16.40(1)(1)Prepare budget. Discharge all duties in connection with the compilation of the biennial state budget report imposed by ss. 16.42 to 16.46.
16.40(2)(2)Attend finance committee. Attend all public hearings of the joint committee on finance and such executive meetings as the committee may desire, answer questions and give information called for by the committee relative to the financial operations of the state and its several agencies.
16.40(3)(3)Prepare annual financial statement. Prepare at the end of each fiscal year not later than October 15, a condensed, and popular account of the finances of the state, showing the sources of the state’s revenue and the purposes of its expenditures, including a comparison with the prior year; prepare at the end of each fiscal year not later than October 15, a statement of the condition of the general fund showing the cash balance, the accounts receivable, the accounts payable and the continuing unexpended and unencumbered appropriation balances; and prepare not earlier than January 1 nor later than February 1 in each year a tentative statement of the estimated receipts and disbursements of the general fund for the biennium in progress, showing also the estimated condition of the general fund at the end of the current biennium. A copy of each of such statements shall be filed in the legislative reference bureau and shall be sent to each member of the legislature.
16.40(4)(4)Furnish information. Furnish such other information regarding the finances of the state and the financial operations of agencies as may be called for by the governor, the governor-elect, the legislature or either house thereof, or any member thereof.
16.40(5)(5)Bookkeeping forms. Prescribe the forms of accounts and other financial records to be used by all agencies. Such accounts shall be as nearly uniform as is practical, and as simple as is consistent with an accurate and detailed record of all receipts and disbursements and of all other transactions affecting the acquisition, custodianship and disposition of value. The secretary may call upon the state auditor for advice and suggestions in prescribing such forms.
16.40(6)(6)Take testimony. In the discharge of any duty imposed by law, administer oaths and take testimony and cause the deposition of witnesses to be taken in the manner prescribed for taking depositions in civil actions in circuit courts.
16.40(7)(7)Collect revenue information. Collect from any available source and correlate information concerning any and all anticipated state revenues, including program revenues and segregated revenues from program receipts.
16.40(8)(8)Collect information on disbursements. Collect and correlate information from all agencies concerning any agency disbursements and the proper time thereof.
16.40(9)(9)Forecast revenues and expenditures. Forecast all revenues and expenditures of the state.
16.40(10)(10)Determine minimum cash balances. Determine the minimum cash balances needed in public depositories in which operating accounts are maintained at all times to meet the operating requirements of all agencies.
16.40(11)(11)Advise investment board director on surplus moneys. Advise the executive director of the investment board daily concerning surplus moneys available for investment from each of the various state funds.
16.40(12)(12)Advise investment board director on cash needs. Advise the executive director of the investment board concerning the date when invested funds will be required in the form of cash. Said director shall furnish such reports of investments as may be required by the department of administration.
16.40(13)(13)Cooperate in improvements of state fund management. Cooperate with the executive director of the investment board, the state treasurer, the department of revenue and other revenue agencies for the purpose of effecting improvements in the management and investment of state funds.
16.40(14)(14)Committees. Perform administrative services required to properly account for the finances of committees created by law or executive order. The governor may authorize each committee to make expenditures from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (ka) not exceeding $2,000 per fiscal year. The governor shall report such authorized expenditures to the joint committee on finance at the next quarterly meeting of the committee. If the governor desires to authorize expenditures of more than $2,000 per fiscal year by a committee, the governor shall submit to the joint committee on finance for its approval a complete budget for all expenditures made or to be made by the committee. The budget may cover a period encompassing more than one fiscal year or biennium during the governor’s term of office. If the joint committee on finance approves a budget authorizing expenditures of more than $2,000 per fiscal year by such a committee, the governor may authorize the expenditures to be made within the limits of the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (ka) in accordance with the approved budget during the period covered by the budget. If after the joint committee on finance approves a budget for such a committee the governor desires to authorize expenditures in excess of the authorized expenditures under the approved budget, the governor shall submit a modified budget for the committee to the joint committee on finance. If the joint committee on finance approves a modified budget, the governor may authorize additional expenditures to be made within the limits of the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (ka) in accordance with the modified budget during the period covered by the modified budget.
16.40(16)(16)Maintain an accounting for operating notes. Maintain an accounting of, forecast and administer those moneys pledged for the repayment of operating notes issued under subch. III of ch. 18, in accordance with agreements entered into by the secretary under s. 16.004 (9).
16.40(17)(17)Interstate bodies. Perform administrative services required to properly account for dues and related expenses for state participation in national or regional interstate governmental bodies specified in s. 20.505 (1) (ka) or determined by the governor.
16.40(18)(18)Require agencies to provide copies. Require each state agency, at the time that the agency submits a request to the department for an increased appropriation to be provided in an executive budget bill which is necessitated by the compensation plan under s. 230.12 or a collective bargaining agreement approved under s. 111.92, to provide a copy of the request to the administrator of the division of personnel management in the department and the joint committee on employment relations.
16.40(19)(19)State-owned rental housing. Require each agency as defined in s. 16.52 (7) which has a program revenue or segregated revenue appropriation for deposit of housing receipts to deposit all revenues received from rentals established under s. 16.004 (8) for state-owned housing in that appropriation account, or if the appropriation is for more than one purpose, in a separate subaccount within that appropriation, and to pay all expenses for maintenance of the housing from that account or subaccount.
16.40(20)(20)Public debt service costs projection. Prepare in each odd-numbered year for inclusion in the report submitted by the building commission under s. 13.48 (7) a projection of the long-term trends in principal and interest costs on public debt contracted under subchs. I and IV of ch. 18 as a proportion of all tax revenues that are deposited or are expected to be deposited in the general fund. The projection shall take account of the recommendations adopted by the building commission for the long-range building program under s. 13.48 (7) for the succeeding fiscal biennium and all proposed general obligation bonding contained in the executive budget bill or bills, including bonding for the authorized state building program as well as for other borrowing purposes.
16.40(21)(21)Administrative services provided to the board of commissioners of public lands. Render an accounting to the board of commissioners of public lands for the costs of all administrative services provided by the department and other state agencies, as defined in s. 20.001 (1), to the board. All moneys received from the board under s. 24.64 for the costs of administrative services provided by the department and other state agencies shall be deposited in the general fund.
16.40(22)(22)Sale of forest products at Fort McCoy.
16.40(22)(a)(a) Annually distribute an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount appropriated under s. 20.505 (1) (ng) to the school districts located in whole or in part in Monroe County in proportion to the number of pupils in each such school district’s membership, as defined in s. 121.004 (5), in the previous school year who were residents of that county in the previous school year.
16.40(22)(b)(b) Annually distribute an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount appropriated under s. 20.505 (1) (ng) to Monroe County for the benefit of the public roads in Monroe County.
16.40(23)(23)University of Wisconsin-Green Bay programming. Provide funding from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (km) to finance programming at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay that is jointly developed by the Oneida Tribe and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.
16.40116.401Treasury management. The department shall:
16.401(1)(1)Have custody of moneys. Receive and have charge of all moneys paid into the treasury and any other moneys received by officers and employees of state agencies, and pay out the moneys as directed by law, except as provided in ss. 16.52 (7), 20.907 (5) (b), 20.920, and 20.929.
16.401(2)(2)Issue receipts. Issue receipts for all money paid to the department.
16.401(3)(3)Pay claims as presented. Pay all claims authorized to be paid out of the treasury in the order in which they are presented, giving a preference to no one.
16.401(4)(4)Pay on warrants sums authorized by law.
16.401(4)(a)(a) Pay out of the treasury, on demand, upon the warrants of the department, except as provided in s. 20.929, such sums only as are authorized by law to be so paid, if there are appropriate funds therein to pay the same, and, when any sum is required to be paid out of a particular fund, pay it out of such fund only; and upon each such warrant, when payment is made in currency, take the receipt endorsed on or annexed thereto, of the payee therein named or an authorized agent or assignee. The secretary shall accept telephone advice believed by him or her to be genuine from any public depository, as defined in s. 34.01 (5), stating that a specified amount of money has been deposited with such public depository for the credit of the state, and shall act upon such telephone advice as though it had been in writing.
16.401(4)(b)(b) When in the judgment of the secretary balances in state public depository accounts are temporarily in excess of that required under par. (a), the secretary may transfer the excess balance to the investment fund for the purpose of investment only. The earnings attributable to the investment of temporary excess balances shall be distributed as provided in sub. (14).
16.401(5)(5)Account for interest. Pay into the treasury and account for all sums directly or indirectly received by the secretary by virtue of the secretary’s office, or as interest or compensation for the use, deposit, or forbearance of any state moneys in the secretary’s hands or under the secretary’s control.
16.401(6)(6)Keep cash and fund accounts. Keep records showing the number, date, and amount of each cash receipt issued by the department and classify said receipts by state funds; submit a summary statement of collections by fund together with a copy of each remittance advice in support thereof; keep also records showing the check, share draft, or other draft number, date, payee, and amount of each cash disbursement and classify said disbursements by state funds; keep a record of the date, payee, and amount of each disbursement made by a money transfer technique other than a check or draft and classify the disbursement by state fund; and verify at the end of each week the amounts shown by the secretary’s records to represent total cash balance and cash balances of individual state funds by comparing said amounts with corresponding balances appearing on records maintained by the department.
16.401(7)(7)Report to governor monthly. Report to the governor monthly, or oftener if the governor so requires, on:
16.401(7)(a)(a) The total amount of funds in the treasury, specifying in what kind of currency they consist, the amount of each kind, and the amount belonging to each separate fund.
16.401(7)(b)(b) The amounts in each of the state depositories, together with the interest earned thereon.
16.401(7)(c)(c) Any defalcation or neglect of duty of any disbursing or collecting officer or agent of the state.
16.401(8)(8)Submit biennial report. As part of the report submitted under s. 15.04 (1) (d), include a statement showing for each of the 2 preceding fiscal years the cash balance in each state fund at the beginning of the fiscal year, the aggregate amount of receipts credited, and the aggregate amount of disbursements charged to each said fund during the fiscal year and the resultant cash balance in each state fund at the end of the fiscal year. This statement shall further show as of the end of each said 2 fiscal years, at par, the aggregate value of securities held for each state fund and the aggregate value of securities held in trust or deposited for safekeeping, and shall show the manner in which the total cash balance was accounted for by listing the balances on deposit in each state account in a public depository, deducting from the total of such balances the aggregate amount of checks, share drafts, or other drafts outstanding and adding thereto the aggregate amount of cash and cash items in office.
16.401(9)(9)Report certain payments. Whenever the secretary or any state department shall remit to any county, city, town, or village any sum in payment of a state aid or other item, the remitter shall transmit a statement of the amount and purpose thereof to the clerk of such municipality. After the receipt thereof, the clerk of such municipality shall present such statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and shall thereafter file and keep such statement for 6 years.
16.401(10)(10)Stamp checks and drafts. Cause to be plainly printed or stamped upon each check, share draft, and other draft issued by the secretary the period of time, as determined by the secretary but not to exceed one year, during which the check or other draft may be presented for payment. The secretary shall cancel on his or her records any check or other draft that is not presented for payment within the prescribed time period and shall credit the amount thereof to the fund upon which it is drawn.
16.401(11)(11)Provide services in connection with securities held in trust. Upon request therefor from any company, corporation, society, order, or association that has securities on deposit with the secretary, in trust, mail to its address not to exceed 60 days before the same become due, any or all interest coupons; return to it any or all bonds, notes, or other deposits as they become due and are replaced by other securities; cut all interest coupons, make any endorsement of interest or otherwise on any such securities; and collect therefor from the company, corporation, society, order, or association making the request, a 25-cent fee for a single coupon cut, or for each entry of interest endorsed on a note or return of a bond, note, or other security, and a 10-cent fee for each additional coupon cut, or entry of interest endorsed on a note, bond, or other security, and may withhold any and all coupons cut or refuse endorsement of interest on securities until such fee is paid. Such fees shall be paid into the state treasury as a part of the general fund, and an extra charge may be required for postage or registered mail.
16.401(12)(12)Hold safekeeping receipts for federal securities. Whenever any federal securities are purchased under authority of any law and the secretary is custodian thereof the secretary may accept and hold safekeeping receipts of a federal reserve bank for such securities. Each such receipt shall be identified on its face with the name of the fund to which the securities described in the receipt belong.
16.401(13)(13)Sale of investments. Whenever the department draws a check, share draft, or other draft dated the next following business day upon a fund whose investment and collection is under the exclusive control of the investment board pursuant to s. 25.17 (1), and the receipts of the state are insufficient to permit a disbursement from said fund in the amount of such check, share draft, or other draft, the investment board shall sell investments owned by such fund for delivery in time to provide sufficient money to cover such check, share draft, or other draft on the date that it bears.
16.401(14)(14)Apportion interest. Apportion at least quarterly the interest earned on state moneys in all depositories among the several funds as provided in s. 25.14 (3), except that earnings attributable to the investment of temporary excess balances under sub. (4) (b) shall be distributed according to a formula prescribed by the secretary or his or her designee. To the maximum extent deemed administratively feasible by the secretary or his or her designee, the formula shall approximate the distribution of earnings among funds which would occur if earnings were allocated in proportion to each fund’s actual contribution to the earnings. Interest so apportioned shall be added to and become a part of such funds.
16.401(15)(15)Report fees and surcharges. Report annually to the legislature the amount of money collected by municipal and circuit courts as costs, fees, fines, forfeitures, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814.
16.401 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 33 ss. 55 to 60, 62 to 68, 165, 166; 2003 a. 139 s. 2d; 2017 a. 59.
16.40516.405Requests for issuance of operating notes.
16.405(1)(1)At any time the department determines that a deficiency will occur in the funds of the state which will not permit the state to meet its operating obligations in a timely manner, it may prepare a request for the issuance of operating notes under subch. III of ch. 18 and, subject to subs. (2) and (3), may submit the request to the building commission.
16.405(2)(2)The department may not submit a request to the building commission under sub. (1) unless the request is signed by the secretary and the governor.
16.405(3)(3)If the department proposes to submit a request to the building commission under sub. (1), the secretary shall notify the joint committee on finance in writing of the proposed action. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed submission within 14 working days after the date of the secretary’s notification, the department may submit the request to the building commission as proposed. If, within 14 working days after the date of the secretary’s notification, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed submission, the department may submit the request to the building commission only upon approval of the committee.
16.405 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 3; 1985 a. 29; 1997 a. 27.
16.4116.41Agency and authority accounting; information; aid.
16.41(1)(1)All agencies shall keep their accounts and other financial records as prescribed by the secretary under s. 16.40 (5), except as otherwise specifically directed by law. All agencies and authorities shall furnish to the secretary all information relating to their financial transactions which the secretary requests pursuant to this subchapter for such periods as the secretary requests, and shall render such assistance in connection with the preparation of the state budget report and the budget bill and in auditing accounts, as the secretary or the governor may require.
16.41(2)(2)The secretary and his or her duly authorized employees shall have free access to all financial accounts of every agency and authority, and each agency and authority shall assist the secretary in preparing estimates of receipts and expenditures for inclusion in the state budget report.
16.41(3)(3)Upon request of the secretary all agencies and authorities shall furnish such information concerning anticipated revenues and expenditures as the secretary requires for effective control of state finances.
16.41(4)(4)In this section, “authority” means a body created under subch. II of ch. 114 or under ch. 231, 233, 234, 237, 238, or 279.
16.41216.412Agency payments. At the request of any agency, the secretary may authorize the processing of specified regular periodic payments through the use of money transfer techniques including, without limitation because of enumeration, direct deposit, electronic funds transfer, and automated clearinghouse procedures.
16.412 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 20; 2003 a. 33.
16.41316.413Disclosure of expenditures relating to state agency operations and state agency contracts and grants.
16.413(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
16.413(1)(a)(a) “Financial instrument” includes any check, draft, warrant, money order, note, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit or credit card, transaction authorization mechanism, marketable security, and any computer representation of them.
16.413(1)(b)(b) “Grant” means a payment made to a person, other than aids to individuals and organizations and local assistance and the payment of salaries and fringe benefits for state employees.
16.413(1)(c)(c) “Searchable Internet website” means a website that allows any person to search for both of the following:
16.413(1)(c)1.1. State aggregate expenditures for state operations by state agency, expenditure category, expenditure amount, and the person to whom the expenditure is made.
16.413(1)(c)2.2. Grants made by state agencies and contracts entered into by state agencies.
16.413(1)(d)(d) “State agency” has the meaning given in s. 20.001 (1).
16.413(1)(e)(e) “State operations” means all purposes except aids to individuals and organizations and local assistance.
16.413(2)(2)State agency expenditures for state operations.
16.413(2)(a)(a) The department shall ensure that all state agency expenditures for state operations exceeding $100, including salaries and fringe benefits paid to state agency employees, are available for inspection on a searchable Internet website maintained by the department. Copies of each financial instrument relating to these expenditures, other than payments relating to state employee salaries, shall be available for inspection on the searchable Internet website.
16.413(2)(b)(b) The department shall categorize the expenditure information under par. (a) by state agency, expenditure category, expenditure amount, and the person to whom the expenditure is made. If any of the expenditure information may be found on other websites, the department shall ensure that the information is accessible through the searchable Internet website under par. (a).
16.413(2)(c)(c) State agencies shall provide the department with all expenditure information required under par. (a). The department may specify the format in which state agencies provide the expenditure information.
16.413(3)(3)State agency contracts and grants.
16.413(3)(a)(a) The department shall ensure that all of the following information relating to each grant made by a state agency or contract entered into by a state agency is available for inspection on a searchable Internet website maintained by the department:
16.413(3)(a)1.1. A copy of the contract and grant award.
16.413(3)(a)2.2. The state agency making the grant or entering into the contract.
16.413(3)(a)3.3. The name and address of the person receiving the grant or entering into the contract.
16.413(3)(a)4.4. The purpose of the grant or contract.
16.413(3)(a)5.5. The amount of the grant or the amount the state agency must expend under the contract and the name of the state fund from which the grant is paid or moneys are expended under the contract.
16.413(3)(b)(b) State agencies shall provide the department with all of the information required under par. (a). The department may specify the format in which state agencies provide the information. The department shall make the information available on the searchable Internet website.
16.413 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 32; 2017 a. 365 s. 112.
16.41516.415Certification of payrolls.
16.415(1)(1)Neither the secretary nor any other fiscal officer of this state may draw, sign, or issue, or authorize the drawing, signing, or issuing of any warrant on any disbursing officer of the state to pay any compensation to any person in the classified service of the state unless an estimate, payroll, or account for such compensation, containing the names of every person to be paid, bears the certificate of the appointing authority that each person named in the estimate, payroll, or account has been appointed, employed, or subject to any other personnel transaction in accordance with, and that the pay for the person has been established in accordance with, the law, compensation plan, or applicable collective bargaining agreement, and applicable rules of the administrator of the division of personnel management in the department and the director of the bureau of merit recruitment and selection in the department then in effect.
16.415(2)(2)Any person entitled to be certified as described in sub. (1), as having been appointed or employed in pursuance of law and of the rules pursuant thereto, and refused such certificate, may maintain an action of mandamus to compel the appointing authority to issue such certificate.
16.415(3)(3)Any sums paid contrary to this section may be recovered from any appointing authority making such appointments in contravention of law or of the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, or from any appointing authority signing or countersigning or authorizing the signing or countersigning of any warrant for the payment of the same, or from the sureties on the official bond of any such appointing authority, in an action in the circuit court for any county within the state, maintained by the administrator of the division of personnel management in the department, or by a citizen resident therein, who is assessed for, and liable to pay, or within one year before the commencement of the action has paid, a state, city or county tax within this state. All moneys recovered in any action brought under this section when collected, shall be paid into the state treasury except that if a citizen taxpayer is plaintiff in any such action he or she shall be entitled to receive for personal use the taxable cost of such action and 5 percent of the amount recovered as attorney fees.
16.41716.417Dual employment or retention.
16.417(1)(1)In this section:
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)