121.02(1)(h)(h) Provide adequate instructional materials, texts and library services which reflect the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.
121.02(1)(i)(i) Provide safe and healthful facilities. The facilities shall comply with ss. 254.11 to 254.178 and any rule promulgated under those sections.
121.02(1)(j)(j) Ensure that instruction in elementary and high schools in health, physical education, art and music is provided by qualified teachers.
121.02(1)(k)1.1. Maintain a written, sequential curriculum plan in at least 3 of the following subject areas: reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, health, computer literacy, environmental education, vocational education, physical education, art and music. The plan shall specify objectives, course content and resources and shall include a program evaluation method.
121.02(1)(k)2.2. Maintain a written, sequential curriculum plan in at least 3 additional subject areas specified in subd. 1.
121.02(1)(k)3.3. Maintain a written, sequential curriculum plan in all of the remaining subject areas specified in subd. 1.
121.02(1)(L)1.1. In the elementary grades, provide regular instruction in reading, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health, physical education, art and music.
121.02(1)(L)2.2. In grades 5 to 8, provide regular instruction in language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health, physical education, art and music. The school board shall also provide pupils with an introduction to career exploration and planning.
121.02(1)(L)3.3. In grades 9 to 12, provide access to an educational program that enables pupils each year to study English, social studies, mathematics, science, vocational education, foreign language, physical education, art and music. In this subdivision, “access” means an opportunity to study through school district course offerings, independent study, cooperative educational service agencies, or cooperative arrangements between school boards or between school boards and postsecondary educational institutions.
121.02(1)(L)4.4. Beginning September 1, 1991, as part of the social studies curriculum, include instruction in the history, culture and tribal sovereignty of the federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands located in this state at least twice in the elementary grades and at least once in the high school grades.
121.02(1)(L)5.5. Provide regular instruction in foreign language in grades 7 and 8 beginning in the 1996-97 school year.
121.02(1)(L)6.6. In one of grades 5 to 8 and in one of grades 10 to 12, provide pupils with the instruction on shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies described in s. 253.15 (5).
121.02(1)(L)7.7. Adopt academic standards for financial literacy and incorporate instruction in financial literacy into the curriculum in grades kindergarten to 12.
121.02(1)(L)8.a.a. In this subdivision, “Holocaust” means the systematic state-sponsored killing of 6 million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945.
121.02(1)(L)8.b.b. By July 1, 2022, as a part of the social studies curriculum, include instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides at least once in grades 5 to 8 and at least once in grades 9 to 12.
121.02(1)(m)(m) Provide access to an education for employment program approved by the state superintendent. Beginning in the 1997-98 school year, the program shall incorporate applied curricula; guidance and counseling services under par. (e); technical preparation under s. 118.34; college preparation; youth apprenticeship under s. 106.13 or other job training and work experience; and instruction in skills relating to employment. The state superintendent shall assist school boards in complying with this paragraph.
121.02 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. PI 26, Wis. adm. code.
121.02(1)(n)(n) Develop a plan for children at risk under s. 118.153.
121.02(1)(o)(o) Annually comply with the requirements of s. 115.38 (2). The school board may include additional information in the report under s. 115.38 (2).
121.02(1)(p)(p) Comply with high school graduation standards under s. 118.33 (1).
121.02(1)(q)(q) Evaluate, in writing, the performance of all certified school personnel at the end of their first year and at least every 3rd year thereafter.
121.02(1)(r)(r) Except as provided in s. 118.40 (2r) (d) 2., annually administer a standardized reading test developed by the department to all pupils enrolled in the school district in grade 3, including pupils enrolled in charter schools located in the school district, except that if a charter school is established under s. 118.40 (3) (c) 1. c., the school board specified in s. 118.40 (3) (c) 1. c. shall administer the test to pupils enrolled in the charter school regardless of the location of the charter school.
121.02(1)(s)(s) Administer the examinations as required under s. 118.30.
121.02(1)(t)(t) Provide access to an appropriate program for pupils identified as gifted or talented.
121.02(1m)(1m)A school district may provide for scoring the test administered under sub. (1) (r) or have it scored by the department. If the school district provides for scoring the test, the department shall reimburse the school district for the cost of scoring the test, not exceeding what the department’s cost would be to score the test. Costs of scoring the tests and reimbursing school districts for scoring the tests shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (a).
121.02(2)(2)In order to ensure compliance with the standards under sub. (1), the department shall conduct an inquiry into compliance with the standards upon receipt of a complaint and may, on its own initiative, conduct an audit of a school district.
121.02(3)(3)Prior to any finding that a school district is not in compliance with the standards under sub. (1), the state superintendent shall, upon request of the school board or upon receipt of a petition signed by the maximum number of electors allowed for nomination papers of school district officers under s. 8.10 (3) (i), (km) or (ks), conduct a public hearing in the school district. If the state superintendent, after the hearing, finds that the district is not in compliance with the standards, the state superintendent may develop with the school board a plan which describes methods of achieving compliance. The plan shall specify the time within which compliance shall be achieved. The state superintendent shall withhold up to 25 percent of state aid from any school district that fails to achieve compliance within the specified period.
121.02(4)(4)Any school district which is completely surrounded by water may meet the requirements of this section by being in substantial compliance with the standards in sub. (1). Annually by August 15, the school district shall submit to the state superintendent for approval a report describing the methods by which the school district intends to substantially comply with the standards. The state superintendent shall allow any such school district maximum flexibility in the school district’s substantial compliance plans.
121.02(5)(5)The state superintendent shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section, including rules defining “regular instruction” for the purpose of sub. (1) (L) 1. and 2.
121.02 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. PI 8, Wis. adm. code.
121.05121.05Budget and membership report.
121.05(1)(1)The school district clerk shall include, as part of the annual school district report under s. 120.18, all of the following:
121.05(1)(a)(a) The average of the number of pupils enrolled on the 3rd Friday of September and the 2nd Friday of January of the previous school year, including all of the following:
121.05(1)(a)1.1. Pupils enrolled concurrently in the school district and in a special education program operated by a county children with disabilities education board and in facilities of the school district. This subdivision does not apply beginning on the effective date of a resolution adopted under s. 115.817 (9) (c).
121.05(1)(a)2.2. Pupils enrolled in home instruction or any other school district special education program.
121.05(1)(a)3.3. Pupils for whom tuition is paid under s. 121.78.
121.05(1)(a)5.5. Pupils attending a technical college under s. 118.15 (1) (b) and pupils attending an institution of higher education under s. 118.55.
121.05(1)(a)6.6. Pupils enrolled in a special education program operated by a county children with disabilities education board under contract with the school board. This subdivision applies beginning on the effective date of a resolution adopted under s. 115.817 (9) (c).
121.05(1)(a)7.7. Pupils enrolled in a nonsectarian private school or program or tribal school under s. 118.15 (1) (d) 4.
121.05(1)(a)8.8. Pupils enrolled in the school operated by the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or the school operated by the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired under subch. III of ch. 115 for whom the school district is paying tuition under s. 115.53 (2) determined by multiplying the total number of periods in each day in which the pupils are enrolled in the local public school by the total number of days for which the pupils are enrolled in the local public school and dividing the product by 1,080.
121.05(1)(a)9.9. Pupils enrolled in a charter school, other than a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x).
121.05(1)(a)10.10. Pupils attending a private school or agency under contract with the board under s. 119.235.
121.05(1)(a)11.11. Pupils residing in the school district but attending a public school in another school district under s. 118.50, 118.51, 121.84 (4), or 121.85 (3) (a).
121.05(1)(a)12.12. Pupils attending public school under s. 118.145 (4).
121.05(1)(a)12m.12m. Pupils attending a public school under s. 118.53.
121.05(1)(a)13.13. Pupils attending the Challenge Academy program under s. 321.03 (1) (c).
121.05(1)(b)(b) The number of teachers employed in the school district on the 3rd Friday of September of the previous school year.
121.05(1)(c)(c) The estimated budget for the current school year which shall be based upon the uniform accounting system prescribed by the department.
121.05(1)(d)(d) The number of pupils for whom contracts with private education services are entered into under s. 120.13 (26).
121.05(2)(2)Notwithstanding sub. (1), the school district clerk of the school district operating under ch. 119 shall include, as part of the annual report under s. 119.44 (2), the number of pupils enrolled on the 3rd Friday of September, the 2nd Friday of January, or the first Friday of May, whichever is highest, including the pupils specified in sub. (1) (a), and the information described in sub. (1) (b) to (d).
121.05(3)(3)If a school district is unable to hold school on any of the dates specified in sub. (1) (a) or (2), the state superintendent shall designate alternative membership counting dates.
121.05(3m)(3m)If pupils enrolled in a school will not be in attendance at the school on any of the dates specified in sub. (1) (a) or (2) because of a regularly scheduled holiday or for a reason approved by the school board, the state superintendent shall permit the membership counting date to occur on the 3rd weekday that follows the next school day on which school is in session.
121.05(4)(4)The school board of a school district in which a foster or group home that is not exempt under s. 70.11 is located may submit a report to the state superintendent. If the school board submits a report, it shall submit it by June 30. The report shall indicate, on a full-time equivalent basis, the number of pupils residing in such foster or group homes who were provided educational services by the school district during the current school year but were not included in the September, January, or May membership count under sub. (1) (a) or (2). The state superintendent shall adjust the school district’s membership based on the report. The state superintendent shall make proportional adjustments to the memberships of the school districts in which the pupil was previously enrolled during that school year. The state superintendent shall obtain from such school districts the information necessary to make such adjustments. The state superintendent shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this subsection.
121.05 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. PI 14.01, Wis. adm. code.
121.06121.06Determination and certification of equalized valuation.
121.06(1)(1)Annually on or before October 1, the full value of the taxable property in each part of each city, village and town in each school district shall be determined by the department of revenue according to its best judgment from all sources of information available to it and shall be certified by the department of revenue to the state superintendent.
121.06(2)(2)The state superintendent shall certify to each school district clerk the appropriate full values certified to the state superintendent under sub. (1).
121.06(3)(3)For purposes of computing state aid under s. 121.08 equalized valuations calculated under sub. (1) and certified under sub. (2) shall exclude property taxed under s. 70.114, 1981 stats., s. 70.116, 1981 stats., s. 70.117, 1981 stats., or s. 70.175, 1981 stats.
121.06(4)(4)For purposes of computing state aid under s. 121.08, equalized valuations calculated under sub. (1) and certified under sub. (2) shall include the full value of property that is exempt under s. 70.11 (39) and (39m) as determined under s. 79.095 (3) for 2016.
121.07121.07General provisions; state aid computation. In this subchapter:
121.07(1)(1)Basis for statistics.
121.07(1)(a)(a) The membership of the school district in the previous school year and the shared cost for the previous school year shall be used in computing general aid. If a school district has a state trust fund loan as a result of s. 24.61 (3) (c) 2., 2009 stats., the school district’s debt service costs shall be based upon current school year costs for the term of the loan and for one additional school year.
121.07(1)(b)(b) If the school district valuation is increased or decreased due to an alteration in school district boundaries before the 3rd Friday in September, the estimated shared cost for the current school year and the estimated mill levy rate shall be based on the school district equalized valuation of the territory comprising the altered school district.
121.07(1)(c)(c) If an order of school district reorganization under ch. 117 is not effective due to litigation until after the 3rd Friday in September but takes effect before April 1 of the current school year, state aid for any affected school district for the first year of operation shall be computed after the order takes effect using calculations by the state superintendent of the number of pupils enrolled and teacher-pupil ratio for the territory in the affected school district, which shall be made as if the school district had been in existence on the 3rd Friday in September.
121.07(2)(2)Membership. For the purposes of ss. 121.08, 121.09, 121.095, 121.105, and 121.137, a school district’s membership is the sum of all of the following:
121.07(2)(a)(a) The school district’s membership, as defined in s. 121.004 (5), in the previous school year.
121.07(2)(b)(b) The number of pupils residing in the school district in the previous school year who were incoming choice pupils, as defined in s. 118.60 (4d) (a), and for whom a payment was made under s. 118.60 (4) (bg) in the previous school year.
121.07(2)(c)(c) The number of pupils residing in the school district in the previous school year for whom a payment was made under s. 115.7915 (4m) (a) or (e) in the previous school year.
121.07(2)(d)(d) The number of pupils residing in the school district in the previous school year for whom a payment was made under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) to an operator of a charter school established under contract with an entity under s. 118.40 (2r) (b) 1. e. to h. in the previous school year.
121.07(2)(f)(f) The number of pupils residing in the school district in the previous school year for whom a payment was made under s. 118.40 (2x) (e) in the previous school year.
121.07(6)(6)Shared cost.
121.07(6)(a)(a) “Shared cost” is the sum of the net cost of the general fund and the net cost of the debt service fund, except that “shared cost” excludes any costs, including attorney fees, incurred by a school district as a result of its participation in a lawsuit commenced against the state, beginning with such costs incurred in the fiscal year in which the lawsuit is commenced, excludes any expenditures from a capital improvement trust fund created under s. 120.137, excludes any debt service costs associated with an environmental remediation project under s. 67.05 (7) (er), and excludes the costs of transporting those transfer pupils for whom the school district operating under ch. 119 does not receive intradistrict transfer aid under s. 121.85 (6) as a result of s. 121.85 (6) (am). In this paragraph:
121.07(6)(a)1m.1m. “Net cost of the debt service fund” includes all of the following amounts:
121.07(6)(a)1m.a.a. If a school board makes an expenditure from a capital expansion fund created under s. 120.10 (10m), an amount determined by dividing the expenditure by the number of years in which the school district levied a tax for the capital project. This subd. 1m. a. applies for the number of years equal to the number of years in which the school district levied a tax for the capital project.
121.07(6)(a)1m.b.b. The annual cost of leasing a school or other school district facility if the lease provides for construction of the school or facility and the lease either provides that ownership of the school or facility transfers to the school district at the termination of the lease or provides an option for such a transfer.
121.07(6)(a)2m.2m. “Net cost of the general fund” includes money deposited in a long-term capital improvement trust fund created under s. 120.137.
121.07(6)(am)(am) In par. (a), for the purpose of calculating state aid paid to a school district in the 2006-07 and 2007-08 school years, “shared cost” excludes any amount expended in the previous school year from the school district’s fund balance to pay the school district’s unfunded pension liability under the Wisconsin Retirement System or to pay debt service for debt issued to refinance the balance of the unfunded pension liability if the result of excluding such expenditures is an increase in state aid paid to the school district under s. 121.08.
121.07(6)(b)(b) The “primary ceiling cost per member” is $1,000.
121.07(6)(c)(c) The “primary shared cost” is that portion of a district’s shared cost which is less than or equal to the primary ceiling cost per member multiplied by its membership.
121.07(6)(d)(d) The “secondary ceiling cost per member” in the 2001-02 school year and in each school year thereafter is an amount determined by dividing the state total shared cost in the previous school year by the state total membership in the previous school year and multiplying the result by 0.90.
121.07(6)(dg)(dg) The “secondary shared cost” is that portion of a school district’s shared cost which is greater than the primary ceiling cost per member multiplied by its membership and less than or equal to the secondary ceiling cost per member multiplied by its membership.
121.07(6)(dr)(dr) The “tertiary shared cost” is that portion of a school district’s shared cost which is greater than the secondary ceiling cost per member multiplied by its membership.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)