16.11(8)(d) (d) Any party state that fails to comply with the terms of this compact or fails to fulfill its obligations may have reasonable financial penalties imposed against it, the right to have waste generated within its borders disposed of at compact facilities, or any noncompact facility made available to the region by any agreement entered into by the commission pursuant to sub. (3) (h) 6., suspended or its membership in the compact revoked by a two-thirds vote of the commission, provided that the membership of the party state designated to host the next compact facility shall not be revoked unless the member from the host state of any then-operating compact facility votes in the affirmative. Revocation takes effect on the date specified in the resolution revoking the party state's membership. All legal rights of the revoked party state established under this compact, including, but not limited to, the right to have waste generated within its borders disposed of at compact facilities, cease upon the effective date of revocation but any legal obligations of that party state under this compact, including, but not limited to, those set forth in par. (e), continue until they are fulfilled. The chairperson of the commission shall transmit written notice of a revocation of a party state's membership in the compact, suspension of a party state's waste disposal rights or imposition of financial penalties immediately following the vote of the commission to the governor of the affected party state, the governors of all the other party states and the congress of the United States.
16.11(8)(e) (e) A party state that withdraws from this compact or has its membership in the compact revoked before it has fully discharged its obligations under sub. (6) forthwith shall repay to the commission the portion of the funds provided to that state by the commission for the development, construction, operation, closing or long-term care of a compact facility that the commission determines is fair and equitable, taking into consideration the period of time the compact facility located in that host state was in operation and the amount of waste disposed of at the facility. If at any time after a compact facility begins operating a party state withdraws from the compact or has its membership revoked, the withdrawing or revoked party state shall be obligated forthwith to pay to the commission the amount the commission determines would have been paid under the fee system established by the host state of the facility to dispose of at the facility the estimated volume of waste generated in the withdrawing or revoked party state that would have been disposed of at the facility from the time of withdrawal or revocation until the time the facility is closed. Any funds so paid to the commission shall be distributed by the commission to the persons who would have been entitled to receive the funds had they originally been paid to dispose of waste at the facility. Any person receiving such funds from the commission shall apply the funds to the purposes to which they would have been applied had they originally been paid to dispose of waste at the compact facility. In addition, a withdrawing or revoked party state forthwith shall pay to the commission an amount the commission determines to be necessary to cover all other costs and damages incurred by the commission and the remaining party states as a result of the withdrawal or revocation. This paragraph shall be construed and applied so as to eliminate any decrease in revenue resulting from withdrawal of a party state or revocation of a party state's membership, to eliminate financial harm to the remaining party states and to create an incentive for party states to continue as members of the compact and to fulfill their obligations.
16.11(8)(f) (f) Any party state whose right to have waste generated within its borders disposed of at compact facilities is suspended by the commission shall pay to the host state of the compact facility to which access has been suspended the amount that the commission determines is reasonably necessary to ensure that the host state, or any political subdivision thereof, does not incur financial loss as a result of the suspension of access.
16.11(8)(g) (g) This compact becomes effective upon enactment by at least 3 eligible states and consent to this compact by the congress. The consent given to this compact by the congress shall extend to any future admittance of new party states and to the power of the commission to regulate the shipment and disposal of waste and disposal of naturally occurring and accelerator-produced radioactive material pursuant to this compact. Amendments to this compact are effective when enacted by all party states and, if necessary, consented to by the congress. To the extent required by section (4) (d) of "The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985", every 5 years after this compact has taken effect, the congress by law may withdraw its consent.
16.11(8)(h) (h) The withdrawal of a party state from this compact, the suspension of waste disposal rights, the termination of a party state's designation as a host state or the revocation of a state's membership in this compact does not affect the applicability of this compact to the remaining party states.
16.11(8)(i) (i) This compact may be dissolved and the obligations arising under this compact may be terminated only as follows:
16.11(8)(i)1. 1. Through unanimous agreement of all party states expressed in duly enacted legislation.
16.11(8)(i)2. 2. Through withdrawal of consent to this compact by the congress under article 1, section 10, of the U.S. constitution, in which case dissolution shall take place 120 days after the effective date of the withdrawal of consent.
16.11(8)(j) (j) Unless explicitly abrogated by the state legislation dissolving this compact, or if dissolution results from withdrawal of congressional consent, the limitations on the investment and use of long-term care funds in sub. (6) (o) and (q) 4., the contractual obligations in sub. (5) (f), the indemnification obligations and contributions rights in subs. (6) (o), (s) and (t) and (7) (g) and the operation rights and indemnification and hold-harmless obligations in sub. (6) (q) shall remain in force notwithstanding dissolution of this compact.
16.11(9) (9)Article IX—Penalties and Enforcement.
16.11(9)(a)(a) Each party state shall prescribe and enforce penalties against any person who is not an official of another state for violation of any provision of this compact.
16.11(9)(b) (b) The parties to this compact intend that the courts of the United States shall specifically enforce the obligations, including the obligations of party states and revoked or withdrawn party states, established by this compact.
16.11(9)(c) (c) The commission or an affected party state or both may obtain injunctive relief or recover damages or both to prevent or remedy violations of this compact.
16.11(9)(d) (d) Each party state acknowledges that the transport into a host state of waste packaged or transported in violation of applicable laws, rules and regulations may result in the imposition of sanctions by the host state which may include reasonable financial penalties assessed against any generator, transporter or collector responsible for the violation or may include suspension or revocation of access to the facility in the host state by any generator, transporter or collector responsible for the violation.
16.11(9)(e) (e) Each party state has the right to seek legal recourse against any party state which acts in violation of this compact.
16.11(9)(f) (f) This compact shall not be construed to create any cause of action for any person other than a party state or the commission. Nothing in this paragraph shall limit the right of judicial review set forth in sub. (3) (n) 3. or the rights of contribution set forth in subs. (3) (p), (6) (o), (s) and (t) and (7) (g).
16.11(10) (10)Article X—Severability and Construction. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any provision of this compact is finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to the constitution of any participating state or of the United States or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact to that person or circumstance and the applicability of the entire compact to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If any provision of this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state participating therein, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters. If any provision of this compact imposing a financial obligation upon a party state, or a state that has withdrawn from this compact or had its membership in this compact revoked, is finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable due to the state's constitutional limitations on its ability to pay the obligation, then that state shall use its best efforts to obtain an appropriation to pay the obligation, and, if the state is a party state, its right to have waste generated within its borders disposed of at compact facilities, or any noncompact facility made available to the region by any agreement entered into by the commission pursuant to sub. (3) (h) 6., shall be suspended until the appropriation is obtained.
16.11 History History: 1983 a. 393; 1995 a. 115.
16.115 16.115 Fees.
16.115(1)(1) The department shall establish by rule a schedule of annual fees to be paid by nuclear power plant operators and shall collect the fees until a regional facility operated under s. 16.11 begins accepting waste for disposal. The fees shall be based on the number of nuclear reactors at each plant and shall cover 75% of the state's costs enumerated in sub. (3) incurred prior to the acceptance of waste at the facility.
16.115(2) (2) The department shall establish by rule a schedule of annual fees to be paid by generators, as defined under s. 16.11 (2) (j), who use a compact facility, as defined in s. 16.11 (2) (d), or a noncompact facility made available by an agreement entered into under s. 16.11 (3) (h) 6. for disposal, and, beginning with the operation of the facility, the department shall collect the fees. The fees shall be based on the volume and hazard of waste generated and shall cover the costs enumerated under sub. (3) which are incurred before and after the acceptance of waste for disposal at the facility. Any nuclear power plant operator who has paid a fee under sub. (1) shall receive credit on the fees required of the operator under this subsection at a rate determined by the department so that, over the first 5 years of the collection of fees under this subsection, the power plant operator receives total credits equal to the fees paid under sub. (1). In addition to covering the costs enumerated under sub. (3), the fees established under this subsection for the first 5 years after the acceptance of waste for disposal at the facility shall be sufficient to repay the loan from the general fund made under s. 20.505 (1) (b), and the secretary shall lapse moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (g) to the general fund for that purpose over the 5-year period.
16.115(3) (3) The fees established under subs. (1) and (2) shall cover all of the following costs:
16.115(3)(a) (a) The costs of state agencies in assisting the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission member representing this state.
16.115(3)(b) (b) The actual and necessary expenses of the commissioner in the performance of his or her duties.
16.115(3)(c) (c) The actual and necessary expenses of the low-level radioactive waste advisory council created under s. 15.107 (9).
16.115(3)(d) (d) The costs of membership in and costs associated with the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact.
16.115 History History: 1983 a. 393, 543; 1995 a. 115.
16.12 16.12 Violation of midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact.
16.12(1) (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), any person, other than an official of another state, who violates any provision of the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact under ss. 16.11 to 16.13 shall forfeit not more than $1,000.
16.12(2) (2) The sole remedies against the state, other than in its capacity as a generator, for a violation of any provision of the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact under s. 16.11 are the remedies provided in s. 16.11.
16.12 History History: 1983 a. 393; 1995 a. 115.
16.13 16.13 Data collection. Upon the request of the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission member representing the state, the department may require a generator, as defined under s. 16.11 (2) (j), to provide information necessary for the member to discharge his or her duties under s. 16.11.
16.13 History History: 1983 a. 393; 1995 a. 115.
16.135 16.135 Low-level radioactive waste council.
16.135(1) (1) The low-level radioactive waste council shall do all of the following:
16.135(1)(a) (a) Advise the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commissioner representing this state under s. 16.11.
16.135(1)(b) (b) Be convened by the commissioner as necessary, but at least twice yearly, to review activities of the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission.
16.135(1)(c) (c) Make studies and recommend solutions and policy alternatives relating to matters before the commission.
16.135(1)(d) (d) Present recommendations in writing to the governor and the legislature as requested or as necessary to ensure adequate exchange of information on activities and programs of the commission.
16.135(2) (2) This section does not apply after June 30, 2002.
16.135 History History: 1989 a. 31; 1995 a. 27.
16.15 16.15 Resource recovery and recycling program.
16.15(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
16.15(1)(a) (a) "Agency" has the meaning given under s. 16.52 (7).
16.15(1)(ab) (ab) "Authority" has the meaning given under s. 16.70 (2), but excludes the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
16.15(1)(ae) (ae) "Cost of disposing of processed material" has the meaning given in s. 287.11 (2m) (a) 1.
16.15(1)(ah) (ah) "Cost of selling processed material" has the meaning given in s. 287.11 (2m) (a) 2.
16.15(1)(aj) (aj) "Major appliance" has the meaning given in s. 287.01 (3).
16.15(1)(am) (am) "Office wastepaper" means any wastepaper or wastepaper product generated by an agency.
16.15(1)(ar) (ar) "Processed material" has the meaning given in s. 287.11 (2m) (a) 3.
16.15(1)(b) (b) "Recovered material" has the meaning under s. 16.70 (11).
16.15(1)(c) (c) "Recyclable material" means material that is suitable for recycling.
16.15(1)(d) (d) "Recycled material" has the meaning under s. 16.70 (12).
16.15(1)(e) (e) "Recycling" has the meaning under s. 289.43 (1).
16.15(1)(f) (f) "Yard waste" has the meaning given in s. 287.01 (17).
16.15(2) (2)Program establishment. The department shall establish a resource recovery and recycling program to promote the reduction of solid waste by agencies and authorities, the separation, recovery and disposition of recyclable materials and the procurement of recycled materials and recovered materials. The department shall require each agency and authority to participate in the resource recovery and recycling program. The department shall also investigate opportunities for the inclusion of local governmental units in the resource recovery and recycling program and shall permit participation of local governmental units in the program when feasible.
16.15(3) (3)Source separation.
16.15(3)(a)(a) Requirements. Except as provided in par. (b), the department shall require each agency and authority to do all of the following:
16.15(3)(a)1. 1. Separate for recycling all lead acid batteries, waste oil and major appliances that are generated as solid waste by the agency or authority beginning on January 1, 1991.
16.15(3)(a)2. 2. Except as provided in this subdivision, separate for recycling at least 50% of yard waste that is generated by the agency or authority beginning on January 1, 1992, and all yard waste that is generated by the agency or authority beginning on January 1, 1993. An agency or authority may allow yard waste to be left where it falls or dispose of yard waste on the same property on which it is generated, in lieu of separation for recycling.
16.15(3)(a)3. 3. Separate for recycling at least 50% of each of the materials listed in s. 287.07 (3) or (4) that is generated as solid waste by the agency or authority beginning on January 1, 1993, and such greater amount of such materials as the department determines is reasonably feasible beginning on January 1, 1995.
16.15(3)(b) (b) Variance.
16.15(3)(b)1.1. The department of natural resources shall, at the request of an agency or authority, grant a variance to a requirement under par. (a) 3. for up to one year for a material that is generated by the agency or authority in one or more locations if the department of natural resources determines that the cost of selling processed material exceeds any of the following:
16.15(3)(b)1.a. a. Forty dollars per ton of processed material, as annually adjusted by the department of natural resources to reflect changes in price levels due to inflation since 1989.
16.15(3)(b)1.b. b. The cost of disposing of processed material.
16.15(3)(b)2. 2. The department of natural resources may on its own initiative grant a variance to a requirement under par. (a) 3. for up to one year for a material that is generated by one or more state agencies or authorities in one or more locations if the department of natural resources determines that the cost of selling processed material exceeds the amount under subd. 1. a. or b.
16.15(3)(b)3. 3. The department of natural resources may grant a variance to a requirement under par. (a) for up to one year in the event of an unexpected emergency condition.
16.15(4) (4)Reports.
16.15(4)(a)(a) By January 1 of each year, the department shall submit a report to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3), that summarizes all of the following subjects concerning the resource recovery and recycling program under sub. (2):
16.15(4)(a)1. 1. Past activities of the program.
16.15(4)(a)2. 2. Accomplishments of the program.
16.15(4)(a)3. 3. Proposed goals of the program for all of the following:
16.15(4)(a)3.a. a. The department.
16.15(4)(a)3.b. b. Agencies and authorities.
16.15(4)(a)3.c. c. Local governmental units.
16.15(4)(b) (b) By July 1 of each even-numbered year, each agency and authority and participating local governmental unit shall submit recommendations to the department regarding the operation of the resource recovery and recycling program under sub. (2).
16.15 History History: 1987 a. 292; 1989 a. 335; 1995 a. 27, 227.
16.22 16.22 National and community service.
16.22(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
16.22(1)(a) (a) "Board" means the national and community service board.
16.22(1)(b) (b) "Corporation" means the corporation for national and community service created under 42 USC 12651.
16.22(1)(c) (c) "National service program" means a program that addresses unmet human, educational, environmental or public safety needs and that receives financial assistance from the corporation or the board.
16.22(1)(dm) (dm) "Youth corps program" means a full-time, year-round national service program or a full-time, summer national service program that does all of the following:
16.22(1)(dm)1. 1. Undertakes meaningful service projects with visible public benefits, including natural resources, urban renovation and human resources projects.
16.22(1)(dm)2. 2. Includes as participants persons who have attained the age of 16 years but who have not attained the age of 26 years, including youths who are not enrolled in school and other disadvantaged youths.
16.22(1)(dm)3. 3. Provides those participants with crew-based, highly structured and adult-supervised work experience, life skills training, education, career guidance and counseling, employment training and support services and with the opportunity to develop citizenship values and skills through service to their community and country.
16.22(2) (2)Duties of the board. The board shall do all of the following:
16.22(2)(a) (a) Prepare and update annually, through an open and public participation process, a plan for the provision of national service programs in this state that covers a 3-year period, that ensures outreach to diverse community-based organizations serving underrepresented populations and that contains such information as the corporation may require.
16.22(2)(b) (b) Prepare applications for financial assistance from the corporation.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?