116.06(1) (1) Upon the petition of a school board of a district operating high school grades, the department, after investigation of the proposal, may transfer by order the entire school district from one agency to another, effective the next succeeding July 1. Any school district so transferred shall pay its agreed share of all expenses incurred by the agency in its behalf, but shall not be required to fulfill any commitments in the agency from which transferred extending beyond the effective date of transfer. A transfer of the territory of a union high school district shall include and effect a transfer of that territory of underlying elementary school districts which lie within the boundaries of the union high school district.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (1) is shown as amended eff. 1-1-96 by 1995 Wis. Act 27. The treatment by act 27 was held unconstitutional and declared void by the Supreme Court in Thompson v. Craney, case no. 95-2168-OA. Prior to Act 27 it read:
Effective date text (1) Upon the petition of a school board of a district operating high school grades, the state superintendent, after investigation of the proposal, may transfer by order the entire school district from one agency to another, effective the next succeeding July 1. Any school district so transferred shall pay its agreed share of all expenses incurred by the agency in its behalf, but shall not be required to fulfill any commitments in the agency from which transferred extending beyond the effective date of transfer. A transfer of the territory of a union high school district shall include and effect a transfer of that territory of underlying elementary school districts which lie within the boundaries of the union high school district.
116.06(2) (2) When a new school district is created, it becomes a part of the agency in which the greatest portion of its equalized valuation lies, effective the next succeeding July 1. When territory is detached from a school district operating high school grades and attached to a school district that is in another agency, such transferred territory shall become a part of the agency of the school district to which it is attached, effective the next succeeding July 1.
116.06 History History: 1995 a. 27 s. 9145 (1).
116.065 116.065 Withdrawal from agency.
116.065(1) (1) The school board of a school district in cooperative educational service agency no. 1, as designated on April 1, 1985, may adopt a resolution to withdraw from the agency. The school board shall immediately notify the board of control and the department of its intention.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (1) is shown as amended eff. 1-1-96 by 1995 Wis. Act 27. The treatment by act 27 was held unconstitutional and declared void by the Supreme Court in Thompson v. Craney, case no. 95-2168-OA. Prior to Act 27 it read:
Effective date text (1) The school board of a school district in cooperative educational service agency no. 1, as designated on April 1, 1985, may adopt a resolution to withdraw from the agency. The school board shall immediately notify the board of control and the state superintendent of its intention.
116.065(2) (2) A resolution adopted under sub. (1) prior to January 15 in any school year shall be effective the next succeeding July 1. A resolution adopted under sub. (1) on or after January 15 in any school year shall be effective on the 2nd succeeding July 1.
116.065(3) (3) A school district that has withdrawn from the agency described under sub. (1) may rejoin the agency. The procedures under subs. (1) and (2) apply to readmissions.
116.065 History History: 1985 a. 29; 1995 a. 27 s. 9145 (1).
116.07 116.07 Consolidation of agencies.
116.07(1) (1) A board of control may on its own motion or shall on the petition of 100 electors of the agency territory approach an adjoining board of control regarding the feasibility of the consolidation of their agencies. Unless within 60 days of the filing of the petition each board of control passes a resolution to explore the feasibility of consolidation and to hold a separate public hearing, the resolution or petition is denied without further action.
116.07(2) (2) Upon completion of a plan of consolidation, the affected boards of control shall give 30 days' notice in writing to those school boards affected of a public hearing on the proposed consolidation. Notice of such hearing also shall be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, the last insertion to be at least 20 days prior to the date of the hearing.
116.07(3) (3) Following the hearing on the proposed consolidation the affected boards of control shall vote on the consolidation. A majority vote of the members present and voting from each board of control shall be necessary to approve the proposed consolidation. The consolidation shall become effective the next succeeding July 1. The boards of control acting jointly shall devise a plan for the equitable distribution of the assets and liabilities of the existing agencies and provide for the transfer of existing contracts and programs.
116.07(4) (4) No such plan is valid if it permits any territory of this state to be outside an agency area.
116.07 History History: 1977 c. 221.
116.08 116.08 State and local aid.
116.08(1)(1) An amount not to exceed $25,000 annually shall be paid to each agency for the maintenance and operation of the office of the board of control and agency administrator and to match any federal funds received by the agency for vocational education administration. No state aid may be paid unless the agency submits by August 1 an annual report which includes a detailed certified statement of its expenses for the prior year to the department, and such statement reveals that the state aid was expended as provided by this section. In no case may the state aid exceed the actual expenditures for the prior year as certified in such statement.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (1) is shown as amended eff. 1-1-96 by 1995 Wis. Act 27. The treatment by act 27 was held unconstitutional and declared void by the Supreme Court in Thompson v. Craney, case no. 95-2168-OA. Prior to Act 27 it read:
Effective date text (1) An amount not to exceed $25,000 annually shall be paid to each agency for the maintenance and operation of the office of the board of control and agency administrator and to match any federal funds received by the agency for vocational education administration. No state aid may be paid unless the agency submits by August 1 an annual report which includes a detailed certified statement of its expenses for the prior year to the state superintendent, and such statement reveals that the state aid was expended as provided by this section. In no case may the state aid exceed the actual expenditures for the prior year as certified in such statement.
116.08(2) (2) Agencies may incur short term loans, but the outstanding amount of such loans at any one time shall not exceed 50% of the agency's receipts for the prior fiscal year.
116.08(3) (3) No school district shall ever lose any state aid because of refusal of the school district to subscribe to any services provided by an agency.
116.08(3m) (3m) The school board of a school district that has withdrawn from cooperative educational service agency no. 1 under s. 116.065 and is not in any other agency may contract with the department for other programs and services the school district would be receiving if it were in an agency.
116.08(4) (4) Whenever an agency performs any service or function under chs. 115 to 121 by contract with a county board or any agency thereof, with a school board or with a county handicapped children's education board, the contract may authorize the agency to make claim for and receive the state aid for performing the service or function. The agency shall transmit a certified copy of the contract containing the authority to collect state aid to the department. When an agency receives the state aid, it shall pay over or credit the amount of state aid received to the proper county or agency thereof, school district or county handicapped children's education board for which the service or function was performed according to the contract therefor.
116.08(5) (5)
116.08(5)(a)(a) In this subsection:
116.08(5)(a)1. 1. "Agency average daily membership" means the sum of the average daily memberships of the school districts in the agency.
116.08(5)(a)2. 2. "Average daily membership" has the meaning specified in s. 121.004 (1).
116.08(5)(b) (b) Beginning in the 1984-85 school year and annually thereafter, each school board shall pay to the board of control of the agency of which it is a part an amount equal to the amount of state aid paid to the agency in that year under sub. (1) multiplied by a fraction consisting of the school district average daily membership as the numerator and the agency average daily membership as the denominator. This paragraph does not apply to any school district that has withdrawn from cooperative educational service agency no. 1 and is not in any other agency.
116.09 116.09 State and federal grants.
116.09(1) (1) Except as provided under sub. (2), the board of control is eligible for and may apply for any state or federal grant for which a school district is eligible.
116.09(2) (2) If a school district in the agency applies for a grant the board of control is eligible for that grant only on behalf of one or more school districts in the agency.
116.09 History History: 1995 a. 27.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?