13.48913.489Transportation projects commission.
13.489(1c)(1c)Definitions. In this section:
13.489(1c)(a)(a) “Environmental assessment” means an analysis of a proposed action to determine whether the proposed action constitutes a major action significantly affecting the human environment under s. 1.11 (2) (c).
13.489(1c)(b)(b) “Environmental impact statement” means a detailed statement required under s. 1.11 (2) (c).
13.489(1c)(c)(c) “Major highway project” has the meaning given in s. 84.013 (1) (a).
13.489(1g)(1g)Creation. There is created a transportation projects commission consisting of the governor, 3 citizen members appointed by the governor to serve at his or her pleasure, and 5 senators and 5 representatives to the assembly appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses. Of the members from each house, 3 shall be chosen from the majority party and 2 shall be chosen from the minority party. The secretary of transportation shall serve as a nonvoting member. The governor shall serve as chairperson. Citizen members of the commission shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred as members of the commission from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (4) (aq).
13.489(1m)(1m)Approval of commission required for study of potential major highway projects.
13.489(1m)(b)(b) Not later than October 15 of each odd-numbered year, the department of transportation shall provide to the commission a list of potential major highway projects that the department has initially determined may be recommended under par. (c) for approval to prepare an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment and a list of potential major highway projects that could be studied for possible recommendation under sub. (4). The commission may conduct public hearings on potential major highway projects identified by the department of transportation or by the commission.
13.489(1m)(c)(c) Not later than March 15 of each even-numbered year, the department of transportation shall report to the commission those potential major highway projects that the department recommends be approved by the commission for preparation of an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment.
13.489(1m)(d)(d) Not later than April 15 of each even-numbered year, the commission shall notify the department of those potential major highway projects that the commission approves for preparation of an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment or shall notify the department that it does not approve any potential major highway projects for preparation of an environmental impact statement or environmental assessment.
13.489(1m)(e)(e) The department of transportation may not prepare an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment for a potential major highway project unless the commission notifies the department under par. (d) that the project is approved.
13.489(1m)(f)(f) This subsection does not apply to major highway projects described in s. 84.013 (1) (a) 2m.
13.489(2)(2)Department to report proposed projects. Subject to s. 85.05, the department of transportation shall report to the commission not later than September 15 of each even-numbered year and at such other times as required under s. 84.013 (6) concerning its recommendations for adjustments in the major highway projects program under s. 84.013.
13.489(3)(3)Assistance to commission.
13.489(3)(a)(a) The department of transportation shall assist the commission in the performance of its duties.
13.489(3)(b)1.1. The department of transportation shall, when requested by the commission, make or cause to be made any studies and cost estimates with respect to any proposed project that are necessary to permit the commission to consider the project.
13.489(3)(b)2.2. When the department provides a full project cost estimate under this paragraph, the estimate shall include all costs associated with the project, including all costs before enumeration, design engineering and construction engineering costs, the costs of environmental studies, and costs of the project that are paid by another program of the department. A full project cost estimate under this paragraph shall include the expected date of completion and an estimate of the effects of construction cost inflation and unexpected costs on the cost of the project.
13.489(3)(b)3.3. The costs of studies under this paragraph shall be charged to the appropriate program appropriation under s. 20.395.
13.489(4)(4)Review of projects.
13.489(4)(a)1.1. All reports submitted as provided by sub. (2) shall be reviewed by the commission. The commission shall report its recommendations concerning major highway projects to the governor or governor-elect, the legislature and the joint committee on finance no later than December 15 of each even-numbered year or within 30 days following submission of a report under s. 84.013 (6). The commission may recommend approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval of any project, except that the commission may not recommend the approval, with or without modifications, of any project unless any of the following applies:
13.489(4)(a)1.a.a. The commission determines that, within 6 years after the first July 1 after the date on which the commission recommends approval of the project, construction will be commenced on all projects enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) and on the project recommended for approval and the commission has been notified that a final environmental impact statement or environmental assessment for the project has been approved by the federal highway administration.
13.489(4)(a)1.b.b. The report recommending approval of the project is accompanied by a financing proposal that, if implemented, would provide funding in an amount sufficient to ensure that construction will commence on all projects enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) and on the project within 6 years after the first July 1 after the date on which the commission recommends approval of the project and the commission has been notified that a final environmental impact statement or environmental assessment for the project has been approved by the federal highway administration.
13.489(4)(a)2.2. In determining the commencement date for projects under subd. 1. a. and b., the commission shall assume that the appropriation amounts under s. 20.395 (3) (bq) to (bx) for the current fiscal year will be adjusted annually to reflect adjustments to the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor.
13.489(4)(b)(b) The commission may include in the report in par. (a) its designation of highway improvement projects under s. 84.013 (6m) as major highway projects.
13.489(4)(c)(c) No project may be enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) or approved under s. 84.013 (6) unless the commission recommends approval, with or without modifications, of the project under par. (a) or, with respect to a project under s. 84.013 (6m), designates the project under par. (b).
13.489(4)(d)(d) This subsection does not apply to major highway projects described in s. 84.013 (1) (a) 2m.
13.489(4m)(4m)Review of high-cost major highway projects.
13.489(4m)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (4), for any major highway project described in s. 84.013 (1) (a) 2m., the department of transportation shall submit a report to the commission, prior to construction of the project, which report may request the commission’s approval to proceed with the project. The department may submit this request at any time following completion by the department of a draft environmental impact statement or environmental assessment for the project.
13.489(4m)(b)(b) After receiving a request under par. (a) for approval to proceed with a major highway project described in s. 84.013, the commission shall meet to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the request. The department may implement the request only as approved by the commission, including approval after modification by the commission.
13.489(4m)(c)(c) The department of transportation may not proceed with construction of a major highway project described in s. 84.013 (1) (a) 2m. unless the project is approved by the commission as provided in par. (b).
13.489(4m)(d)(d) The procedures specified in this subsection shall apply to all major highway projects described in s. 84.013 (1) (a) 2m. in lieu of the procedures described in sub. (4).
13.489(5)(5)Department to report project status and costs.
13.489(5)(a)(a) By February 1, 2005, and every 6 months thereafter, the department of transportation shall submit to the commission and, under s. 13.172 (2) to the joint committee on finance, the joint legislative audit committee, and the standing committees of the legislature with jurisdiction over transportation matters a report that does all of the following:
13.489(5)(a)1.1. Summarizes the current status of each project submitted by the department that is under consideration by the commission under this section, including any project approved by the commission under sub. (1m) (d), and of each project enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) or 84.0145 (3) (b) or approved under s. 84.013 (6).
13.489(5)(a)2.2. For each project specified under subd. 1., provides all of the following information:
13.489(5)(a)2.a.a. All actual and estimated project costs, itemized by major cost categories, as of the date of preparation of the report. To the extent feasible, the department shall separately track and report the costs of environmental assessments, compliance, and mitigation.
13.489(5)(a)2.b.b. The full project cost estimate, as established under sub. (3) (b) 2., of the project as of the date of approval or, if the project is enumerated, enumeration.
13.489(5)(a)2.c.c. The year in which the department expects to complete the project as of the date of approval or, if the project is enumerated, enumeration.
13.489(5)(a)2.d.d. The full project cost estimate, as established under sub. (3) (b) 2., of the project as of the date of preparation of the report.
13.489(5)(a)2.e.e. The year in which the department expects to complete the project as of the date of preparation of the report.
13.489(5)(a)2.f.f. An explanation of any difference between the full project cost estimates under subd. 2. b. and d. that has not been addressed in a previous report under this paragraph.
13.489(5)(a)2.g.g. The opinion of the department as to whether the project will be completed as originally scheduled without the allocation of additional funds.
13.489(5)(am)(am) The report under par. (a) shall treat separately and as described in the enumerating statute each project enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) or 84.0145 (3) (b) and shall treat separately each project approved under s. 84.013 (6).
13.489(5)(b)(b) All project information included in any report required under par. (a) shall be reported on both a cumulative basis from the inception of the project and on an updated basis for the period since the department’s last report under this subsection.
13.489(5)(c)(c) With the report submitted under par. (a), by February 1 of each year, the department of transportation shall include a current project schedule for all projects enumerated under s. 84.013 (3) or approved under s. 84.013 (6), showing the annual funding required until completion for each project.
13.489(6)(6)Department to make information available. Notwithstanding s. 19.35, the department of transportation shall make all of the following information available to the public, including making the information available at no charge on the department’s Internet site, within the following time periods:
13.489(6)(a)(a) Any report prepared by the department for the commission under sub. (5) shall be available within 5 business days of the report’s completion and transmittal to the commission.
13.489(6)(b)(b) Any materials or documents prepared by the department, except the department’s recommendations, for use at a meeting of the commission shall be available at least 2 business days prior to the meeting.
13.489(6)(c)(c) Any other information directed by the commission to be made available by the department under this subsection shall be available within the time specified by the commission.
13.5013.50Joint survey committee on retirement systems.
13.50(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint survey committee on retirement systems composed of 10 members, as follows:
13.50(1)(a)(a) Two majority party senators, one minority party senator, 2 majority party representatives to the assembly and one minority party representative to the assembly, appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses.
13.50(1)(b)(b) An assistant attorney general to be appointed by the attorney general.
13.50(1)(c)(c) A member of the public who is not a participant in any public retirement system in this state, to be selected by the governor. It is the intent of the legislature that the member appointed under this paragraph shall represent the interests of the taxpayers of this state and shall not be representative of public employee or employer interests.
13.50(1)(d)(d) The commissioner of insurance or an experienced actuary in the commissioner’s office designated by the commissioner.
13.50(1)(e)(e) The secretary of employee trust funds or his or her designee.
13.50(1m)(1m)Officers. The officers of this committee shall be a senate cochairperson and vice cochairperson, and an assembly cochairperson and vice cochairperson selected as are the officers of standing committees in their respective houses, and a secretary elected by the committee from among its nonlegislator members.
13.50(2)(2)Terms of committee. Each appointment under sub. (1) (a), (b) and (c) shall be for a period of 4 years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. Any member shall cease to be a member of the committee upon losing the status upon which the appointment was based.
13.50(3)(3)Membership compatible with other public office. Membership on the committee shall not be incompatible with any other public office.
13.50(4)(4)Staff. The legislative council staff shall provide staff to assist the committee in the performance of its functions. The committee may contract for actuarial assistance outside the classified service.
13.50(5)(5)Committee action. All actions of the committee shall require the approval of a majority of all the members.
13.50(6)(6)Powers and duties. The committee shall have the following powers and duties:
13.50(6)(a)(a) No bill or amendment thereto creating or modifying any system for, or making any provision for, the retirement of or payment of pensions to public officers or employees, shall be acted upon by the legislature until it has been referred to the joint survey committee on retirement systems and such committee has submitted a written report on the bill or amendment. Such report shall pertain to the probable costs involved, the effect on the actuarial soundness of the retirement system and the desirability of such proposal as a matter of public policy.
13.50(6)(am)(am) The cochairpersons of the joint survey committee on retirement systems or the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance, with respect to any bill or amendment specified in par. (a), or the presiding officer of either house of the legislature, with respect to any bill or amendment specified in par. (a) that is pending in his or her house, may make a determination, based on any available information, that the bill or amendment may have a significant fiscal impact on the costs, actuarial balance or goals of the Wisconsin Retirement System and order the attachment of an independent actuarial opinion on such impact. The cochairpersons or presiding officer ordering such an opinion shall direct the staff under sub. (4) to obtain the opinion. The staff shall make payment for the opinion from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (3) (ec).
13.50(6)(b)(b) No bill or amendment thereto creating or modifying any system for the retirement of public employees shall be considered by either house until the written report required by par. (a) and the actuarial opinion ordered under par. (am), if any, have been submitted to the chief clerk. Each such bill or amendment shall then be referred to a standing committee of the house in which introduced. The report of the joint survey committee and actuarial opinion, if any, shall be printed as an appendix to the bill and attached thereto as are amendments.
13.50 AnnotationA bill would probably result in a valid law even if the procedures specified in sub. (6) were disregarded by the legislature. When an act is passed by both houses, in accordance with constitutional requirements, the courts will not inquire into whether statutory legislative procedures were followed. 63 Atty. Gen. 305.
13.5213.52Joint survey committee on tax exemptions.
13.52(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint survey committee on tax exemptions composed of 9 members, as follows:
13.52(1)(a)(a) Two majority party senators, one minority party senator, 2 majority party representatives to the assembly and one minority party representative to the assembly, selected as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses;
13.52(1)(b)(b) A representative of the department of justice selected by the attorney general;
13.52(1)(c)(c) The secretary of revenue or the secretary’s designated representative; and
13.52(1)(d)(d) A public member, selected by the governor by January 15 of each odd-numbered year, who is familiar with the tax problems of subordinate levels of government throughout the state.
13.52(1m)(1m)Officers. The officers of this committee shall be a senate chairperson and vice chairperson, an assembly chairperson and vice chairperson and a secretary. The senate chairperson and vice chairperson shall be selected as are chairpersons and vice chairpersons of senate committees. The assembly chairperson and vice chairperson shall be appointed by the speaker. The secretary shall be elected by the committee from among its nonlegislator members.
13.52(2)(2)Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled as are original appointments.
13.52(3)(3)Term. The terms of all members shall expire on January 15 of the odd-numbered years, and each member shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. Any member shall cease to be a member upon losing the status upon which the appointment is based.
13.52(4)(4)Committee action. All actions of the committee shall require the approval of a majority of all the members.
13.52(5)(5)Powers and duties. It is the purpose of this committee to provide the legislature with a considered opinion of the legality of the proposal, of the fiscal effect upon the state and its subdivisions and of the desirability as a matter of public policy of each legislative proposal which would modify existing laws or create new laws relating to the exemption of property or persons from any state or local taxes or special assessments. To this end the committee shall:
13.52(5)(a)(a) Make such investigations as are required to carry out the duties assigned to it.
13.52(5)(b)(b) Hold such hearings as are required to elicit information required to make its reports. Any member is empowered to administer oaths and examine witnesses. By subpoena, issued over the signature of the cochairpersons and served in the manner in which circuit court subpoenas are served, it may summon and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records necessary or convenient to be examined or used by them in carrying out their functions. Any subpoenaed witness who fails to appear, refuses to answer inquiries, or fails or refuses to produce records within his or her control when demanded shall be reported by the committee to the circuit court of Dane County, whose duty it is to compel obedience to any such subpoena by attachment proceedings for contempt as in case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from said court or a refusal to testify therein.
13.52(6)(6)Report. Upon the introduction in either house of the legislature of any proposal which affects any existing statute or creates any new statute relating to the exemption of any property or person from any state or local taxes or special assessments, such proposal shall at once be referred to the joint survey committee on tax exemptions by the presiding officer instead of to a standing committee, and such proposal shall not be considered further by either house until the joint survey committee on tax exemptions has submitted a report, in writing, setting forth an opinion on the legality of the proposal, the fiscal effect upon the state and its subdivisions and its desirability as a matter of public policy and such report has been printed as an appendix to the bill and attached thereto as are amendments. Such printing shall be in lieu of inclusion in the daily journal of the house in which the bill was introduced.
13.52(7)(7)Staff. The committee may employ such personnel as are required for the performance of its duties. Any intermittent employment of professional, technical or research personnel may be made outside the classified service.
13.52513.525Joint review committee on criminal penalties.
13.525(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint review committee on criminal penalties composed of the following members:
13.525(1)(a)(a) One majority party member and one minority party member from each house of the legislature, appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)