no more than $5,000; the registration fee shall be no less than $50,000,
5but no more than $100,000; and the renewal fee shall be no less than $50,000, but
6no more than $150,000.
SB683,13,107 2. For a license under sub. (7) (d) 1. b., the application fee shall be no less than
8$10,000, but no more than $15,000; the registration fee shall be no less than
9$100,000, but no more than $150,000; and the renewal fee shall be no less than
10$100,000, but no more than $200,000.
SB683,13,1411 3. For a license under sub. (7) (d) 1. c., the application fee shall be no less than
12$20,000, but no more than $25,000; the registration fee shall be no less than
13$150,000, but no more than $200,000; and the renewal fee shall be no less than
14$150,000, but no more than $250,000.
SB683,13,1815 4. For a license under sub. (8), the application fee shall be no less than $1,000,
16but no more than $25,000; the registration fee shall be no less than $50,000, but no
17more than $200,000; and the renewal fee shall be no less than $50,000, but no more
18than $250,000.
SB683,13,2219 5. For a license under sub. (9), the application fee shall be no less than $2,500,
20but no more than $7,500; the registration fee shall be no less than $6,000, but no more
21than $9,000; and the renewal fee shall be no less than $5,000, but no more than
SB683,13,24 23(5) Employees. A licensee may not employ a person unless all of the following
24requirements are met:
SB683,13,2525 (a) The person is at least 21 years of age.
1(b) Notwithstanding ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, the person has never
2been convicted of a criminal violation of the federal Controlled Substances Act under
321 USC 801 to 971, the Uniform Controlled Substances Act under ch. 961, or any
4controlled substances law of another state, based on a criminal history search
5obtained from the records maintained by the department of justice. The department
6of justice shall provide information to the commission necessary to determine
7whether this requirement is met.
SB683,14,108 (c) If the person is employed at a dispensary, the person has completed the
9training required for dispensary employees, which the commission shall establish by
SB683,14,17 11(6) Location. Except as provided by rules promulgated under this section, no
12licensee may operate within 300 feet of the premises of a school or child care center.
13If a licensee's operation relocates to within 300 feet of the premises of a school or child
14care center, the commission shall immediately revoke the licensee's license. The
15commission shall establish, by rule, whether a licensee may remain in operation or
16must relocate if the premises of a school or child care center locates within 300 feet
17of the licensee's operation.
SB683,14,22 18(7) Producers. (a) A licensed producer may plant, grow, cultivate, and harvest
19marijuana; transfer or sell the marijuana to a licensed processor; and engage in any
20related activities that are necessary for the operation, such as possessing and storing
21the marijuana. A licensed producer may transport marijuana from the producer's
22facility only if the producer has a valid transporters license under sub. (11).
SB683,14,2423 (b) A licensed producer may not plant, grow, cultivate, or harvest marijuana
24for personal, family, or household use.
SB683,14,2525 (c) A licensed producer may operate only within an enclosed, locked facility.
1(d) 1. The commission may issue the following license to producers:
SB683,15,32 a. A Class A license, which allows the producer to annually plant, grow,
3cultivate, or harvest no more than 200 marijuana plants.
SB683,15,54 b. A Class B license, which allows the producer to annually plant, grow,
5cultivate, or harvest no more than 500 marijuana plants.
SB683,15,76 c. A Class C license, which allows the producer to annually plant, grow,
7cultivate, or harvest an unlimited number of marijuana plants.
SB683,15,98 2. The commission may issue no more than 50 Class A licenses, 20 Class B
9licenses, and 5 Class C licenses.
SB683,15,1310 (e) As part of the application process, the commission shall require an applicant
11to provide the global positioning system coordinates of the single, contiguous
12property identified on the license application on which the marijuana will be planted,
13grown, cultivated, and harvested.
SB683,15,20 14(8) Processors. (a) A licensed processor may obtain marijuana in this state
15from a licensed producer; process the marijuana into medical marijuana; transfer
16samples of the medical marijuana to a licensed laboratory by using a licensed
17transporter; package and label the medical marijuana; transfer or sell the medical
18marijuana to a licensed dispensary; and engage in any related activities that are
19necessary for the operation, such as possessing and storing the marijuana or medical
SB683,15,2221 (b) Before transferring medical marijuana to a licensed dispensary, a licensed
22processor shall do all of the following:
SB683,16,323 1. Provide samples of each type of medical marijuana that it processes to a
24licensed laboratory and receive certified test results of those samples showing the
25tetrahydrocannabinol content of the medical marijuana and showing that the

1medical marijuana does not contain unsafe levels of any molds, pesticides, heavy
2metals, or any other contaminant for which the commission requires, by rule, the
3medical marijuana to be tested.
SB683,16,54 2. Package the medical marijuana in child-resistant packaging. The
5commission may establish, by rule, additional packaging requirements.
SB683,16,106 3. Attach a label to the packaging that identifies the weight, in ounces, of
7marijuana contained in the package; the tetrahydrocannabinol content of the
8medical marijuana; and any other information required to be included by the
9commission by rule. The commission shall promulgate rules specifying marijuana
10weight equivalencies for different types of medical marijuana.
SB683,16,1111 (c) A licensed processor may operate only within an enclosed, locked facility.
SB683,16,16 12(9) Dispensaries. (a) A licensed dispensary may obtain packaged, labelled
13medical marijuana from a licensed processor; dispense the medical marijuana
14according to the provisions of this section; and engage in any related activities that
15are necessary for the operation, such as possessing and storing the medical
SB683,16,2017 (b) A licensed dispensary may dispense medical marijuana only to a person who
18presents a valid registry identification card issued under s. 73.18 (3) and a valid
19written hard copy or electronic recommendation under s. 73.18 (2), and only in
20accordance with the recommendation presented.
SB683,16,2221 (c) Before dispensing medical marijuana, a licensed dispensary shall do all of
22the following:
SB683,16,2323 1. Verify that the registry identification card presented is valid and unexpired.
SB683,16,2524 2. Verify that the person receiving the medical marijuana is the person
25identified on the registry identification card.
13. Attach a label to the packaging that identifies the name and address of the
2dispensary; the date on which the medical marijuana is dispensed; the name of the
3practitioner who recommended the use of medical marijuana; the name of the
4patient; the name of the caregiver if the medical marijuana is dispensed to a
5caregiver; and any other information required to be included by the commission by
SB683,17,117 (d) No more than 10 licensed dispensaries may operate in a county with a
8population exceeding 500,000; no more than 5 licensed dispensaries may operate in
9a county with a population that is less than 500,000, but at least 100,000; and no
10more than 3 licensed dispensaries my operate in a county with a population less than
SB683,17,16 12(10) Laboratories. (a) A licensed laboratory may obtain samples of medical
13marijuana from a licensed processor; test and certify the tetrahydrocannabinol
14content of the medical marijuana and whether the medical marijuana contains any
15contaminants; and engage in any related activities that are necessary for the
16operation, such as possessing and storing the medical marijuana.
SB683,17,1917 (b) If any part of a sample remains after testing and certifying the
18tetrahydrocannabinol content of the sample, the licensed laboratory shall destroy
19the sample or return the sample to the licensed processor.
SB683,17,2020 (c) A licensed laboratory may operate only within an enclosed, locked facility.
SB683,18,3 21(11) Transporters. Marijuana or medical marijuana may be transported on
22public roads only by a licensed transporter and only to other licensees. A transporter
23shall designate a crew of at least 2 individuals to transport any shipment of
24marijuana or medical marijuana and at least one individual shall remain with the
25transportation vehicle at all times. A transporter shall keep accurate and complete

1records, as prescribed by the commission, including route plans and manifests, and
2shall provide such records to the commission at the time and in the manner
3prescribed by the commission and to law enforcement upon request.
SB683,18,9 4(12) Statewide tracking system. (a) The commission shall establish and
5maintain a statewide tracking system to ensure compliance with this section and s.
673.18 and subch. IV of ch. 139, to track marijuana and medical marijuana from
7cultivation to consumption by qualifying patients, as defined in s. 73.18 (1) (j), to
8enable product recalls, and to ensure efficient revenue collection. The commission
9shall use the tracking system to do all of the following:
SB683,18,1110 1. Track inventory throughout the product life of marijuana and medical
11marijuana, including the monitoring of seed-to-sale transfers.
SB683,18,1412 2. Verify that a registry identification card issued under s. 73.18 (3) is current
13and valid and has not been suspended, revoked, or denied, and record other
14information concerning such cards.
SB683,18,1715 3. Record the date, time, quantity, and price of each sale or transfer of
16marijuana or medical marijuana to a qualified patient, as defined in s. 73.18 (1) (j),
17or primary caregiver, as defined in s. 73.18 (1) (h).
SB683,18,1918 4. Ensure that a specific sale or transaction does not exceed permissible
19quantity limits.
SB683,18,2020 5. Receive and integrate 3rd-party inventory control and tracking systems.
SB683,18,2321 6. Record any other information, as determined by the commission, that is
22applicable to licensees, qualifying patients, as defined in s. 73.18 (1) (j), and primary
23caregivers, as defined in s. 73.18 (1) (h).