Administrative Code Sections Affected by Rule Revisions, Legislative Acts, and Corrections
The following administrative code provisions were revised by rule orders, modified or repealed by legislative act, or corrected by the Legislative Reference Bureau in December 2014 . Revised, modified, and corrected administrative code chapters are published in this Register. Repealed chapters of the administrative code are removed from the code on the first day of the first month following publication of this Register. For additional information, contact the Legislative Reference Bureau at (608) 266-3651.
Revisions by Rule Order
Ch. DOC 302
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 303
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Appendix (Repealed eff. 1-1-15)
Ch. DOC 304
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 306
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 308
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 309
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 310
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 311
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 313
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 324
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. DOC 327
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Safety and Professional Services
Ch. SPS 80
Renumbered into SPS 85 eff. 1-1-15
Ch. SPS 81
Renumbered into SPS 85 eff. 1-1-15
Ch. SPS 82
Renumbered into SPS 85 eff. 1-1-15
Ch. SPS 83
Renumbered into SPS 85 eff. 1-1-15
Ch. SPS 84
Renumbered into SPS 85 eff. 1-1-15
Ch. SPS 85
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. SPS 86
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Ch. SPS 87
Reprinted to remove pre 1-1-15 text
Repeals and Modifications of Rules by Legislative Act
Repeals and modifications by legislative act under authority of s. 227.265, Stats.
Editorial Corrections
Corrections by the Legislative Reference Bureau under the authority of s. 13.92 (4) (b) or 35.17 (2), Stats.
Ch. DOC 302
DOC 302.03 (1t) (Note), (15g) (Note), (15r) (Note)
DOC 302.23 (5) (Note)
DOC 302.24 (6) (Note)
DOC 302.33 (2) (f), (i) (Note)
DOC 302.34 (1) (Note)
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.