The Department is proposing to modify the methods by which it calculates the maximum fee that the Department will use to reimburse workers providing in-home personal care services. The Department's proposal involves an increase in funds available to providers of these services. The MA benefits offered under the in-home personal care services will remain the same.
The Department is changing its methods and standards in this manner because of the enactment of 1999 Wisconsin Act 187. The state's estimate of any expected increase or decrease in annual aggregate Medicaid expenditures shows an increase of $23,500,000 (Federal Financial Participation-FFP $13,900,000) in state fiscal year (SFY) 2000-01. The legislation initiating this action appropriates $9.6 million state general purpose revenue (GPR) in FY 2000-01.
Proposed Change
The proposed change is to increase the hourly medical assistance reimbursement rates to agencies for providing in-home personal care services by $3.25, effective July 1, 2000. The Legislature has appropriated $9.6 million GPR for that purpose in the FY 2000-01.
Copies of the Proposed Change
A copy of the proposed change may be obtained free of charge by calling or writing as follows:
Regular Mail:
Attention: State Plan Coordinator
Division of Health Care Financing
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
Mary Laughlin, Budget Unit
(608) 261-7833
(608) 266-1096
Attention: State Plan Coordinator
Copies of the proposed change are available for review at the main office of any county department of social services or human services.
Written Comments
Written comments are welcome. Written comments on the proposed changes may be sent by FAX, e-mail, or regular mail to the Division of Health Care Financing. The FAX number is (608) 266-1096. The e-mail address is Regular mail may be sent to the above address. All written comments will be reviewed and considered.
The written comments will be available for public review between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily in Room 350 of the State Office Building, 1 West Wilson Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Revisions may be made in the proposed changed methodology based on comments received.
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
Bureau of Integrated Document Services
Document Sales and Distribution Section
P.O. Box 7840
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7840 - See PDF for diagram PDF
First Class Mail - See PDF for diagram PDF
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