17.17(1)(1)Senators and members of congress. In the office of United States senator or member of congress from this state, by the county clerk of the county wherein such officer resided at the time of election, to the elections commission.
17.17(3)(3)Vacancies by judgments. In any office occurring by virtue of a judgment of a court of this state convicting the incumbent of and sentencing the incumbent for treason, felony or other crime of whatsoever nature punishable by imprisonment in any jail or prison for one year or more, or convicting the incumbent of and sentencing the incumbent for any offense involving a violation of the incumbent’s official oath; or declaring the election or appointment of any officer to be void or that the office of any officer has been forfeited, or become vacant; or adjudging any officer to be insane, by the clerk of such court to the officer or body authorized to fill such vacancies, or if such vacancies are required to be filled only by election, then to the officer authorized to give notice thereof.
17.17(4)(4)Justices and judges. In the office of justice of the supreme court, court of appeals judge, or judge of a circuit court, by the director of state courts to the governor and the elections commission.
17.17(5)(5)Other vacancies. In city, village, town or school district offices, other than those of which notice is required by sub. (3), by the clerk or in the clerk’s absence by the treasurer thereof, and in state, county and other offices other than those of which notice is required by sub. (3), by the county clerk of the county wherein the officer resided at the time of election or appointment, or in the clerk’s absence by the sheriff, to the officer or body authorized to fill such vacancies, or if such vacancies are required to be filled only by election, then to the officer authorized to give notice thereof.
17.17 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 334 s. 57; 1977 c. 187, 449; Sup. Ct. Order, 88 Wis. 2d xiii (1979); 1991 a. 316; 2007 a. 1; 2015 a. 118.
17.1817.18Vacancies, U.S. senator and representative in congress; how filled. Vacancies in the office of U.S. senator or representative in congress from this state shall be filled by election, as provided in s. 8.50 (4) (b), for the residue of the unexpired term.
17.18 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 22; 1979 c. 260; 1983 a. 484; 1985 a. 304.
17.1917.19Vacancies, elective state offices; how filled. Vacancies in elective state offices shall be filled as follows:
17.19(1)(1)Members of legislature. In the office of state senator or representative to the assembly, by election, as provided in s. 8.50, for the residue of the unexpired term. In addition, an anticipated vacancy in the office of state senator or representative to the assembly may be filled as provided in s. 8.50 (4) (e).
17.19(2)(2)Judicial. In the office of justice of the supreme court, court of appeals judge or circuit judge, by temporary appointment by the governor, which shall continue until a successor is elected, as provided in s. 8.50 (4) (f), and qualifies. When so elected the successor shall hold the office for a full term and shall take office on August 1 succeeding the election.
17.19(3)(3)Presidential electors. In the office of presidential elector, by the remaining electors present in the manner prescribed by s. 7.75.
17.19(3m)(3m)Governor. In the office of governor, by the lieutenant governor.
17.19(3s)(3s)District attorney. In the office of district attorney, by appointment of the governor for the residue of the unexpired term and until a successor is elected and qualified.
17.19(4)(4)Other elective state officers. In the office of secretary of state, treasurer, attorney general or state superintendent, by appointment by the governor, and a person so appointed shall hold office until a successor is elected, as provided in s. 8.50, and qualifies, but if no such election is held, the person so appointed shall hold office for the residue of the unexpired term.
17.2017.20Vacancies in appointive state offices; how filled; terms.
17.20(1)(1)General. Vacancies in appointive state offices shall be filled by appointment by the appointing power and in the manner prescribed by law for making regular full term appointments thereto, and appointees to fill vacancies therein shall hold office for the residue of the unexpired term or, if no definite term of office is fixed by law, until their successors are appointed and qualify.
17.20(2)(2)Interim vacancies; terms.
17.20(2)(a)(a) Vacancies occurring in the office of any officer normally nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, may be filled by a provisional appointment by the governor for the residue of the unexpired term, if any, subject to confirmation by the senate. Any such appointment shall be in full force until acted upon by the senate, and when confirmed by the senate shall continue for the residue of the unexpired term, if any, or until a successor is chosen and qualifies. A provisional appointee may exercise all of the powers and duties of the office to which such person is appointed during the time in which the appointee qualifies. Any appointment made under this paragraph which is withdrawn or rejected by the senate shall lapse. When a provisional appointment lapses, a vacancy occurs. Whenever a new legislature is organized, any appointments then pending before the senate shall be referred by the president to the appropriate standing committee of the newly organized senate.
17.20(2)(b)(b) A vacancy occurring in the membership of the professional standards council for teachers may be filled by a provisional appointment by the state superintendent of public instruction for the residue of the unexpired term, if any, subject to confirmation by the senate. Any such appointment shall be in full force until acted upon by the senate, and when confirmed by the senate shall continue for the residue of the unexpired term, if any, or until a successor is chosen and qualifies. A provisional appointee may exercise all of the powers and duties of the office to which the person is appointed during the time in which the appointee qualifies. Any appointment made under this paragraph that is withdrawn or rejected by the senate shall lapse. When a provisional appointment lapses, a vacancy occurs. Whenever a new legislature is organized, any appointments then pending before the senate shall be referred by the president to the appropriate standing committee of the newly organized senate.
17.20 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 24; 1977 c. 29 s. 1649; 1977 c. 418; 1997 a. 298.
17.20 AnnotationUnder s. 17.03, the expiration of a member’s term on the Wisconsin Board of Natural Resources does not create a vacancy. The member lawfully retains the member’s position on the board as a holdover. Therefore, the governor cannot make a provisional appointment to replace the member under sub. (2) (a). Until the member’s successor is nominated by the governor and confirmed by the senate, the member may be removed by the governor only for cause under s. 17.07 (3). State ex rel. Kaul v. Prehn, 2022 WI 50, 402 Wis. 2d 539, 976 N.W.2d 821, 21-1673.
17.20 AnnotationProvisional appointees under sub. (2) need not be confirmed by the senate before they can begin to serve. 69 Atty. Gen. 136.
17.20 AnnotationThe senate may not fill a vacancy that will not occur during that senate session. 76 Atty. Gen. 272.
17.2117.21Vacancies in elective county offices; how filled; term. Vacancies in elective county offices shall be filled in the manner and for terms as follows:
17.21(1)(1)Sheriff, coroner, register of deeds. In the office of sheriff, coroner or register of deeds, by appointment by the governor for the residue of the unexpired term.
17.21(3)(3)County clerk, treasurer, and surveyor. In the office of county clerk, treasurer, or surveyor, by appointment by the county board for the residue of the unexpired term unless a special election is ordered by the county board, in which case the person appointed shall serve until his or her successor is elected and qualified. The county board may, if a vacancy occurs before June 1 in the year preceding expiration of the term of office, order a special election to fill the vacancy. If the county board orders a special election during the period beginning on June 1 and ending on November 30 of any year, the special election shall be held concurrently with the succeeding spring election. If the county board orders a special election during the period beginning on December 1 and ending on May 31 of the succeeding year, the special election shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November following the date of the order. A person so elected shall serve for the residue of the unexpired term.
17.21(4m)(4m)Clerk of court. In the office of clerk of circuit court, by appointment of the judge, or by a majority of the judges of the circuit court for the county, for the residue of the unexpired term of the clerk.
17.21(5)(5)Supervisors, populous counties. In the office of county supervisor of counties having a population of at least 750,000, according to the last U.S. census, by election for the residue of the unexpired term on the first Tuesday of April next after the vacancy happens, in case it happens no later than December 1 preceding the first Tuesday in April, but if the vacancy happens after December 1 preceding the first Tuesday in April, then such successor shall be elected on the first Tuesday of April of the next ensuing year; but no election to fill a vacancy in the office may be held at the time of holding the regular election for such office. In addition to the elections required under this subsection, the county executive may order a special election to be held under s. 8.50 to fill the vacancy. If an assembly district in the county is altered by legislative redistricting effective prior to the end of an existing supervisor term and a vacancy happens, the person elected to fill that vacancy for the residue of the unexpired term shall be an elector of the assembly district as it existed prior to redistricting.
17.21(6)(6)Appointments, how reported. For the information of all concerned appointments by the governor under sub. (1) shall be reported by the appointing officer to the county clerk. Appointments of the county board under sub. (3) shall be reported by the county clerk to the secretary of state. Appointments of clerks of court by a judge of the circuit court under sub. (4m) shall be reported to the county clerk and to the secretary of state.
17.21 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See s. 59.10 (3) (e) for method of filling vacancies on county boards.
17.2217.22Vacancies in appointive county offices; how filled.
17.22(1)(1)Vacancies in any appointive county office shall be filled by appointment for the residue of the unexpired term by the appointing power and in the manner prescribed by law for making regular full term appointments thereto; but any person elected or appointed to fill a permanent vacancy in the office of county highway commissioner shall serve for the term prescribed under s. 83.01 (2). All appointments, subject to confirmation by the county board, made while the board is not in session, shall be acted upon by said board at its meeting next following such appointment.
17.22(2)(2)Vacancies in the offices of officers appointed by the county board, occurring when the board is not in session, shall be filled in manner and for terms as follows:
17.22(2)(b)(b) In the office of the county highway commissioner, by appointment by the county highway committee. A person so appointed shall hold office until his or her successor is elected or appointed and qualified. The person’s successor, if the office is regularly filled by election, shall be elected by the county board at a meeting held no later than 120 days after the date on which the vacancy occurs. The person’s successor, if the office is regularly filled by appointment, shall be appointed as provided in s. 83.01 (1). The person’s successor shall take office upon his or her election or appointment and qualification and shall hold office for the term prescribed under s. 83.01 (2).
17.22(2)(d)(d) In the office of any other officer appointed by the county board, by temporary appointment by the chairperson of the county board. A person so appointed shall hold office until a successor is appointed and qualifies, and the successor shall be appointed by the county board for the residue of the unexpired term at its meeting next after such vacancy occurred.
17.22 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 192; 1991 a. 316; 2005 a. 401.
17.22 AnnotationDiscussing terms and vacancies in appointive county offices. 73 Atty. Gen. 99.
17.2317.23Vacancies in city offices; how filled.
17.23(1)(1)General and special charter cities.
17.23(1)(am)(am) Except as provided in sub. (1b) and s. 9.10, vacancies in offices of mayor or alderperson of cities operating under the general law or special charter may be filled by the common council, by majority vote, appointing a successor to serve for the residue of the unexpired term or until a special election is held, as ordered by the common council under s. 8.50, or an office may remain vacant until an election is held.
17.23(1)(bm)(bm) In the office of municipal judge, in the manner provided in s. 8.50 (4) (fm).
17.23(1)(c)(c) In the office of any other elective officer, and except as provided in s. 9.10, by appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by the common council, for the residue of the unexpired term unless a special election is ordered by the common council, except that in case of vacancies in the office of any such officer of a 1st class city who is authorized by law to have a deputy, such deputy shall perform the duties of such office, and shall be entitled to the emoluments of such office during the remainder of the term. A person so appointed and confirmed shall hold office until a successor is elected and qualifies. The successor shall be elected as provided in par. (a).
17.23 NoteNOTE: Section 17.23 (1) (a) was repealed by 2019 Wis. Act 164.
17.23(1b)(1b)First class cities. In 1st class cities, in the office of mayor, except as provided in s. 9.10, the vacancy shall be filled by the president of the common council as acting mayor until a special election can be held. In such case, the acting mayor may continue to serve as president of the common council, in addition to exercising the powers and responsibilities of the office of mayor, until such time as a new mayor is elected and qualified, but the acting mayor may not take part in any vote of the common council during that period. A vacancy in the office of alderperson shall be filled by special election, except as provided in s. 9.10. When a mayor is temporarily appointed, the common council shall order a special election for the office of mayor under s. 8.50 as promptly as possible, unless the vacancy occurs within 120 days of the expiration of the mayor’s term of office. When an aldermanic seat becomes vacant, a successor shall be elected for the residue of the unexpired term, but no election to fill a vacancy in such office may be held at the time of holding the regular election for that office. The president of the common council of any 1st class city shall order a special election to be held under s. 8.50 to fill a vacant aldermanic seat. If a special election is held under this subsection after a redistricting plan is adopted, the election shall be held in the aldermanic district as it existed when the office was filled at the last preceding election.
17.23(1m)(1m)Appointive offices. Vacancies in appointive offices in cities may be filled by appointment for the residue of the unexpired term by the appointing power and in the manner prescribed by law for making regular full term appointments thereto.
17.23(2)(2)Commission form. Vacancies in offices of cities operating under the commission form of government shall be filled as follows:
17.23(2)(a)1.1. In the office of mayor or other member of the council, except as provided in s. 9.10, in the manner provided in sub. (1) (am). In the office of municipal judge, in the manner provided in s. 8.50 (4) (fm). On failure of the council to make an appointment for 30 days after the vacancy exists the city engineer shall be a temporary acting member of the council until such vacancy is filled in the manner provided by law, and shall have all the powers, prerogatives and duties of the vacant office except the right to vote to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor or council member.
17.23(2)(a)2.2. When 2 vacancies exist in the council the city clerk shall be a temporary acting member of the council until the vacancies are filled in the manner provided by law, and shall have all the powers, prerogatives and duties of the vacant office except the right to vote to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor or council member.
17.23(2)(a)3.3. When 3 vacancies exist in the council the city treasurer shall be a temporary acting member of the council until the vacancies are filled in the manner provided by law, and shall have all the powers, prerogatives and duties of the vacant office except the right to vote to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor or council member.
17.23(2)(a)4.4. When 2 or more vacancies exist in the council 6 months or more prior to the first Tuesday of April of any year a special election to fill the vacancy for the residue of the unexpired term of each such vacancy shall be held and conducted, and the returns thereof made in the manner and within the time required in the case of regular municipal elections, and the city clerk shall call and give notice of such special election as provided by law within 10 days of the date when such vacancies exist.
17.23(2)(a)5.5. While serving as temporary members of the council the city engineer, city clerk and city treasurer shall not be entitled to have or receive any compensation for such temporary service.
17.23(2)(a)6.6. The powers, prerogatives and duties conferred on such temporary acting members of the council shall be in addition to all those otherwise vested by law in such city engineer, city clerk and city treasurer.
17.23(2)(a)7.7. It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intention of this paragraph to permit the city engineer, city clerk and city treasurer to have and perform the powers and duties herein provided as temporary acting members of the council, in addition to the regular powers and duties of their respective offices and notwithstanding any other contrary provision of the law.
17.23(2)(a)8.8. This paragraph shall apply only to cities organized and operating under ss. 64.25 to 64.38.
17.23(2)(c)(c) In appointive offices, by appointment for the residue of the unexpired term by the appointing power and in the manner prescribed by law for making regular full term appointment thereto.
17.2417.24Vacancies in village offices. Except as provided in s. 9.10, a vacancy in any elective village office may be filled by appointment by a majority of the members of the village board for the residue of the unexpired term or until a special election is held, as ordered by the village board, or an office may remain vacant until an election is held. A vacancy in an appointive office shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
17.24517.245New city, village or town office, filling. Whenever an elective office is created in a city, village or town pursuant to law or ordinance, the office shall not be deemed vacant until it has first been filled by the electorate, except that if a city, village or town enacts an ordinance or bylaw creating a municipal court under s. 755.01 before the December 1 preceding the spring election the office of municipal judge for that court shall be considered vacant and a temporary appointment may be made by the city, village or town governing body pending the election of the initial elected occupant of the office.
17.245 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 256, 447; 1993 a. 10; 1995 a. 16 s. 2.
17.2517.25Vacancies in town offices; how filled. Vacancies in town offices shall be filled as follows:
17.25(1)(a)1.1. In the town board, by the remaining supervisors and the town clerk, except when a special election is authorized under subd. 2. and par. (d) or as provided in s. 9.10, and except when the vacancy is caused by removal by the circuit judge as provided by law, which latter vacancy shall be filled by appointment by that judge.
17.25(1)(a)2.a.a. If there are 2 vacancies in the town board, the remaining supervisors, the town clerk, and the town treasurer shall appoint an individual to fill one vacancy and the remaining supervisors, including the appointee, and the town clerk shall appoint an individual to fill the other vacancy.
17.25(1)(a)2.b.b. If the number of vacancies on the town board are such that there are not at least 3 individuals, including any remaining supervisors, the town clerk, and the town treasurer, available to make appointments, the town clerk, or the county clerk if the town clerk position is vacant, shall call a special town meeting of the electors to vote to fill the number of vacancies necessary in order to follow the procedure for appointment under subd. 2. a. Notice of the meeting shall be given as provided under s. 60.12 (3).
17.25(1)(b)(b) Vacancies in other elective town offices shall be filled by appointment by the town board, except as provided in ss. 8.50 (4) (fm) and 9.10, and except for vacancies caused by removal by the judge of the circuit court which latter vacancy shall be filled by that judge.
17.25(1)(c)(c) Persons appointed under this subsection to fill vacancies shall hold office for the residue of the unexpired term or, if a special election is ordered to fill a vacancy, until the successor is elected and qualified.
17.25(1)(d)(d) Any town board having more than 3 members may, if a vacancy in the office of supervisor occurs before June 1 in the year preceding expiration of the term of office, order a special election to fill the vacancy. If the town board orders a special election during the period beginning on June 1 and ending on November 30 of any year, the special election shall be held concurrently with the succeeding spring election. If the town board orders a special election during the period beginning on December 1 and ending on May 31 of the succeeding year, the special election shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November following the date of the order. A person so elected shall serve for the residue of the unexpired term.
17.25(2)(2)In appointive offices, by appointment for the residue of the unexpired term by the appointing power and in the manner prescribed by law for making regular full term appointments thereto, except vacancies caused by removals by the judge of the circuit court which shall be filled for the residue of the unexpired term by the said judge.
17.25 AnnotationThis section requires that the town clerk participate in the process of filling vacancies in town offices and does not authorize the exclusion of the town clerk from the nomination part of the process. State ex rel. Bingen v. Bzdusek, 2002 WI App 210, 257 Wis. 2d 193, 650 N.W.2d 894, 01-3015.
17.2617.26Vacancies in school boards; how filled.
17.26(1g)(1g)Except as provided in s. 9.10, vacancies in a school board shall be filled as follows:
17.26(1g)(a)(a) Except as provided in sub. (1m), in a common, union high, or unified school district, by appointment by the remaining members. An appointee under this paragraph or sub. (1m) shall hold office until a successor is elected and takes office under s. 120.06 (4) or 120.42 (2). When a vacancy occurs in the office of a board member who is in the last year of his or her term, or when a vacancy occurs after the spring election but on or before the last Tuesday in November in the office of a board member who is not in the last year of his or her term, the successor shall be elected at the next spring election. When a vacancy occurs after the last Tuesday in November and on or before the date of the next spring election in the office of a board member who is not in the last year of his or her term, the successor shall be elected at the 2nd following spring election.
17.26(1g)(b)(b) In a 1st class city school district, by special election as provided under s. 119.08 (4).
17.26(1g)(c)(c) In boards where the first annual meeting of the district has failed to elect school board members, by appointment by the state superintendent of public instruction.
17.26(1m)(1m)If the remaining members of a school board do not appoint an individual to fill a vacancy under sub. (1g) (a) within 60 days of the date on which the vacancy first exists, the remaining members of the school board may fill the vacancy in accordance with the school board’s policy under s. 120.12 (28).
17.26(3)(3)Any person selected under sub. (1g) (a) or (1m), upon being notified of his or her selection, shall be deemed to have accepted the selection unless within 5 days after notification he or she files with the clerk or director a written refusal to serve.
17.2717.27Vacancies in other offices; how filled.
17.27(1)(1)Joint county institutions. Vacancies in the office of any member of the governing body of a joint county hospital or sanatorium or other joint county institution, or in the office of any other officer of a joint county institution, shall be filled by appointment by the appointing power and in the manner prescribed by law for making regular full term appointments thereto. A vacancy in the office of any such officer appointed by the county board, occurring while the board is not in session, shall be filled by appointment by the chairperson of the county board; the person appointed holds office until a successor is appointed for the residue of the unexpired term by the county board at its first regular meeting held next after the vacancy occurs and the successor qualifies.
17.27(1m)(1m)Metropolitan sewerage commission. Vacancies in the office of any directly elected member of a metropolitan sewerage commission under s. 200.09 (11) (am) shall be filled by temporary appointment of the governor until a successor is elected and qualified. A successor shall be elected in the manner prescribed for filling vacancies in elective city offices under s. 17.23 (1) (am).
17.27(1n)(1n)Dane County lakes and watershed commission. If a vacancy occurs in the office of any appointed commissioner of the Dane County lakes and watershed commission, the county executive of Dane County shall appoint a member who meets the applicable requirements under s. 33.44 (1) (c) to (g).
17.27(3)(3)Technical college district board. Vacancies in the membership of any technical college district board shall be filled in the manner prescribed in ss. 38.08 (2) and 38.10.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)